//============================================================================= // rpg_sprites.js v1.6.2 //============================================================================= //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_Base // // The sprite class with a feature which displays animations. function Sprite_Base() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_Base.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype); Sprite_Base.prototype.constructor = Sprite_Base; Sprite_Base.prototype.initialize = function () { Sprite.prototype.initialize.call(this); this._animationSprites = []; this._effectTarget = this; this._hiding = false; }; Sprite_Base.prototype.update = function () { Sprite.prototype.update.call(this); this.updateVisibility(); this.updateAnimationSprites(); }; Sprite_Base.prototype.hide = function () { this._hiding = true; this.updateVisibility(); }; Sprite_Base.prototype.show = function () { this._hiding = false; this.updateVisibility(); }; Sprite_Base.prototype.updateVisibility = function () { this.visible = !this._hiding; }; Sprite_Base.prototype.updateAnimationSprites = function () { if (this._animationSprites.length > 0) { var sprites = this._animationSprites.clone(); this._animationSprites = []; for (var i = 0; i < sprites.length; i++) { var sprite = sprites[i]; if (sprite.isPlaying()) { this._animationSprites.push(sprite); } else { sprite.remove(); } } } }; Sprite_Base.prototype.startAnimation = function (animation, mirror, delay) { var sprite = new Sprite_Animation(); sprite.setup(this._effectTarget, animation, mirror, delay); this.parent.addChild(sprite); this._animationSprites.push(sprite); }; Sprite_Base.prototype.isAnimationPlaying = function () { return this._animationSprites.length > 0; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_Button // // The sprite for displaying a button. function Sprite_Button() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_Button.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype); Sprite_Button.prototype.constructor = Sprite_Button; Sprite_Button.prototype.initialize = function () { Sprite.prototype.initialize.call(this); this._touching = false; this._coldFrame = null; this._hotFrame = null; this._clickHandler = null; }; Sprite_Button.prototype.update = function () { Sprite.prototype.update.call(this); this.updateFrame(); this.processTouch(); }; Sprite_Button.prototype.updateFrame = function () { var frame; if (this._touching) { frame = this._hotFrame; } else { frame = this._coldFrame; } if (frame) { this.setFrame(frame.x, frame.y, frame.width, frame.height); } }; Sprite_Button.prototype.setColdFrame = function (x, y, width, height) { this._coldFrame = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height); }; Sprite_Button.prototype.setHotFrame = function (x, y, width, height) { this._hotFrame = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height); }; Sprite_Button.prototype.setClickHandler = function (method) { this._clickHandler = method; }; Sprite_Button.prototype.callClickHandler = function () { if (this._clickHandler) { this._clickHandler(); } }; Sprite_Button.prototype.processTouch = function () { if (this.isActive()) { if (TouchInput.isTriggered() && this.isButtonTouched()) { this._touching = true; } if (this._touching) { if (TouchInput.isReleased() || !this.isButtonTouched()) { this._touching = false; if (TouchInput.isReleased()) { this.callClickHandler(); } } } } else { this._touching = false; } }; Sprite_Button.prototype.isActive = function () { var node = this; while (node) { if (!node.visible) { return false; } node = node.parent; } return true; }; Sprite_Button.prototype.isButtonTouched = function () { var x = this.canvasToLocalX(TouchInput.x); var y = this.canvasToLocalY(TouchInput.y); return x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < this.width && y < this.height; }; Sprite_Button.prototype.canvasToLocalX = function (x) { var node = this; while (node) { x -= node.x; node = node.parent; } return x; }; Sprite_Button.prototype.canvasToLocalY = function (y) { var node = this; while (node) { y -= node.y; node = node.parent; } return y; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_Character // // The sprite for displaying a character. function Sprite_Character() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_Character.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_Base.prototype); Sprite_Character.prototype.constructor = Sprite_Character; Sprite_Character.prototype.initialize = function (character) { Sprite_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.initMembers(); this.setCharacter(character); }; Sprite_Character.prototype.initMembers = function () { this.anchor.x = 0.5; this.anchor.y = 1; this._character = null; this._balloonDuration = 0; this._tilesetId = 0; this._upperBody = null; this._lowerBody = null; }; Sprite_Character.prototype.setCharacter = function (character) { this._character = character; }; Sprite_Character.prototype.update = function () { Sprite_Base.prototype.update.call(this); this.updateBitmap(); this.updateFrame(); this.updatePosition(); this.updateAnimation(); this.updateBalloon(); this.updateOther(); }; Sprite_Character.prototype.updateVisibility = function () { Sprite_Base.prototype.updateVisibility.call(this); if (this._character.isTransparent()) { this.visible = false; } }; Sprite_Character.prototype.isTile = function () { return this._character.tileId > 0; }; Sprite_Character.prototype.tilesetBitmap = function (tileId) { var tileset = $gameMap.tileset(); var setNumber = 5 + Math.floor(tileId / 256); return ImageManager.loadTileset(tileset.tilesetNames[setNumber]); }; Sprite_Character.prototype.updateBitmap = function () { if (this.isImageChanged()) { this._tilesetId = $gameMap.tilesetId(); this._tileId = this._character.tileId(); this._characterName = this._character.characterName(); this._characterIndex = this._character.characterIndex(); if (this._tileId > 0) { this.setTileBitmap(); } else { this.setCharacterBitmap(); } } }; Sprite_Character.prototype.isImageChanged = function () { return ( this._tilesetId !== $gameMap.tilesetId() || this._tileId !== this._character.tileId() || this._characterName !== this._character.characterName() || this._characterIndex !== this._character.characterIndex() ); }; Sprite_Character.prototype.setTileBitmap = function () { this.bitmap = this.tilesetBitmap(this._tileId); }; Sprite_Character.prototype.setCharacterBitmap = function () { this.bitmap = ImageManager.loadCharacter(this._characterName); this._isBigCharacter = ImageManager.isBigCharacter(this._characterName); }; Sprite_Character.prototype.updateFrame = function () { if (this._tileId > 0) { this.updateTileFrame(); } else { this.updateCharacterFrame(); } }; Sprite_Character.prototype.updateTileFrame = function () { var pw = this.patternWidth(); var ph = this.patternHeight(); var sx = ((Math.floor(this._tileId / 128) % 2) * 8 + (this._tileId % 8)) * pw; var sy = (Math.floor((this._tileId % 256) / 8) % 16) * ph; this.setFrame(sx, sy, pw, ph); }; Sprite_Character.prototype.updateCharacterFrame = function () { var pw = this.patternWidth(); var ph = this.patternHeight(); var sx = (this.characterBlockX() + this.characterPatternX()) * pw; var sy = (this.characterBlockY() + this.characterPatternY()) * ph; this.updateHalfBodySprites(); if (this._bushDepth > 0) { var d = this._bushDepth; this._upperBody.setFrame(sx, sy, pw, ph - d); this._lowerBody.setFrame(sx, sy + ph - d, pw, d); this.setFrame(sx, sy, 0, ph); } else { this.setFrame(sx, sy, pw, ph); } }; Sprite_Character.prototype.characterBlockX = function () { if (this._isBigCharacter) { return 0; } else { var index = this._character.characterIndex(); return (index % 4) * 3; } }; Sprite_Character.prototype.characterBlockY = function () { if (this._isBigCharacter) { return 0; } else { var index = this._character.characterIndex(); return Math.floor(index / 4) * 4; } }; Sprite_Character.prototype.characterPatternX = function () { return this._character.pattern(); }; Sprite_Character.prototype.characterPatternY = function () { return (this._character.direction() - 2) / 2; }; Sprite_Character.prototype.patternWidth = function () { if (this._tileId > 0) { return $gameMap.tileWidth(); } else if (this._isBigCharacter) { return this.bitmap.width / 3; } else { return this.bitmap.width / 12; } }; Sprite_Character.prototype.patternHeight = function () { if (this._tileId > 0) { return $gameMap.tileHeight(); } else if (this._isBigCharacter) { return this.bitmap.height / 4; } else { return this.bitmap.height / 8; } }; Sprite_Character.prototype.updateHalfBodySprites = function () { if (this._bushDepth > 0) { this.createHalfBodySprites(); this._upperBody.bitmap = this.bitmap; this._upperBody.visible = true; this._upperBody.y = -this._bushDepth; this._lowerBody.bitmap = this.bitmap; this._lowerBody.visible = true; this._upperBody.setBlendColor(this.getBlendColor()); this._lowerBody.setBlendColor(this.getBlendColor()); this._upperBody.setColorTone(this.getColorTone()); this._lowerBody.setColorTone(this.getColorTone()); } else if (this._upperBody) { this._upperBody.visible = false; this._lowerBody.visible = false; } }; Sprite_Character.prototype.createHalfBodySprites = function () { if (!this._upperBody) { this._upperBody = new Sprite(); this._upperBody.anchor.x = 0.5; this._upperBody.anchor.y = 1; this.addChild(this._upperBody); } if (!this._lowerBody) { this._lowerBody = new Sprite(); this._lowerBody.anchor.x = 0.5; this._lowerBody.anchor.y = 1; this._lowerBody.opacity = 128; this.addChild(this._lowerBody); } }; Sprite_Character.prototype.updatePosition = function () { this.x = this._character.screenX(); this.y = this._character.screenY(); this.z = this._character.screenZ(); }; Sprite_Character.prototype.updateAnimation = function () { this.setupAnimation(); if (!this.isAnimationPlaying()) { this._character.endAnimation(); } if (!this.isBalloonPlaying()) { this._character.endBalloon(); } }; Sprite_Character.prototype.updateOther = function () { this.opacity = this._character.opacity(); this.blendMode = this._character.blendMode(); this._bushDepth = this._character.bushDepth(); }; Sprite_Character.prototype.setupAnimation = function () { if (this._character.animationId() > 0) { var animation = $dataAnimations[this._character.animationId()]; this.startAnimation(animation, false, 0); this._character.startAnimation(); } }; Sprite_Character.prototype.setupBalloon = function () { if (this._character.balloonId() > 0) { this.startBalloon(); this._character.startBalloon(); } }; Sprite_Character.prototype.startBalloon = function () { if (!this._balloonSprite) { this._balloonSprite = new Sprite_Balloon(); } this._balloonSprite.setup(this._character.balloonId()); this.parent.addChild(this._balloonSprite); }; Sprite_Character.prototype.updateBalloon = function () { this.setupBalloon(); if (this._balloonSprite) { this._balloonSprite.x = this.x; this._balloonSprite.y = this.y - this.height; if (!this._balloonSprite.isPlaying()) { this.endBalloon(); } } }; Sprite_Character.prototype.endBalloon = function () { if (this._balloonSprite) { this.parent.removeChild(this._balloonSprite); this._balloonSprite = null; } }; Sprite_Character.prototype.isBalloonPlaying = function () { return !!this._balloonSprite; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_Battler // // The superclass of Sprite_Actor and Sprite_Enemy. function Sprite_Battler() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_Battler.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_Base.prototype); Sprite_Battler.prototype.constructor = Sprite_Battler; Sprite_Battler.prototype.initialize = function (battler) { Sprite_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.initMembers(); this.setBattler(battler); }; Sprite_Battler.prototype.initMembers = function () { this.anchor.x = 0.5; this.anchor.y = 1; this._battler = null; this._damages = []; this._homeX = 0; this._homeY = 0; this._offsetX = 0; this._offsetY = 0; this._targetOffsetX = NaN; this._targetOffsetY = NaN; this._movementDuration = 0; this._selectionEffectCount = 0; }; Sprite_Battler.prototype.setBattler = function (battler) { this._battler = battler; }; Sprite_Battler.prototype.setHome = function (x, y) { this._homeX = x; this._homeY = y; this.updatePosition(); }; Sprite_Battler.prototype.update = function () { Sprite_Base.prototype.update.call(this); if (this._battler) { this.updateMain(); this.updateAnimation(); this.updateDamagePopup(); this.updateSelectionEffect(); } else { this.bitmap = null; } }; Sprite_Battler.prototype.updateVisibility = function () { Sprite_Base.prototype.updateVisibility.call(this); if (!this._battler || !this._battler.isSpriteVisible()) { this.visible = false; } }; Sprite_Battler.prototype.updateMain = function () { if (this._battler.isSpriteVisible()) { this.updateBitmap(); this.updateFrame(); } this.updateMove(); this.updatePosition(); }; Sprite_Battler.prototype.updateBitmap = function () {}; Sprite_Battler.prototype.updateFrame = function () {}; Sprite_Battler.prototype.updateMove = function () { if (this._movementDuration > 0) { var d = this._movementDuration; this._offsetX = (this._offsetX * (d - 1) + this._targetOffsetX) / d; this._offsetY = (this._offsetY * (d - 1) + this._targetOffsetY) / d; this._movementDuration--; if (this._movementDuration === 0) { this.onMoveEnd(); } } }; Sprite_Battler.prototype.updatePosition = function () { this.x = this._homeX + this._offsetX; this.y = this._homeY + this._offsetY; }; Sprite_Battler.prototype.updateAnimation = function () { this.setupAnimation(); }; Sprite_Battler.prototype.updateDamagePopup = function () { this.setupDamagePopup(); if (this._damages.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < this._damages.length; i++) { this._damages[i].update(); } if (!this._damages[0].isPlaying()) { this.parent.removeChild(this._damages[0]); this._damages.shift(); } } }; Sprite_Battler.prototype.updateSelectionEffect = function () { var target = this._effectTarget; if (this._battler.isSelected()) { this._selectionEffectCount++; if (this._selectionEffectCount % 30 < 15) { target.setBlendColor([255, 255, 255, 64]); } else { target.setBlendColor([0, 0, 0, 0]); } } else if (this._selectionEffectCount > 0) { this._selectionEffectCount = 0; target.setBlendColor([0, 0, 0, 0]); } }; Sprite_Battler.prototype.setupAnimation = function () { while (this._battler.isAnimationRequested()) { var data = this._battler.shiftAnimation(); var animation = $dataAnimations[data.animationId]; var mirror = data.mirror; var delay = animation.position === 3 ? 0 : data.delay; this.startAnimation(animation, mirror, delay); for (var i = 0; i < this._animationSprites.length; i++) { var sprite = this._animationSprites[i]; sprite.visible = this._battler.isSpriteVisible(); } } }; Sprite_Battler.prototype.setupDamagePopup = function () { if (this._battler.isDamagePopupRequested()) { if (this._battler.isSpriteVisible()) { var sprite = new Sprite_Damage(); sprite.x = this.x + this.damageOffsetX(); sprite.y = this.y + this.damageOffsetY(); sprite.setup(this._battler); this._damages.push(sprite); this.parent.addChild(sprite); } this._battler.clearDamagePopup(); this._battler.clearResult(); } }; Sprite_Battler.prototype.damageOffsetX = function () { return 0; }; Sprite_Battler.prototype.damageOffsetY = function () { return 0; }; Sprite_Battler.prototype.startMove = function (x, y, duration) { if (this._targetOffsetX !== x || this._targetOffsetY !== y) { this._targetOffsetX = x; this._targetOffsetY = y; this._movementDuration = duration; if (duration === 0) { this._offsetX = x; this._offsetY = y; } } }; Sprite_Battler.prototype.onMoveEnd = function () {}; Sprite_Battler.prototype.isEffecting = function () { return false; }; Sprite_Battler.prototype.isMoving = function () { return this._movementDuration > 0; }; Sprite_Battler.prototype.inHomePosition = function () { return this._offsetX === 0 && this._offsetY === 0; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_Actor // // The sprite for displaying an actor. function Sprite_Actor() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_Actor.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_Battler.prototype); Sprite_Actor.prototype.constructor = Sprite_Actor; Sprite_Actor.MOTIONS = { walk: { index: 0, loop: true }, wait: { index: 1, loop: true }, chant: { index: 2, loop: true }, guard: { index: 3, loop: true }, damage: { index: 4, loop: false }, evade: { index: 5, loop: false }, thrust: { index: 6, loop: false }, swing: { index: 7, loop: false }, missile: { index: 8, loop: false }, skill: { index: 9, loop: false }, spell: { index: 10, loop: false }, item: { index: 11, loop: false }, escape: { index: 12, loop: true }, victory: { index: 13, loop: true }, dying: { index: 14, loop: true }, abnormal: { index: 15, loop: true }, sleep: { index: 16, loop: true }, dead: { index: 17, loop: true }, }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.initialize = function (battler) { Sprite_Battler.prototype.initialize.call(this, battler); this.moveToStartPosition(); }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.initMembers = function () { Sprite_Battler.prototype.initMembers.call(this); this._battlerName = ""; this._motion = null; this._motionCount = 0; this._pattern = 0; this.createShadowSprite(); this.createWeaponSprite(); this.createMainSprite(); this.createStateSprite(); }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.createMainSprite = function () { this._mainSprite = new Sprite_Base(); this._mainSprite.anchor.x = 0.5; this._mainSprite.anchor.y = 1; this.addChild(this._mainSprite); this._effectTarget = this._mainSprite; }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.createShadowSprite = function () { this._shadowSprite = new Sprite(); this._shadowSprite.bitmap = ImageManager.loadSystem("Shadow2"); this._shadowSprite.anchor.x = 0.5; this._shadowSprite.anchor.y = 0.5; this._shadowSprite.y = -2; this.addChild(this._shadowSprite); }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.createWeaponSprite = function () { this._weaponSprite = new Sprite_Weapon(); this.addChild(this._weaponSprite); }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.createStateSprite = function () { this._stateSprite = new Sprite_StateOverlay(); this.addChild(this._stateSprite); }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.setBattler = function (battler) { Sprite_Battler.prototype.setBattler.call(this, battler); var changed = battler !== this._actor; if (changed) { this._actor = battler; if (battler) { this.setActorHome(battler.index()); } this.startEntryMotion(); this._stateSprite.setup(battler); } }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.moveToStartPosition = function () { this.startMove(300, 0, 0); }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.setActorHome = function (index) { this.setHome(600 + index * 32, 280 + index * 48); }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.update = function () { Sprite_Battler.prototype.update.call(this); this.updateShadow(); if (this._actor) { this.updateMotion(); } }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.updateShadow = function () { this._shadowSprite.visible = !!this._actor; }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.updateMain = function () { Sprite_Battler.prototype.updateMain.call(this); if (this._actor.isSpriteVisible() && !this.isMoving()) { this.updateTargetPosition(); } }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.setupMotion = function () { if (this._actor.isMotionRequested()) { this.startMotion(this._actor.motionType()); this._actor.clearMotion(); } }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.setupWeaponAnimation = function () { if (this._actor.isWeaponAnimationRequested()) { this._weaponSprite.setup(this._actor.weaponImageId()); this._actor.clearWeaponAnimation(); } }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.startMotion = function (motionType) { var newMotion = Sprite_Actor.MOTIONS[motionType]; if (this._motion !== newMotion) { this._motion = newMotion; this._motionCount = 0; this._pattern = 0; } }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.updateTargetPosition = function () { if (this._actor.isInputting() || this._actor.isActing()) { this.stepForward(); } else if (this._actor.canMove() && BattleManager.isEscaped()) { this.retreat(); } else if (!this.inHomePosition()) { this.stepBack(); } }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.updateBitmap = function () { Sprite_Battler.prototype.updateBitmap.call(this); var name = this._actor.battlerName(); if (this._battlerName !== name) { this._battlerName = name; this._mainSprite.bitmap = ImageManager.loadSvActor(name); } }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.updateFrame = function () { Sprite_Battler.prototype.updateFrame.call(this); var bitmap = this._mainSprite.bitmap; if (bitmap) { var motionIndex = this._motion ? this._motion.index : 0; var pattern = this._pattern < 3 ? this._pattern : 1; var cw = bitmap.width / 9; var ch = bitmap.height / 6; var cx = Math.floor(motionIndex / 6) * 3 + pattern; var cy = motionIndex % 6; this._mainSprite.setFrame(cx * cw, cy * ch, cw, ch); } }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.updateMove = function () { var bitmap = this._mainSprite.bitmap; if (!bitmap || bitmap.isReady()) { Sprite_Battler.prototype.updateMove.call(this); } }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.updateMotion = function () { this.setupMotion(); this.setupWeaponAnimation(); if (this._actor.isMotionRefreshRequested()) { this.refreshMotion(); this._actor.clearMotion(); } this.updateMotionCount(); }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.updateMotionCount = function () { if (this._motion && ++this._motionCount >= this.motionSpeed()) { if (this._motion.loop) { this._pattern = (this._pattern + 1) % 4; } else if (this._pattern < 2) { this._pattern++; } else { this.refreshMotion(); } this._motionCount = 0; } }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.motionSpeed = function () { return 12; }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.refreshMotion = function () { var actor = this._actor; var motionGuard = Sprite_Actor.MOTIONS["guard"]; if (actor) { if (this._motion === motionGuard && !BattleManager.isInputting()) { return; } var stateMotion = actor.stateMotionIndex(); if (actor.isInputting() || actor.isActing()) { this.startMotion("walk"); } else if (stateMotion === 3) { this.startMotion("dead"); } else if (stateMotion === 2) { this.startMotion("sleep"); } else if (actor.isChanting()) { this.startMotion("chant"); } else if (actor.isGuard() || actor.isGuardWaiting()) { this.startMotion("guard"); } else if (stateMotion === 1) { this.startMotion("abnormal"); } else if (actor.isDying()) { this.startMotion("dying"); } else if (actor.isUndecided()) { this.startMotion("walk"); } else { this.startMotion("wait"); } } }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.startEntryMotion = function () { if (this._actor && this._actor.canMove()) { this.startMotion("walk"); this.startMove(0, 0, 30); } else if (!this.isMoving()) { this.refreshMotion(); this.startMove(0, 0, 0); } }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.stepForward = function () { this.startMove(-48, 0, 12); }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.stepBack = function () { this.startMove(0, 0, 12); }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.retreat = function () { this.startMove(300, 0, 30); }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.onMoveEnd = function () { Sprite_Battler.prototype.onMoveEnd.call(this); if (!BattleManager.isBattleEnd()) { this.refreshMotion(); } }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.damageOffsetX = function () { return -32; }; Sprite_Actor.prototype.damageOffsetY = function () { return 0; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_Enemy // // The sprite for displaying an enemy. function Sprite_Enemy() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_Enemy.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_Battler.prototype); Sprite_Enemy.prototype.constructor = Sprite_Enemy; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.initialize = function (battler) { Sprite_Battler.prototype.initialize.call(this, battler); }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.initMembers = function () { Sprite_Battler.prototype.initMembers.call(this); this._enemy = null; this._appeared = false; this._battlerName = ""; this._battlerHue = 0; this._effectType = null; this._effectDuration = 0; this._shake = 0; this.createStateIconSprite(); }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.createStateIconSprite = function () { this._stateIconSprite = new Sprite_StateIcon(); this.addChild(this._stateIconSprite); }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.setBattler = function (battler) { Sprite_Battler.prototype.setBattler.call(this, battler); this._enemy = battler; this.setHome(battler.screenX(), battler.screenY()); this._stateIconSprite.setup(battler); }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.update = function () { Sprite_Battler.prototype.update.call(this); if (this._enemy) { this.updateEffect(); this.updateStateSprite(); } }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.updateBitmap = function () { Sprite_Battler.prototype.updateBitmap.call(this); var name = this._enemy.battlerName(); var hue = this._enemy.battlerHue(); if (this._battlerName !== name || this._battlerHue !== hue) { this._battlerName = name; this._battlerHue = hue; this.loadBitmap(name, hue); this.initVisibility(); } }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.loadBitmap = function (name, hue) { if ($gameSystem.isSideView()) { this.bitmap = ImageManager.loadSvEnemy(name, hue); } else { this.bitmap = ImageManager.loadEnemy(name, hue); } }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.updateFrame = function () { Sprite_Battler.prototype.updateFrame.call(this); var frameHeight = this.bitmap.height; if (this._effectType === "bossCollapse") { frameHeight = this._effectDuration; } this.setFrame(0, 0, this.bitmap.width, frameHeight); }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.updatePosition = function () { Sprite_Battler.prototype.updatePosition.call(this); this.x += this._shake; }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.updateStateSprite = function () { this._stateIconSprite.y = -Math.round((this.bitmap.height + 40) * 0.9); if (this._stateIconSprite.y < 20 - this.y) { this._stateIconSprite.y = 20 - this.y; } }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.initVisibility = function () { this._appeared = this._enemy.isAlive(); if (!this._appeared) { this.opacity = 0; } }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.setupEffect = function () { if (this._appeared && this._enemy.isEffectRequested()) { this.startEffect(this._enemy.effectType()); this._enemy.clearEffect(); } if (!this._appeared && this._enemy.isAlive()) { this.startEffect("appear"); } else if (this._appeared && this._enemy.isHidden()) { this.startEffect("disappear"); } }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.startEffect = function (effectType) { this._effectType = effectType; switch (this._effectType) { case "appear": this.startAppear(); break; case "disappear": this.startDisappear(); break; case "whiten": this.startWhiten(); break; case "blink": this.startBlink(); break; case "collapse": this.startCollapse(); break; case "bossCollapse": this.startBossCollapse(); break; case "instantCollapse": this.startInstantCollapse(); break; } this.revertToNormal(); }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.startAppear = function () { this._effectDuration = 16; this._appeared = true; }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.startDisappear = function () { this._effectDuration = 32; this._appeared = false; }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.startWhiten = function () { this._effectDuration = 16; }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.startBlink = function () { this._effectDuration = 20; }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.startCollapse = function () { this._effectDuration = 32; this._appeared = false; }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.startBossCollapse = function () { this._effectDuration = this.bitmap.height; this._appeared = false; }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.startInstantCollapse = function () { this._effectDuration = 16; this._appeared = false; }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.updateEffect = function () { this.setupEffect(); if (this._effectDuration > 0) { this._effectDuration--; switch (this._effectType) { case "whiten": this.updateWhiten(); break; case "blink": this.updateBlink(); break; case "appear": this.updateAppear(); break; case "disappear": this.updateDisappear(); break; case "collapse": this.updateCollapse(); break; case "bossCollapse": this.updateBossCollapse(); break; case "instantCollapse": this.updateInstantCollapse(); break; } if (this._effectDuration === 0) { this._effectType = null; } } }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.isEffecting = function () { return this._effectType !== null; }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.revertToNormal = function () { this._shake = 0; this.blendMode = 0; this.opacity = 255; this.setBlendColor([0, 0, 0, 0]); }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.updateWhiten = function () { var alpha = 128 - (16 - this._effectDuration) * 10; this.setBlendColor([255, 255, 255, alpha]); }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.updateBlink = function () { this.opacity = this._effectDuration % 10 < 5 ? 255 : 0; }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.updateAppear = function () { this.opacity = (16 - this._effectDuration) * 16; }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.updateDisappear = function () { this.opacity = 256 - (32 - this._effectDuration) * 10; }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.updateCollapse = function () { this.blendMode = Graphics.BLEND_ADD; this.setBlendColor([255, 128, 128, 128]); this.opacity *= this._effectDuration / (this._effectDuration + 1); }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.updateBossCollapse = function () { this._shake = (this._effectDuration % 2) * 4 - 2; this.blendMode = Graphics.BLEND_ADD; this.opacity *= this._effectDuration / (this._effectDuration + 1); this.setBlendColor([255, 255, 255, 255 - this.opacity]); if (this._effectDuration % 20 === 19) { SoundManager.playBossCollapse2(); } }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.updateInstantCollapse = function () { this.opacity = 0; }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.damageOffsetX = function () { return 0; }; Sprite_Enemy.prototype.damageOffsetY = function () { return -8; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_Animation // // The sprite for displaying an animation. function Sprite_Animation() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_Animation.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype); Sprite_Animation.prototype.constructor = Sprite_Animation; Sprite_Animation._checker1 = {}; Sprite_Animation._checker2 = {}; Sprite_Animation.prototype.initialize = function () { Sprite.prototype.initialize.call(this); this._reduceArtifacts = true; this.initMembers(); }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.initMembers = function () { this._target = null; this._animation = null; this._mirror = false; this._delay = 0; this._rate = 4; this._duration = 0; this._flashColor = [0, 0, 0, 0]; this._flashDuration = 0; this._screenFlashDuration = 0; this._hidingDuration = 0; this._bitmap1 = null; this._bitmap2 = null; this._cellSprites = []; this._screenFlashSprite = null; this._duplicated = false; this.z = 8; }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.setup = function (target, animation, mirror, delay) { this._target = target; this._animation = animation; this._mirror = mirror; this._delay = delay; if (this._animation) { this.remove(); this.setupRate(); this.setupDuration(); this.loadBitmaps(); this.createSprites(); } }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.remove = function () { if (this.parent && this.parent.removeChild(this)) { this._target.setBlendColor([0, 0, 0, 0]); this._target.show(); } }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.setupRate = function () { this._rate = 4; }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.setupDuration = function () { this._duration = this._animation.frames.length * this._rate + 1; }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.update = function () { Sprite.prototype.update.call(this); this.updateMain(); this.updateFlash(); this.updateScreenFlash(); this.updateHiding(); Sprite_Animation._checker1 = {}; Sprite_Animation._checker2 = {}; }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.updateFlash = function () { if (this._flashDuration > 0) { var d = this._flashDuration--; this._flashColor[3] *= (d - 1) / d; this._target.setBlendColor(this._flashColor); } }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.updateScreenFlash = function () { if (this._screenFlashDuration > 0) { var d = this._screenFlashDuration--; if (this._screenFlashSprite) { this._screenFlashSprite.x = -this.absoluteX(); this._screenFlashSprite.y = -this.absoluteY(); this._screenFlashSprite.opacity *= (d - 1) / d; this._screenFlashSprite.visible = this._screenFlashDuration > 0; } } }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.absoluteX = function () { var x = 0; var object = this; while (object) { x += object.x; object = object.parent; } return x; }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.absoluteY = function () { var y = 0; var object = this; while (object) { y += object.y; object = object.parent; } return y; }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.updateHiding = function () { if (this._hidingDuration > 0) { this._hidingDuration--; if (this._hidingDuration === 0) { this._target.show(); } } }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.isPlaying = function () { return this._duration > 0; }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.loadBitmaps = function () { var name1 = this._animation.animation1Name; var name2 = this._animation.animation2Name; var hue1 = this._animation.animation1Hue; var hue2 = this._animation.animation2Hue; this._bitmap1 = ImageManager.loadAnimation(name1, hue1); this._bitmap2 = ImageManager.loadAnimation(name2, hue2); }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.isReady = function () { return this._bitmap1 && this._bitmap1.isReady() && this._bitmap2 && this._bitmap2.isReady(); }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.createSprites = function () { if (!Sprite_Animation._checker2[this._animation]) { this.createCellSprites(); if (this._animation.position === 3) { Sprite_Animation._checker2[this._animation] = true; } this.createScreenFlashSprite(); } if (Sprite_Animation._checker1[this._animation]) { this._duplicated = true; } else { this._duplicated = false; if (this._animation.position === 3) { Sprite_Animation._checker1[this._animation] = true; } } }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.createCellSprites = function () { this._cellSprites = []; for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { var sprite = new Sprite(); sprite.anchor.x = 0.5; sprite.anchor.y = 0.5; this._cellSprites.push(sprite); this.addChild(sprite); } }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.createScreenFlashSprite = function () { this._screenFlashSprite = new ScreenSprite(); this.addChild(this._screenFlashSprite); }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.updateMain = function () { if (this.isPlaying() && this.isReady()) { if (this._delay > 0) { this._delay--; } else { this._duration--; this.updatePosition(); if (this._duration % this._rate === 0) { this.updateFrame(); } } } }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.updatePosition = function () { if (this._animation.position === 3) { this.x = this.parent.width / 2; this.y = this.parent.height / 2; } else { var parent = this._target.parent; var grandparent = parent ? parent.parent : null; this.x = this._target.x; this.y = this._target.y; if (this.parent === grandparent) { this.x += parent.x; this.y += parent.y; } if (this._animation.position === 0) { this.y -= this._target.height; } else if (this._animation.position === 1) { this.y -= this._target.height / 2; } } }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.updateFrame = function () { if (this._duration > 0) { var frameIndex = this.currentFrameIndex(); this.updateAllCellSprites(this._animation.frames[frameIndex]); this._animation.timings.forEach(function (timing) { if (timing.frame === frameIndex) { this.processTimingData(timing); } }, this); } }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.currentFrameIndex = function () { return this._animation.frames.length - Math.floor((this._duration + this._rate - 1) / this._rate); }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.updateAllCellSprites = function (frame) { for (var i = 0; i < this._cellSprites.length; i++) { var sprite = this._cellSprites[i]; if (i < frame.length) { this.updateCellSprite(sprite, frame[i]); } else { sprite.visible = false; } } }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.updateCellSprite = function (sprite, cell) { var pattern = cell[0]; if (pattern >= 0) { var sx = (pattern % 5) * 192; var sy = Math.floor((pattern % 100) / 5) * 192; var mirror = this._mirror; sprite.bitmap = pattern < 100 ? this._bitmap1 : this._bitmap2; sprite.setFrame(sx, sy, 192, 192); sprite.x = cell[1]; sprite.y = cell[2]; sprite.rotation = (cell[4] * Math.PI) / 180; sprite.scale.x = cell[3] / 100; if (cell[5]) { sprite.scale.x *= -1; } if (mirror) { sprite.x *= -1; sprite.rotation *= -1; sprite.scale.x *= -1; } sprite.scale.y = cell[3] / 100; sprite.opacity = cell[6]; sprite.blendMode = cell[7]; sprite.visible = true; } else { sprite.visible = false; } }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.processTimingData = function (timing) { var duration = timing.flashDuration * this._rate; switch (timing.flashScope) { case 1: this.startFlash(timing.flashColor, duration); break; case 2: this.startScreenFlash(timing.flashColor, duration); break; case 3: this.startHiding(duration); break; } if (!this._duplicated && timing.se) { AudioManager.playSe(timing.se); } }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.startFlash = function (color, duration) { this._flashColor = color.clone(); this._flashDuration = duration; }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.startScreenFlash = function (color, duration) { this._screenFlashDuration = duration; if (this._screenFlashSprite) { this._screenFlashSprite.setColor(color[0], color[1], color[2]); this._screenFlashSprite.opacity = color[3]; } }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.startHiding = function (duration) { this._hidingDuration = duration; this._target.hide(); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_Damage // // The sprite for displaying a popup damage. function Sprite_Damage() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_Damage.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype); Sprite_Damage.prototype.constructor = Sprite_Damage; Sprite_Damage.prototype.initialize = function () { Sprite.prototype.initialize.call(this); this._duration = 90; this._flashColor = [0, 0, 0, 0]; this._flashDuration = 0; this._damageBitmap = ImageManager.loadSystem("Damage"); }; Sprite_Damage.prototype.setup = function (target) { var result = target.result(); if (result.missed || result.evaded) { this.createMiss(); } else if (result.hpAffected) { this.createDigits(0, result.hpDamage); } else if (target.isAlive() && result.mpDamage !== 0) { this.createDigits(2, result.mpDamage); } if (result.critical) { this.setupCriticalEffect(); } }; Sprite_Damage.prototype.setupCriticalEffect = function () { this._flashColor = [255, 0, 0, 160]; this._flashDuration = 60; }; Sprite_Damage.prototype.digitWidth = function () { return this._damageBitmap ? this._damageBitmap.width / 10 : 0; }; Sprite_Damage.prototype.digitHeight = function () { return this._damageBitmap ? this._damageBitmap.height / 5 : 0; }; Sprite_Damage.prototype.createMiss = function () { var w = this.digitWidth(); var h = this.digitHeight(); var sprite = this.createChildSprite(); sprite.setFrame(0, 4 * h, 4 * w, h); sprite.dy = 0; }; Sprite_Damage.prototype.createDigits = function (baseRow, value) { var string = Math.abs(value).toString(); var row = baseRow + (value < 0 ? 1 : 0); var w = this.digitWidth(); var h = this.digitHeight(); for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) { var sprite = this.createChildSprite(); var n = Number(string[i]); sprite.setFrame(n * w, row * h, w, h); sprite.x = (i - (string.length - 1) / 2) * w; sprite.dy = -i; } }; Sprite_Damage.prototype.createChildSprite = function () { var sprite = new Sprite(); sprite.bitmap = this._damageBitmap; sprite.anchor.x = 0.5; sprite.anchor.y = 1; sprite.y = -40; sprite.ry = sprite.y; this.addChild(sprite); return sprite; }; Sprite_Damage.prototype.update = function () { Sprite.prototype.update.call(this); if (this._duration > 0) { this._duration--; for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { this.updateChild(this.children[i]); } } this.updateFlash(); this.updateOpacity(); }; Sprite_Damage.prototype.updateChild = function (sprite) { sprite.dy += 0.5; sprite.ry += sprite.dy; if (sprite.ry >= 0) { sprite.ry = 0; sprite.dy *= -0.6; } sprite.y = Math.round(sprite.ry); sprite.setBlendColor(this._flashColor); }; Sprite_Damage.prototype.updateFlash = function () { if (this._flashDuration > 0) { var d = this._flashDuration--; this._flashColor[3] *= (d - 1) / d; } }; Sprite_Damage.prototype.updateOpacity = function () { if (this._duration < 10) { this.opacity = (255 * this._duration) / 10; } }; Sprite_Damage.prototype.isPlaying = function () { return this._duration > 0; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_StateIcon // // The sprite for displaying state icons. function Sprite_StateIcon() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_StateIcon.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype); Sprite_StateIcon.prototype.constructor = Sprite_StateIcon; Sprite_StateIcon.prototype.initialize = function () { Sprite.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.initMembers(); this.loadBitmap(); }; Sprite_StateIcon._iconWidth = 32; Sprite_StateIcon._iconHeight = 32; Sprite_StateIcon.prototype.initMembers = function () { this._battler = null; this._iconIndex = 0; this._animationCount = 0; this._animationIndex = 0; this.anchor.x = 0.5; this.anchor.y = 0.5; }; Sprite_StateIcon.prototype.loadBitmap = function () { this.bitmap = ImageManager.loadSystem("IconSet"); this.setFrame(0, 0, 0, 0); }; Sprite_StateIcon.prototype.setup = function (battler) { this._battler = battler; }; Sprite_StateIcon.prototype.update = function () { Sprite.prototype.update.call(this); this._animationCount++; if (this._animationCount >= this.animationWait()) { this.updateIcon(); this.updateFrame(); this._animationCount = 0; } }; Sprite_StateIcon.prototype.animationWait = function () { return 40; }; Sprite_StateIcon.prototype.updateIcon = function () { var icons = []; if (this._battler && this._battler.isAlive()) { icons = this._battler.allIcons(); } if (icons.length > 0) { this._animationIndex++; if (this._animationIndex >= icons.length) { this._animationIndex = 0; } this._iconIndex = icons[this._animationIndex]; } else { this._animationIndex = 0; this._iconIndex = 0; } }; Sprite_StateIcon.prototype.updateFrame = function () { var pw = Sprite_StateIcon._iconWidth; var ph = Sprite_StateIcon._iconHeight; var sx = (this._iconIndex % 16) * pw; var sy = Math.floor(this._iconIndex / 16) * ph; this.setFrame(sx, sy, pw, ph); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_StateOverlay // // The sprite for displaying an overlay image for a state. function Sprite_StateOverlay() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_StateOverlay.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_Base.prototype); Sprite_StateOverlay.prototype.constructor = Sprite_StateOverlay; Sprite_StateOverlay.prototype.initialize = function () { Sprite_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.initMembers(); this.loadBitmap(); }; Sprite_StateOverlay.prototype.initMembers = function () { this._battler = null; this._overlayIndex = 0; this._animationCount = 0; this._pattern = 0; this.anchor.x = 0.5; this.anchor.y = 1; }; Sprite_StateOverlay.prototype.loadBitmap = function () { this.bitmap = ImageManager.loadSystem("States"); this.setFrame(0, 0, 0, 0); }; Sprite_StateOverlay.prototype.setup = function (battler) { this._battler = battler; }; Sprite_StateOverlay.prototype.update = function () { Sprite_Base.prototype.update.call(this); this._animationCount++; if (this._animationCount >= this.animationWait()) { this.updatePattern(); this.updateFrame(); this._animationCount = 0; } }; Sprite_StateOverlay.prototype.animationWait = function () { return 8; }; Sprite_StateOverlay.prototype.updatePattern = function () { this._pattern++; this._pattern %= 8; if (this._battler) { this._overlayIndex = this._battler.stateOverlayIndex(); } }; Sprite_StateOverlay.prototype.updateFrame = function () { if (this._overlayIndex > 0) { var w = 96; var h = 96; var sx = this._pattern * w; var sy = (this._overlayIndex - 1) * h; this.setFrame(sx, sy, w, h); } else { this.setFrame(0, 0, 0, 0); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_Weapon // // The sprite for displaying a weapon image for attacking. function Sprite_Weapon() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_Weapon.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_Base.prototype); Sprite_Weapon.prototype.constructor = Sprite_Weapon; Sprite_Weapon.prototype.initialize = function () { Sprite_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.initMembers(); }; Sprite_Weapon.prototype.initMembers = function () { this._weaponImageId = 0; this._animationCount = 0; this._pattern = 0; this.anchor.x = 0.5; this.anchor.y = 1; this.x = -16; }; Sprite_Weapon.prototype.setup = function (weaponImageId) { this._weaponImageId = weaponImageId; this._animationCount = 0; this._pattern = 0; this.loadBitmap(); this.updateFrame(); }; Sprite_Weapon.prototype.update = function () { Sprite_Base.prototype.update.call(this); this._animationCount++; if (this._animationCount >= this.animationWait()) { this.updatePattern(); this.updateFrame(); this._animationCount = 0; } }; Sprite_Weapon.prototype.animationWait = function () { return 12; }; Sprite_Weapon.prototype.updatePattern = function () { this._pattern++; if (this._pattern >= 3) { this._weaponImageId = 0; } }; Sprite_Weapon.prototype.loadBitmap = function () { var pageId = Math.floor((this._weaponImageId - 1) / 12) + 1; if (pageId >= 1) { this.bitmap = ImageManager.loadSystem("Weapons" + pageId); } else { this.bitmap = ImageManager.loadSystem(""); } }; Sprite_Weapon.prototype.updateFrame = function () { if (this._weaponImageId > 0) { var index = (this._weaponImageId - 1) % 12; var w = 96; var h = 64; var sx = (Math.floor(index / 6) * 3 + this._pattern) * w; var sy = Math.floor(index % 6) * h; this.setFrame(sx, sy, w, h); } else { this.setFrame(0, 0, 0, 0); } }; Sprite_Weapon.prototype.isPlaying = function () { return this._weaponImageId > 0; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_Balloon // // The sprite for displaying a balloon icon. function Sprite_Balloon() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_Balloon.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_Base.prototype); Sprite_Balloon.prototype.constructor = Sprite_Balloon; Sprite_Balloon.prototype.initialize = function () { Sprite_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.initMembers(); this.loadBitmap(); }; Sprite_Balloon.prototype.initMembers = function () { this._balloonId = 0; this._duration = 0; this.anchor.x = 0.5; this.anchor.y = 1; this.z = 7; }; Sprite_Balloon.prototype.loadBitmap = function () { this.bitmap = ImageManager.loadSystem("Balloon"); this.setFrame(0, 0, 0, 0); }; Sprite_Balloon.prototype.setup = function (balloonId) { this._balloonId = balloonId; this._duration = 8 * this.speed() + this.waitTime(); }; Sprite_Balloon.prototype.update = function () { Sprite_Base.prototype.update.call(this); if (this._duration > 0) { this._duration--; if (this._duration > 0) { this.updateFrame(); } } }; Sprite_Balloon.prototype.updateFrame = function () { var w = 48; var h = 48; var sx = this.frameIndex() * w; var sy = (this._balloonId - 1) * h; this.setFrame(sx, sy, w, h); }; Sprite_Balloon.prototype.speed = function () { return 8; }; Sprite_Balloon.prototype.waitTime = function () { return 12; }; Sprite_Balloon.prototype.frameIndex = function () { var index = (this._duration - this.waitTime()) / this.speed(); return 7 - Math.max(Math.floor(index), 0); }; Sprite_Balloon.prototype.isPlaying = function () { return this._duration > 0; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_Picture // // The sprite for displaying a picture. function Sprite_Picture() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_Picture.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype); Sprite_Picture.prototype.constructor = Sprite_Picture; Sprite_Picture.prototype.initialize = function (pictureId) { Sprite.prototype.initialize.call(this); this._pictureId = pictureId; this._pictureName = ""; this._isPicture = true; this.update(); }; Sprite_Picture.prototype.picture = function () { return $gameScreen.picture(this._pictureId); }; Sprite_Picture.prototype.update = function () { Sprite.prototype.update.call(this); this.updateBitmap(); if (this.visible) { this.updateOrigin(); this.updatePosition(); this.updateScale(); this.updateTone(); this.updateOther(); } }; Sprite_Picture.prototype.updateBitmap = function () { var picture = this.picture(); if (picture) { var pictureName = picture.name(); if (this._pictureName !== pictureName) { this._pictureName = pictureName; this.loadBitmap(); } this.visible = true; } else { this._pictureName = ""; this.bitmap = null; this.visible = false; } }; Sprite_Picture.prototype.updateOrigin = function () { var picture = this.picture(); if (picture.origin() === 0) { this.anchor.x = 0; this.anchor.y = 0; } else { this.anchor.x = 0.5; this.anchor.y = 0.5; } }; Sprite_Picture.prototype.updatePosition = function () { var picture = this.picture(); this.x = Math.floor(picture.x()); this.y = Math.floor(picture.y()); }; Sprite_Picture.prototype.updateScale = function () { var picture = this.picture(); this.scale.x = picture.scaleX() / 100; this.scale.y = picture.scaleY() / 100; }; Sprite_Picture.prototype.updateTone = function () { var picture = this.picture(); if (picture.tone()) { this.setColorTone(picture.tone()); } else { this.setColorTone([0, 0, 0, 0]); } }; Sprite_Picture.prototype.updateOther = function () { var picture = this.picture(); this.opacity = picture.opacity(); this.blendMode = picture.blendMode(); this.rotation = (picture.angle() * Math.PI) / 180; }; Sprite_Picture.prototype.loadBitmap = function () { this.bitmap = ImageManager.loadPicture(this._pictureName); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_Timer // // The sprite for displaying the timer. function Sprite_Timer() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_Timer.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype); Sprite_Timer.prototype.constructor = Sprite_Timer; Sprite_Timer.prototype.initialize = function () { Sprite.prototype.initialize.call(this); this._seconds = 0; this.createBitmap(); this.update(); }; Sprite_Timer.prototype.createBitmap = function () { this.bitmap = new Bitmap(96, 48); this.bitmap.fontSize = 32; }; Sprite_Timer.prototype.update = function () { Sprite.prototype.update.call(this); this.updateBitmap(); this.updatePosition(); this.updateVisibility(); }; Sprite_Timer.prototype.updateBitmap = function () { if (this._seconds !== $gameTimer.seconds()) { this._seconds = $gameTimer.seconds(); this.redraw(); } }; Sprite_Timer.prototype.redraw = function () { var text = this.timerText(); var width = this.bitmap.width; var height = this.bitmap.height; this.bitmap.clear(); this.bitmap.drawText(text, 0, 0, width, height, "center"); }; Sprite_Timer.prototype.timerText = function () { var min = Math.floor(this._seconds / 60) % 60; var sec = this._seconds % 60; return min.padZero(2) + ":" + sec.padZero(2); }; Sprite_Timer.prototype.updatePosition = function () { this.x = Graphics.width - this.bitmap.width; this.y = 0; }; Sprite_Timer.prototype.updateVisibility = function () { this.visible = $gameTimer.isWorking(); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_Destination // // The sprite for displaying the destination place of the touch input. function Sprite_Destination() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_Destination.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype); Sprite_Destination.prototype.constructor = Sprite_Destination; Sprite_Destination.prototype.initialize = function () { Sprite.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.createBitmap(); this._frameCount = 0; }; Sprite_Destination.prototype.update = function () { Sprite.prototype.update.call(this); if ($gameTemp.isDestinationValid()) { this.updatePosition(); this.updateAnimation(); this.visible = true; } else { this._frameCount = 0; this.visible = false; } }; Sprite_Destination.prototype.createBitmap = function () { var tileWidth = $gameMap.tileWidth(); var tileHeight = $gameMap.tileHeight(); this.bitmap = new Bitmap(tileWidth, tileHeight); this.bitmap.fillAll("white"); this.anchor.x = 0.5; this.anchor.y = 0.5; this.blendMode = Graphics.BLEND_ADD; }; Sprite_Destination.prototype.updatePosition = function () { var tileWidth = $gameMap.tileWidth(); var tileHeight = $gameMap.tileHeight(); var x = $gameTemp.destinationX(); var y = $gameTemp.destinationY(); this.x = ($gameMap.adjustX(x) + 0.5) * tileWidth; this.y = ($gameMap.adjustY(y) + 0.5) * tileHeight; }; Sprite_Destination.prototype.updateAnimation = function () { this._frameCount++; this._frameCount %= 20; this.opacity = (20 - this._frameCount) * 6; this.scale.x = 1 + this._frameCount / 20; this.scale.y = this.scale.x; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Spriteset_Base // // The superclass of Spriteset_Map and Spriteset_Battle. function Spriteset_Base() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Spriteset_Base.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype); Spriteset_Base.prototype.constructor = Spriteset_Base; Spriteset_Base.prototype.initialize = function () { Sprite.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.setFrame(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height); this._tone = [0, 0, 0, 0]; this.opaque = true; this.createLowerLayer(); this.createToneChanger(); this.createUpperLayer(); this.update(); }; Spriteset_Base.prototype.createLowerLayer = function () { this.createBaseSprite(); }; Spriteset_Base.prototype.createUpperLayer = function () { this.createPictures(); this.createTimer(); this.createScreenSprites(); }; Spriteset_Base.prototype.update = function () { Sprite.prototype.update.call(this); this.updateScreenSprites(); this.updateToneChanger(); this.updatePosition(); }; Spriteset_Base.prototype.createBaseSprite = function () { this._baseSprite = new Sprite(); this._baseSprite.setFrame(0, 0, this.width, this.height); this._blackScreen = new ScreenSprite(); this._blackScreen.opacity = 255; this.addChild(this._baseSprite); this._baseSprite.addChild(this._blackScreen); }; Spriteset_Base.prototype.createToneChanger = function () { if (Graphics.isWebGL()) { this.createWebGLToneChanger(); } else { this.createCanvasToneChanger(); } }; Spriteset_Base.prototype.createWebGLToneChanger = function () { var margin = 48; var width = Graphics.width + margin * 2; var height = Graphics.height + margin * 2; this._toneFilter = new ToneFilter(); this._baseSprite.filters = [this._toneFilter]; this._baseSprite.filterArea = new Rectangle(-margin, -margin, width, height); }; Spriteset_Base.prototype.createCanvasToneChanger = function () { this._toneSprite = new ToneSprite(); this.addChild(this._toneSprite); }; Spriteset_Base.prototype.createPictures = function () { var width = Graphics.boxWidth; var height = Graphics.boxHeight; var x = (Graphics.width - width) / 2; var y = (Graphics.height - height) / 2; this._pictureContainer = new Sprite(); this._pictureContainer.setFrame(x, y, width, height); for (var i = 1; i <= $gameScreen.maxPictures(); i++) { this._pictureContainer.addChild(new Sprite_Picture(i)); } this.addChild(this._pictureContainer); }; Spriteset_Base.prototype.createTimer = function () { this._timerSprite = new Sprite_Timer(); this.addChild(this._timerSprite); }; Spriteset_Base.prototype.createScreenSprites = function () { this._flashSprite = new ScreenSprite(); this._fadeSprite = new ScreenSprite(); this.addChild(this._flashSprite); this.addChild(this._fadeSprite); }; Spriteset_Base.prototype.updateScreenSprites = function () { var color = $gameScreen.flashColor(); this._flashSprite.setColor(color[0], color[1], color[2]); this._flashSprite.opacity = color[3]; this._fadeSprite.opacity = 255 - $gameScreen.brightness(); }; Spriteset_Base.prototype.updateToneChanger = function () { var tone = $gameScreen.tone(); if (!this._tone.equals(tone)) { this._tone = tone.clone(); if (Graphics.isWebGL()) { this.updateWebGLToneChanger(); } else { this.updateCanvasToneChanger(); } } }; Spriteset_Base.prototype.updateWebGLToneChanger = function () { var tone = this._tone; this._toneFilter.reset(); this._toneFilter.adjustTone(tone[0], tone[1], tone[2]); this._toneFilter.adjustSaturation(-tone[3]); }; Spriteset_Base.prototype.updateCanvasToneChanger = function () { var tone = this._tone; this._toneSprite.setTone(tone[0], tone[1], tone[2], tone[3]); }; Spriteset_Base.prototype.updatePosition = function () { var screen = $gameScreen; var scale = screen.zoomScale(); this.scale.x = scale; this.scale.y = scale; this.x = Math.round(-screen.zoomX() * (scale - 1)); this.y = Math.round(-screen.zoomY() * (scale - 1)); this.x += Math.round(screen.shake()); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Spriteset_Map // // The set of sprites on the map screen. function Spriteset_Map() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Spriteset_Map.prototype = Object.create(Spriteset_Base.prototype); Spriteset_Map.prototype.constructor = Spriteset_Map; Spriteset_Map.prototype.initialize = function () { Spriteset_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this); }; Spriteset_Map.prototype.createLowerLayer = function () { Spriteset_Base.prototype.createLowerLayer.call(this); this.createParallax(); this.createTilemap(); this.createCharacters(); this.createShadow(); this.createDestination(); this.createWeather(); }; Spriteset_Map.prototype.update = function () { Spriteset_Base.prototype.update.call(this); this.updateTileset(); this.updateParallax(); this.updateTilemap(); this.updateShadow(); this.updateWeather(); }; Spriteset_Map.prototype.hideCharacters = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this._characterSprites.length; i++) { var sprite = this._characterSprites[i]; if (!sprite.isTile()) { sprite.hide(); } } }; Spriteset_Map.prototype.createParallax = function () { this._parallax = new TilingSprite(); this._parallax.move(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height); this._baseSprite.addChild(this._parallax); }; Spriteset_Map.prototype.createTilemap = function () { if (Graphics.isWebGL()) { this._tilemap = new ShaderTilemap(); } else { this._tilemap = new Tilemap(); } this._tilemap.tileWidth = $gameMap.tileWidth(); this._tilemap.tileHeight = $gameMap.tileHeight(); this._tilemap.setData($gameMap.width(), $gameMap.height(), $gameMap.data()); this._tilemap.horizontalWrap = $gameMap.isLoopHorizontal(); this._tilemap.verticalWrap = $gameMap.isLoopVertical(); this.loadTileset(); this._baseSprite.addChild(this._tilemap); }; Spriteset_Map.prototype.loadTileset = function () { this._tileset = $gameMap.tileset(); if (this._tileset) { var tilesetNames = this._tileset.tilesetNames; for (var i = 0; i < tilesetNames.length; i++) { this._tilemap.bitmaps[i] = ImageManager.loadTileset(tilesetNames[i]); } var newTilesetFlags = $gameMap.tilesetFlags(); this._tilemap.refreshTileset(); if (!this._tilemap.flags.equals(newTilesetFlags)) { this._tilemap.refresh(); } this._tilemap.flags = newTilesetFlags; } }; Spriteset_Map.prototype.createCharacters = function () { this._characterSprites = []; $gameMap.events().forEach(function (event) { this._characterSprites.push(new Sprite_Character(event)); }, this); $gameMap.vehicles().forEach(function (vehicle) { this._characterSprites.push(new Sprite_Character(vehicle)); }, this); $gamePlayer.followers().reverseEach(function (follower) { this._characterSprites.push(new Sprite_Character(follower)); }, this); this._characterSprites.push(new Sprite_Character($gamePlayer)); for (var i = 0; i < this._characterSprites.length; i++) { this._tilemap.addChild(this._characterSprites[i]); } }; Spriteset_Map.prototype.createShadow = function () { this._shadowSprite = new Sprite(); this._shadowSprite.bitmap = ImageManager.loadSystem("Shadow1"); this._shadowSprite.anchor.x = 0.5; this._shadowSprite.anchor.y = 1; this._shadowSprite.z = 6; this._tilemap.addChild(this._shadowSprite); }; Spriteset_Map.prototype.createDestination = function () { this._destinationSprite = new Sprite_Destination(); this._destinationSprite.z = 9; this._tilemap.addChild(this._destinationSprite); }; Spriteset_Map.prototype.createWeather = function () { this._weather = new Weather(); this.addChild(this._weather); }; Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateTileset = function () { if (this._tileset !== $gameMap.tileset()) { this.loadTileset(); } }; /* * Simple fix for canvas parallax issue, destroy old parallax and readd to the tree. */ Spriteset_Map.prototype._canvasReAddParallax = function () { var index = this._baseSprite.children.indexOf(this._parallax); this._baseSprite.removeChild(this._parallax); this._parallax = new TilingSprite(); this._parallax.move(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height); this._parallax.bitmap = ImageManager.loadParallax(this._parallaxName); this._baseSprite.addChildAt(this._parallax, index); }; Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateParallax = function () { if (this._parallaxName !== $gameMap.parallaxName()) { this._parallaxName = $gameMap.parallaxName(); if (this._parallax.bitmap && Graphics.isWebGL() != true) { this._canvasReAddParallax(); } else { this._parallax.bitmap = ImageManager.loadParallax(this._parallaxName); } } if (this._parallax.bitmap) { this._parallax.origin.x = $gameMap.parallaxOx(); this._parallax.origin.y = $gameMap.parallaxOy(); } }; Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateTilemap = function () { this._tilemap.origin.x = $gameMap.displayX() * $gameMap.tileWidth(); this._tilemap.origin.y = $gameMap.displayY() * $gameMap.tileHeight(); }; Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateShadow = function () { var airship = $gameMap.airship(); this._shadowSprite.x = airship.shadowX(); this._shadowSprite.y = airship.shadowY(); this._shadowSprite.opacity = airship.shadowOpacity(); }; Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateWeather = function () { this._weather.type = $gameScreen.weatherType(); this._weather.power = $gameScreen.weatherPower(); this._weather.origin.x = $gameMap.displayX() * $gameMap.tileWidth(); this._weather.origin.y = $gameMap.displayY() * $gameMap.tileHeight(); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Spriteset_Battle // // The set of sprites on the battle screen. function Spriteset_Battle() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Spriteset_Battle.prototype = Object.create(Spriteset_Base.prototype); Spriteset_Battle.prototype.constructor = Spriteset_Battle; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.initialize = function () { Spriteset_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this); this._battlebackLocated = false; }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.createLowerLayer = function () { Spriteset_Base.prototype.createLowerLayer.call(this); this.createBackground(); this.createBattleField(); this.createBattleback(); this.createEnemies(); this.createActors(); }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.createBackground = function () { this._backgroundSprite = new Sprite(); this._backgroundSprite.bitmap = SceneManager.backgroundBitmap(); this._baseSprite.addChild(this._backgroundSprite); }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.update = function () { Spriteset_Base.prototype.update.call(this); this.updateActors(); this.updateBattleback(); }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.createBattleField = function () { var width = Graphics.boxWidth; var height = Graphics.boxHeight; var x = (Graphics.width - width) / 2; var y = (Graphics.height - height) / 2; this._battleField = new Sprite(); this._battleField.setFrame(x, y, width, height); this._battleField.x = x; this._battleField.y = y; this._baseSprite.addChild(this._battleField); }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.createBattleback = function () { var margin = 32; var x = -this._battleField.x - margin; var y = -this._battleField.y - margin; var width = Graphics.width + margin * 2; var height = Graphics.height + margin * 2; this._back1Sprite = new TilingSprite(); this._back2Sprite = new TilingSprite(); this._back1Sprite.bitmap = this.battleback1Bitmap(); this._back2Sprite.bitmap = this.battleback2Bitmap(); this._back1Sprite.move(x, y, width, height); this._back2Sprite.move(x, y, width, height); this._battleField.addChild(this._back1Sprite); this._battleField.addChild(this._back2Sprite); }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.updateBattleback = function () { if (!this._battlebackLocated) { this.locateBattleback(); this._battlebackLocated = true; } }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.locateBattleback = function () { var width = this._battleField.width; var height = this._battleField.height; var sprite1 = this._back1Sprite; var sprite2 = this._back2Sprite; sprite1.origin.x = sprite1.x + (sprite1.bitmap.width - width) / 2; sprite2.origin.x = sprite1.y + (sprite2.bitmap.width - width) / 2; if ($gameSystem.isSideView()) { sprite1.origin.y = sprite1.x + sprite1.bitmap.height - height; sprite2.origin.y = sprite1.y + sprite2.bitmap.height - height; } }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.battleback1Bitmap = function () { return ImageManager.loadBattleback1(this.battleback1Name()); }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.battleback2Bitmap = function () { return ImageManager.loadBattleback2(this.battleback2Name()); }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.battleback1Name = function () { if (BattleManager.isBattleTest()) { return $dataSystem.battleback1Name; } else if ($gameMap.battleback1Name()) { return $gameMap.battleback1Name(); } else if ($gameMap.isOverworld()) { return this.overworldBattleback1Name(); } else { return ""; } }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.battleback2Name = function () { if (BattleManager.isBattleTest()) { return $dataSystem.battleback2Name; } else if ($gameMap.battleback2Name()) { return $gameMap.battleback2Name(); } else if ($gameMap.isOverworld()) { return this.overworldBattleback2Name(); } else { return ""; } }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.overworldBattleback1Name = function () { if ($gameMap.battleback1Name() === "") return ""; if ($gamePlayer.isInVehicle()) { return this.shipBattleback1Name(); } else { return this.normalBattleback1Name(); } }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.overworldBattleback2Name = function () { if ($gameMap.battleback2Name() === "") return ""; if ($gamePlayer.isInVehicle()) { return this.shipBattleback2Name(); } else { return this.normalBattleback2Name(); } }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.normalBattleback1Name = function () { return ( this.terrainBattleback1Name(this.autotileType(1)) || this.terrainBattleback1Name(this.autotileType(0)) || this.defaultBattleback1Name() ); }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.normalBattleback2Name = function () { return ( this.terrainBattleback2Name(this.autotileType(1)) || this.terrainBattleback2Name(this.autotileType(0)) || this.defaultBattleback2Name() ); }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.terrainBattleback1Name = function (type) { switch (type) { case 24: case 25: return "Wasteland"; case 26: case 27: return "DirtField"; case 32: case 33: return "Desert"; case 34: return "Lava1"; case 35: return "Lava2"; case 40: case 41: return "Snowfield"; case 42: return "Clouds"; case 4: case 5: return "PoisonSwamp"; default: return null; } }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.terrainBattleback2Name = function (type) { switch (type) { case 20: case 21: return "Forest"; case 22: case 30: case 38: return "Cliff"; case 24: case 25: case 26: case 27: return "Wasteland"; case 32: case 33: return "Desert"; case 34: case 35: return "Lava"; case 40: case 41: return "Snowfield"; case 42: return "Clouds"; case 4: case 5: return "PoisonSwamp"; } }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.defaultBattleback1Name = function () { return "Grassland"; }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.defaultBattleback2Name = function () { return "Grassland"; }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.shipBattleback1Name = function () { return "Ship"; }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.shipBattleback2Name = function () { return "Ship"; }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.autotileType = function (z) { return $gameMap.autotileType($gamePlayer.x, $gamePlayer.y, z); }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.createEnemies = function () { var enemies = $gameTroop.members(); var sprites = []; for (var i = 0; i < enemies.length; i++) { sprites[i] = new Sprite_Enemy(enemies[i]); } sprites.sort(this.compareEnemySprite.bind(this)); for (var j = 0; j < sprites.length; j++) { this._battleField.addChild(sprites[j]); } this._enemySprites = sprites; }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.compareEnemySprite = function (a, b) { if (a.y !== b.y) { return a.y - b.y; } else { return b.spriteId - a.spriteId; } }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.createActors = function () { this._actorSprites = []; for (var i = 0; i < $gameParty.maxBattleMembers(); i++) { this._actorSprites[i] = new Sprite_Actor(); this._battleField.addChild(this._actorSprites[i]); } }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.updateActors = function () { var members = $gameParty.battleMembers(); for (var i = 0; i < this._actorSprites.length; i++) { this._actorSprites[i].setBattler(members[i]); } }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.battlerSprites = function () { return this._enemySprites.concat(this._actorSprites); }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.isAnimationPlaying = function () { return this.battlerSprites().some(function (sprite) { return sprite.isAnimationPlaying(); }); }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.isEffecting = function () { return this.battlerSprites().some(function (sprite) { return sprite.isEffecting(); }); }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.isAnyoneMoving = function () { return this.battlerSprites().some(function (sprite) { return sprite.isMoving(); }); }; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.isBusy = function () { return this.isAnimationPlaying() || this.isAnyoneMoving(); };