// Yanfly Engine Plugins - Status Menu Core
// YEP_StatusMenuCore.js
var Imported = Imported || {};
Imported.YEP_StatusMenuCore = true;
var Yanfly = Yanfly || {};
Yanfly.Status = Yanfly.Status || {};
* @plugindesc v1.01a 身份状态菜单核心☁️
* @author Yanfly Engine Plugins
* @param ---设置---
* @default
* @param Command Order
* @text 命令顺序
* @desc This is the order in which the command menu will appear. Use
* a space to separate the individual commands.
* @default General Parameters Elements States Attributes Custom Cancel
* @param Command Window Width
* @text 命令窗口宽度
* @desc This is the window width for the Command Window.
* @default 240
* @param Command Window Rows
* @text 命令窗口行
* @desc This is the number of rows for the Command Window.
* @default 4
* @param Command Alignment
* @text 命令对齐
* @desc This is the text alignment for the Command Window.
* left center right
* @default center
* @param ---全局---
* @default
* @param General Command
* @text 全局命令
* @desc This is how the command for 'General' will appear.
* @default 角色状态
* @param Parameters Text
* @text 参数文本
* @desc This is how the word 'Parameters' will appear.
* @default 状态窗口
* @param Experience Text
* @text 经验文本
* @desc This is how the word 'Experience' will appear.
* @default 经验窗口
* @param Total Format
* @text 总格式
* @desc This is the word total experience.
* @default 需要 %1 到下一 %2
* @param EXP Gauge Color 1
* @text 经验条 颜色1
* @desc The skin color used in EXP Gauge Color 1 shown in the
* status window.
* @default 30
* @param EXP Gauge Color 2
* @text 经验条 颜色2
* @desc The skin color used in EXP Gauge Color 2 shown in the
* status window.
* @default 31
* @param ---参数---
* @default
* @param Parameters Command
* @text 参数命令
* @desc This is how the command for 'Parameters' will appear.
* @default 角色属性
* @param Graph Text
* @text 图形文本
* @desc This is how the words for 'Parameter Graph' appear.
* @default 属性图
* @param ATK Color
* @desc This is the gauge color for ATK.
* #Color1 #Color2
* @default #ed1c24 #f26c4f
* @param DEF Color
* @desc This is the gauge color for DEF.
* #Color1 #Color2
* @default #f7941d #fdc689
* @param MAT Color
* @desc This is the gauge color for MAT.
* #Color1 #Color2
* @default #605ca8 #bd8cbf
* @param MDF Color
* @desc This is the gauge color for MDF.
* #Color1 #Color2
* @default #448ccb #a6caf4
* @param AGI Color
* @desc This is the gauge color for AGI.
* #Color1 #Color2
* @default #39b54a #82ca9c
* @param LUK Color
* @desc This is the gauge color for LUK.
* #Color1 #Color2
* @default #fff568 #fffac3
* @param ---抵制颜色---
* @default
* @param Above 300%
* @desc This is the text color for rates over 300%.
* @default 10
* @param 200% to 300%
* @desc This is the text color for rates over 200%.
* @default 20
* @param 150% to 200%
* @desc This is the text color for rates over 150%.
* @default 14
* @param 120% to 150%
* @desc This is the text color for rates over 120%.
* @default 6
* @param 100% to 120%
* @desc This is the text color for rates over 100%.
* @default 0
* @param 80% to 100%
* @desc This is the text color for rates over 80%.
* @default 24
* @param 50% to 80%
* @desc This is the text color for rates over 50%.
* @default 29
* @param 1% to 50%
* @desc This is the text color for rates over 1%.
* @default 23
* @param Exactly 0%
* @desc This is the text color for rates exactly 0%.
* @default 31
* @param Below 0%
* @desc This is the text color for rates below 0%.
* @default 27
* @param ---元素---
* @default
* @param Elements Command
* @text 元素命令
* @desc This is how the command for 'Elements' will appear.
* @default 元素抗性
* @param Elements Decimal
* @text 十进制元素
* @desc How many decimal places to display for rates.
* @default 2
* @param Element Column 1
* @text 元素列 1
* @desc These are the element ID's drawn in column 1.
* Separate these element ID's with a space.
* @default 1
* @param Element Column 2
* @text 元素列 2
* @desc These are the element ID's drawn in column 2.
* Separate these element ID's with a space.
* @default 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
* @param Element Column 3
* @text 元素列 3
* @desc These are the element ID's drawn in column 3.
* Separate these element ID's with a space.
* @default
* @param Element Column 4
* @text 元素列 4
* @desc These are the element ID's drawn in column 4.
* Separate these element ID's with a space.
* @default
* @param ---状态---
* @default
* @param States Command
* @text 状态命令
* @desc This is how the command for 'States' will appear.
* @default 异常状态
* @param States Decimal
* @text 状态十进制
* @desc How many decimal places to display for rates.
* @default 2
* @param States Column 1
* @text 状态栏 1
* @desc These are the state ID's drawn in column 1.
* Separate these state ID's with a space.
* @default 1 4 5 6
* @param States Column 2
* @text 状态栏 2
* @desc These are the state ID's drawn in column 2.
* Separate these state ID's with a space.
* @default 7 8 9 10
* @param States Column 3
* @text 状态栏 3
* @desc These are the state ID's drawn in column 3.
* Separate these state ID's with a space.
* @default
* @param States Column 4
* @text 状态栏 4
* @desc These are the state ID's drawn in column 4.
* Separate these state ID's with a space.
* @default
* @param ---属性---
* @default
* @param Attributes Command
* @text 属性命令
* @desc This is how the command for 'Attributes' will appear.
* @default 特殊属性
* @param Attribute Font Size
* @text 属性字体大小
* @desc The font size used to display attributes.
* Default: 28
* @default 20
* @param Attribute Decimal
* @text 属性十进制
* @desc How many decimal places to display for rates.
* @default 0
* @param Attributes Column 1
* @text 属性列 1
* @desc These are the attributes drawn in column 1.
* Separate these attributes with a space.
* @default exr hit eva cri cev mev mrf cnt
* @param Attributes Column 2
* @text 属性列 2
* @desc These are the attributes drawn in column 2.
* Separate these attributes with a space.
* @default mcr tcr pdr mdr fdr grd rec pha
* @param Attributes Column 3
* @text 属性列 3
* @desc These are the attributes drawn in column 3.
* Separate these attributes with a space.
* @default hrg mrg trg tgr
* @param Attributes Column 4
* @text 属性列 4
* @desc These are the attributes drawn in column 4.
* Separate these attributes with a space.
* @default
* @param hit Name
* @desc 用于此属性的文本名称
* @default 命中率
* @param eva Name
* @desc 用于此属性的文本名称
* @default 闪避率
* @param cri Name
* @desc 用于此属性的文本名称
* @default 暴击率
* @param cev Name
* @desc 用于此属性的文本名称
* @default 暴击闪避率
* @param mev Name
* @desc 用于此属性的文本名称
* @default 魔法闪避率
* @param mrf Name
* @desc 用于此属性的文本名称
* @default 魔法反击率
* @param cnt Name
* @desc 用于此属性的文本名称
* @default 反击率
* @param hrg Name
* @desc 用于此属性的文本名称
* @default HP回复率
* @param mrg Name
* @desc 用于此属性的文本名称
* @default MP回复率
* @param trg Name
* @desc 用于此属性的文本名称
* @default TP回复率
* @param tgr Name
* @desc 用于此属性的文本名称
* @default 被敌人攻击率
* @param grd Name
* @desc 用于此属性的文本名称
* @default 防御率
* @param rec Name
* @desc 用于此属性的文本名称
* @default 恢复率
* @param pha Name
* @desc 用于此属性的文本名称
* @default 药水恢复率
* @param mcr Name
* @desc 用于此属性的文本名称
* @default MP消耗率
* @param tcr Name
* @desc 用于此属性的文本名称
* @default TP消耗率
* @param pdr Name
* @desc 用于此属性的文本名称
* @default 承受物理伤害率
* @param mdr Name
* @desc 用于此属性的文本名称
* @default 承受魔法伤害率
* @param fdr Name
* @desc 用于此属性的文本名称
* @default 承受地面伤害率
* @param exr Name
* @desc 用于此属性的文本名称
* @default 经验获取率
* @help
* ============================================================================
* Introduction
* ============================================================================
* 这个插件用完整的新层代替了原有的身份菜单。
* 包括可以展示更多角色信息的功能
* 这个插件用完整的新层代替了原有的身份菜
* 包括可以展示更多角色信息的功能
* 。你可以用命令参数改变命令显示顺序。
* To add more commands, insert extension plugins under this plugin in the
* Plugin Manager. Then, it will appear automatically in the Command Order
* where you placed the 'Custom' string or elsewhere if you've placed the
* 为了添加更多的命令,在这个底下可以插入拓展插件。
* ============================================================================
* Instructions
* ============================================================================
* 你可以添加和移除命令,通过命令顺序参数,这里有一个列表:
* General
* - 显示角色原始状态和经验
* Parameters
* - 显示和状态有关的参数槽,例如攻击力,防御力等
* Elements
* - 显示角色基本属性类型
* States
* - 显示状态列表和状态概率
* Attributes
* - 显示属性标志
* Custom
* - 自定义显示
* Cancel
* - 取消菜单
* ============================================================================
* Adding Icons to Elements and Attributes
* ============================================================================
* 你可以使用文字代码来为基本介绍和属性使用图标
* 在MV默认数据库里,在基本类型里,可以这么写
* \i[64]Fire
* 这将让你给基本部分一个图标。你可以改变文字颜色,
* 或者使用可运行的文字代码
* 对于属性来说也是一样的,你也可以通过插件参数来设置。
* \i[72]HP Regen Rate
* 这个图标将会绘出属性
* ============================================================================
* Changelog
* ============================================================================
* Version 1.01a:
* - Converted Window_StatusInfo to Window_Selectable for those who would like
* to use it as such.
* Version 1.00:
* - Finished Plugin!
// Parameter Variables
Yanfly.Parameters = PluginManager.parameters('YEP_StatusMenuCore');
Yanfly.Param = Yanfly.Param || {};
Yanfly.Param.StatusCmdOrder = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Command Order']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusCmdWidth = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Command Window Width']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusCmdRows = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Command Window Rows']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusCmdAlign = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Command Alignment']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusGeneral = String(Yanfly.Parameters['General Command']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusParamText = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Parameters Text']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusExpText = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Experience Text']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusTotalFmt = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Total Format']);
Yanfly.Param.ColorExp1 = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['EXP Gauge Color 1']);
Yanfly.Param.ColorExp2 = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['EXP Gauge Color 2']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusParameters = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Parameters Command']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusGraphText = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Graph Text']);
Yanfly.Param.ColorParam2Gauge = String(Yanfly.Parameters['ATK Color']);
Yanfly.Param.ColorParam3Gauge = String(Yanfly.Parameters['DEF Color']);
Yanfly.Param.ColorParam4Gauge = String(Yanfly.Parameters['MAT Color']);
Yanfly.Param.ColorParam5Gauge = String(Yanfly.Parameters['MDF Color']);
Yanfly.Param.ColorParam6Gauge = String(Yanfly.Parameters['AGI Color']);
Yanfly.Param.ColorParam7Gauge = String(Yanfly.Parameters['LUK Color']);
Yanfly.Param.ColorResistS = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Above 300%']);
Yanfly.Param.ColorResistA = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['200% to 300%']);
Yanfly.Param.ColorResistB = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['150% to 200%']);
Yanfly.Param.ColorResistC1 = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['120% to 150%']);
Yanfly.Param.ColorResistC2 = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['100% to 120%']);
Yanfly.Param.ColorResistC3 = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['80% to 100%']);
Yanfly.Param.ColorResistD = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['50% to 80%']);
Yanfly.Param.ColorResistE = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['1% to 50%']);
Yanfly.Param.ColorResistF = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Exactly 0%']);
Yanfly.Param.ColorResistG = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Below 0%']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusElements = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Elements Command']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusEleDec = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Elements Decimal']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusEleCol1 = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Element Column 1']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusEleCol1 = Yanfly.Param.StatusEleCol1.split(' ');
Yanfly.Param.StatusEleCol2 = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Element Column 2']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusEleCol2 = Yanfly.Param.StatusEleCol2.split(' ');
Yanfly.Param.StatusEleCol3 = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Element Column 3']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusEleCol3 = Yanfly.Param.StatusEleCol3.split(' ');
Yanfly.Param.StatusEleCol4 = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Element Column 4']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusEleCol4 = Yanfly.Param.StatusEleCol4.split(' ');
Yanfly.Param.StatusStates = String(Yanfly.Parameters['States Command']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusStatesDec = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['States Decimal']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusStateCol1 = String(Yanfly.Parameters['States Column 1']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusStateCol1 = Yanfly.Param.StatusStateCol1.split(' ');
Yanfly.Param.StatusStateCol2 = String(Yanfly.Parameters['States Column 2']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusStateCol2 = Yanfly.Param.StatusStateCol2.split(' ');
Yanfly.Param.StatusStateCol3 = String(Yanfly.Parameters['States Column 3']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusStateCol3 = Yanfly.Param.StatusStateCol3.split(' ');
Yanfly.Param.StatusStateCol4 = String(Yanfly.Parameters['States Column 4']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusStateCol4 = Yanfly.Param.StatusStateCol4.split(' ');
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttributes = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Attributes Command']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttriCol1 = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Attributes Column 1']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttriCol1 = Yanfly.Param.StatusAttriCol1.split(' ');
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttriCol2 = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Attributes Column 2']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttriCol2 = Yanfly.Param.StatusAttriCol2.split(' ');
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttriCol3 = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Attributes Column 3']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttriCol3 = Yanfly.Param.StatusAttriCol3.split(' ');
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttriCol4 = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Attributes Column 4']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttriCol4 = Yanfly.Param.StatusAttriCol4.split(' ');
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttrSize = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Attribute Font Size']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttrDec = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Attribute Decimal']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_hit = String(Yanfly.Parameters['hit Name']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_eva = String(Yanfly.Parameters['eva Name']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_cri = String(Yanfly.Parameters['cri Name']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_cev = String(Yanfly.Parameters['cev Name']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_mev = String(Yanfly.Parameters['mev Name']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_mrf = String(Yanfly.Parameters['mrf Name']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_cnt = String(Yanfly.Parameters['cnt Name']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_hrg = String(Yanfly.Parameters['hrg Name']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_mrg = String(Yanfly.Parameters['mrg Name']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_trg = String(Yanfly.Parameters['trg Name']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_tgr = String(Yanfly.Parameters['tgr Name']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_grd = String(Yanfly.Parameters['grd Name']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_rec = String(Yanfly.Parameters['rec Name']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_pha = String(Yanfly.Parameters['pha Name']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_mcr = String(Yanfly.Parameters['mcr Name']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_tcr = String(Yanfly.Parameters['tcr Name']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_pdr = String(Yanfly.Parameters['pdr Name']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_mdr = String(Yanfly.Parameters['mdr Name']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_fdr = String(Yanfly.Parameters['fdr Name']);
Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_exr = String(Yanfly.Parameters['exr Name']);
// Window_StatusCommand
function Window_StatusCommand() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Window_StatusCommand.prototype = Object.create(Window_Command.prototype);
Window_StatusCommand.prototype.constructor = Window_StatusCommand;
Window_StatusCommand.prototype.initialize = function() {
Window_Command.prototype.initialize.call(this, 0, 0);
this._actor = null;
Window_StatusCommand.prototype.windowWidth = function() {
return Yanfly.Param.StatusCmdWidth;
Window_StatusCommand.prototype.setActor = function(actor) {
if (this._actor === actor) return;
this._actor = actor;
Window_StatusCommand.prototype.numVisibleRows = function() {
return Yanfly.Param.StatusCmdRows;
Window_StatusCommand.prototype.makeCommandList = function() {
this._commandOrder = Yanfly.Param.StatusCmdOrder.split(' ');
for (var i = 0; i < this._commandOrder.length; ++i) {
var command = this._commandOrder[i];
Window_StatusCommand.prototype.createCommand = function(command) {
command = command.toUpperCase();
if (['GENERAL', 'MAIN'].contains(command)) {
var text = Yanfly.Param.StatusGeneral;
this.addCommand(text, 'general', true);
} else if (['CANCEL', 'FINISH'].contains(command)) {
this.addCommand(TextManager.cancel, 'cancel', true);
} else if (['CUSTOM', 'ORIGINAL'].contains(command)) {
} else if (['PARAMETER', 'PARAMETERS'].contains(command)) {
var text = Yanfly.Param.StatusParameters;
this.addCommand(text, 'parameters', true);
} else if (['ELEMENT', 'ELEMENTS'].contains(command)) {
var text = Yanfly.Param.StatusElements;
this.addCommand(text, 'elements', true);
} else if (['STATE', 'STATES'].contains(command)) {
var text = Yanfly.Param.StatusStates;
this.addCommand(text, 'states', true);
} else if (['ATTRIBUTE', 'ATTRIBUTES'].contains(command)) {
var text = Yanfly.Param.StatusAttributes;
this.addCommand(text, 'attributes', true);
Window_StatusCommand.prototype.addCustomCommands = function() {
Window_StatusCommand.prototype.setInfoWindow = function(infoWindow) {
this._infoWindow = infoWindow;
Window_StatusCommand.prototype.update = function() {
if (this._infoWindow) this._infoWindow.setSymbol(this.currentSymbol());
Window_StatusCommand.prototype.itemTextAlign = function() {
return Yanfly.Param.StatusCmdAlign;
Window_StatusCommand.prototype.playOkSound = function() {
if (this.isPlayOkSound()) SoundManager.playOk();
Window_StatusCommand.prototype.isPlayOkSound = function() {
if (this.currentSymbol() === 'cancel') return true;
return false;
// Window_StatusInfo
function Window_StatusInfo() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Window_StatusInfo.prototype = Object.create(Window_Selectable.prototype);
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.constructor = Window_StatusInfo;
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.initialize = function(y, commandWindow) {
var width = Graphics.boxWidth;
var height = Graphics.boxHeight - y;
this._commandWindow = commandWindow;
Window_Selectable.prototype.initialize.call(this, 0, y, width, height);
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.findParamLimits = function() {
this._largestParam = 1;
this._smallestParam = $gameActors.actor(1).paramMax(2);
for (var i = 0; i < $gameParty.members().length; ++i) {
var actor = $gameParty.members()[i];
if (!actor) continue;
for (var j = 2; j < 8; ++j) {
this._largestParam = Math.max(this._largestParam, actor.param(j));
this._smallestParam = Math.min(this._smallestParam, actor.param(j));
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.setActor = function(actor) {
if (this._actor === actor) return;
this._actor = actor;
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.setSymbol = function(symbol) {
var needRefresh = this._symbol !== symbol;
this._symbol = symbol;
if (needRefresh) this.refresh();
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.resetFontSettings = function() {
if (this._bypassResetText) return;
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.resetTextColor = function() {
if (this._bypassResetTextColor) return;
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.refresh = function() {
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawInfoContents = function(symbol) {
if (!symbol) return;
switch (symbol.toLowerCase()) {
case 'parameters':
case 'elements':
case 'states':
case 'attributes':
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawDarkRect = function(dx, dy, dw, dh) {
var color = this.gaugeBackColor();
this.contents.fillRect(dx + 1, dy + 1, dw - 2, dh - 2, color);
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawGeneral = function() {
var dx = this.standardPadding() / 2;
var dy = this.lineHeight() / 2;
var dw = (this.contents.width - this.standardPadding()) / 2;
var dh = this.lineHeight();
var text;
this.drawText(Yanfly.Param.StatusParamText, dx, dy, dw, 'center');
dx += this.contents.width / 2;
this.drawText(Yanfly.Param.StatusExpText, dx, dy, dw, 'center');
this.drawGeneralParam(dx, dy, dw, dh);
this.drawGeneralExp(dx, dy, dw, dh);
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawGeneralParam = function() {
var rect = new Rectangle();
rect.width = (this.contents.width - this.standardPadding()) / 2;
rect.y = this.lineHeight() * 2;
rect.height = this.lineHeight();
var dx = rect.x + this.textPadding();
var dw = rect.width - this.textPadding() * 2;
this.drawDarkRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
this.drawText(TextManager.level, dx, rect.y, dw, 'left');
text = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this._actor.level);
this.drawText(text, dx, rect.y, dw, 'right');
for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
if (i < 2) {
rect.y += this.lineHeight();
} else if (i === 2) {
rect.y += this.lineHeight();
rect.width /= 2;
dw = rect.width - this.textPadding() * 2;
} else if (i % 2 === 0) {
rect.x = 0;
dx = rect.x + this.textPadding();
rect.y += this.lineHeight();
} else {
rect.x += rect.width;
dx += rect.width;
this.drawDarkRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
this.drawText(TextManager.param(i), dx, rect.y, dw, 'left');
text = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this._actor.param(i));
this.drawText(text, dx, rect.y, dw, 'right');
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.actorCurrentExpRate = function(actor) {
var actorLv = actor.level;
if (actorLv === actor.maxLevel()) return 1.0;
var nowExp = actor.currentExp() - actor.expForLevel(actorLv);
var nextExp = actor.expForLevel(actorLv + 1) - actor.expForLevel(actorLv);
return (1.0 * nowExp / nextExp).clamp(0.0, 1.0);
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.actorExpRate = function(actor) {
var actorLv = actor.level;
if (actorLv === actor.maxLevel()) return 1.0;
var nowExp = actor.currentExp();
var nextExp = actor.expForLevel(actorLv + 1);
return (1.0 * nowExp / nextExp).clamp(0.0, 1.0);
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawExpGauge = function(actor, rate, rect) {
var color1 = this.textColor(Yanfly.Param.ColorExp1);
var color2 = this.textColor(Yanfly.Param.ColorExp2);
var wy = rect.y;
this.drawGauge(rect.x, wy, rect.width, rate, color1, color2);
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawGeneralExp = function(dx, dy, dw, dh) {
dy = this.lineHeight() * 2;
dw = (this.contents.width - this.textPadding()) / 2;
dx = this.textPadding() + dw;
// Current Exp
text = TextManager.expTotal.format(TextManager.exp);
this.drawText(text, dx, dy, dw, 'left');
dy += this.lineHeight();
text = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this._actor.currentExp());
this.drawText(text, dx, dy, dw, 'right');
// To Next Level
dy += this.lineHeight();
text = TextManager.expNext.format(TextManager.level);
this.drawText(text, dx, dy, dw, 'left');
dy += this.lineHeight();
var rect = new Rectangle();
rect.x = dx; rect.y = dy; rect.width = dw;
var rate = this.actorCurrentExpRate(this._actor);
this.drawExpGauge(this._actor, rate, rect);
text = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this._actor.nextRequiredExp());
if (this._actor.isMaxLevel()) text = '-------';
this.drawText(text, dx, dy, dw, 'right');
// Total EXP for Next Level
dy += this.lineHeight();
text = Yanfly.Param.StatusTotalFmt.format(TextManager.exp,
this.drawText(text, dx, dy, dw, 'left');
dy += this.lineHeight();
var rect = new Rectangle();
rect.x = dx; rect.y = dy; rect.width = dw;
var rate = this.actorExpRate(this._actor);
this.drawExpGauge(this._actor, rate, rect);
text = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this._actor.nextLevelExp());
if (this._actor.isMaxLevel()) text = '-------';
this.drawText(text, dx, dy, dw, 'right');
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawParameters = function() {
var dx = 0;
var dy = this.lineHeight() / 2;
var dw = this.contents.width;
var dh = this.lineHeight();
var dw2;
var text;
this.drawText(Yanfly.Param.StatusGraphText, dx, dy, dw, 'center');
dy = this.lineHeight();
dx = this.standardPadding();
dw -= this.standardPadding() * 2;
for (var i = 2; i < 8; ++i) {
dy += this.lineHeight();
var rate = this.drawParamGauge(dx, dy, dw, i);
this.drawText(TextManager.param(i), dx + 4, dy, dw - 4);
text = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this._actor.param(i))
dw2 = dw * rate;
this.drawText(text, dx, dy, dw2 - 4, 'right');
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawParamGauge = function(dx, dy, dw, paramId) {
var rate = this.calcParamRate(paramId);
var array = eval('Yanfly.Param.ColorParam' + paramId + 'Gauge').split(' ');
this.drawGauge(dx, dy, dw, rate, array[0], array[1]);
return rate;
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.calcParamRate = function(paramId) {
if (this._largestParam === this._smallestParam) return 1.0;
var rate = parseFloat(this._actor.param(paramId) - this._smallestParam) /
parseFloat(this._largestParam - this._smallestParam);
rate *= 0.7;
rate += 0.3;
return rate;
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.getMaxArrayCols = function(array) {
var maxCols = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
var arr = array[i];
if (arr[0] !== '') ++maxCols;
return maxCols;
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.getMaxArrayRows = function(array) {
var maxRows = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
var arr = array[i];
maxRows = Math.max(maxRows, arr.length);
return maxRows;
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.getArrayX = function() {
return this.standardPadding() * 1.5;
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.getArrayY = function() {
return 0;
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.getArrayDW = function(maxCols) {
var dw = this.contents.width - this.standardPadding() * 3;
dw /= maxCols;
dw += this.standardPadding() / maxCols;
dw -= this.standardPadding();
return dw;
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.setRateColor = function(rate) {
var colorId = 0;
if (rate >= 3.0) {
colorId = Yanfly.Param.ColorResistS;
} else if (rate >= 2.0) {
colorId = Yanfly.Param.ColorResistA;
} else if (rate >= 1.5) {
colorId = Yanfly.Param.ColorResistB;
} else if (rate >= 1.2) {
colorId = Yanfly.Param.ColorResistC1;
} else if (rate >= 1.0) {
colorId = Yanfly.Param.ColorResistC2;
} else if (rate >= 0.8) {
colorId = Yanfly.Param.ColorResistC3;
} else if (rate >= 0.5) {
colorId = Yanfly.Param.ColorResistD;
} else if (rate > 0) {
colorId = Yanfly.Param.ColorResistE;
} else if (rate === 0) {
colorId = Yanfly.Param.ColorResistF;
} else {
colorId = Yanfly.Param.ColorResistG;
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawElements = function() {
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.elementArray = function() {
var array = [
return array;
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawElementColumnRects = function() {
var maxCols = this.getMaxArrayCols(this.elementArray());
var maxRows = this.getMaxArrayRows(this.elementArray());
if (maxCols <= 0) return;
var dx = this.getArrayX();
var dy = this.getArrayY();
var dw = this.getArrayDW(maxCols);
for (var i = 0; i < maxCols; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < maxRows; ++j) {
this.drawDarkRect(dx, dy, dw, this.lineHeight());
dy += this.lineHeight();
dx += dw;
dx += (maxCols > 1) ? this.standardPadding() : 0;
dy = 0;
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawElementInfo = function() {
var maxCols = this.getMaxArrayCols(this.elementArray());
var maxRows = this.getMaxArrayRows(this.elementArray());
if (maxCols <= 0) return;
var infoArray = this.elementArray();
var dx = this.getArrayX();
var dy = this.getArrayY();
var dw = this.getArrayDW(maxCols);
for (var i = 0; i < maxCols; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < infoArray[i].length; ++j) {
var eleId = infoArray[i][j];
this.drawElementData(eleId, dx, dy, dw)
dy += this.lineHeight();
dx += dw;
dx += (maxCols > 1) ? this.standardPadding() : 0;
dy = 0;
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawElementData = function(eleId, dx, dy, dw) {
eleId = parseInt(eleId);
var eleName = $dataSystem.elements[eleId];
var eleRate = this._actor.elementRate(eleId);
dx += this.textPadding();
dw -= this.textPadding() * 2;
this._bypassResetTextColor = true;
this.drawTextEx(eleName, dx, dy);
this._bypassResetTextColor = false;
var text = (eleRate * 100).toFixed(Yanfly.Param.StatusEleDec) + '%';
this.drawText(text, dx, dy, dw, 'right');
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawStates = function() {
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.stateArray = function() {
var array = [
return array;
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawStatesColumnRects = function() {
var maxCols = this.getMaxArrayCols(this.stateArray());
var maxRows = this.getMaxArrayRows(this.stateArray());
if (maxCols <= 0) return;
var dx = this.getArrayX();
var dy = this.getArrayY();
var dw = this.getArrayDW(maxCols);
for (var i = 0; i < maxCols; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < maxRows; ++j) {
this.drawDarkRect(dx, dy, dw, this.lineHeight());
dy += this.lineHeight();
dx += dw;
dx += (maxCols > 1) ? this.standardPadding() : 0;
dy = 0;
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawStatesInfo = function() {
var maxCols = this.getMaxArrayCols(this.stateArray());
var maxRows = this.getMaxArrayRows(this.stateArray());
if (maxCols <= 0) return;
var infoArray = this.stateArray();
var dx = this.getArrayX();
var dy = this.getArrayY();
var dw = this.getArrayDW(maxCols);
for (var i = 0; i < maxCols; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < infoArray[i].length; ++j) {
var stateId = infoArray[i][j];
this.drawStatesData(stateId, dx, dy, dw)
dy += this.lineHeight();
dx += dw;
dx += (maxCols > 1) ? this.standardPadding() : 0;
dy = 0;
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawStatesData = function(stateId, dx, dy, dw) {
stateId = parseInt(stateId);
var stateRate = this._actor.stateRate(stateId);
if (this._actor.isStateResist(stateId)) stateRate = 0;
dx += this.textPadding();
dw -= this.textPadding() * 2;
this._bypassResetTextColor = true;
this.drawItemName($dataStates[stateId], dx, dy, dw);
this._bypassResetTextColor = false;
var text = (stateRate * 100).toFixed(Yanfly.Param.StatusStatesDec) + '%';
this.drawText(text, dx, dy, dw, 'right');
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawAttributes = function() {
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.attributesArray = function() {
var array = [
return array;
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawAttributesColumnRects = function() {
var maxCols = this.getMaxArrayCols(this.attributesArray());
var maxRows = this.getMaxArrayRows(this.attributesArray());
if (maxCols <= 0) return;
var dx = this.getArrayX();
var dy = this.getArrayY();
var dw = this.getArrayDW(maxCols);
for (var i = 0; i < maxCols; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < maxRows; ++j) {
this.drawDarkRect(dx, dy, dw, this.lineHeight());
dy += this.lineHeight();
dx += dw;
dx += (maxCols > 1) ? this.standardPadding() : 0;
dy = 0;
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawAttributesInfo = function() {
var maxCols = this.getMaxArrayCols(this.attributesArray());
var maxRows = this.getMaxArrayRows(this.attributesArray());
if (maxCols <= 0) return;
var infoArray = this.attributesArray();
var dx = this.getArrayX();
var dy = this.getArrayY();
var dw = this.getArrayDW(maxCols);
for (var i = 0; i < maxCols; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < infoArray[i].length; ++j) {
var attribute = infoArray[i][j].toLowerCase();
this.drawAttributeData(attribute, dx, dy, dw)
dy += this.lineHeight();
dx += dw;
dx += (maxCols > 1) ? this.standardPadding() : 0;
dy = 0;
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawAttributeData = function(attr, dx, dy, dw) {
var actor = this._actor;
this.contents.fontSize = Yanfly.Param.StatusAttrSize;
switch (attr) {
case 'hit':
this.drawAttributeName(Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_hit, dx, dy, dw);
this.drawAttributeRate(actor.hit, dx, dy, dw);
case 'eva':
this.drawAttributeName(Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_eva, dx, dy, dw);
this.drawAttributeRate(actor.eva, dx, dy, dw);
case 'cri':
this.drawAttributeName(Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_cri, dx, dy, dw);
this.drawAttributeRate(actor.cri, dx, dy, dw);
case 'cev':
this.drawAttributeName(Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_cev, dx, dy, dw);
this.drawAttributeRate(actor.cev, dx, dy, dw);
case 'mev':
this.drawAttributeName(Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_mev, dx, dy, dw);
this.drawAttributeRate(actor.mev, dx, dy, dw);
case 'mrf':
this.drawAttributeName(Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_mrf, dx, dy, dw);
this.drawAttributeRate(actor.mrf, dx, dy, dw);
case 'cnt':
this.drawAttributeName(Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_cnt, dx, dy, dw);
this.drawAttributeRate(actor.cnt, dx, dy, dw);
case 'hrg':
this.drawAttributeName(Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_hrg, dx, dy, dw);
this.drawAttributeRate(actor.hrg, dx, dy, dw);
case 'mrg':
this.drawAttributeName(Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_mrg, dx, dy, dw);
this.drawAttributeRate(actor.mrg, dx, dy, dw);
case 'trg':
this.drawAttributeName(Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_trg, dx, dy, dw);
this.drawAttributeRate(actor.trg, dx, dy, dw);
case 'tgr':
this.drawAttributeName(Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_tgr, dx, dy, dw);
this.drawAttributeRate(actor.tgr, dx, dy, dw);
case 'grd':
this.drawAttributeName(Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_grd, dx, dy, dw);
this.drawAttributeRate(actor.grd, dx, dy, dw);
case 'rec':
this.drawAttributeName(Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_rec, dx, dy, dw);
this.drawAttributeRate(actor.rec, dx, dy, dw);
case 'pha':
this.drawAttributeName(Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_pha, dx, dy, dw);
this.drawAttributeRate(actor.pha, dx, dy, dw);
case 'mcr':
this.drawAttributeName(Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_mcr, dx, dy, dw);
this.drawAttributeRate(actor.mcr, dx, dy, dw);
case 'tcr':
this.drawAttributeName(Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_tcr, dx, dy, dw);
this.drawAttributeRate(actor.tcr, dx, dy, dw);
case 'pdr':
this.drawAttributeName(Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_pdr, dx, dy, dw);
this.drawAttributeRate(actor.pdr, dx, dy, dw);
case 'mdr':
this.drawAttributeName(Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_mdr, dx, dy, dw);
this.drawAttributeRate(actor.mdr, dx, dy, dw);
case 'fdr':
this.drawAttributeName(Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_fdr, dx, dy, dw);
this.drawAttributeRate(actor.fdr, dx, dy, dw);
case 'exr':
this.drawAttributeName(Yanfly.Param.StatusAttr_exr, dx, dy, dw);
this.drawAttributeRate(actor.exr, dx, dy, dw);
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawAttributeName = function(name, dx, dy, dw) {
dx += this.textPadding();
dw -= this.textPadding() * 2;
dy += Math.floor((this.standardFontSize() - this.contents.fontSize) / 2);
this._bypassResetText = true;
this.drawTextEx(name, dx, dy, dw);
this._bypassResetText = false;
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawAttributeRate = function(rate, dx, dy, dw) {
var value = (rate * 100).toFixed(Yanfly.Param.StatusAttrDec) + '%';
this.drawAttributeValue(value, dx, dy, dw);
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawAttributeValue = function(value, dx, dy, dw) {
dx += this.textPadding();
dw -= this.textPadding() * 2;
this.drawText(value, dx, dy, dw, 'right');
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.maxPageItems = function() {
return this.maxItems();
Window_Selectable.prototype.maxItems = function() {
return 1;
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawItem = function(index) {
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawAllItems = function() {
var topIndex = this.topIndex();
for (var i = 0; i < this.maxPageItems(); i++) {
var index = topIndex + i;
if (index < this.maxItems()) {
// Scene_Status
Scene_Status.prototype.create = function() {
Scene_Status.prototype.refreshActor = function() {
var actor = this.actor();
Scene_Status.prototype.onActorChange = function() {
Scene_Status.prototype.createCommandWindow = function() {
this._commandWindow = new Window_StatusCommand();
this._commandWindow.x = 0;
this._commandWindow.y = this._helpWindow.height;
Scene_Status.prototype.setCommandWindowHandlers = function() {
this._commandWindow.setHandler('cancel', this.popScene.bind(this));
this._commandWindow.setHandler('pagedown', this.nextActor.bind(this));
this._commandWindow.setHandler('pageup', this.previousActor.bind(this));
Scene_Status.prototype.createStatusWindow = function() {
var wx = this._commandWindow.width;
var wy = this._helpWindow.height;
var ww = Graphics.boxWidth - wx;
var wh = this._commandWindow.height;
this._statusWindow = new Window_SkillStatus(wx, wy, ww, wh);
Scene_Status.prototype.createInfoWindow = function() {
var wy = this._helpWindow.height + this._commandWindow.height;
this._infoWindow = new Window_StatusInfo(wy, this._commandWindow);
this._infoWindow.setHandler('cancel', this.onInfoCancel.bind(this));
Scene_Status.prototype.onInfoCancel = function() {
// Utilities
Yanfly.Util = Yanfly.Util || {};
if (!Yanfly.Util.toGroup) {
Yanfly.Util.toGroup = function(inVal) {
return inVal;
// End of File