//============================================================================= // Yanfly Engine Plugins - Lunatic Pack - Skill Rewards // YEP_Z_SkillRewards.js //============================================================================= var Imported = Imported || {}; Imported.YEP_Z_SkillRewards = true; var Yanfly = Yanfly || {}; Yanfly.LunSkRew = Yanfly.LunSkRew || {}; Yanfly.LunSkRew.version = 1.00; //============================================================================= /*: * @plugindesc v1.00 行动后奖励效果☁️ * @author Yanfly Engine Plugins * * @help * ============================================================================ * 导言 * ============================================================================ * * 此插件需要以下插件: * -战斗引擎核心 * -技能核心 * * 将此插件放在插件管理器中上述插件的下面。 * * 这个插件允许你添加各种效果到你的项目和技能 * 奖励玩家好的(或坏的)游戏。某些效果只能 * 在特定条件下触发,例如击溃目标、着陆 * 暴击,或打击目标的弱点。在这些情况发生之后 * 如果已经达到,效果可以从技能费用退款,增加buff, * 移除减益,甚至应用状态。 * * * 注 * :此插件最好与RPG Maker MV版本1.5.0+一起使用。你可以 * 仍然使用这个版本号较低的插件,但你会有很多 * 没有它就很难改变插件参数。 * * ============================================================================ * 便签 * ============================================================================ * * 在技能或项目的记事本框中插入以下记事本标签,为技能或项目添加 * 一个记事本这些影响包括: * * --- * *技能和物品标签: * * * - 如果此技能/物品效果有奖励且满足条件,则将播放此动画代替默认动画, * 以指示已发生效果。 * * * - 这个插件的大部分NoteTag都将遵循上述格式便签中的“条件”和 * “效果”将分别替换为以下“条件”和“效果”部分中的条目。 * 插入多个条目以赋予您的技能/项目多重效果。 * * =-=-=-= 奖励条件 =-=-=-= * * * - 将“条件”替换为“失败”, * 当目标被击败(生命值达到0或收到死亡状态)时,你将使便签生效。 * * * - 将“condition”替换为“Critical”,这样当用户对目标造成 * 致命一击时,便签就会生效。 * * * - 将“condition”替换为“Nonnritical”,当用户未能对目标 * 进行致命一击时,您将使notetag生效。 * * * - 将“condition”替换为“Hit”,当用户成功命中目标时,您 * 将使notetag生效。 * * * - 将“condition”替换为“Missed”,当用户错过操作或目标 * 逃避操作时,您将使notetag生效。 * * * - 将“条件”替换为“弱点”,这样当用户在目标上点击一个 * 基本弱点时,便签就会生效。 * * * - 将“condition”替换为“Resisted”,这样当用户在目标上 * 命中元素抗性时,便签就会生效。 * * * - 将“condition”替换为“Nulled”,这样当用户在目标上 * 点击一个为null的元素时,notetag就会生效。 * * * - 将“condition”替换为“Nulled”,这样当用户点击目标上 * 的某个元素时,notetag就会生效。 * * =-=-=-= 奖励效应 =-=-=-= * * --- HP效果 --- * * * - 用上述格式替换“effect”。将“x”替换为您希望在满足 * 技能/物品条件时奖励用户的固定HP值。 * 建议:Yanfly * * * - 用上述格式替换“effect”。将“x”替换为等于用户 * 最大HP的x%的HP,以在满足条件时奖励用户。 * 建议:Yanfly * * * - 用上述格式替换“effect”。如果满足条件,则将“x”替换为 * 用于奖励用户的HP技能成本的百分比。 **注意:只能与技能一起使用。 *建议:Yanfly * * --- MP效果 --- * * * - 用上述格式替换“effect”。将“x”替换为您希望在 * 技能/物品条件满足时奖励用户的固定MP金额。 * 建议:Yanfly * * * - 用上述格式替换“effect”。用等于用户MaxMP的x%的 * MP替换“x”,以在满足条件时奖励用户。 * 建议:Yanfly * * * - 用上述格式替换“effect”。如果满足条件,则将“x”替换 * 为用于奖励用户的HP技能成本的百分比。 ** 注意:只能与技能一起使用。 * 建议:Yanfly * * --- TP效果 --- * * * - 用上述格式替换“effect”。将“x”替换为您希望在满足 * 技能/物品条件时奖励用户的固定数量的TP。 * 建议:Yanfly * * * - 用上述格式替换“效果”。将“x”替换为等于用户最大 * TP的x%的TP,以在满足条件时奖励用户。 * 建议:Yanfly * * * - 用上述格式替换“effect”。如果满足条件,则将“x”替换 * 为用于奖励用户的HP技能成本的百分比。 ** 注意:只能与技能一起使用。 * 建议:Yanfly * * --- 物品效果 --- * * * - 用上述格式替换“effect”。将“x”替换为在满足条件时用户 * 必须退款(取回)的机会。 * ** 注意:只能与物品一起使用。最好与消耗品一起使用。 * 建议:Yanfly * * --- Buff/Debuff效果 --- * * * * * * - 将“effect”替换为上述格式。将“x”替换为以下任何参数: * “MaxHP”、“MaxMP”、“ATK”、“DEF”、“MAT”、 * “MDF”、“AGI”或“LUK”,以改变相应的状态。 * 如果使用带有“y”回合的格式,则将“y”替换为希望buff或 * 减益持续的回合数。如果不使用“y”,它将持续5圈。 *建议:Yanfly * * * * - 将“effect”替换为上述格式。将“x”替换为以下任何参数: * “MaxHP”、“MaxMP”、“ATK”、“DEF”、“MAT”、 * “MDF”、“AGI”或“LUK”,以便在满足条件时从 * 用户中移除相应的buff/debuff。如果不使用“y”,它将持续5圈。 * 建议:Yanfly * * --- State Effects --- * * * - 将“effect”替换为上述格式。将“x”替换为满足条件时要添加 * 到用户的状态ID。 * 建议:Yanfly * * * - 将“effect”替换为上述格式。将“x”替换为满足条件时要从 * 用户中删除的状态ID。 * 建议:Yanfly * * --- 滚动临界 --- * * * * - 将“effect”替换为上述格式。将“x”替换为技能下次使用时 * 的增减百分比。只有满足条件时,用户才会发生此更改。 * ** 注意:只能与技能一起使用。开启技能的暴击。 * 建议:Goldschuss * * * - 将“effect”替换为上述格式。将“x”替换为满足条件时下次 * 使用技能的百分比。 * ** 注意:只能与技能一起使用。开启技能的暴击。 * 建议:Goldschuss * * =-=-=-= 示例 =-=-=-= * * * - 当目标被此技能击败时,退还该用户为施展此技能所花费MP的50%。 * * * - 当用户对敌人造成暴击时,给予用户持续8回合的ATK buff。 * * * - 当用户成功命中敌人时,将用户的DEF缓冲2圈。 * * * - 当用户无法使用物品着陆时,请确保它不会被退款所消耗。 * * * - 如果用户对弱于此技能元素的敌人执行此技能, * 则授予用户+20额外TP。 * * * * - 如果用户无法使用此技能获得暴击,则下次用户执行此技能时, * 有10%的几率获得暴击。每次的暴击率将继续上升10%, * 直到用户最终成功获得暴击。一旦用户这样做,暴击率加成将重置回0%。 * * ============================================================================ * 疯狂模式-效果代码 * ============================================================================ * * For experienced users that know JavaScript and have RPG Maker MV 1.5.0+, you * can add new notetag effects that can be used by the plugin or alter the * effects of currently existing notetag effects from the plugin parameters * entry: Effect Code. It should look something like this: * * --- * * // ---------- * // Flat Gains * // ---------- * if (data.match(/([\+\-]\d+)[ ]HP/i)) { * value = parseInt(RegExp.$1); * user.gainHp(value); * animation = animation || hpAnimation; * } else if (data.match(/([\+\-]\d+)[ ]MP/i)) { * value = parseInt(RegExp.$1); * user.gainMp(value); * animation = animation || mpAnimation; * * ... * * // ------------------------------- * // Add new effects above this line * // ------------------------------- * } else { * skip = true; * } * * --- * * Here's what each of the variables used in this code bit refer to: * * -------------------- --------------------------------------------------- * Variable: Refers to: * -------------------- --------------------------------------------------- * item The item being used by this action * skill The skill being used by this action * * isItem Returns true if action is an item * isSkill Returns true if action is a skill * * a Returns the action user * user Returns the action user * subject Returns the action user * * b Returns the action's current target * target Returns the action's current target * * s[x] Return switch x (true/false) * v[x] Return variable x's current value * * user._result The current results for the user * target._result The current results for the target * userPreviousResult The results for the user before any changes * targetPreviousResult The results for the target before any changes * * animation The animation to be played. You can set it equal to * any of the following which corresponds to plugin * parameter settings: * - hpAnimation * - mpAnimation * - tpAnimation * - itemAnimation * - buffAnimation * - debuffAnimation * - addStateAnimation * - removeStateAnimation * - miscAnimation * * skip Default: false. If true, skips popups & animations * * --- * * If you need to revert the Effect Code back to its original state, delete the * plugin from your plugin manager list and then add it again. The code will be * back to default. * * ============================================================================ * Changelog * ============================================================================ * * Version 1.00: * - Finished Plugin! * * ============================================================================ * End of Helpfile * ============================================================================ * * @param ---General--- * @text ---全局--- * @default * * @param Effect Code * @text 效果代码 * @parent ---General--- * @type note * @desc LUNATIC MODE: This is the code used for each of the notetag * effects. Refer to the help file for variables used here. * @default "// ----------\n// Flat Gains\n// ----------\nif (data.match(/([\\+\\-]\\d+)[ ]HP/i)) {\n value = parseInt(RegExp.$1);\n user.gainHp(value);\n animation = animation || hpAnimation;\n\n} else if (data.match(/([\\+\\-]\\d+)[ ]MP/i)) {\n value = parseInt(RegExp.$1);\n user.gainMp(value);\n animation = animation || mpAnimation;\n\n} else if (data.match(/([\\+\\-]\\d+)[ ]TP/i)) {\n value = parseInt(RegExp.$1);\n user.gainTp(value);\n animation = animation || tpAnimation;\n\n// ----------------\n// Percentile Gains\n// ----------------\n} else if (data.match(/([\\+\\-]\\d+)([%%])[ ]HP/i)) {\n rate = parseFloat(RegExp.$1) * 0.01;\n value = Math.round(user.mhp * rate);\n user.gainHp(value);\n animation = animation || hpAnimation;\n\n} else if (data.match(/([\\+\\-]\\d+)([%%])[ ]MP/i)) {\n rate = parseFloat(RegExp.$1) * 0.01;\n value = Math.round(user.mmp * rate);\n user.gainMp(value);\n animation = animation || mpAnimation;\n\n} else if (data.match(/([\\+\\-]\\d+)([%%])[ ]TP/i)) {\n rate = parseFloat(RegExp.$1) * 0.01;\n value = Math.round(user.maxTp() * rate);\n user.gainTp(value);\n animation = animation || tpAnimation;\n\n// ------------------\n// Refund Skill Costs\n// ------------------\n} else if (data.match(/([\\+\\-]\\d+)([%%])[ ]REFUND HP COST/i)) {\n if (isSkill) {\n rate = parseFloat(RegExp.$1) * 0.01;\n value = Math.round(user.skillHpCost(skill) * rate);\n user.gainHp(value);\n animation = animation || hpAnimation;\n } else {\n skip = true;\n }\n\n} else if (data.match(/([\\+\\-]\\d+)([%%])[ ]REFUND MP COST/i)) {\n if (isSkill) {\n rate = parseFloat(RegExp.$1) * 0.01;\n value = Math.round(user.skillMpCost(skill) * rate);\n user.gainMp(value);\n animation = animation || mpAnimation;\n } else {\n skip = true;\n }\n\n} else if (data.match(/([\\+\\-]\\d+)([%%])[ ]REFUND TP COST/i)) {\n if (isSkill) {\n rate = parseFloat(RegExp.$1) * 0.01;\n value = Math.round(user.skillTpCost(skill) * rate);\n user.gainTp(value);\n animation = animation || tpAnimation;\n } else {\n skip = true;\n }\n\n// -----------\n// Refund Item\n// -----------\n} else if (data.match(/(\\d+)([%%])[ ]REFUND ITEM/i)) {\n rate = parseFloat(RegExp.$1) * 0.01;\n if (isItem && Math.random() < chance) {\n $gameParty.gainItem(item, 1);\n SoundManager.playUseItem();\n animation = animation || itemAnimation;\n } else {\n skip = true;\n }\n\n// ------------------------\n// Add/Remove Buffs/Debuffs\n// ------------------------\n} else if (data.match(/ADD[ ](.*)[ ]BUFF,[ ](\\d+)[ ]TURN/i)) {\n var str = String(RegExp.$1).toUpperCase();\n var turns = parseInt(RegExp.$2);\n var paramId = DataManager.getParamId(str);\n if (paramId >= 0) {\n user.addBuff(paramId, turns);\n } else {\n skip = true;\n }\n animation = animation || buffAnimation;\n\n} else if (data.match(/ADD[ ](.*)[ ]BUFF/i)) {\n var str = String(RegExp.$1).toUpperCase();\n var turns = 5;\n var paramId = DataManager.getParamId(str);\n if (paramId >= 0) {\n user.addBuff(paramId, turns);\n } else {\n skip = true;\n }\n animation = animation || buffAnimation;\n\n} else if (data.match(/ADD[ ](.*)[ ]DEBUFF,[ ](\\d+)[ ]TURN/i)) {\n var str = String(RegExp.$1).toUpperCase();\n var turns = parseInt(RegExp.$2);\n var paramId = DataManager.getParamId(str);\n if (paramId >= 0) {\n user.addDebuff(paramId, turns);\n } else {\n skip = true;\n }\n animation = animation || debuffAnimation;\n\n} else if (data.match(/ADD[ ](.*)[ ]DEBUFF/i)) {\n var str = String(RegExp.$1).toUpperCase();\n var turns = 5;\n var paramId = DataManager.getParamId(str);\n if (paramId >= 0) {\n user.addDebuff(paramId, turns);\n } else {\n skip = true;\n }\n animation = animation || debuffAnimation;\n\n} else if (data.match(/REMOVE[ ](.*)[ ](?:BUFF|DEBUFF)/i)) {\n var str = String(RegExp.$1).toUpperCase();\n var paramId = DataManager.getParamId(str);\n if (paramId >= 0) {\n user.removeBuff(paramId);\n } else {\n skip = true;\n }\n animation = animation || miscAnimation;\n\n// -----------------\n// Add/Remove States\n// -----------------\n} else if (data.match(/ADD STATE[ ](\\d+)/i)) {\n var stateId = parseInt(RegExp.$1);\n user.addState(stateId);\n animation = animation || addStateAnimation;\n\n} else if (data.match(/REMOVE STATE[ ](\\d+)/i)) {\n var stateId = parseInt(RegExp.$1);\n if (user.isStateAffected(stateId)) {\n user.removeState(stateId);\n animation = animation || removeStateAnimation;\n } else {\n skip = true;\n }\n\n// ----------------\n// Rolling Critical\n// ----------------\n} else if (data.match(/ROLLING CRITICAL[ ]([\\+\\-]\\d+)([%%])/i)) {\n if (isSkill) {\n rate = parseFloat(RegExp.$1) * 0.01;\n user._rollingCritical = user._rollingCritical || {};\n user._rollingCritical[skill.id] = user._rollingCritical[skill.id] || 0;\n user._rollingCritical[skill.id] += rate;\n } else {\n skip = true;\n }\n\n} else if (data.match(/ROLLING CRITICAL[ ](\\d+)([%%])/i)) {\n if (isSkill) {\n rate = parseFloat(RegExp.$1) * 0.01;\n user._rollingCritical = user._rollingCritical || {};\n user._rollingCritical[skill.id] = user._rollingCritical[skill.id] || 0;\n user._rollingCritical[skill.id] = rate;\n } else {\n skip = true;\n }\n\n// -------------------------------\n// Add new effects above this line\n// -------------------------------\n} else {\n skip = true;\n}" * * @param Weakness Rate * @text 弱点率 * @parent ---General--- * @type number * @decimals 2 * @min 0 * @max 31 * @desc 在什么时候元素率算是弱点? * At what point does an element rate count as a weakness? * @default 1.20 * * @param Resisted Rate * @text 抵抗率 * @parent ---General--- * @type number * @decimals 2 * @min 0 * @max 31 * @desc 元素率在什么时候被抵抗? * At what point does an element rate count as resisted? * @default 0.80 * * @param ---Animations--- * @text ---动画--- * @default * * @param HP Animation * @text HP动画 * @parent ---Animations--- * @type animation * @desc Animation to play when reward involves healing HP. * @default 41 * * @param MP Animation * @text MP动画 * @parent ---Animations--- * @type animation * @desc Animation to play when reward involves restoring MP. * @default 45 * * @param TP Animation * @text TP动画 * @parent ---Animations--- * @type animation * @desc Animation to play when reward involves raising TP. * @default 45 * * @param Item Animation * @text 物品动画 * @parent ---Animations--- * @type animation * @desc Animation to play when reward involves refunding items. * @default 46 * * @param Buff Animation * @text buff动画 * @parent ---Animations--- * @type animation * @desc Animation to play when reward involves buffing parameters. * @default 51 * * @param Debuff Animation * @text Debuff动画 * @parent ---Animations--- * @type animation * @desc Animation to play when reward involves debuffing parameters. * @default 54 * * @param Add State Animation * @text 添加状态动画 * @parent ---Animations--- * @type animation * @desc Animation to play when reward involves adding states. * @default 53 * * @param Remove State Animation * @text 移除状态动画 * @parent ---Animations--- * @type animation * @desc Animation to play when reward involves removing states. * @default 56 * * @param Misc Animation * @text 杂项动画 * @parent ---Animations--- * @type animation * @desc 当奖励包含其他效果时播放的动画。 * Animation to play when reward involves misc effects. * @default 97 * */ //============================================================================= Yanfly.PluginRequirements = function() { return Imported.YEP_BattleEngineCore && Imported.YEP_SkillCore; }; if (Yanfly.PluginRequirements()) { //============================================================================= // Parameter Variables //============================================================================= Yanfly.Parameters = PluginManager.parameters('YEP_Z_SkillRewards'); Yanfly.Param = Yanfly.Param || {}; Yanfly.Param.LunSkRewEffect = JSON.parse(Yanfly.Parameters['Effect Code']); Yanfly.Param.LunSkRewWeakness = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Weakness Rate']); Yanfly.Param.LunSkRewResisted = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Resisted Rate']); Yanfly.Param.LunSkRewAniHp = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['HP Animation']); Yanfly.Param.LunSkRewAniMp = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['MP Animation']); Yanfly.Param.LunSkRewAniTp = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['TP Animation']); Yanfly.Param.LunSkRewAniItem = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Item Animation']); Yanfly.Param.LunSkRewAniBuff = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Buff Animation']); Yanfly.Param.LunSkRewAniDebuff = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Debuff Animation']); Yanfly.Param.LunSkRewAniAddState = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Add State Animation']); Yanfly.Param.LunSkRewAniRemoveState = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Remove State Animation']); Yanfly.Param.LunSkRewAniMisc = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Misc Animation']); //============================================================================= // DataManager //============================================================================= Yanfly.LunSkRew.DataManager_isDatabaseLoaded = DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded; DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded = function() { if (!Yanfly.LunSkRew.DataManager_isDatabaseLoaded.call(this)) return false; if (!Yanfly._loaded_YEP_Z_SkillRewards) { this.processLunSkRewNotetags1($dataSkills); this.processLunSkRewNotetags1($dataItems); Yanfly._loaded_YEP_Z_SkillRewards = true; } return true; }; DataManager.processLunSkRewNotetags1 = function(group) { for (var n = 1; n < group.length; n++) { var obj = group[n]; var notedata = obj.note.split(/[\r\n]+/); obj.rewardAnimation = 0; obj.criticalRewards = []; obj.noncriticalRewards = []; obj.defeatRewards = []; obj.hitRewards = []; obj.missedRewards = []; obj.weaknessRewards = []; obj.resistRewards = []; obj.nulledRewards = []; obj.absorbRewards = []; for (var i = 0; i < notedata.length; i++) { var line = notedata[i]; if (line.match(//i)) { obj.rewardAnimation = parseInt(RegExp.$1); } else if (line.match(/<(.*)[ ](?:REWARD|REWARDS):[ ](.*)>/i)) { var condition = String(RegExp.$1); var data = String(RegExp.$2); if (condition.match(/DEFEAT/i)) { obj.defeatRewards.push(data); } else if (condition.match(/NONCRITICAL/i)) { obj.noncriticalRewards.push(data); } else if (condition.match(/CRITICAL/i)) { obj.criticalRewards.push(data); } else if (condition.match(/HIT/i)) { obj.hitRewards.push(data); } else if (condition.match(/(?:MISSED|EVADE)/i)) { obj.missedRewards.push(data); } else if (condition.match(/WEAKNESS/i)) { obj.weaknessRewards.push(data); } else if (condition.match(/RESIST/i)) { obj.resistRewards.push(data); } else if (condition.match(/NULLED/i)) { obj.nulledRewards.push(data); } else if (condition.match(/ABSORB/i)) { obj.absorbRewards.push(data); } } } } }; DataManager.getParamId = function(str) { switch (str.toUpperCase()) { case 'HP': case 'MAXHP': case 'MAX HP': return 0; break; case 'MP': case 'MAXMP': case 'MAX MP': case 'SP': case 'MAXSP': case 'MAX SP': return 1; break; case 'ATK': case 'STR': return 2; break; case 'DEF': return 3; break; case 'MAT': case 'INT': case 'SPI': return 4; break; case 'MDF': case 'RES': return 5; break; case 'AGI': case 'SPD': return 6; break; case 'LUK': return 7; break; default: return -1; break; } }; //============================================================================= // Game_Action //============================================================================= Yanfly.LunSkRew.Game_Action_apply = Game_Action.prototype.apply; Game_Action.prototype.apply = function(target) { var alive = target.hp > 0; Yanfly.LunSkRew.Game_Action_apply.call(this, target); var result = target.result(); if (alive) { if (target.hp <= 0 || target.isDead()) { this.processLunaticSkillReward(target, 'defeat'); } } if (result.isHit()) { this.processLunaticSkillReward(target, 'hit'); if (result.critical) { this.processLunaticSkillReward(target, 'critical'); } else { this.processLunaticSkillReward(target, 'noncritical'); } var rate = this.calcElementRate(target); if (rate >= Yanfly.Param.LunSkRewWeakness) { this.processLunaticSkillReward(target, 'weakness'); } else if (rate < 0) { this.processLunaticSkillReward(target, 'absorb'); } else if (rate === 0) { this.processLunaticSkillReward(target, 'nulled'); } else if (rate <= Yanfly.Param.LunSkRewResisted) { this.processLunaticSkillReward(target, 'resist'); } } else { this.processLunaticSkillReward(target, 'missed'); } }; Yanfly.LunSkRew.Game_Action_itemCri = Game_Action.prototype.itemCri; Game_Action.prototype.itemCri = function(target) { var cri = Yanfly.LunSkRew.Game_Action_itemCri.call(this, target); var user = this.subject(); if (this.isSkill() && user && user._rollingCritical) { user._rollingCritical[skill.id] = user._rollingCritical[skill.id] || 0; cri += user._rollingCritical[skill.id]; } return cri; }; Game_Action.prototype.processLunaticSkillReward = function(target, type) { switch (type) { case 'defeat': var dataInfo = this.item().defeatRewards; break; case 'noncritical': var dataInfo = this.item().noncriticalRewards; break; case 'critical': var dataInfo = this.item().criticalRewards; break; case 'hit': var dataInfo = this.item().hitRewards; break; case 'missed': var dataInfo = this.item().missedRewards; break; case 'weakness': var dataInfo = this.item().weaknessRewards; break; case 'resist': var dataInfo = this.item().resistRewards; break; case 'nulled': var dataInfo = this.item().nulledRewards; break; case 'absorb': var dataInfo = this.item().absorbRewards; break; default: return; } var length = dataInfo.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { var data = dataInfo[i]; this.lunaticSkillRewardEval(target, type, data); } }; Game_Action.prototype.lunaticSkillRewardEval = function(target, type, data) { var item = this.item(); var skill = this.item(); var isSkill = DataManager.isSkill(skill); var isItem = DataManager.isSkill(item); var user = this.subject(); var a = user; var subject = user; var b = target; var s = $gameSwitches._data; var v = $gameVariables._data; var userPreviousResult = JsonEx.makeDeepCopy(user._result); var targetPreviousResult = JsonEx.makeDeepCopy(target._result); var skip = false; var value = 0; var rate = 1; var hpAnimation = Yanfly.Param.LunSkRewAniHp; var mpAnimation = Yanfly.Param.LunSkRewAniMp; var tpAnimation = Yanfly.Param.LunSkRewAniTp; var itemAnimation = Yanfly.Param.LunSkRewAniItem; var buffAnimation = Yanfly.Param.LunSkRewAniBuff; var debuffAnimation = Yanfly.Param.LunSkRewAniDebuff; var addStateAnimation = Yanfly.Param.LunSkRewAniAddState; var removeStateAnimation = Yanfly.Param.LunSkRewAniRemoveState; var miscAnimation = Yanfly.Param.LunSkRewAniMisc; var animation = this.item().rewardAnimation || 0; var code = Yanfly.Param.LunSkRewEffect; try { eval(code) } catch (e) { Yanfly.Util.displayError(e, code, 'LUNATIC SKILL REWARDS ERROR'); } if (!skip) { user.startDamagePopup(); if (animation > 0) { user.startAnimation(animation); } } if (user.isDead()) user.performCollapse(); if (target.isDead()) target.performCollapse(); user._result = userPreviousResult; target._result = targetPreviousResult; }; //============================================================================= // Utilities //============================================================================= Yanfly.Util = Yanfly.Util || {}; Yanfly.Util.displayError = function(e, code, message) { console.log(message); console.log(code || 'NON-EXISTENT'); console.error(e); if (Utils.isNwjs() && Utils.isOptionValid('test')) { if (!require('nw.gui').Window.get().isDevToolsOpen()) { require('nw.gui').Window.get().showDevTools(); } } }; //============================================================================= // Default Effect Code //============================================================================= if (false) { // ---------- // Flat Gains // ---------- if (data.match(/([\+\-]\d+)[ ]HP/i)) { value = parseInt(RegExp.$1); user.gainHp(value); animation = animation || hpAnimation; } else if (data.match(/([\+\-]\d+)[ ]MP/i)) { value = parseInt(RegExp.$1); user.gainMp(value); animation = animation || mpAnimation; } else if (data.match(/([\+\-]\d+)[ ]TP/i)) { value = parseInt(RegExp.$1); user.gainTp(value); animation = animation || tpAnimation; // ---------------- // Percentile Gains // ---------------- } else if (data.match(/([\+\-]\d+)([%%])[ ]HP/i)) { rate = parseFloat(RegExp.$1) * 0.01; value = Math.round(user.mhp * rate); user.gainHp(value); animation = animation || hpAnimation; } else if (data.match(/([\+\-]\d+)([%%])[ ]MP/i)) { rate = parseFloat(RegExp.$1) * 0.01; value = Math.round(user.mmp * rate); user.gainMp(value); animation = animation || mpAnimation; } else if (data.match(/([\+\-]\d+)([%%])[ ]TP/i)) { rate = parseFloat(RegExp.$1) * 0.01; value = Math.round(user.maxTp() * rate); user.gainTp(value); animation = animation || tpAnimation; // ------------------ // Refund Skill Costs // ------------------ } else if (data.match(/([\+\-]\d+)([%%])[ ]REFUND HP COST/i)) { if (isSkill) { rate = parseFloat(RegExp.$1) * 0.01; value = Math.round(user.skillHpCost(skill) * rate); user.gainHp(value); animation = animation || hpAnimation; } else { skip = true; } } else if (data.match(/([\+\-]\d+)([%%])[ ]REFUND MP COST/i)) { if (isSkill) { rate = parseFloat(RegExp.$1) * 0.01; value = Math.round(user.skillMpCost(skill) * rate); user.gainMp(value); animation = animation || mpAnimation; } else { skip = true; } } else if (data.match(/([\+\-]\d+)([%%])[ ]REFUND TP COST/i)) { if (isSkill) { rate = parseFloat(RegExp.$1) * 0.01; value = Math.round(user.skillTpCost(skill) * rate); user.gainTp(value); animation = animation || tpAnimation; } else { skip = true; } // ----------- // Refund Item // ----------- } else if (data.match(/(\d+)([%%])[ ]REFUND ITEM/i)) { rate = parseFloat(RegExp.$1) * 0.01; if (isItem && Math.random() < chance) { $gameParty.gainItem(item, 1); SoundManager.playUseItem(); animation = animation || itemAnimation; } else { skip = true; } // ------------------------ // Add/Remove Buffs/Debuffs // ------------------------ } else if (data.match(/ADD[ ](.*)[ ]BUFF,[ ](\d+)[ ]TURN/i)) { var str = String(RegExp.$1).toUpperCase(); var turns = parseInt(RegExp.$2); var paramId = DataManager.getParamId(str); if (paramId >= 0) { user.addBuff(paramId, turns); } else { skip = true; } animation = animation || buffAnimation; } else if (data.match(/ADD[ ](.*)[ ]BUFF/i)) { var str = String(RegExp.$1).toUpperCase(); var turns = 5; var paramId = DataManager.getParamId(str); if (paramId >= 0) { user.addBuff(paramId, turns); } else { skip = true; } animation = animation || buffAnimation; } else if (data.match(/ADD[ ](.*)[ ]DEBUFF,[ ](\d+)[ ]TURN/i)) { var str = String(RegExp.$1).toUpperCase(); var turns = parseInt(RegExp.$2); var paramId = DataManager.getParamId(str); if (paramId >= 0) { user.addDebuff(paramId, turns); } else { skip = true; } animation = animation || debuffAnimation; } else if (data.match(/ADD[ ](.*)[ ]DEBUFF/i)) { var str = String(RegExp.$1).toUpperCase(); var turns = 5; var paramId = DataManager.getParamId(str); if (paramId >= 0) { user.addDebuff(paramId, turns); } else { skip = true; } animation = animation || debuffAnimation; } else if (data.match(/REMOVE[ ](.*)[ ](?:BUFF|DEBUFF)/i)) { var str = String(RegExp.$1).toUpperCase(); var paramId = DataManager.getParamId(str); if (paramId >= 0) { user.removeBuff(paramId); } else { skip = true; } animation = animation || miscAnimation; // ----------------- // Add/Remove States // ----------------- } else if (data.match(/ADD STATE[ ](\d+)/i)) { var stateId = parseInt(RegExp.$1); user.addState(stateId); animation = animation || addStateAnimation; } else if (data.match(/REMOVE STATE[ ](\d+)/i)) { var stateId = parseInt(RegExp.$1); if (user.isStateAffected(stateId)) { user.removeState(stateId); animation = animation || removeStateAnimation; } else { skip = true; } // ---------------- // Rolling Critical // ---------------- } else if (data.match(/ROLLING CRITICAL[ ]([\+\-]\d+)([%%])/i)) { if (isSkill) { rate = parseFloat(RegExp.$1) * 0.01; user._rollingCritical = user._rollingCritical || {}; user._rollingCritical[skill.id] = user._rollingCritical[skill.id] || 0; user._rollingCritical[skill.id] += rate; } else { skip = true; } } else if (data.match(/ROLLING CRITICAL[ ](\d+)([%%])/i)) { if (isSkill) { rate = parseFloat(RegExp.$1) * 0.01; user._rollingCritical = user._rollingCritical || {}; user._rollingCritical[skill.id] = user._rollingCritical[skill.id] || 0; user._rollingCritical[skill.id] = rate; } else { skip = true; } // ------------------------------- // Add new effects above this line // ------------------------------- } else { skip = true; } }; // Default Effect Code //============================================================================= // End of File //============================================================================= } else { var text = ''; text += 'You are getting this error because you are trying to run '; text += 'YEP_Z_SkillRewards without the required plugins. Please visit '; text += 'Yanfly.moe and install the required plugins neede for this plugin '; text += 'found in this plugin\'s help file before you can use it.'; console.log(text); require('nw.gui').Window.get().showDevTools(); }; // Yanfly.PluginRequirements