//============================================================================= // SaltedFish Plugins - Skip Load Error // SF_SkipLoadError.js //============================================================================= "use strict"; var Imported = Imported || {}; Imported.SF_SkipLoadError = true; var SF_Plugins = SF_Plugins || {}; //============================================================================= /*: * @plugindesc try to skip load errors * @author SaltedFish * * @help * just put it on the top of plugins list. * */ //============================================================================= (function () { var SF_SkipLoadError = {}; SF_Plugins.SF_SkipLoadError = SF_SkipLoadError; SF_SkipLoadError.version = 1.0; SF_SkipLoadError.PluginManager_checkErrors = PluginManager.checkErrors; PluginManager.checkErrors = function () { var url = this._errorUrls.shift(); if (url) { alert("Failed to load: " + url); } }; SF_SkipLoadError.ImageManager_isReady = ImageManager.isReady; ImageManager.isReady = function () { for (var key in this.cache._inner) { var bitmap = this.cache._inner[key].item; if (bitmap.isError()) { alert("Failed to load: " + bitmap.url); bitmap = ImageManager.loadEmptyBitmap(); this.cache.setItem(key, bitmap); } if (!bitmap.isReady()) { return false; } } return true; }; SF_SkipLoadError.AudioManager_checkWebAudioError = AudioManager.checkWebAudioError; AudioManager.checkWebAudioError = function (webAudio) { if (webAudio && webAudio.isError()) { alert("Failed to load: " + webAudio.url); webAudio.initialize(""); } }; SF_SkipLoadError.FileLoadErrorList = []; SF_SkipLoadError.FileLoadingList = []; SF_SkipLoadError.ResourceHandler_createLoader = ResourceHandler.createLoader; ResourceHandler.createLoader = function (url, retryMethod, resignMethod, retryInterval) { retryInterval = retryInterval || this._defaultRetryInterval; var reloaders = this._reloaders; var retryCount = 0; if (!(url in SF_SkipLoadError.FileLoadingList)) SF_SkipLoadError.FileLoadingList.push(url); return function () { if (retryCount < retryInterval.length) { setTimeout(retryMethod, retryInterval[retryCount]); retryCount++; } else { if (resignMethod) { resignMethod(); } if (url) { var index = SF_SkipLoadError.FileLoadingList.indexOf(url); if (index >= 0) SF_SkipLoadError.FileLoadingList.splice(index, 1); Graphics.printLoadingError(url); } } }; }; SF_SkipLoadError.Graphics_printLoadingError = Graphics.printLoadingError; Graphics.printLoadingError = function (url) { url = decodeURIComponent(url); console.warn(url); if (this._errorPrinter && !this._errorShowed && SF_SkipLoadError.FileLoadErrorList.indexOf(url) === -1) { SceneManager.stop(); if (this._errorPrinter.innerHTML !== "") { let tempht = this._errorPrinter.innerHTML.match(/(.*)<\/font>/i)[1] + "
"; this._errorPrinter.innerHTML = '' + "文件加载失败,请上报问题附带截图:" + "
" + '' + tempht + "Failed to load: " + url + "
"; } else { this._errorPrinter.innerHTML = this._makeErrorHtml( "文件加载失败,请上报问题附带截图:", "Failed to load: " + url ); } var button = document.createElement("button"); SF_SkipLoadError.FileLoadErrorList.push(url); button.innerHTML = "继续"; button.style.fontSize = "24px"; button.style.color = "#ffffff"; button.style.backgroundColor = "#000000"; button.onmousedown = button.ontouchstart = function (event) { Graphics.eraseLoadingError(); SceneManager.resume(); event.stopPropagation(); }; this._errorPrinter.appendChild(button); this._loadingCount = -Infinity; return; } }; SF_SkipLoadError.ResourceHandler_retry = ResourceHandler.retry; ResourceHandler.retry = function () { if (this._reloaders.length > 0) { Graphics.eraseLoadingError(); SceneManager.resume(); this._reloaders.length = 0; } }; SF_SkipLoadError.Bitmap_onError = Bitmap.prototype._onError; Bitmap.prototype._onError = function () { this._image.removeEventListener("load", this._loadListener); this._image.removeEventListener("error", this._errorListener); this._loadListener(); }; SF_SkipLoadError.Graphics_paintUpperCanvas = Graphics._paintUpperCanvas; Graphics._paintUpperCanvas = function () { this._clearUpperCanvas(); if (this._loadingImage) { var context = this._upperCanvas.getContext("2d"); var dx = (this._width - this._loadingImage.width) / 2; var dy = (this._height - this._loadingImage.height) / 2; var alpha = ((this._loadingCount - 20) / 30).clamp(0, 1); context.save(); context.globalAlpha = alpha; context.drawImage(this._loadingImage, dx, dy); context.restore(); } }; SF_SkipLoadError.WebAudio_onXhrLoad = WebAudio.prototype._onXhrLoad; WebAudio.prototype._onXhrLoad = function (xhr) { var url = this._url || xhr.responseURL; var index = SF_SkipLoadError.FileLoadingList.indexOf(url); if (index >= 0) SF_SkipLoadError.FileLoadingList.splice(index, 1); return SF_SkipLoadError.WebAudio_onXhrLoad.call(this, xhr); }; SF_SkipLoadError.Graphics_playVideo = Graphics.playVideo; Graphics.playVideo = function (src) { this._videoLoader = ResourceHandler.createLoader( src, this._playVideo.bind(this, src), this._onVideoError.bind(this) ); this._playVideo(src); }; SF_SkipLoadError.Graphics_onVideoLoad = Graphics._onVideoLoad; Graphics._onVideoLoad = function () { var url = this._video.src; var index = SF_SkipLoadError.FileLoadingList.indexOf(url); if (index >= 0) SF_SkipLoadError.FileLoadingList.splice(index, 1); return SF_SkipLoadError.Graphics_onVideoLoad.call(this); }; SF_SkipLoadError.Graphics_onVideoError = Graphics._onVideoError; Graphics._onVideoError = function () { var url = this._video.src; var index = SF_SkipLoadError.FileLoadingList.indexOf(url); if (index >= 0) SF_SkipLoadError.FileLoadingList.splice(index, 1); return SF_SkipLoadError.Graphics_onVideoError.call(this); }; SF_SkipLoadError.Bitmap_onLoad = Bitmap.prototype._onLoad; Bitmap.prototype._onLoad = function () { var url = this._url; var index = SF_SkipLoadError.FileLoadingList.indexOf(url); if (index >= 0) SF_SkipLoadError.FileLoadingList.splice(index, 1); return SF_SkipLoadError.Bitmap_onLoad.call(this); }; SF_SkipLoadError.DataManager_loadDataFile = DataManager.loadDataFile; DataManager.loadDataFile = function (name, src) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = "data/" + src; xhr.open("GET", url); xhr.overrideMimeType("application/json"); xhr.onload = function () { if (xhr.status < 400) { window[name] = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); DataManager.onLoad(window[name]); } var index = SF_SkipLoadError.FileLoadingList.indexOf(url); if (index >= 0) SF_SkipLoadError.FileLoadingList.splice(index, 1); if (xhr.status == 404) Graphics.printLoadingError(url); }; xhr.onerror = this._mapLoader || function () { DataManager._errorUrl = DataManager._errorUrl || url; }; window[name] = null; xhr.send(); }; SF_SkipLoadError.WebAudio_load = WebAudio.prototype._load; WebAudio.prototype._load = function (url) { if (WebAudio._context) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (Decrypter.hasEncryptedAudio) url = Decrypter.extToEncryptExt(url); xhr.open("GET", url); xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer"; xhr.onload = function () { if (xhr.status < 400) { this._onXhrLoad(xhr); } var index = SF_SkipLoadError.FileLoadingList.indexOf(url); if (index >= 0) SF_SkipLoadError.FileLoadingList.splice(index, 1); if (xhr.status == 404) Graphics.printLoadingError(url); }.bind(this); xhr.onerror = this._loader || function () { this._hasError = true; }.bind(this); xhr.send(); } }; SF_SkipLoadError.Scene_Base_isReady = Scene_Base.prototype.isReady; Scene_Base.prototype.isReady = function () { return SF_SkipLoadError.FileLoadingList.length === 0 && SF_SkipLoadError.Scene_Base_isReady.call(this); }; })();