//============================================================================= // SaltedFish Plugins - Map Name Window // SF_MapNameWindow.js //============================================================================= "use strict"; var Imported = Imported || {}; Imported.SF_MapNameWindow = true; var SF_Plugins = SF_Plugins || {}; //============================================================================= /*: * @plugindesc v1.0 Adds a window to the map screen that displays the name of the map. * @author SaltedFish * * @param Map Name Window * * @param Map Name Window X * @desc The X position of the map name window. * @default 0 * @type text * @parent Map Name Window * * @param Map Name Window Y * @desc The Y position of the map name window. * @default 0 * @type text * @parent Map Name Window * * @param Map Name Window Width * @desc The width of the map name window. * @default Graphics.boxWidth * @type text * @parent Map Name Window * * @param Map Name Window Height * @desc The height of the map name window. * @default Graphics.boxHeight * @type text * @parent Map Name Window * * @param Map Name Window Font Size * @desc The font size of the map name window. * @default 28 * @type text * @parent Map Name Window * * @help * ============================================================================ * Introduction * ============================================================================ * * This plugin adds a window to the map screen that displays the name of the map. * */ //============================================================================= (function () { var SF_MapNameWindow = SF_MapNameWindow || {}; SF_Plugins.SF_MapNameWindow = SF_MapNameWindow; SF_MapNameWindow.version = 1.0; //============================================================================= // Parameters //============================================================================= SF_MapNameWindow.Parameters = PluginManager.parameters("SF_MapNameWindow"); SF_MapNameWindow.MapNameWindow_X = SF_MapNameWindow.Parameters["Map Name Window X"] || 0; SF_MapNameWindow.MapNameWindow_Y = SF_MapNameWindow.Parameters["Map Name Window Y"] || 0; SF_MapNameWindow.MapNameWindow_Width = SF_MapNameWindow.Parameters["Map Name Window Width"] || Graphics.boxWidth; SF_MapNameWindow.MapNameWindow_Height = SF_MapNameWindow.Parameters["Map Name Window Height"] || Graphics.boxHeight; SF_MapNameWindow.MapNameWindow_FontSize = SF_MapNameWindow.Parameters["Map Name Window Font Size"] || 28; SF_MapNameWindow.MapNameWindow_ShowOpacity = 180; SF_MapNameWindow.MapNameWindow_HideOpacity = 50; //============================================================================= // Winddow_SFMapName //============================================================================= /** * The window that displays the name of the map. * * this._mapNameBitmap: * The bitmap that displays the name of the map. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Empty Area(this.contentsWidth()) | Name of the map | Empty Area(this.contentsWidth()) * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function Window_SFMapName() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Window_SFMapName.prototype = Object.create(Window_Base.prototype); Window_SFMapName.prototype.constructor = Window_SFMapName; Window_SFMapName.prototype.initialize = function () { this._x = eval(SF_MapNameWindow.MapNameWindow_X); this._y = eval(SF_MapNameWindow.MapNameWindow_Y); this._width = eval(SF_MapNameWindow.MapNameWindow_Width); this._height = eval(SF_MapNameWindow.MapNameWindow_Height); this._fontSize = eval(SF_MapNameWindow.MapNameWindow_FontSize); this._mapName = ""; this._mapNameBitmap = null; this._mapNameScroll = false; this._mapNameOffset = 0; Window_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this, this._x, this._y, this._width, this._height); this.opacity = SF_MapNameWindow.MapNameWindow_ShowOpacity; }; Window_SFMapName.prototype.windowWidth = function () { return this._width; }; Window_SFMapName.prototype.windowHeight = function () { return this._height; }; Window_SFMapName.prototype.standardFontSize = function () { return this._fontSize; }; Window_SFMapName.prototype.lineHeight = function () { return this.standardFontSize() + 8; }; Window_SFMapName.prototype.standardPadding = function () { return 8; }; Window_SFMapName.prototype.refresh = function () { this.contents.clear(); if (this._mapNameScroll) { //this._windowContentsSprite.setFrame(this._mapNameOffset, 0, this.contentsWidth(), this.contentsHeight()); this.contents.blt( this._mapNameBitmap, this._mapNameOffset, 0, this.contentsWidth(), this.contentsHeight(), 0, 0 ); } else { //this.contents.setFrame(-this._mapNameOffset, 0, this.contentsWidth(), this.contentsHeight()); this.contents.blt( this._mapNameBitmap, this.contentsWidth(), 0, this._mapNameBitmap.width - this.contentsWidth() * 2, this._mapNameBitmap.height, this._mapNameOffset, 0 ); } }; Window_SFMapName.prototype.update = function () { Window_Base.prototype.update.call(this); if (this._mapNameScroll) { this._mapNameOffset += 1; if (this._mapNameOffset > this._mapNameBitmap.width - this.contentsWidth()) { this._mapNameOffset = 0; } this.refresh(); } this.updatePlayerTouched(); }; Window_SFMapName.prototype.setMapName = function (mapName) { this._mapName = mapName; var w = this.drawTextEx(this._mapName, 0, 0); if (w > this.contentsWidth()) { this._mapNameScroll = true; this._mapNameOffset = 0; //w = w + this.contentsWidth(); } else { this._mapNameScroll = false; this._mapNameOffset = (this.contentsWidth() - w) / 2; } this._mapNameBitmap = new Bitmap(w + this.contentsWidth() * 2, this.contentsHeight()); var tmp_bitmap = this.contents; this.contents = this._mapNameBitmap; this.drawTextEx(this._mapName, this.contentsWidth(), 0); this.contents = tmp_bitmap; this.refresh(); }; Window_SFMapName.prototype.isPlayerTouched = function () { var lx = $gamePlayer.screenX() - 40; var rx = $gamePlayer.screenX() + 40; var ty = $gamePlayer.screenY() - 80; var by = $gamePlayer.screenY() + 20; if (rx < this._x || by < this._y) return false; if (lx > this._x + this._width) return false; if (ty > this._y + this._height) return false; return true; }; Window_SFMapName.prototype.updatePlayerTouched = function () { if (this.isPlayerTouched()) { this.opacity = SF_MapNameWindow.MapNameWindow_HideOpacity; } else { this.opacity = SF_MapNameWindow.MapNameWindow_ShowOpacity; } }; //============================================================================= // Scene_Map //============================================================================= SF_MapNameWindow.Scene_Map_createAllWindows = Scene_Map.prototype.createAllWindows; Scene_Map.prototype.createAllWindows = function () { SF_MapNameWindow.Scene_Map_createAllWindows.call(this); if ($gameMap.displayName()) { this._sfmapNameWindow = new Window_SFMapName(); this._sfmapNameWindow.setMapName($gameMap.displayName()); this.addWindow(this._sfmapNameWindow); this._sfmapNameWindow.open(); this._sfmapNameWindow.deactivate(); } }; })();