// Yanfly Engine Plugins - Status Menu Extension - Battle Statistics
// YEP_X_BattleStatistics.js
var Imported = Imported || {};
Imported.YEP_X_BattleStatistics = true;
var Yanfly = Yanfly || {};
Yanfly.BStats = Yanfly.BStats || {};
Yanfly.BStats.version = 1.01;
* @plugindesc v1.01 战斗统计☁️
* @author Yanfly Engine Plugins
* @param Command Name
* @text 命令名称
* @desc This is the text used for the command name in the Status
* Menu command list.
* @default 统计
* @param Battle Count Text
* @text 战斗计数文本
* @desc This is the category text for Battle Count.
* @default 开始战斗
* @param Battle Count Format
* @text 战斗计数格式
* @desc This is how the text format will appear.
* %1 - Actor Battles %2 - Party Battles %3 - Percentage
* @default %1 out of %2 Battles (%3%)
* @param Kill Count Text
* @text 击杀计数文本
* @desc This is the category text for Kill Count.
* @default 杀敌数
* @param Kill Count Format
* @text 击杀计数格式
* @desc This is how the text format will appear.
* %1 - Kill Ratio
* @default %1每场战斗的死亡人数
* @param Death Count Text
* @text 死亡计数文本
* @desc This is the category text for Death Count.
* @default 死亡数
* @param Death Count Format
* @text 死亡计数格式
* @desc This is how the text format will appear.
* %1 - Death Ratio
* @default %1 每场战斗死亡
* @param Damage Dealt
* @text 造成的伤害
* @desc This is the category text for Damage Dealt.
* @default 造成伤害数
* @param Damage Taken
* @text 受到的伤害
* @desc This is the category text for Damage Taken.
* @default 受到伤害数
* @param Healing Dealt
* @text 治疗成功
* @desc This is the category text for Healing Dealt.
* @default 造成治疗数
* @help
* 魔改作者: 流逝的岁月
* 魔改版本: v1.00
* 魔改内容: v1.00 移除受到治疗数,移除助攻数
* ============================================================================
* Introduction
* ============================================================================
* 想要你玩家战斗记录统计吗?现在你可以了
* 这个插件需要身份菜单核心插件
* 这个插件需要YEP_StatusMenuCore,确保它在YEP_StatusMenuCore下面。
* 如果你想把战斗记录栏放在菜单,请把‘Statistics‘放入身份菜单核心
* 命令顺序参数里。如果没有设置,将会自动出现在‘Custom’栏。
* ============================================================================
* Instructions
* ============================================================================
* 这个插件是即插即用。所以战斗信息将会记录在战斗统计栏。这个信息如下:
* Battles Initiated
* 战斗场数记录
* Kills/Deaths/Assists
* 显示杀敌数、死亡数和助攻数。杀敌数是玩家击败敌方个数。
* 死亡数是玩家战斗死亡数。助攻数是敌方死亡时玩家在场的个数。
* Damage Dealt
* 造成伤害数
* Damage Taken
* 遭受伤害数
* Healing Dealt
* 造成治疗数
* Healing Taken
* 受到治疗数
* ============================================================================
* Changelog
* ============================================================================
* Version 1.01:
* - Calculations for recorded HP damage dealt are now calculated based on the
* actual HP damage taken as per the results rather than based off of the raw
* incoming value (in the event that raw value gets modified as per the effects
* of other plugins).
* Version 1.00:
* - Finished Plugin!
if (Imported.YEP_StatusMenuCore) {
// Parameter Variables
var Zzy = Zzy || {};
Zzy.CXBS = Zzy.CXBS || {};
// * @param Assist Count Text
// * @text 辅助计数文本
// * @desc This is the category text for Assist Count.
// * @default 助攻数
// *
// * @param Assist Count Format
// * @text 辅助计数格式
// * @desc This is how the text format will appear.
// * %1 - Assist Ratio
// * @default %1 每战助攻数
// *
// * @param Healing Taken
// * @text 正在治疗
// * @desc This is the category text for Healing Taken.
// * @default 受到治疗数
Yanfly.Parameters = PluginManager.parameters('YEP_X_BattleStatistics');
Yanfly.Param = Yanfly.Param || {};
Yanfly.Param.BStatsCmdName = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Command Name']);
Yanfly.Param.BStatsBCountText = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Battle Count Text']);
Yanfly.Param.BStatsBCountFmt = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Battle Count Format']);
Yanfly.Param.BStatsKCountText = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Kill Count Text']);
Yanfly.Param.BStatsKCountFmt = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Kill Count Format']);
Yanfly.Param.BStatsDCountText = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Death Count Text']);
Yanfly.Param.BStatsDCountFmt = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Death Count Format']);
Yanfly.Param.BStatsACountText = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Assist Count Text']);
Yanfly.Param.BStatsACountFmt = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Assist Count Format']);
Yanfly.Param.BStatsDmgDealt = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Damage Dealt']);
Yanfly.Param.BStatsDmgTaken = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Damage Taken']);
Yanfly.Param.BStatsHealDealt = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Healing Dealt']);
Yanfly.Param.BStatsHealTaken = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Healing Taken']);
// Game_BattlerBase
Yanfly.BStats.Game_BattlerBase_addNewState =
Game_BattlerBase.prototype.addNewState = function(stateId) {
if (stateId === this.deathStateId()) this.updateBattleStats();
Yanfly.BStats.Game_BattlerBase_addNewState.call(this, stateId);
Game_BattlerBase.prototype.updateBattleStats = function() {
if (!$gameParty.inBattle()) return;
if (this.isActor()) this.increaseDeathCount();
if (this.isEnemy()) {
for (var i = 0; i < $gameParty.battleMembers().length; ++i) {
var actor = $gameParty.battleMembers()[i];
if (!actor) continue;
if (actor === BattleManager._subject) {
} else {
// Game_Battler
Yanfly.BStats.Game_Battler_onBattleStart = Game_Battler.prototype.onBattleStart;
Game_Battler.prototype.onBattleStart = function() {
if (!this.isActor()) return;
if (this._battleCount === undefined) this.initBattleStatistics();
if (this.isBattleMember()) this._battleCount++;
// Game_Actor
Yanfly.BStats.Game_Actor_setup = Game_Actor.prototype.setup;
Game_Actor.prototype.setup = function(actorId) {
Yanfly.BStats.Game_Actor_setup.call(this, actorId);
Game_Actor.prototype.initBattleStatistics = function() {
this._battleCount = 0;
this._killCount = 0;
this._deathCount = 0;
this._assistCount = 0;
this._totalDamageDealt = 0;
this._totalDamageTaken = 0;
this._totalHealingDealt = 0;
this._totalHealingTaken = 0;
Game_Actor.prototype.battleCount = function() {
if (this._battleCount === undefined) this.initBattleStatistics();
return this._battleCount;
Game_Actor.prototype.killCount = function() {
if (this._killCount === undefined) this.initBattleStatistics();
return this._killCount;
Game_Actor.prototype.killCountRatio = function() {
if (this._killCount === undefined) this.initBattleStatistics();
return this._killCount / Math.max(this._battleCount, 1);
Game_Actor.prototype.increaseKillCount = function(value) {
value = value || 1;
if (this._killCount === undefined) this.initBattleStatistics();
this._killCount += value;
Game_Actor.prototype.deathCount = function() {
if (this._deathCount === undefined) this.initBattleStatistics();
return this._deathCount;
Game_Actor.prototype.deathCountRatio = function() {
if (this._deathCount === undefined) this.initBattleStatistics();
return this._deathCount / Math.max(this._battleCount, 1);
Game_Actor.prototype.increaseDeathCount = function(value) {
value = value || 1;
if (this._deathCount === undefined) this.initBattleStatistics();
this._deathCount += value;
Game_Actor.prototype.assistCount = function() {
if (this._assistCount === undefined) this.initBattleStatistics();
return this._assistCount;
Game_Actor.prototype.assistCountRatio = function() {
if (this._assistCount === undefined) this.initBattleStatistics();
return this._assistCount / Math.max(this._battleCount, 1);
Game_Actor.prototype.increaseAssistCount = function(value) {
value = value || 1;
if (this._assistCount === undefined) this.initBattleStatistics();
this._assistCount += value;
Game_Actor.prototype.totalDamageDealt = function() {
if (this._totalDamageDealt === undefined) this.initBattleStatistics();
return this._totalDamageDealt;
Game_Actor.prototype.increaseTotalDamageDealt = function(value) {
value = value || 1;
if (this._totalDamageDealt === undefined) this.initBattleStatistics();
this._totalDamageDealt += value;
Game_Actor.prototype.totalDamageTaken = function() {
if (this._totalDamageTaken === undefined) this.initBattleStatistics();
return this._totalDamageTaken;
Game_Actor.prototype.increaseTotalDamageTaken = function(value) {
value = value || 1;
if (this._totalDamageTaken === undefined) this.initBattleStatistics();
this._totalDamageTaken += value;
Game_Actor.prototype.totalHealingDealt = function() {
if (this._totalHealingDealt === undefined) this.initBattleStatistics();
return this._totalHealingDealt;
Game_Actor.prototype.increaseTotalHealingDealt = function(value) {
value = value || 1;
if (this._totalHealingDealt === undefined) this.initBattleStatistics();
this._totalHealingDealt += value;
Game_Actor.prototype.totalHealingTaken = function() {
if (this._totalHealingTaken === undefined) this.initBattleStatistics();
return this._totalHealingTaken;
Game_Actor.prototype.increaseTotalHealingTaken = function(value) {
value = value || 1;
if (this._totalHealingTaken === undefined) this.initBattleStatistics();
this._totalHealingTaken += value;
// Game_Action
Yanfly.BStats.Game_Action_executeHpDamage =
Game_Action.prototype.executeHpDamage = function(target, value) {
Yanfly.BStats.Game_Action_executeHpDamage.call(this, target, value);
var dmg = target.result().hpDamage;
if (this.subject().isActor()) {
if (dmg > 0) this.subject().increaseTotalDamageDealt(dmg);
if (dmg < 0) this.subject().increaseTotalHealingDealt(-dmg);
if (target.isActor()) {
if (dmg > 0) target.increaseTotalDamageTaken(dmg);
if (dmg < 0) target.increaseTotalHealingTaken(-dmg);
// Window_StatusCommand
Yanfly.BStats.Window_StatusCommand_createCommand =
Window_StatusCommand.prototype.createCommand = function(command) {
if (command.toUpperCase() === 'STATISTICS') {
var text = Yanfly.Param.BStatsCmdName;
this.addCommand(text, 'battleStatistics', true);
} else {
Yanfly.BStats.Window_StatusCommand_createCommand.call(this, command);
Yanfly.BStats.Window_StatusCommand_addCustomCommands =
Window_StatusCommand.prototype.addCustomCommands = function() {
if (this.findSymbol('battleStatistics') > -1) return;
var text = Yanfly.Param.BStatsCmdName;
this.addCommand(text, 'battleStatistics', true);
// Window_StatusInfo
Yanfly.BStats.Window_StatusInfo_drawInfoContents =
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawInfoContents = function(symbol) {
if (symbol === 'battleStatistics') {
} else {
Yanfly.BStats.Window_StatusInfo_drawInfoContents.call(this, symbol);
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawBattleStatistics = function() {
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawBattleCount = function() {
this.drawDarkRect(0, 0, this.contents.width, this.lineHeight());
var p = this.textPadding();
var text = Yanfly.Param.BStatsBCountText;
this.drawText(text, p, 0, this.contents.width - p * 2);
var fmt = Yanfly.Param.BStatsBCountFmt;
var n1 = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this._actor.battleCount());
var n2 = Yanfly.Util.toGroup($gameSystem.battleCount());
var n3 = parseInt(100 * this._actor.battleCount() / Math.max(1,
text = fmt.format(n1, n2, n3);
this.drawText(text, p, 0, this.contents.width - p * 2, 'right');
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawKDACount = function() {
var p = this.textPadding();
var lh = this.lineHeight();
var dw = this.contents.width / 2;
//---魔改--- v1.00 绘制黑色底框
this.drawDarkRect(0, lh * 1, dw, lh);
this.drawDarkRect(0, lh * 2, dw, lh);
//this.drawDarkRect(0, lh * 3, dw, lh);
var text = Yanfly.Param.BStatsKCountText;
this.drawText(text, p, lh * 1, this.contents.width - p * 2);
text = Yanfly.Param.BStatsDCountText;
this.drawText(text, p, lh * 2, this.contents.width - p * 2);
//---魔改--- v1.00 取消绘制 辅助
// text = Yanfly.Param.BStatsACountText;
// this.drawText(text, p, lh * 3, this.contents.width - p * 2);
text = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this._actor.killCount());
this.drawText(text, p, lh * 1, dw - p * 2, 'right');
text = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this._actor.deathCount());
this.drawText(text, p, lh * 2, dw - p * 2, 'right');
//---魔改--- v1.00 隐藏辅助
//text = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this._actor.assistCount());
//this.drawText(text, p, lh * 3, dw - p * 2, 'right');
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawKDARatios = function() {
var p = this.textPadding();
var lh = this.lineHeight();
var dw = this.contents.width / 2;
this.drawDarkRect(dw, lh * 1, dw, lh);
this.drawDarkRect(dw, lh * 2, dw, lh);
//this.drawDarkRect(dw, lh * 3, dw, lh);
var fmt = Yanfly.Param.BStatsKCountFmt;
var ratio = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this._actor.killCountRatio().toFixed(2));
var text = fmt.format(ratio);
this.drawText(text, dw + p, lh * 1, dw - p * 2, 'right');
fmt = Yanfly.Param.BStatsDCountFmt;
ratio = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this._actor.deathCountRatio().toFixed(2));
text = fmt.format(ratio);
this.drawText(text, dw + p, lh * 2, dw - p * 2, 'right');
fmt = Yanfly.Param.BStatsACountFmt;
ratio = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this._actor.assistCountRatio().toFixed(2));
text = fmt.format(ratio);
this.drawText(text, dw + p, lh * 3, dw - p * 2, 'right');
Window_StatusInfo.prototype.drawTotalDamageHealing = function() {
var lh = this.lineHeight();
var p = this.textPadding();
var layerY = 1;
this.drawDarkRect(0, lh * (4-layerY), this.contents.width, lh);
this.drawDarkRect(0, lh * (5-layerY), this.contents.width, lh);
this.drawDarkRect(0, lh * (6-layerY), this.contents.width, lh);
//this.drawDarkRect(0, lh * 7, this.contents.width, lh);
var text = Yanfly.Param.BStatsDmgDealt;
this.drawText(text, p, lh * (4-layerY), this.contents.width - p * 2);
text = Yanfly.Param.BStatsDmgTaken;
this.drawText(text, p, lh * (5-layerY), this.contents.width - p * 2);
text = Yanfly.Param.BStatsHealDealt;
this.drawText(text, p, lh * (6-layerY), this.contents.width - p * 2);
//---魔改--- v1.00 取消绘制 治疗术
// text = Yanfly.Param.BStatsHealTaken;
// this.drawText(text, p, lh * 7, this.contents.width - p * 2);
text = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this._actor.totalDamageDealt());
this.drawText(text, p, lh * (4-layerY), this.contents.width - p * 2, 'right');
text = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this._actor.totalDamageTaken());
this.drawText(text, p, lh * (5-layerY), this.contents.width - p * 2, 'right');
text = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this._actor.totalHealingDealt());
this.drawText(text, p, lh * (6-layerY), this.contents.width - p * 2, 'right');
//---魔改--- v1.00 取消绘制 治疗术
// text = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this._actor.totalHealingTaken());
// this.drawText(text, p, lh * 7, this.contents.width - p * 2, 'right');
// Utilities
Yanfly.Util = Yanfly.Util || {};
if (!Yanfly.Util.toGroup) {
Yanfly.Util.toGroup = function(inVal) {
return inVal;
// End of File