//============================================================================= // Yanfly Engine Plugins - Event Chase Player // YEP_EventChasePlayer.js //============================================================================= var Imported = Imported || {}; Imported.YEP_EventChasePlayer = true; var Yanfly = Yanfly || {}; Yanfly.ECP = Yanfly.ECP || {}; Yanfly.ECP.version = 1.05; //============================================================================= /*: * @plugindesc v1.05 事件追逐☁️ * @author Yanfly Engine Plugins * * @param Sight Lock * @text 瞄准器 * @desc This is the number of frames for how long an event chases * the player if 'this._seePlayer = true' is used. * @default 300 * * @param See Player * @text 见玩家 * @desc Does the event have to be able to see the player by default? * NO - false YES - true * @default true * * @param Alert Timer * @text 警报计时器 * @desc This is the number of frames that must occur before the * alert balloon will show up on the same event. * @default 120 * * @param Alert Balloon * @text 警示气球 * @desc This is the default balloon used when the player is seen. * Refer to balloon ID's. * @default 1 * * @param Alert Sound * @text 警报声 * @desc This is the default sound played when the player is seen. * @default Attack1 * * @param Alert Common Event * @text 警报常见事件 * @desc The default common event played when the player is seen. * Use 0 if you do not wish to use a Common Event. * @default 0 * * @param Return After * @text 之后返回 * @desc After chasing/fleeing from a player, the event returns * to its original spot. NO - false YES - true * @default true * * @param Return Wait * @text 返回等待 * @desc The frames to wait after finishing a chase/flee. * @default 180 * * @help * ============================================================================ * Introduction * ============================================================================ * * 目前事件只拥有传统乏味的移动行为。他们站在一个地方,追寻你,远离你,随 * 机移动,或者在一个设定路径行走。这个插件让你的事件可以迅速切换靠近角色 * 和远离角色. * 在你靠近事件范围或者事件看到角色时,这个插件可以让你的事件追寻或者逃离 * 角色。 * * ============================================================================ * How to Use * ============================================================================ * * 把下面这些脚本语句插入事件移动路线里,让其生效。 * * Note: This doesn’t work with players.注意:这些对角色不生效。 * * Script Call lines * this._chaseRange = x 如果角色距离事件x,事件追逐角色。 * this._fleeRange = x 如果角色距离事件x,事件逃离角色。 * this._chaseSpeed = x 事件追逐速度 * this._fleeSpeed = x 事件逃离速度 * this._sightLock = x 事件追逐或者逃离角色时间 * this._seePlayer = true 需要事件能够看到角色 * this._seePlayer = false 不需要事件能够看到角色 * this._alertBalloon = x 当看到角色时弹出对白框 * this._alertSound = x 当看到角色时播放音乐 * this._alertSoundVol = x 当看到角色时播放音乐的音量 * this._alertSoundPitch = x The pitch used by the alert sound. * this._alertSoundPan = x The pan used by the alert sound. * this._alertCommonEvent = x 当看到角色时执行公共事件 * this._returnAfter = true Returns the event back to its original spot. * this._returnAfter = false Event stays where it is when finished chasing. * this._returnWait = x How long event waits after finishing chase/flee. * * 这个最适合用来自定义移动路线的速度。记住这个效果需要事件被设置为移动 * 这意味着载入地图时,如果事件没有被载入命令,这个事件永远不会追逐角色。 * * ============================================================================ * Changelog * ============================================================================ * * Version 1.05: * - Optimization update. * * Version 1.04: * - Fixed a bug with this._seePlayer causing them to see stealthed players. * * Version 1.03: * - Improved pathfinding for chasing events. They will get stuck less by walls * and/or events that may be blocking the event. * - Added random factor for fleeing events. Fleeing events won't simply just * run away 180 degrees away from the player. They will sometimes move in a * random direction. * * Version 1.02: * - Added 'Return After' parameter where events will return to their original * spot after chasing/fleeing from a player. * - Added 'Return Wait' parameter to determine how long an event will wait in * place before returning after a finished chase/flee. * - Added 'this._returnAfter' and 'this._returnWait' to the list of available * movement route script calls. * * Version 1.01: * - Added 'this._alertSoundPitch' 'this._alertSoundVol' 'this._alertSoundPan' * to the settings you can alter to adjust the alert sound. * * Version 1.00: * - Finished Plugin! */ //============================================================================= //============================================================================= // Parameter Variables //============================================================================= Yanfly.Parameters = PluginManager.parameters('YEP_EventChasePlayer'); Yanfly.Param = Yanfly.Param || {}; Yanfly.Param.ECPSightLock = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Sight Lock']); Yanfly.Param.ECPSeePlayer = String(Yanfly.Parameters['See Player']); Yanfly.Param.ECPSeePlayer = eval(Yanfly.Param.ECPSeePlayer); Yanfly.Param.ECPAlertTimer = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Alert Timer']); Yanfly.Param.ECPAlertBalloon = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Alert Balloon']); Yanfly.Param.ECPAlertSound = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Alert Sound']); Yanfly.Param.ECPAlertEvent = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Alert Common Event']); Yanfly.Param.ECPReturn = eval(String(Yanfly.Parameters['Return After'])); Yanfly.Param.ECPReturnWait = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Return Wait']); //============================================================================= // Main Code //============================================================================= Yanfly.ECP.Game_Event_setupPage = Game_Event.prototype.setupPage; Game_Event.prototype.setupPage = function() { Yanfly.ECP.Game_Event_setupPage.call(this); this.clearChaseSettings(); }; Game_Event.prototype.clearChaseSettings = function() { this._alertBalloon = Yanfly.Param.ECPAlertBalloon; this._alertCommonEvent = Yanfly.Param.ECPAlertEvent; this._alertLock = 0; this._alertPlayer = false; this._alertSound = Yanfly.Param.ECPAlertSound; this._alertSoundVol = 100; this._alertSoundPitch = 100; this._alertSoundPan = 0; this._alertTimer = 0; this._chasePlayer = false; this._chaseRange = 0; this._chaseSpeed = this._moveSpeed; this._defaultSpeed = this._moveSpeed; this._fleePlayer = false; this._fleeRange = 0; this._fleeSpeed = this._moveSpeed; this._seePlayer = Yanfly.Param.ECPSeePlayer; this._sightLock = Yanfly.Param.ECPSightLock; this._returnAfter = Yanfly.Param.ECPReturn; this._returnWait = Yanfly.Param.ECPReturnWait; this._returnPhase = false; this._returnFrames = 0; this._startLocationX = this.x; this._startLocationY = this.y; this._startLocationDir = this._direction; }; Yanfly.ECP.Game_Event_updateSelfMovement = Game_Event.prototype.updateSelfMovement; Game_Event.prototype.updateSelfMovement = function() { if (Imported.YEP_StopAllMove && $gameSystem.isEventMoveStopped()) return; this.updateChaseDistance(); this.updateFleeDistance(); this.updateChaseMovement(); }; Yanfly.ECP.Game_Event_update = Game_Event.prototype.update; Game_Event.prototype.update = function() { Yanfly.ECP.Game_Event_update.call(this); this.updateAlert(); this.updateReturnPhase(); }; Game_Event.prototype.canSeePlayer = function() { if (!this._seePlayer) return false; var sx = this.deltaXFrom($gamePlayer.x); var sy = this.deltaYFrom($gamePlayer.y); if (Math.abs(sx) > Math.abs(sy)) { var direction = (sx > 0) ? 4 : 6; } else { var direction = (sy > 0) ? 8 : 2; } if (direction === this.direction()) { this._alertLock = this._sightLock; return true; } return false; }; Game_Event.prototype.updateChaseDistance = function() { if (this._erased) return; if (this._chaseRange <= 0) return; var dis = Math.abs(this.deltaXFrom($gamePlayer.x)); dis += Math.abs(this.deltaYFrom($gamePlayer.y)); if (this.chaseConditions(dis)) { this.startEventChase(); } else if (this._chasePlayer) { this.endEventChase(); } }; Game_Event.prototype.chaseConditions = function(dis) { if (dis <= this._chaseRange && this.nonSeePlayer()) { this._alertLock = this._sightLock; return true; } if (this._alertLock > 0) return true; if (dis <= this._chaseRange && this.canSeePlayer()) return true; return false; }; Game_Event.prototype.nonSeePlayer = function() { if (Imported.YEP_X_EventChaseStealth) { if (this.meetStealthModeConditions()) { this.stealthClearChaseSettings(); this._stopCount = 0; return false; } } return !this._seePlayer; }; Game_Event.prototype.startEventChase = function() { this._chasePlayer = true; this.setMoveSpeed(this._chaseSpeed); }; Game_Event.prototype.endEventChase = function() { this._chasePlayer = false; this.setMoveSpeed(this._defaultSpeed); if (this._alertTimer <= 0) this._alertPlayer = false; this.startReturnPhase(); }; Game_Event.prototype.updateFleeDistance = function() { if (this._erased) return; if (this._fleeRange <= 0) return; var dis = Math.abs(this.deltaXFrom($gamePlayer.x)); dis += Math.abs(this.deltaYFrom($gamePlayer.y)); if (this.fleeConditions(dis)) { this.startEventFlee(); } else if (this._fleePlayer) { this.endEventFlee(); } }; Game_Event.prototype.fleeConditions = function(dis) { if (this._alertLock > 0) return true; if (dis <= this._fleeRange && this.canSeePlayer()) return true; if (dis <= this._fleeRange && !this._seePlayer) { this._alertLock = this._sightLock; return true; } return false; }; Game_Event.prototype.startEventFlee = function() { this._fleePlayer = true; this.setMoveSpeed(this._fleeSpeed); }; Game_Event.prototype.endEventFlee = function() { this._fleePlayer = false; this.setMoveSpeed(this._defaultSpeed); if (this._alertTimer <= 0) this._alertPlayer = false; this.startReturnPhase(); }; Game_Event.prototype.updateChaseMovement = function() { if (this._stopCount > 0 && this._chasePlayer) { var direction = this.findDirectionTo($gamePlayer.x, $gamePlayer.y); if (direction > 0) this.moveStraight(direction); } else if (this._stopCount > 0 && this._fleePlayer) { this.updateFleeMovement(); } else if (this._returnPhase) { this.updateMoveReturnAfter(); } else { Yanfly.ECP.Game_Event_updateSelfMovement.call(this); } }; Game_Event.prototype.updateFleeMovement = function() { switch (Math.randomInt(6)) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: this.moveAwayFromPlayer(); break; case 5: this.moveRandom(); break; } }; Game_Event.prototype.updateAlert = function() { if (this._erased) return; this._alertLock--; if (this.alertConditions()) this.activateAlert(); if (this._alertPlayer) this._alertTimer--; }; Game_Event.prototype.alertConditions = function() { return (this._chasePlayer || this._fleePlayer) && !this._alertPlayer; }; Game_Event.prototype.activateAlert = function() { if (this._alertBalloon >= 0) this.requestBalloon(this._alertBalloon); this._alertPlayer = true; this._alertTimer = Yanfly.Param.ECPAlertTimer; this.playAlertSound(); this.playAlertCommonEvent(); }; Game_Event.prototype.playAlertSound = function() { if (this._alertSound === '') return; var sound = { name: this._alertSound, volume: this._alertSoundVol, pitch: this._alertSoundPitch, pan: this._alertSoundPan }; AudioManager.playSe(sound); }; Game_Event.prototype.playAlertCommonEvent = function() { if (this._alertCommonEvent <= 0) return; $gameTemp.reserveCommonEvent(this._alertCommonEvent); }; Game_Event.prototype.startReturnPhase = function() { if (!this._returnAfter) return; this._returnPhase = true; this._returnFrames = this._returnWait; }; Game_Event.prototype.updateReturnPhase = function() { if (this._returnPhase) this._returnFrames--; }; Game_Event.prototype.updateMoveReturnAfter = function() { if (this._returnFrames > 0) return; var sx = this.deltaXFrom(this._startLocationX); var sy = this.deltaYFrom(this._startLocationY); if (Math.abs(sx) > Math.abs(sy)) { if (Math.randomInt(6) <= 4) { this.moveStraight(sx > 0 ? 4 : 6); if (!this.isMovementSucceeded() && sy !== 0) { this.moveStraight(sy > 0 ? 8 : 2); } } else { this.moveRandom(); } } else if (sy !== 0) { if (Math.randomInt(6) <= 4) { this.moveStraight(sy > 0 ? 8 : 2); if (!this.isMovementSucceeded() && sx !== 0) { this.moveStraight(sx > 0 ? 4 : 6); } } else { this.moveRandom(); } } if (sx === 0 && sy === 0) { this._returnPhase = false; this._returnFrames = 0; this._direction = this._startLocationDir; } }; //============================================================================= // End of File //=============================================================================