//============================================================================= // Salted Fish Plugins - Auto Update // SF_AutoUpdate.js //============================================================================= "use strict"; var Imported = Imported || {}; Imported.SF_AutoUpdate = true; var SF_Plugins = SF_Plugins || {}; //============================================================================= /*: * @plugindesc v1.0.0 - Automatically update the game. * @author Salted Fish * * @help * * =========================================================================== * Introduction * =========================================================================== * * This plugin automatically updates the game. * * =========================================================================== * Requires * =========================================================================== * * You need use ycrpg2-android-client to run on android. * otherwise, you can use ycrpg2-pc-client to run on pc. * This is not supported on ios and web, but web also use the newest version. * * =========================================================================== * How to use * =========================================================================== * * ycrpg2-android-client provide FileUtils and UpdateUtils. * FileUtils is used to read and write Text files, and UpdateUtils is used to * update the game. * * FileUtils provide the following functions: * public void evaluateJavascript(String script) * public boolean canExecute(String fileName) * public boolean canRead(String fileName) * public boolean canWrite(String fileName) * public boolean createNewFile(String fileName) * public boolean delete(String fileName) * public boolean exists(String fileName) * public String getAbsolutePath(String fileName) * public String getCanonicalPath(String fileName) * public String getName(String fileName) * public String getParent(String fileName) * public String getPath(String fileName) * public boolean isAbsolute(String fileName) * public boolean isDirectory(String fileName) * public boolean isFile(String fileName) * public long lastModified(String fileName) * public long length(String fileName) * public String list(String fileName) * public boolean mkdir(String fileName) * public boolean mkdirs(String fileName) * public boolean renameTo(String srcName, String dstName) * public String toString(String fileName) * public String readTextFile(String fileName) * public boolean writeTextFile(String fileName,String content) * public String getFileHashHex(String fileName, String algorithm) * public String getFileHashHex(String fileName) * * UpdateUtils provide the following functions: * public void evaluateJavascript(String script) * public void downloadFullUrl(String fileName, String urlString, String success, String fail) * public void downloadRelativeUrl(String fileName, String urlString, String success, String fail) * public void startUpdateFiles() * public void updateFileCompleted(boolean bool) * public String getHashInfoJson() * public void updateFile(String fileName, String success, String fail) */ //============================================================================= (function () { var SF_AutoUpdate = {}; SF_Plugins.SF_AutoUpdate = SF_AutoUpdate; SF_AutoUpdate.version = 1.0; SF_AutoUpdate.remoteFileInfoName = "file_info_remote.json"; SF_AutoUpdate.localFileInfoName = "file_info_local.json"; SF_AutoUpdate.remoteFileInfoUrl = "https://ycrpg.xyzzgame.com/ycrpg2/file_info_remote.json"; SF_AutoUpdate.remoteUrlRoot = "https://ycrpg.xyzzgame.com/YCrpg2/"; SF_AutoUpdate.emptyFileInfoStr = `{"is_file":false,"is_dir":true,"children":[],"sha_512":"","file_name":""}`; SF_AutoUpdate.workerFileName = "js/plugins/SF_AutoUpdateWorker.js"; SF_AutoUpdate.localStorageKey = "SF_AutoUpdate_UpdateFileCompleted"; SF_AutoUpdate.enableAutoUpdate = true; SF_AutoUpdate.isAndroid = function () { return !!window.FileUtils && !!window.UpdateUtils && !SF_AutoUpdate.isPC(); } SF_AutoUpdate.isPC = function () { return !!Utils.isNwjs(); } SF_AutoUpdate.isWeb = function () { return !SF_AutoUpdate.isPC() && !SF_AutoUpdate.isAndroid(); } SF_AutoUpdate.isSupported = function () { return SF_AutoUpdate.enableAutoUpdate && (SF_AutoUpdate.isAndroid() || SF_AutoUpdate.isPC()) && !Utils.isOptionValid('test'); } if (!SF_AutoUpdate.isSupported()) { return; } SF_AutoUpdate.FileUtils = window.FileUtils || {}; SF_AutoUpdate.UpdateUtils = window.UpdateUtils || {}; if (SF_AutoUpdate.isPC()) { window.FileUtils = SF_AutoUpdate.FileUtils; window.UpdateUtils = SF_AutoUpdate.UpdateUtils; var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var os = require('os'); var crypto = require('crypto'); var https = require('https'); SF_AutoUpdate.FileUtils.evaluateJavascript = function (script) { (new Function(script)).call(window); } SF_AutoUpdate.FileUtils.canExecute = function (fileName) { try { fs.accessSync(fileName, fs.X_OK); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } SF_AutoUpdate.FileUtils.canRead = function (fileName) { try { fs.accessSync(fileName, fs.R_OK); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } SF_AutoUpdate.FileUtils.canWrite = function (fileName) { try { fs.accessSync(fileName, fs.W_OK); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } SF_AutoUpdate.FileUtils.createNewFile = function (fileName) { try { fs.writeFileSync(fileName, ""); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } SF_AutoUpdate.FileUtils.delete = function (fileName) { try { fs.unlinkSync(fileName); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } SF_AutoUpdate.FileUtils.exists = function (fileName) { try { fs.accessSync(fileName, fs.F_OK); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } SF_AutoUpdate.FileUtils.getAbsolutePath = function (fileName) { return path.resolve(fileName); } SF_AutoUpdate.FileUtils.getCanonicalPath = function (fileName) { return path.resolve(fileName); } SF_AutoUpdate.FileUtils.getName = function (fileName) { return path.basename(fileName); } SF_AutoUpdate.FileUtils.getParent = function (fileName) { return path.dirname(fileName); } SF_AutoUpdate.FileUtils.getPath = function (fileName) { return path.resolve(fileName); } SF_AutoUpdate.FileUtils.isAbsolute = function (fileName) { return path.isAbsolute(fileName); } SF_AutoUpdate.FileUtils.isDirectory = function (fileName) { return fs.statSync(fileName).isDirectory(); } SF_AutoUpdate.FileUtils.isFile = function (fileName) { return fs.statSync(fileName).isFile(); } SF_AutoUpdate.FileUtils.lastModified = function (fileName) { return fs.statSync(fileName).mtime.getTime(); } SF_AutoUpdate.FileUtils.length = function (fileName) { return fs.statSync(fileName).size; } SF_AutoUpdate.FileUtils.mkdir = function (fileName) { try { fs.mkdirSync(fileName); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } SF_AutoUpdate.FileUtils.mkdirs = function (fileName) { try { fs.mkdirSync(fileName, { recursive: true }); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } SF_AutoUpdate.FileUtils.reanmeTo = function (srcName, dstName) { try { fs.renameSync(oldFileName, newFileName); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } SF_AutoUpdate.FileUtils.toString = function (fileName) { return path.resolve(fileName); } SF_AutoUpdate.FileUtils.readTextFile = function (fileName) { return fs.readFileSync(fileName, 'utf-8'); } SF_AutoUpdate.FileUtils.writeTextFile = function (fileName, text) { return fs.writeFileSync(fileName, text, 'utf-8'); } SF_AutoUpdate.FileUtils.getFileHashHex = function (fileName, algorithm) { var hash = crypto.createHash(algorithm || 'SHA512'); var data = fs.readFileSync(fileName); hash.update(data); return hash.digest('hex'); } SF_AutoUpdate.UpdateUtils.evaluateJavascript = function (script) { (new Function(script)).call(window); } SF_AutoUpdate.UpdateUtils.downloadFullUrl = function (fileName, url, success, fail) { var file = fs.createWriteStream(fileName); https.get(url, function (response) { response.pipe(file); file.on('finish', function () { file.close(SF_AutoUpdate.UpdateUtils.evaluateJavascript.bind(SF_AutoUpdate.UpdateUtils, success)); }); }).on('error', function (err) { SF_AutoUpdate.UpdateUtils.evaluateJavascript.bind(SF_AutoUpdate.UpdateUtils, fail)(err.message); }); } SF_AutoUpdate.UpdateUtils.downloadRelativeUrl = function (fileName, url, success, fail) { SF_AutoUpdate.UpdateUtils.downloadFullUrl(fileName, SF_AutoUpdate.remoteUrlRoot + url, success, fail); } SF_AutoUpdate.UpdateUtils.updateFileCompleted = function (isSuccess) { localStorage.setItem(SF_AutoUpdate.localStorageKey, JsonEx.stringify(isSuccess)); if (isSuccess) { nw.Window.open(`chrome-extension://${chrome.runtime.id}/index.html`); nw.Window.get().close(); } } SF_AutoUpdate.UpdateUtils.getHashInfoJson = function () { try { return fs.readFileSync(SF_AutoUpdate.localFileInfoName) || SF_AutoUpdate.emptyFileInfoStr; } catch (e) { return SF_AutoUpdate.emptyFileInfoStr; } } SF_AutoUpdate.UpdateUtils.updateFile = function (fileName, success, fail) { SF_AutoUpdate.UpdateUtils.downloadRelativeUrl(fileName, fileName, success, fail); } SF_AutoUpdate.UpdateUtils.startUpdateFiles = function () { localStorage.setItem(SF_AutoUpdate.localStorageKey, 'false'); } } //============================================================================= // Scene_AutoUpdate //============================================================================= function Scene_AutoUpdate() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } window.Scene_AutoUpdate = Scene_AutoUpdate; SF_AutoUpdate.Scene_AutoUpdate = Scene_AutoUpdate; Scene_AutoUpdate.prototype = Object.create(Scene_Base.prototype); Scene_AutoUpdate.prototype.constructor = Scene_AutoUpdate; Scene_AutoUpdate.prototype.initialize = function () { Scene_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this); this._localFileInfo = JsonEx.parse(UpdateUtils.getHashInfoJson()); this._remoteFileInfo = {}; this._updateFileList = []; this._updateFileIndex = 0; this._updateFileCount = 0; this._updateFile = {}; this._updateSuccess = false; this._deleteFileList = []; this._status = "completed"; // "working", "completed" this._job = ""; // "fetch remote file info", "compare file info", "delete file", "update file" this._nextJob = "fetched remote file info"; this._compareWorker = new Worker(SF_AutoUpdate.workerFileName); this._compareWorker.onmessage = this._onCompareWorkerMessage.bind(this); }; Scene_AutoUpdate.prototype.create = function () { Scene_Base.prototype.create.call(this); } Scene_AutoUpdate.prototype.start = function () { Scene_Base.prototype.start.call(this); } Scene_AutoUpdate.prototype.update = function () { Scene_Base.prototype.update.call(this); this.updateJob(); this.updateLoading(); } Scene_AutoUpdate.prototype.updateLoading = function () { console.log(this._job, this._status); } Scene_AutoUpdate.prototype.updateJob = function () { if (this._status === "working") { return; } if (this._nextJob === "") { SceneManager.pop(); } this._job = this._nextJob; this._status = "working"; switch (this._job) { case "fetched remote file info": this.fetchRemoteFileInfo(); this._nextJob = "compare file info"; break; case "compare file info": this.compareFileInfo(); this._nextJob = "delete file"; break; case "delete file": this.deleteFile(); this._nextJob = "update file"; break; case "update file": this.updateFile(); this._nextJob = "update completed"; break; case "update completed": this._status = "completed"; this._nextJob = ""; FileUtils.writeTextFile(SF_AutoUpdate.localFileInfoName, JsonEx.stringify(this._remoteFileInfo)); UpdateUtils.updateFileCompleted(this._updateSuccess); break; } } Scene_AutoUpdate.prototype.fetchRemoteFileInfo = function () { var success = (function () { this._remoteFileInfo = JsonEx.parse(FileUtils.readTextFile(SF_AutoUpdate.remoteFileInfoName)); this._status = "completed"; }).bind(this); var fail = (function () { this._status = "completed"; this._nextJob = ""; }).bind(this); UpdateUtils.downloadRelativeUrl( SF_AutoUpdate.remoteFileInfoName, SF_AutoUpdate.remoteFileInfoName, CallBack.registerOneTime(success), CallBack.registerOneTime(fail) ); } Scene_AutoUpdate.prototype.compareFileInfo = function () { this._compareWorker.postMessage({ "command": "compare", "local_file_info": this._localFileInfo, "remote_file_info": this._remoteFileInfo }); } Scene_AutoUpdate.prototype._onCompareWorkerMessage = function (e) { var result = e.data; if (result.command === 'delete') { this._deleteFileList = this._deleteFileList.concat(result.file_list); } else if (result.command === 'update') { this._updateFileList = this._updateFileList.concat(result.file_list); } else { this._status = "completed"; } } Scene_AutoUpdate.prototype.deleteFile = function () { UpdateUtils.startUpdateFiles(); this._deleteFileList.forEach(function (file_info) { FileUtils.delete(file_info.file_name) }); this._status = "completed"; } Scene_AutoUpdate.prototype.updateFile = function () { this._updateFileIndex = 0; this._updateFileCount = this._updateFileList.length; if (this._updateFileCount === 0) { this._status = "completed"; return; } this._updateFile = this._updateFileList[this._updateFileIndex]; this.updateFileNext(); } Scene_AutoUpdate.prototype.updateFileNext = function () { var success = (function () { this._updateFileIndex++; if (this._updateFileIndex >= this._updateFileCount) { this._status = "completed"; this._updateSuccess = true; } else { this._updateFile = this._updateFileList[this._updateFileIndex]; this.updateFileNext(); } }).bind(this); var fail = (function () { this._status = "completed"; this._nextJob = ""; this._updateSuccess = false; }).bind(this); var file = this._updateFile; if (file.is_dir) { success(); return; } if (!FileUtils.exists(FileUtils.getParent(file.file_name))) { FileUtils.mkdirs(FileUtils.getParent(file.file_name)); } UpdateUtils.downloadRelativeUrl( this._updateFileName, this._updateFileName, CallBack.registerOneTime(success), CallBack.registerOneTime(fail) ); } //============================================================================= // SceneManager //============================================================================= SF_AutoUpdate.SceneManager_initialize = SceneManager.initialize; SceneManager.initialize = function () { SF_AutoUpdate.SceneManager_initialize.call(this); this.addSceneBefore(Scene_AutoUpdate, Scene_Title); } })();