//============================================================================= // rpg_objects.js v1.6.2 //============================================================================= //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Temp // // The game object class for temporary data that is not included in save data. function Game_Temp() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_Temp.prototype.initialize = function () { this._isPlaytest = Utils.isOptionValid('test'); this._commonEventId = 0; this._destinationX = null; this._destinationY = null; }; Game_Temp.prototype.isPlaytest = function () { return this._isPlaytest; }; Game_Temp.prototype.reserveCommonEvent = function (commonEventId) { this._commonEventId = commonEventId; }; Game_Temp.prototype.clearCommonEvent = function () { this._commonEventId = 0; }; Game_Temp.prototype.isCommonEventReserved = function () { return this._commonEventId > 0; }; Game_Temp.prototype.reservedCommonEvent = function () { return $dataCommonEvents[this._commonEventId]; }; Game_Temp.prototype.setDestination = function (x, y) { this._destinationX = x; this._destinationY = y; }; Game_Temp.prototype.clearDestination = function () { this._destinationX = null; this._destinationY = null; }; Game_Temp.prototype.isDestinationValid = function () { return this._destinationX !== null; }; Game_Temp.prototype.destinationX = function () { return this._destinationX; }; Game_Temp.prototype.destinationY = function () { return this._destinationY; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_System // // The game object class for the system data. function Game_System() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_System.prototype.initialize = function () { this._saveEnabled = true; this._menuEnabled = true; this._encounterEnabled = true; this._formationEnabled = true; this._battleCount = 0; this._winCount = 0; this._escapeCount = 0; this._saveCount = 0; this._versionId = 0; this._framesOnSave = 0; this._bgmOnSave = null; this._bgsOnSave = null; this._windowTone = null; this._battleBgm = null; this._victoryMe = null; this._defeatMe = null; this._savedBgm = null; this._walkingBgm = null; }; Game_System.prototype.isJapanese = function () { return $dataSystem.locale.match(/^ja/); }; Game_System.prototype.isChinese = function () { return $dataSystem.locale.match(/^zh/); }; Game_System.prototype.isKorean = function () { return $dataSystem.locale.match(/^ko/); }; Game_System.prototype.isCJK = function () { return $dataSystem.locale.match(/^(ja|zh|ko)/); }; Game_System.prototype.isRussian = function () { return $dataSystem.locale.match(/^ru/); }; Game_System.prototype.isSideView = function () { return $dataSystem.optSideView; }; Game_System.prototype.isSaveEnabled = function () { return this._saveEnabled; }; Game_System.prototype.disableSave = function () { this._saveEnabled = false; }; Game_System.prototype.enableSave = function () { this._saveEnabled = true; }; Game_System.prototype.isMenuEnabled = function () { return this._menuEnabled; }; Game_System.prototype.disableMenu = function () { this._menuEnabled = false; }; Game_System.prototype.enableMenu = function () { this._menuEnabled = true; }; Game_System.prototype.isEncounterEnabled = function () { return this._encounterEnabled; }; Game_System.prototype.disableEncounter = function () { this._encounterEnabled = false; }; Game_System.prototype.enableEncounter = function () { this._encounterEnabled = true; }; Game_System.prototype.isFormationEnabled = function () { return this._formationEnabled; }; Game_System.prototype.disableFormation = function () { this._formationEnabled = false; }; Game_System.prototype.enableFormation = function () { this._formationEnabled = true; }; Game_System.prototype.battleCount = function () { return this._battleCount; }; Game_System.prototype.winCount = function () { return this._winCount; }; Game_System.prototype.escapeCount = function () { return this._escapeCount; }; Game_System.prototype.saveCount = function () { return this._saveCount; }; Game_System.prototype.versionId = function () { return this._versionId; }; Game_System.prototype.windowTone = function () { return this._windowTone || $dataSystem.windowTone; }; Game_System.prototype.setWindowTone = function (value) { this._windowTone = value; }; Game_System.prototype.battleBgm = function () { return this._battleBgm || $dataSystem.battleBgm; }; Game_System.prototype.setBattleBgm = function (value) { this._battleBgm = value; }; Game_System.prototype.victoryMe = function () { return this._victoryMe || $dataSystem.victoryMe; }; Game_System.prototype.setVictoryMe = function (value) { this._victoryMe = value; }; Game_System.prototype.defeatMe = function () { return this._defeatMe || $dataSystem.defeatMe; }; Game_System.prototype.setDefeatMe = function (value) { this._defeatMe = value; }; Game_System.prototype.onBattleStart = function () { this._battleCount++; }; Game_System.prototype.onBattleWin = function () { this._winCount++; }; Game_System.prototype.onBattleEscape = function () { this._escapeCount++; }; Game_System.prototype.onBeforeSave = function () { this._saveCount++; this._versionId = $dataSystem.versionId; this._framesOnSave = Graphics.frameCount; this._bgmOnSave = AudioManager.saveBgm(); this._bgsOnSave = AudioManager.saveBgs(); }; Game_System.prototype.onAfterLoad = function () { Graphics.frameCount = this._framesOnSave; AudioManager.playBgm(this._bgmOnSave); AudioManager.playBgs(this._bgsOnSave); }; Game_System.prototype.playtime = function () { return Math.floor(Graphics.frameCount / 60); }; Game_System.prototype.playtimeText = function () { var hour = Math.floor(this.playtime() / 60 / 60); var min = Math.floor(this.playtime() / 60) % 60; var sec = this.playtime() % 60; return hour.padZero(2) + ':' + min.padZero(2) + ':' + sec.padZero(2); }; Game_System.prototype.saveBgm = function () { this._savedBgm = AudioManager.saveBgm(); }; Game_System.prototype.replayBgm = function () { if (this._savedBgm) { AudioManager.replayBgm(this._savedBgm); } }; Game_System.prototype.saveWalkingBgm = function () { this._walkingBgm = AudioManager.saveBgm(); }; Game_System.prototype.replayWalkingBgm = function () { if (this._walkingBgm) { AudioManager.playBgm(this._walkingBgm); } }; Game_System.prototype.saveWalkingBgm2 = function () { this._walkingBgm = $dataMap.bgm; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Timer // // The game object class for the timer. function Game_Timer() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_Timer.prototype.initialize = function () { this._frames = 0; this._working = false; }; Game_Timer.prototype.update = function (sceneActive) { if (sceneActive && this._working && this._frames > 0) { this._frames--; if (this._frames === 0) { this.onExpire(); } } }; Game_Timer.prototype.start = function (count) { this._frames = count; this._working = true; }; Game_Timer.prototype.stop = function () { this._working = false; }; Game_Timer.prototype.isWorking = function () { return this._working; }; Game_Timer.prototype.seconds = function () { return Math.floor(this._frames / 60); }; Game_Timer.prototype.onExpire = function () { BattleManager.abort(); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Message // // The game object class for the state of the message window that displays text // or selections, etc. function Game_Message() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_Message.prototype.initialize = function () { this.clear(); }; Game_Message.prototype.clear = function () { this._texts = []; this._choices = []; this._faceName = ''; this._faceIndex = 0; this._background = 0; this._positionType = 2; this._choiceDefaultType = 0; this._choiceCancelType = 0; this._choiceBackground = 0; this._choicePositionType = 2; this._numInputVariableId = 0; this._numInputMaxDigits = 0; this._itemChoiceVariableId = 0; this._itemChoiceItypeId = 0; this._scrollMode = false; this._scrollSpeed = 2; this._scrollNoFast = false; this._choiceCallback = null; }; Game_Message.prototype.choices = function () { return this._choices; }; Game_Message.prototype.faceName = function () { return this._faceName; }; Game_Message.prototype.faceIndex = function () { return this._faceIndex; }; Game_Message.prototype.background = function () { return this._background; }; Game_Message.prototype.positionType = function () { return this._positionType; }; Game_Message.prototype.choiceDefaultType = function () { return this._choiceDefaultType; }; Game_Message.prototype.choiceCancelType = function () { return this._choiceCancelType; }; Game_Message.prototype.choiceBackground = function () { return this._choiceBackground; }; Game_Message.prototype.choicePositionType = function () { return this._choicePositionType; }; Game_Message.prototype.numInputVariableId = function () { return this._numInputVariableId; }; Game_Message.prototype.numInputMaxDigits = function () { return this._numInputMaxDigits; }; Game_Message.prototype.itemChoiceVariableId = function () { return this._itemChoiceVariableId; }; Game_Message.prototype.itemChoiceItypeId = function () { return this._itemChoiceItypeId; }; Game_Message.prototype.scrollMode = function () { return this._scrollMode; }; Game_Message.prototype.scrollSpeed = function () { return this._scrollSpeed; }; Game_Message.prototype.scrollNoFast = function () { return this._scrollNoFast; }; Game_Message.prototype.add = function (text) { this._texts.push(text); }; Game_Message.prototype.setFaceImage = function (faceName, faceIndex) { this._faceName = faceName; this._faceIndex = faceIndex; }; Game_Message.prototype.setBackground = function (background) { this._background = background; }; Game_Message.prototype.setPositionType = function (positionType) { this._positionType = positionType; }; Game_Message.prototype.setChoices = function (choices, defaultType, cancelType) { this._choices = choices; this._choiceDefaultType = defaultType; this._choiceCancelType = cancelType; }; Game_Message.prototype.setChoiceBackground = function (background) { this._choiceBackground = background; }; Game_Message.prototype.setChoicePositionType = function (positionType) { this._choicePositionType = positionType; }; Game_Message.prototype.setNumberInput = function (variableId, maxDigits) { this._numInputVariableId = variableId; this._numInputMaxDigits = maxDigits; }; Game_Message.prototype.setItemChoice = function (variableId, itemType) { this._itemChoiceVariableId = variableId; this._itemChoiceItypeId = itemType; }; Game_Message.prototype.setScroll = function (speed, noFast) { this._scrollMode = true; this._scrollSpeed = speed; this._scrollNoFast = noFast; }; Game_Message.prototype.setChoiceCallback = function (callback) { this._choiceCallback = callback; }; Game_Message.prototype.onChoice = function (n) { if (this._choiceCallback) { this._choiceCallback(n); this._choiceCallback = null; } }; Game_Message.prototype.hasText = function () { return this._texts.length > 0; }; Game_Message.prototype.isChoice = function () { return this._choices.length > 0; }; Game_Message.prototype.isNumberInput = function () { return this._numInputVariableId > 0; }; Game_Message.prototype.isItemChoice = function () { return this._itemChoiceVariableId > 0; }; Game_Message.prototype.isBusy = function () { return (this.hasText() || this.isChoice() || this.isNumberInput() || this.isItemChoice()); }; Game_Message.prototype.newPage = function () { if (this._texts.length > 0) { this._texts[this._texts.length - 1] += '\f'; } }; Game_Message.prototype.allText = function () { return this._texts.join('\n'); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Switches // // The game object class for switches. function Game_Switches() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_Switches.prototype.initialize = function () { this.clear(); }; Game_Switches.prototype.clear = function () { this._data = []; }; Game_Switches.prototype.value = function (switchId) { return !!this._data[switchId]; }; Game_Switches.prototype.setValue = function (switchId, value) { if (switchId > 0 && switchId < $dataSystem.switches.length) { this._data[switchId] = value; this.onChange(); } }; Game_Switches.prototype.onChange = function () { $gameMap.requestRefresh(); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Variables // // The game object class for variables. function Game_Variables() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_Variables.prototype.initialize = function () { this.clear(); }; Game_Variables.prototype.clear = function () { this._data = []; }; Game_Variables.prototype.value = function (variableId) { return this._data[variableId] || 0; }; Game_Variables.prototype.setValue = function (variableId, value) { if (variableId > 0 && variableId < $dataSystem.variables.length) { if (typeof value === 'number') { value = Math.floor(value); } this._data[variableId] = value; this.onChange(); } }; Game_Variables.prototype.onChange = function () { $gameMap.requestRefresh(); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_SelfSwitches // // The game object class for self switches. function Game_SelfSwitches() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_SelfSwitches.prototype.initialize = function () { this.clear(); }; Game_SelfSwitches.prototype.clear = function () { this._data = {}; }; Game_SelfSwitches.prototype.value = function (key) { return !!this._data[key]; }; Game_SelfSwitches.prototype.setValue = function (key, value) { if (value) { this._data[key] = true; } else { delete this._data[key]; } this.onChange(); }; Game_SelfSwitches.prototype.onChange = function () { $gameMap.requestRefresh(); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Screen // // The game object class for screen effect data, such as changes in color tone // and flashes. function Game_Screen() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_Screen.prototype.initialize = function () { this.clear(); }; Game_Screen.prototype.clear = function () { this.clearFade(); this.clearTone(); this.clearFlash(); this.clearShake(); this.clearZoom(); this.clearWeather(); this.clearPictures(); }; Game_Screen.prototype.onBattleStart = function () { this.clearFade(); this.clearFlash(); this.clearShake(); this.clearZoom(); this.eraseBattlePictures(); }; Game_Screen.prototype.brightness = function () { return this._brightness; }; Game_Screen.prototype.tone = function () { return this._tone; }; Game_Screen.prototype.flashColor = function () { return this._flashColor; }; Game_Screen.prototype.shake = function () { return this._shake; }; Game_Screen.prototype.zoomX = function () { return this._zoomX; }; Game_Screen.prototype.zoomY = function () { return this._zoomY; }; Game_Screen.prototype.zoomScale = function () { return this._zoomScale; }; Game_Screen.prototype.weatherType = function () { return this._weatherType; }; Game_Screen.prototype.weatherPower = function () { return this._weatherPower; }; Game_Screen.prototype.picture = function (pictureId) { var realPictureId = this.realPictureId(pictureId); return this._pictures[realPictureId]; }; Game_Screen.prototype.realPictureId = function (pictureId) { if ($gameParty.inBattle()) { return pictureId + this.maxPictures(); } else { return pictureId; } }; Game_Screen.prototype.clearFade = function () { this._brightness = 255; this._fadeOutDuration = 0; this._fadeInDuration = 0; }; Game_Screen.prototype.clearTone = function () { this._tone = [0, 0, 0, 0]; this._toneTarget = [0, 0, 0, 0]; this._toneDuration = 0; }; Game_Screen.prototype.clearFlash = function () { this._flashColor = [0, 0, 0, 0]; this._flashDuration = 0; }; Game_Screen.prototype.clearShake = function () { this._shakePower = 0; this._shakeSpeed = 0; this._shakeDuration = 0; this._shakeDirection = 1; this._shake = 0; }; Game_Screen.prototype.clearZoom = function () { this._zoomX = 0; this._zoomY = 0; this._zoomScale = 1; this._zoomScaleTarget = 1; this._zoomDuration = 0; }; Game_Screen.prototype.clearWeather = function () { this._weatherType = 'none'; this._weatherPower = 0; this._weatherPowerTarget = 0; this._weatherDuration = 0; }; Game_Screen.prototype.clearPictures = function () { this._pictures = []; }; Game_Screen.prototype.eraseBattlePictures = function () { this._pictures = this._pictures.slice(0, this.maxPictures() + 1); }; Game_Screen.prototype.maxPictures = function () { return 100; }; Game_Screen.prototype.startFadeOut = function (duration) { this._fadeOutDuration = duration; this._fadeInDuration = 0; }; Game_Screen.prototype.startFadeIn = function (duration) { this._fadeInDuration = duration; this._fadeOutDuration = 0; }; Game_Screen.prototype.startTint = function (tone, duration) { this._toneTarget = tone.clone(); this._toneDuration = duration; if (this._toneDuration === 0) { this._tone = this._toneTarget.clone(); } }; Game_Screen.prototype.startFlash = function (color, duration) { this._flashColor = color.clone(); this._flashDuration = duration; }; Game_Screen.prototype.startShake = function (power, speed, duration) { this._shakePower = power; this._shakeSpeed = speed; this._shakeDuration = duration; }; Game_Screen.prototype.startZoom = function (x, y, scale, duration) { this._zoomX = x; this._zoomY = y; this._zoomScaleTarget = scale; this._zoomDuration = duration; }; Game_Screen.prototype.setZoom = function (x, y, scale) { this._zoomX = x; this._zoomY = y; this._zoomScale = scale; }; Game_Screen.prototype.changeWeather = function (type, power, duration) { if (type !== 'none' || duration === 0) { this._weatherType = type; } this._weatherPowerTarget = type === 'none' ? 0 : power; this._weatherDuration = duration; if (duration === 0) { this._weatherPower = this._weatherPowerTarget; } }; Game_Screen.prototype.update = function () { this.updateFadeOut(); this.updateFadeIn(); this.updateTone(); this.updateFlash(); this.updateShake(); this.updateZoom(); this.updateWeather(); this.updatePictures(); }; Game_Screen.prototype.updateFadeOut = function () { if (this._fadeOutDuration > 0) { var d = this._fadeOutDuration; this._brightness = (this._brightness * (d - 1)) / d; this._fadeOutDuration--; } }; Game_Screen.prototype.updateFadeIn = function () { if (this._fadeInDuration > 0) { var d = this._fadeInDuration; this._brightness = (this._brightness * (d - 1) + 255) / d; this._fadeInDuration--; } }; Game_Screen.prototype.updateTone = function () { if (this._toneDuration > 0) { var d = this._toneDuration; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { this._tone[i] = (this._tone[i] * (d - 1) + this._toneTarget[i]) / d; } this._toneDuration--; } }; Game_Screen.prototype.updateFlash = function () { if (this._flashDuration > 0) { var d = this._flashDuration; this._flashColor[3] *= (d - 1) / d; this._flashDuration--; } }; Game_Screen.prototype.updateShake = function () { if (this._shakeDuration > 0 || this._shake !== 0) { var delta = (this._shakePower * this._shakeSpeed * this._shakeDirection) / 10; if (this._shakeDuration <= 1 && this._shake * (this._shake + delta) < 0) { this._shake = 0; } else { this._shake += delta; } if (this._shake > this._shakePower * 2) { this._shakeDirection = -1; } if (this._shake < - this._shakePower * 2) { this._shakeDirection = 1; } this._shakeDuration--; } }; Game_Screen.prototype.updateZoom = function () { if (this._zoomDuration > 0) { var d = this._zoomDuration; var t = this._zoomScaleTarget; this._zoomScale = (this._zoomScale * (d - 1) + t) / d; this._zoomDuration--; } }; Game_Screen.prototype.updateWeather = function () { if (this._weatherDuration > 0) { var d = this._weatherDuration; var t = this._weatherPowerTarget; this._weatherPower = (this._weatherPower * (d - 1) + t) / d; this._weatherDuration--; if (this._weatherDuration === 0 && this._weatherPowerTarget === 0) { this._weatherType = 'none'; } } }; Game_Screen.prototype.updatePictures = function () { this._pictures.forEach(function (picture) { if (picture) { picture.update(); } }); }; Game_Screen.prototype.startFlashForDamage = function () { this.startFlash([255, 0, 0, 128], 8); }; Game_Screen.prototype.showPicture = function (pictureId, name, origin, x, y, scaleX, scaleY, opacity, blendMode) { var realPictureId = this.realPictureId(pictureId); var picture = new Game_Picture(); picture.show(name, origin, x, y, scaleX, scaleY, opacity, blendMode); this._pictures[realPictureId] = picture; }; Game_Screen.prototype.movePicture = function (pictureId, origin, x, y, scaleX, scaleY, opacity, blendMode, duration) { var picture = this.picture(pictureId); if (picture) { picture.move(origin, x, y, scaleX, scaleY, opacity, blendMode, duration); } }; Game_Screen.prototype.rotatePicture = function (pictureId, speed) { var picture = this.picture(pictureId); if (picture) { picture.rotate(speed); } }; Game_Screen.prototype.tintPicture = function (pictureId, tone, duration) { var picture = this.picture(pictureId); if (picture) { picture.tint(tone, duration); } }; Game_Screen.prototype.erasePicture = function (pictureId) { var realPictureId = this.realPictureId(pictureId); this._pictures[realPictureId] = null; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Picture // // The game object class for a picture. function Game_Picture() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_Picture.prototype.initialize = function () { this.initBasic(); this.initTarget(); this.initTone(); this.initRotation(); }; Game_Picture.prototype.name = function () { return this._name; }; Game_Picture.prototype.origin = function () { return this._origin; }; Game_Picture.prototype.x = function () { return this._x; }; Game_Picture.prototype.y = function () { return this._y; }; Game_Picture.prototype.scaleX = function () { return this._scaleX; }; Game_Picture.prototype.scaleY = function () { return this._scaleY; }; Game_Picture.prototype.opacity = function () { return this._opacity; }; Game_Picture.prototype.blendMode = function () { return this._blendMode; }; Game_Picture.prototype.tone = function () { return this._tone; }; Game_Picture.prototype.angle = function () { return this._angle; }; Game_Picture.prototype.initBasic = function () { this._name = ''; this._origin = 0; this._x = 0; this._y = 0; this._scaleX = 100; this._scaleY = 100; this._opacity = 255; this._blendMode = 0; }; Game_Picture.prototype.initTarget = function () { this._targetX = this._x; this._targetY = this._y; this._targetScaleX = this._scaleX; this._targetScaleY = this._scaleY; this._targetOpacity = this._opacity; this._duration = 0; }; Game_Picture.prototype.initTone = function () { this._tone = null; this._toneTarget = null; this._toneDuration = 0; }; Game_Picture.prototype.initRotation = function () { this._angle = 0; this._rotationSpeed = 0; }; Game_Picture.prototype.show = function (name, origin, x, y, scaleX, scaleY, opacity, blendMode) { this._name = name; this._origin = origin; this._x = x; this._y = y; this._scaleX = scaleX; this._scaleY = scaleY; this._opacity = opacity; this._blendMode = blendMode; this.initTarget(); this.initTone(); this.initRotation(); }; Game_Picture.prototype.move = function (origin, x, y, scaleX, scaleY, opacity, blendMode, duration) { this._origin = origin; this._targetX = x; this._targetY = y; this._targetScaleX = scaleX; this._targetScaleY = scaleY; this._targetOpacity = opacity; this._blendMode = blendMode; this._duration = duration; }; Game_Picture.prototype.rotate = function (speed) { this._rotationSpeed = speed; }; Game_Picture.prototype.tint = function (tone, duration) { if (!this._tone) { this._tone = [0, 0, 0, 0]; } this._toneTarget = tone.clone(); this._toneDuration = duration; if (this._toneDuration === 0) { this._tone = this._toneTarget.clone(); } }; Game_Picture.prototype.erase = function () { this._name = ''; this._origin = 0; this.initTarget(); this.initTone(); this.initRotation(); }; Game_Picture.prototype.update = function () { this.updateMove(); this.updateTone(); this.updateRotation(); }; Game_Picture.prototype.updateMove = function () { if (this._duration > 0) { var d = this._duration; this._x = (this._x * (d - 1) + this._targetX) / d; this._y = (this._y * (d - 1) + this._targetY) / d; this._scaleX = (this._scaleX * (d - 1) + this._targetScaleX) / d; this._scaleY = (this._scaleY * (d - 1) + this._targetScaleY) / d; this._opacity = (this._opacity * (d - 1) + this._targetOpacity) / d; this._duration--; } }; Game_Picture.prototype.updateTone = function () { if (this._toneDuration > 0) { var d = this._toneDuration; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { this._tone[i] = (this._tone[i] * (d - 1) + this._toneTarget[i]) / d; } this._toneDuration--; } }; Game_Picture.prototype.updateRotation = function () { if (this._rotationSpeed !== 0) { this._angle += this._rotationSpeed / 2; } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Item // // The game object class for handling skills, items, weapons, and armor. It is // required because save data should not include the database object itself. function Game_Item() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_Item.prototype.initialize = function (item) { this._dataClass = ''; this._itemId = 0; if (item) { this.setObject(item); } }; Game_Item.prototype.isSkill = function () { return this._dataClass === 'skill'; }; Game_Item.prototype.isItem = function () { return this._dataClass === 'item'; }; Game_Item.prototype.isUsableItem = function () { return this.isSkill() || this.isItem(); }; Game_Item.prototype.isWeapon = function () { return this._dataClass === 'weapon'; }; Game_Item.prototype.isArmor = function () { return this._dataClass === 'armor'; }; Game_Item.prototype.isEquipItem = function () { return this.isWeapon() || this.isArmor(); }; Game_Item.prototype.isNull = function () { return this._dataClass === ''; }; Game_Item.prototype.itemId = function () { return this._itemId; }; Game_Item.prototype.object = function () { if (this.isSkill()) { return $dataSkills[this._itemId]; } else if (this.isItem()) { return $dataItems[this._itemId]; } else if (this.isWeapon()) { return $dataWeapons[this._itemId]; } else if (this.isArmor()) { return $dataArmors[this._itemId]; } else { return null; } }; Game_Item.prototype.setObject = function (item) { if (DataManager.isSkill(item)) { this._dataClass = 'skill'; } else if (DataManager.isItem(item)) { this._dataClass = 'item'; } else if (DataManager.isWeapon(item)) { this._dataClass = 'weapon'; } else if (DataManager.isArmor(item)) { this._dataClass = 'armor'; } else { this._dataClass = ''; } this._itemId = item ? item.id : 0; }; Game_Item.prototype.setEquip = function (isWeapon, itemId) { this._dataClass = isWeapon ? 'weapon' : 'armor'; this._itemId = itemId; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Action // // The game object class for a battle action. function Game_Action() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_Action.EFFECT_RECOVER_HP = 11; Game_Action.EFFECT_RECOVER_MP = 12; Game_Action.EFFECT_GAIN_TP = 13; Game_Action.EFFECT_ADD_STATE = 21; Game_Action.EFFECT_REMOVE_STATE = 22; Game_Action.EFFECT_ADD_BUFF = 31; Game_Action.EFFECT_ADD_DEBUFF = 32; Game_Action.EFFECT_REMOVE_BUFF = 33; Game_Action.EFFECT_REMOVE_DEBUFF = 34; Game_Action.EFFECT_SPECIAL = 41; Game_Action.EFFECT_GROW = 42; Game_Action.EFFECT_LEARN_SKILL = 43; Game_Action.EFFECT_COMMON_EVENT = 44; Game_Action.SPECIAL_EFFECT_ESCAPE = 0; Game_Action.HITTYPE_CERTAIN = 0; Game_Action.HITTYPE_PHYSICAL = 1; Game_Action.HITTYPE_MAGICAL = 2; Game_Action.prototype.initialize = function (subject, forcing) { this._subjectActorId = 0; this._subjectEnemyIndex = -1; this._forcing = forcing || false; this.setSubject(subject); this.clear(); }; Game_Action.prototype.clear = function () { this._item = new Game_Item(); this._targetIndex = -1; }; Game_Action.prototype.setSubject = function (subject) { if (subject.isActor()) { this._subjectActorId = subject.actorId(); this._subjectEnemyIndex = -1; } else { this._subjectEnemyIndex = subject.index(); this._subjectActorId = 0; } }; Game_Action.prototype.subject = function () { if (this._subjectActorId > 0) { return $gameActors.actor(this._subjectActorId); } else { return $gameTroop.members()[this._subjectEnemyIndex]; } }; Game_Action.prototype.friendsUnit = function () { return this.subject().friendsUnit(); }; Game_Action.prototype.opponentsUnit = function () { return this.subject().opponentsUnit(); }; Game_Action.prototype.setEnemyAction = function (action) { if (action) { this.setSkill(action.skillId); } else { this.clear(); } }; Game_Action.prototype.setAttack = function () { this.setSkill(this.subject().attackSkillId()); }; Game_Action.prototype.setGuard = function () { this.setSkill(this.subject().guardSkillId()); }; Game_Action.prototype.setSkill = function (skillId) { this._item.setObject($dataSkills[skillId]); }; Game_Action.prototype.setItem = function (itemId) { this._item.setObject($dataItems[itemId]); }; Game_Action.prototype.setItemObject = function (object) { this._item.setObject(object); }; Game_Action.prototype.setTarget = function (targetIndex) { this._targetIndex = targetIndex; }; Game_Action.prototype.item = function () { return this._item.object(); }; Game_Action.prototype.isSkill = function () { return this._item.isSkill(); }; Game_Action.prototype.isItem = function () { return this._item.isItem(); }; Game_Action.prototype.numRepeats = function () { var repeats = this.item().repeats; if (this.isAttack()) { repeats += this.subject().attackTimesAdd(); } return Math.floor(repeats); }; Game_Action.prototype.checkItemScope = function (list) { return list.contains(this.item().scope); }; Game_Action.prototype.isForOpponent = function () { return this.checkItemScope([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); }; Game_Action.prototype.isForFriend = function () { return this.checkItemScope([7, 8, 9, 10, 11]); }; Game_Action.prototype.isForDeadFriend = function () { return this.checkItemScope([9, 10]); }; Game_Action.prototype.isForUser = function () { return this.checkItemScope([11]); }; Game_Action.prototype.isForOne = function () { return this.checkItemScope([1, 3, 7, 9, 11]); }; Game_Action.prototype.isForRandom = function () { return this.checkItemScope([3, 4, 5, 6]); }; Game_Action.prototype.isForAll = function () { return this.checkItemScope([2, 8, 10]); }; Game_Action.prototype.needsSelection = function () { return this.checkItemScope([1, 7, 9]); }; Game_Action.prototype.numTargets = function () { return this.isForRandom() ? this.item().scope - 2 : 0; }; Game_Action.prototype.checkDamageType = function (list) { return list.contains(this.item().damage.type); }; Game_Action.prototype.isHpEffect = function () { return this.checkDamageType([1, 3, 5]); }; Game_Action.prototype.isMpEffect = function () { return this.checkDamageType([2, 4, 6]); }; Game_Action.prototype.isDamage = function () { return this.checkDamageType([1, 2]); }; Game_Action.prototype.isRecover = function () { return this.checkDamageType([3, 4]); }; Game_Action.prototype.isDrain = function () { return this.checkDamageType([5, 6]); }; Game_Action.prototype.isHpRecover = function () { return this.checkDamageType([3]); }; Game_Action.prototype.isMpRecover = function () { return this.checkDamageType([4]); }; Game_Action.prototype.isCertainHit = function () { return this.item().hitType === Game_Action.HITTYPE_CERTAIN; }; Game_Action.prototype.isPhysical = function () { return this.item().hitType === Game_Action.HITTYPE_PHYSICAL; }; Game_Action.prototype.isMagical = function () { return this.item().hitType === Game_Action.HITTYPE_MAGICAL; }; Game_Action.prototype.isAttack = function () { return this.item() === $dataSkills[this.subject().attackSkillId()]; }; Game_Action.prototype.isGuard = function () { return this.item() === $dataSkills[this.subject().guardSkillId()]; }; Game_Action.prototype.isMagicSkill = function () { if (this.isSkill()) { return $dataSystem.magicSkills.contains(this.item().stypeId); } else { return false; } }; Game_Action.prototype.decideRandomTarget = function () { var target; if (this.isForDeadFriend()) { target = this.friendsUnit().randomDeadTarget(); } else if (this.isForFriend()) { target = this.friendsUnit().randomTarget(); } else { target = this.opponentsUnit().randomTarget(); } if (target) { this._targetIndex = target.index(); } else { this.clear(); } }; Game_Action.prototype.setConfusion = function () { this.setAttack(); }; Game_Action.prototype.prepare = function () { if (this.subject().isConfused() && !this._forcing) { this.setConfusion(); } }; Game_Action.prototype.isValid = function () { return (this._forcing && this.item()) || this.subject().canUse(this.item()); }; Game_Action.prototype.speed = function () { var agi = this.subject().agi; var speed = agi + Math.randomInt(Math.floor(5 + agi / 4)); if (this.item()) { speed += this.item().speed; } if (this.isAttack()) { speed += this.subject().attackSpeed(); } return speed; }; Game_Action.prototype.makeTargets = function () { var targets = []; if (!this._forcing && this.subject().isConfused()) { targets = [this.confusionTarget()]; } else if (this.isForOpponent()) { targets = this.targetsForOpponents(); } else if (this.isForFriend()) { targets = this.targetsForFriends(); } return this.repeatTargets(targets); }; Game_Action.prototype.repeatTargets = function (targets) { var repeatedTargets = []; var repeats = this.numRepeats(); for (var i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { var target = targets[i]; if (target) { for (var j = 0; j < repeats; j++) { repeatedTargets.push(target); } } } return repeatedTargets; }; Game_Action.prototype.confusionTarget = function () { switch (this.subject().confusionLevel()) { case 1: return this.opponentsUnit().randomTarget(); case 2: if (Math.randomInt(2) === 0) { return this.opponentsUnit().randomTarget(); } return this.friendsUnit().randomTarget(); default: return this.friendsUnit().randomTarget(); } }; Game_Action.prototype.targetsForOpponents = function () { var targets = []; var unit = this.opponentsUnit(); if (this.isForRandom()) { for (var i = 0; i < this.numTargets(); i++) { targets.push(unit.randomTarget()); } } else if (this.isForOne()) { if (this._targetIndex < 0) { targets.push(unit.randomTarget()); } else { targets.push(unit.smoothTarget(this._targetIndex)); } } else { targets = unit.aliveMembers(); } return targets; }; Game_Action.prototype.targetsForFriends = function () { var targets = []; var unit = this.friendsUnit(); if (this.isForUser()) { return [this.subject()]; } else if (this.isForDeadFriend()) { if (this.isForOne()) { targets.push(unit.smoothDeadTarget(this._targetIndex)); } else { targets = unit.deadMembers(); } } else if (this.isForOne()) { if (this._targetIndex < 0) { targets.push(unit.randomTarget()); } else { targets.push(unit.smoothTarget(this._targetIndex)); } } else { targets = unit.aliveMembers(); } return targets; }; Game_Action.prototype.evaluate = function () { var value = 0; this.itemTargetCandidates().forEach(function (target) { var targetValue = this.evaluateWithTarget(target); if (this.isForAll()) { value += targetValue; } else if (targetValue > value) { value = targetValue; this._targetIndex = target.index(); } }, this); value *= this.numRepeats(); if (value > 0) { value += Math.random(); } return value; }; Game_Action.prototype.itemTargetCandidates = function () { if (!this.isValid()) { return []; } else if (this.isForOpponent()) { return this.opponentsUnit().aliveMembers(); } else if (this.isForUser()) { return [this.subject()]; } else if (this.isForDeadFriend()) { return this.friendsUnit().deadMembers(); } else { return this.friendsUnit().aliveMembers(); } }; Game_Action.prototype.evaluateWithTarget = function (target) { if (this.isHpEffect()) { var value = this.makeDamageValue(target, false); if (this.isForOpponent()) { return value / Math.max(target.hp, 1); } else { var recovery = Math.min(-value, target.mhp - target.hp); return recovery / target.mhp; } } }; Game_Action.prototype.testApply = function (target) { return (this.isForDeadFriend() === target.isDead() && ($gameParty.inBattle() || this.isForOpponent() || (this.isHpRecover() && target.hp < target.mhp) || (this.isMpRecover() && target.mp < target.mmp) || (this.hasItemAnyValidEffects(target)))); }; Game_Action.prototype.hasItemAnyValidEffects = function (target) { return this.item().effects.some(function (effect) { return this.testItemEffect(target, effect); }, this); }; Game_Action.prototype.testItemEffect = function (target, effect) { switch (effect.code) { case Game_Action.EFFECT_RECOVER_HP: return target.hp < target.mhp || effect.value1 < 0 || effect.value2 < 0; case Game_Action.EFFECT_RECOVER_MP: return target.mp < target.mmp || effect.value1 < 0 || effect.value2 < 0; case Game_Action.EFFECT_ADD_STATE: return !target.isStateAffected(effect.dataId); case Game_Action.EFFECT_REMOVE_STATE: return target.isStateAffected(effect.dataId); case Game_Action.EFFECT_ADD_BUFF: return !target.isMaxBuffAffected(effect.dataId); case Game_Action.EFFECT_ADD_DEBUFF: return !target.isMaxDebuffAffected(effect.dataId); case Game_Action.EFFECT_REMOVE_BUFF: return target.isBuffAffected(effect.dataId); case Game_Action.EFFECT_REMOVE_DEBUFF: return target.isDebuffAffected(effect.dataId); case Game_Action.EFFECT_LEARN_SKILL: return target.isActor() && !target.isLearnedSkill(effect.dataId); default: return true; } }; Game_Action.prototype.itemCnt = function (target) { if (this.isPhysical() && target.canMove()) { return target.cnt; } else { return 0; } }; Game_Action.prototype.itemMrf = function (target) { if (this.isMagical()) { return target.mrf; } else { return 0; } }; Game_Action.prototype.itemHit = function (target) { if (this.isPhysical()) { return this.item().successRate * 0.01 * this.subject().hit; } else { return this.item().successRate * 0.01; } }; Game_Action.prototype.itemEva = function (target) { if (this.isPhysical()) { return target.eva; } else if (this.isMagical()) { return target.mev; } else { return 0; } }; Game_Action.prototype.itemCri = function (target) { return this.item().damage.critical ? this.subject().cri * (1 - target.cev) : 0; }; Game_Action.prototype.apply = function (target) { var result = target.result(); this.subject().clearResult(); result.clear(); result.used = this.testApply(target); result.missed = (result.used && Math.random() >= this.itemHit(target)); result.evaded = (!result.missed && Math.random() < this.itemEva(target)); result.physical = this.isPhysical(); result.drain = this.isDrain(); if (result.isHit()) { if (this.item().damage.type > 0) { result.critical = (Math.random() < this.itemCri(target)); var value = this.makeDamageValue(target, result.critical); this.executeDamage(target, value); } this.item().effects.forEach(function (effect) { this.applyItemEffect(target, effect); }, this); this.applyItemUserEffect(target); } }; Game_Action.prototype.makeDamageValue = function (target, critical) { var item = this.item(); var baseValue = this.evalDamageFormula(target); var value = baseValue * this.calcElementRate(target); if (this.isPhysical()) { value *= target.pdr; } if (this.isMagical()) { value *= target.mdr; } if (baseValue < 0) { value *= target.rec; } if (critical) { value = this.applyCritical(value); } value = this.applyVariance(value, item.damage.variance); value = this.applyGuard(value, target); value = Math.round(value); return value; }; Game_Action.prototype.evalDamageFormula = function (target) { try { var item = this.item(); var a = this.subject(); var b = target; var v = $gameVariables._data; var sign = ([3, 4].contains(item.damage.type) ? -1 : 1); var value = Math.max(eval(item.damage.formula), 0) * sign; if (isNaN(value)) value = 0; return value; } catch (e) { return 0; } }; Game_Action.prototype.calcElementRate = function (target) { if (this.item().damage.elementId < 0) { return this.elementsMaxRate(target, this.subject().attackElements()); } else { return target.elementRate(this.item().damage.elementId); } }; Game_Action.prototype.elementsMaxRate = function (target, elements) { if (elements.length > 0) { return Math.max.apply(null, elements.map(function (elementId) { return target.elementRate(elementId); }, this)); } else { return 1; } }; Game_Action.prototype.applyCritical = function (damage) { return damage * 3; }; Game_Action.prototype.applyVariance = function (damage, variance) { var amp = Math.floor(Math.max(Math.abs(damage) * variance / 100, 0)); var v = Math.randomInt(amp + 1) + Math.randomInt(amp + 1) - amp; return damage >= 0 ? damage + v : damage - v; }; Game_Action.prototype.applyGuard = function (damage, target) { return damage / (damage > 0 && target.isGuard() ? 2 * target.grd : 1); }; Game_Action.prototype.executeDamage = function (target, value) { var result = target.result(); if (value === 0) { result.critical = false; } if (this.isHpEffect()) { this.executeHpDamage(target, value); } if (this.isMpEffect()) { this.executeMpDamage(target, value); } }; Game_Action.prototype.executeHpDamage = function (target, value) { if (this.isDrain()) { value = Math.min(target.hp, value); } this.makeSuccess(target); target.gainHp(-value); if (value > 0) { target.onDamage(value); } this.gainDrainedHp(value); }; Game_Action.prototype.executeMpDamage = function (target, value) { if (!this.isMpRecover()) { value = Math.min(target.mp, value); } if (value !== 0) { this.makeSuccess(target); } target.gainMp(-value); this.gainDrainedMp(value); }; Game_Action.prototype.gainDrainedHp = function (value) { if (this.isDrain()) { var gainTarget = this.subject(); if (this._reflectionTarget !== undefined) { gainTarget = this._reflectionTarget; } gainTarget.gainHp(value); } }; Game_Action.prototype.gainDrainedMp = function (value) { if (this.isDrain()) { var gainTarget = this.subject(); if (this._reflectionTarget !== undefined) { gainTarget = this._reflectionTarget; } gainTarget.gainMp(value); } }; Game_Action.prototype.applyItemEffect = function (target, effect) { switch (effect.code) { case Game_Action.EFFECT_RECOVER_HP: this.itemEffectRecoverHp(target, effect); break; case Game_Action.EFFECT_RECOVER_MP: this.itemEffectRecoverMp(target, effect); break; case Game_Action.EFFECT_GAIN_TP: this.itemEffectGainTp(target, effect); break; case Game_Action.EFFECT_ADD_STATE: this.itemEffectAddState(target, effect); break; case Game_Action.EFFECT_REMOVE_STATE: this.itemEffectRemoveState(target, effect); break; case Game_Action.EFFECT_ADD_BUFF: this.itemEffectAddBuff(target, effect); break; case Game_Action.EFFECT_ADD_DEBUFF: this.itemEffectAddDebuff(target, effect); break; case Game_Action.EFFECT_REMOVE_BUFF: this.itemEffectRemoveBuff(target, effect); break; case Game_Action.EFFECT_REMOVE_DEBUFF: this.itemEffectRemoveDebuff(target, effect); break; case Game_Action.EFFECT_SPECIAL: this.itemEffectSpecial(target, effect); break; case Game_Action.EFFECT_GROW: this.itemEffectGrow(target, effect); break; case Game_Action.EFFECT_LEARN_SKILL: this.itemEffectLearnSkill(target, effect); break; case Game_Action.EFFECT_COMMON_EVENT: this.itemEffectCommonEvent(target, effect); break; } }; Game_Action.prototype.itemEffectRecoverHp = function (target, effect) { var value = (target.mhp * effect.value1 + effect.value2) * target.rec; if (this.isItem()) { value *= this.subject().pha; } value = Math.floor(value); if (value !== 0) { target.gainHp(value); this.makeSuccess(target); } }; Game_Action.prototype.itemEffectRecoverMp = function (target, effect) { var value = (target.mmp * effect.value1 + effect.value2) * target.rec; if (this.isItem()) { value *= this.subject().pha; } value = Math.floor(value); if (value !== 0) { target.gainMp(value); this.makeSuccess(target); } }; Game_Action.prototype.itemEffectGainTp = function (target, effect) { var value = Math.floor(effect.value1); if (value !== 0) { target.gainTp(value); this.makeSuccess(target); } }; Game_Action.prototype.itemEffectAddState = function (target, effect) { if (effect.dataId === 0) { this.itemEffectAddAttackState(target, effect); } else { this.itemEffectAddNormalState(target, effect); } }; Game_Action.prototype.itemEffectAddAttackState = function (target, effect) { this.subject().attackStates().forEach(function (stateId) { var chance = effect.value1; chance *= target.stateRate(stateId); chance *= this.subject().attackStatesRate(stateId); chance *= this.lukEffectRate(target); if (Math.random() < chance) { target.addState(stateId); this.makeSuccess(target); } }.bind(this), target); }; Game_Action.prototype.itemEffectAddNormalState = function (target, effect) { var chance = effect.value1; if (!this.isCertainHit()) { chance *= target.stateRate(effect.dataId); chance *= this.lukEffectRate(target); } if (Math.random() < chance) { target.addState(effect.dataId); this.makeSuccess(target); } }; Game_Action.prototype.itemEffectRemoveState = function (target, effect) { var chance = effect.value1; if (Math.random() < chance) { target.removeState(effect.dataId); this.makeSuccess(target); } }; Game_Action.prototype.itemEffectAddBuff = function (target, effect) { target.addBuff(effect.dataId, effect.value1); this.makeSuccess(target); }; Game_Action.prototype.itemEffectAddDebuff = function (target, effect) { var chance = target.debuffRate(effect.dataId) * this.lukEffectRate(target); if (Math.random() < chance) { target.addDebuff(effect.dataId, effect.value1); this.makeSuccess(target); } }; Game_Action.prototype.itemEffectRemoveBuff = function (target, effect) { if (target.isBuffAffected(effect.dataId)) { target.removeBuff(effect.dataId); this.makeSuccess(target); } }; Game_Action.prototype.itemEffectRemoveDebuff = function (target, effect) { if (target.isDebuffAffected(effect.dataId)) { target.removeBuff(effect.dataId); this.makeSuccess(target); } }; Game_Action.prototype.itemEffectSpecial = function (target, effect) { if (effect.dataId === Game_Action.SPECIAL_EFFECT_ESCAPE) { target.escape(); this.makeSuccess(target); } }; Game_Action.prototype.itemEffectGrow = function (target, effect) { target.addParam(effect.dataId, Math.floor(effect.value1)); this.makeSuccess(target); }; Game_Action.prototype.itemEffectLearnSkill = function (target, effect) { if (target.isActor()) { target.learnSkill(effect.dataId); this.makeSuccess(target); } }; Game_Action.prototype.itemEffectCommonEvent = function (target, effect) { }; Game_Action.prototype.makeSuccess = function (target) { target.result().success = true; }; Game_Action.prototype.applyItemUserEffect = function (target) { var value = Math.floor(this.item().tpGain * this.subject().tcr); this.subject().gainSilentTp(value); }; Game_Action.prototype.lukEffectRate = function (target) { return Math.max(1.0 + (this.subject().luk - target.luk) * 0.001, 0.0); }; Game_Action.prototype.applyGlobal = function () { this.item().effects.forEach(function (effect) { if (effect.code === Game_Action.EFFECT_COMMON_EVENT) { $gameTemp.reserveCommonEvent(effect.dataId); } }, this); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_ActionResult // // The game object class for a result of a battle action. For convinience, all // member variables in this class are public. function Game_ActionResult() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_ActionResult.prototype.initialize = function () { this.clear(); }; Game_ActionResult.prototype.clear = function () { this.used = false; this.missed = false; this.evaded = false; this.physical = false; this.drain = false; this.critical = false; this.success = false; this.hpAffected = false; this.hpDamage = 0; this.mpDamage = 0; this.tpDamage = 0; this.addedStates = []; this.removedStates = []; this.addedBuffs = []; this.addedDebuffs = []; this.removedBuffs = []; }; Game_ActionResult.prototype.addedStateObjects = function () { return this.addedStates.map(function (id) { return $dataStates[id]; }); }; Game_ActionResult.prototype.removedStateObjects = function () { return this.removedStates.map(function (id) { return $dataStates[id]; }); }; Game_ActionResult.prototype.isStatusAffected = function () { return (this.addedStates.length > 0 || this.removedStates.length > 0 || this.addedBuffs.length > 0 || this.addedDebuffs.length > 0 || this.removedBuffs.length > 0); }; Game_ActionResult.prototype.isHit = function () { return this.used && !this.missed && !this.evaded; }; Game_ActionResult.prototype.isStateAdded = function (stateId) { return this.addedStates.contains(stateId); }; Game_ActionResult.prototype.pushAddedState = function (stateId) { if (!this.isStateAdded(stateId)) { this.addedStates.push(stateId); } }; Game_ActionResult.prototype.isStateRemoved = function (stateId) { return this.removedStates.contains(stateId); }; Game_ActionResult.prototype.pushRemovedState = function (stateId) { if (!this.isStateRemoved(stateId)) { this.removedStates.push(stateId); } }; Game_ActionResult.prototype.isBuffAdded = function (paramId) { return this.addedBuffs.contains(paramId); }; Game_ActionResult.prototype.pushAddedBuff = function (paramId) { if (!this.isBuffAdded(paramId)) { this.addedBuffs.push(paramId); } }; Game_ActionResult.prototype.isDebuffAdded = function (paramId) { return this.addedDebuffs.contains(paramId); }; Game_ActionResult.prototype.pushAddedDebuff = function (paramId) { if (!this.isDebuffAdded(paramId)) { this.addedDebuffs.push(paramId); } }; Game_ActionResult.prototype.isBuffRemoved = function (paramId) { return this.removedBuffs.contains(paramId); }; Game_ActionResult.prototype.pushRemovedBuff = function (paramId) { if (!this.isBuffRemoved(paramId)) { this.removedBuffs.push(paramId); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_BattlerBase // // The superclass of Game_Battler. It mainly contains parameters calculation. function Game_BattlerBase() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_ELEMENT_RATE = 11; Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_DEBUFF_RATE = 12; Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_STATE_RATE = 13; Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_STATE_RESIST = 14; Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_PARAM = 21; Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_XPARAM = 22; Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_SPARAM = 23; Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_ATTACK_ELEMENT = 31; Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_ATTACK_STATE = 32; Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_ATTACK_SPEED = 33; Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_ATTACK_TIMES = 34; Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_STYPE_ADD = 41; Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_STYPE_SEAL = 42; Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_SKILL_ADD = 43; Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_SKILL_SEAL = 44; Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_EQUIP_WTYPE = 51; Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_EQUIP_ATYPE = 52; Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_EQUIP_LOCK = 53; Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_EQUIP_SEAL = 54; Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_SLOT_TYPE = 55; Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_ACTION_PLUS = 61; Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_SPECIAL_FLAG = 62; Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_COLLAPSE_TYPE = 63; Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_PARTY_ABILITY = 64; Game_BattlerBase.FLAG_ID_AUTO_BATTLE = 0; Game_BattlerBase.FLAG_ID_GUARD = 1; Game_BattlerBase.FLAG_ID_SUBSTITUTE = 2; Game_BattlerBase.FLAG_ID_PRESERVE_TP = 3; Game_BattlerBase.ICON_BUFF_START = 32; Game_BattlerBase.ICON_DEBUFF_START = 48; Object.defineProperties(Game_BattlerBase.prototype, { // Hit Points hp: { get: function () { return this._hp; }, configurable: true }, // Magic Points mp: { get: function () { return this._mp; }, configurable: true }, // Tactical Points tp: { get: function () { return this._tp; }, configurable: true }, // Maximum Hit Points mhp: { get: function () { return this.param(0); }, configurable: true }, // Maximum Magic Points mmp: { get: function () { return this.param(1); }, configurable: true }, // ATtacK power atk: { get: function () { return this.param(2); }, configurable: true }, // DEFense power def: { get: function () { return this.param(3); }, configurable: true }, // Magic ATtack power mat: { get: function () { return this.param(4); }, configurable: true }, // Magic DeFense power mdf: { get: function () { return this.param(5); }, configurable: true }, // AGIlity agi: { get: function () { return this.param(6); }, configurable: true }, // LUcK luk: { get: function () { return this.param(7); }, configurable: true }, // HIT rate hit: { get: function () { return this.xparam(0); }, configurable: true }, // EVAsion rate eva: { get: function () { return this.xparam(1); }, configurable: true }, // CRItical rate cri: { get: function () { return this.xparam(2); }, configurable: true }, // Critical EVasion rate cev: { get: function () { return this.xparam(3); }, configurable: true }, // Magic EVasion rate mev: { get: function () { return this.xparam(4); }, configurable: true }, // Magic ReFlection rate mrf: { get: function () { return this.xparam(5); }, configurable: true }, // CouNTer attack rate cnt: { get: function () { return this.xparam(6); }, configurable: true }, // Hp ReGeneration rate hrg: { get: function () { return this.xparam(7); }, configurable: true }, // Mp ReGeneration rate mrg: { get: function () { return this.xparam(8); }, configurable: true }, // Tp ReGeneration rate trg: { get: function () { return this.xparam(9); }, configurable: true }, // TarGet Rate tgr: { get: function () { return this.sparam(0); }, configurable: true }, // GuaRD effect rate grd: { get: function () { return this.sparam(1); }, configurable: true }, // RECovery effect rate rec: { get: function () { return this.sparam(2); }, configurable: true }, // PHArmacology pha: { get: function () { return this.sparam(3); }, configurable: true }, // Mp Cost Rate mcr: { get: function () { return this.sparam(4); }, configurable: true }, // Tp Charge Rate tcr: { get: function () { return this.sparam(5); }, configurable: true }, // Physical Damage Rate pdr: { get: function () { return this.sparam(6); }, configurable: true }, // Magical Damage Rate mdr: { get: function () { return this.sparam(7); }, configurable: true }, // Floor Damage Rate fdr: { get: function () { return this.sparam(8); }, configurable: true }, // EXperience Rate exr: { get: function () { return this.sparam(9); }, configurable: true } }); Game_BattlerBase.prototype.initialize = function () { this.initMembers(); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.initMembers = function () { this._hp = 1; this._mp = 0; this._tp = 0; this._hidden = false; this.clearParamPlus(); this.clearStates(); this.clearBuffs(); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.clearParamPlus = function () { this._paramPlus = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.clearStates = function () { this._states = []; this._stateTurns = {}; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.eraseState = function (stateId) { var index = this._states.indexOf(stateId); if (index >= 0) { this._states.splice(index, 1); } delete this._stateTurns[stateId]; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isStateAffected = function (stateId) { return this._states.contains(stateId); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isDeathStateAffected = function () { return this.isStateAffected(this.deathStateId()); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.deathStateId = function () { return 1; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.resetStateCounts = function (stateId) { var state = $dataStates[stateId]; var variance = 1 + Math.max(state.maxTurns - state.minTurns, 0); this._stateTurns[stateId] = state.minTurns + Math.randomInt(variance); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isStateExpired = function (stateId) { return this._stateTurns[stateId] === 0; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.updateStateTurns = function () { this._states.forEach(function (stateId) { if (this._stateTurns[stateId] > 0) { this._stateTurns[stateId]--; } }, this); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.clearBuffs = function () { this._buffs = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; this._buffTurns = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.eraseBuff = function (paramId) { this._buffs[paramId] = 0; this._buffTurns[paramId] = 0; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.buffLength = function () { return this._buffs.length; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.buff = function (paramId) { return this._buffs[paramId]; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isBuffAffected = function (paramId) { return this._buffs[paramId] > 0; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isDebuffAffected = function (paramId) { return this._buffs[paramId] < 0; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isBuffOrDebuffAffected = function (paramId) { return this._buffs[paramId] !== 0; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isMaxBuffAffected = function (paramId) { return this._buffs[paramId] === 2; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isMaxDebuffAffected = function (paramId) { return this._buffs[paramId] === -2; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.increaseBuff = function (paramId) { if (!this.isMaxBuffAffected(paramId)) { this._buffs[paramId]++; } }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.decreaseBuff = function (paramId) { if (!this.isMaxDebuffAffected(paramId)) { this._buffs[paramId]--; } }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.overwriteBuffTurns = function (paramId, turns) { if (this._buffTurns[paramId] < turns) { this._buffTurns[paramId] = turns; } }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isBuffExpired = function (paramId) { return this._buffTurns[paramId] === 0; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.updateBuffTurns = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this._buffTurns.length; i++) { if (this._buffTurns[i] > 0) { this._buffTurns[i]--; } } }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.die = function () { this._hp = 0; this.clearStates(); this.clearBuffs(); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.revive = function () { if (this._hp === 0) { this._hp = 1; } }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.states = function () { return this._states.map(function (id) { return $dataStates[id]; }); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.stateIcons = function () { return this.states().map(function (state) { return state.iconIndex; }).filter(function (iconIndex) { return iconIndex > 0; }); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.buffIcons = function () { var icons = []; for (var i = 0; i < this._buffs.length; i++) { if (this._buffs[i] !== 0) { icons.push(this.buffIconIndex(this._buffs[i], i)); } } return icons; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.buffIconIndex = function (buffLevel, paramId) { if (buffLevel > 0) { return Game_BattlerBase.ICON_BUFF_START + (buffLevel - 1) * 8 + paramId; } else if (buffLevel < 0) { return Game_BattlerBase.ICON_DEBUFF_START + (-buffLevel - 1) * 8 + paramId; } else { return 0; } }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.allIcons = function () { return this.stateIcons().concat(this.buffIcons()); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.traitObjects = function () { // Returns an array of the all objects having traits. States only here. return this.states(); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.allTraits = function () { return this.traitObjects().reduce(function (r, obj) { return r.concat(obj.traits); }, []); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.traits = function (code) { return this.allTraits().filter(function (trait) { return trait.code === code; }); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.traitsWithId = function (code, id) { return this.allTraits().filter(function (trait) { return trait.code === code && trait.dataId === id; }); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.traitsPi = function (code, id) { return this.traitsWithId(code, id).reduce(function (r, trait) { return r * trait.value; }, 1); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.traitsSum = function (code, id) { return this.traitsWithId(code, id).reduce(function (r, trait) { return r + trait.value; }, 0); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.traitsSumAll = function (code) { return this.traits(code).reduce(function (r, trait) { return r + trait.value; }, 0); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.traitsSet = function (code) { return this.traits(code).reduce(function (r, trait) { return r.concat(trait.dataId); }, []); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.paramBase = function (paramId) { return 0; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.paramPlus = function (paramId) { return this._paramPlus[paramId]; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.paramMin = function (paramId) { if (paramId === 1) { return 0; // MMP } else { return 1; } }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.paramMax = function (paramId) { if (paramId === 0) { return 999999; // MHP } else if (paramId === 1) { return 9999; // MMP } else { return 999; } }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.paramRate = function (paramId) { return this.traitsPi(Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_PARAM, paramId); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.paramBuffRate = function (paramId) { return this._buffs[paramId] * 0.25 + 1.0; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.param = function (paramId) { var value = this.paramBase(paramId) + this.paramPlus(paramId); value *= this.paramRate(paramId) * this.paramBuffRate(paramId); var maxValue = this.paramMax(paramId); var minValue = this.paramMin(paramId); return Math.round(value.clamp(minValue, maxValue)); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.xparam = function (xparamId) { return this.traitsSum(Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_XPARAM, xparamId); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.sparam = function (sparamId) { return this.traitsPi(Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_SPARAM, sparamId); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.elementRate = function (elementId) { return this.traitsPi(Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_ELEMENT_RATE, elementId); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.debuffRate = function (paramId) { return this.traitsPi(Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_DEBUFF_RATE, paramId); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.stateRate = function (stateId) { return this.traitsPi(Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_STATE_RATE, stateId); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.stateResistSet = function () { return this.traitsSet(Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_STATE_RESIST); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isStateResist = function (stateId) { return this.stateResistSet().contains(stateId); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.attackElements = function () { return this.traitsSet(Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_ATTACK_ELEMENT); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.attackStates = function () { return this.traitsSet(Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_ATTACK_STATE); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.attackStatesRate = function (stateId) { return this.traitsSum(Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_ATTACK_STATE, stateId); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.attackSpeed = function () { return this.traitsSumAll(Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_ATTACK_SPEED); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.attackTimesAdd = function () { return Math.max(this.traitsSumAll(Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_ATTACK_TIMES), 0); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.addedSkillTypes = function () { return this.traitsSet(Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_STYPE_ADD); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isSkillTypeSealed = function (stypeId) { return this.traitsSet(Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_STYPE_SEAL).contains(stypeId); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.addedSkills = function () { return this.traitsSet(Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_SKILL_ADD); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isSkillSealed = function (skillId) { return this.traitsSet(Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_SKILL_SEAL).contains(skillId); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isEquipWtypeOk = function (wtypeId) { return this.traitsSet(Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_EQUIP_WTYPE).contains(wtypeId); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isEquipAtypeOk = function (atypeId) { return this.traitsSet(Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_EQUIP_ATYPE).contains(atypeId); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isEquipTypeLocked = function (etypeId) { return this.traitsSet(Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_EQUIP_LOCK).contains(etypeId); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isEquipTypeSealed = function (etypeId) { return this.traitsSet(Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_EQUIP_SEAL).contains(etypeId); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.slotType = function () { var set = this.traitsSet(Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_SLOT_TYPE); return set.length > 0 ? Math.max.apply(null, set) : 0; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isDualWield = function () { return this.slotType() === 1; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.actionPlusSet = function () { return this.traits(Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_ACTION_PLUS).map(function (trait) { return trait.value; }); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.specialFlag = function (flagId) { return this.traits(Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_SPECIAL_FLAG).some(function (trait) { return trait.dataId === flagId; }); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.collapseType = function () { var set = this.traitsSet(Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_COLLAPSE_TYPE); return set.length > 0 ? Math.max.apply(null, set) : 0; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.partyAbility = function (abilityId) { return this.traits(Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_PARTY_ABILITY).some(function (trait) { return trait.dataId === abilityId; }); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isAutoBattle = function () { return this.specialFlag(Game_BattlerBase.FLAG_ID_AUTO_BATTLE); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isGuard = function () { return this.specialFlag(Game_BattlerBase.FLAG_ID_GUARD) && this.canMove(); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isSubstitute = function () { return this.specialFlag(Game_BattlerBase.FLAG_ID_SUBSTITUTE) && this.canMove(); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isPreserveTp = function () { return this.specialFlag(Game_BattlerBase.FLAG_ID_PRESERVE_TP); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.addParam = function (paramId, value) { this._paramPlus[paramId] += value; this.refresh(); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.setHp = function (hp) { this._hp = hp; this.refresh(); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.setMp = function (mp) { this._mp = mp; this.refresh(); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.setTp = function (tp) { this._tp = tp; this.refresh(); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.maxTp = function () { return 100; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.refresh = function () { this.stateResistSet().forEach(function (stateId) { this.eraseState(stateId); }, this); this._hp = this._hp.clamp(0, this.mhp); this._mp = this._mp.clamp(0, this.mmp); this._tp = this._tp.clamp(0, this.maxTp()); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.recoverAll = function () { this.clearStates(); this._hp = this.mhp; this._mp = this.mmp; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.hpRate = function () { return this.hp / this.mhp; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.mpRate = function () { return this.mmp > 0 ? this.mp / this.mmp : 0; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.tpRate = function () { return this.tp / this.maxTp(); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.hide = function () { this._hidden = true; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.appear = function () { this._hidden = false; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isHidden = function () { return this._hidden; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isAppeared = function () { return !this.isHidden(); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isDead = function () { return this.isAppeared() && this.isDeathStateAffected(); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isAlive = function () { return this.isAppeared() && !this.isDeathStateAffected(); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isDying = function () { return this.isAlive() && this._hp < this.mhp / 4; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isRestricted = function () { return this.isAppeared() && this.restriction() > 0; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.canInput = function () { return this.isAppeared() && !this.isRestricted() && !this.isAutoBattle(); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.canMove = function () { return this.isAppeared() && this.restriction() < 4; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isConfused = function () { return this.isAppeared() && this.restriction() >= 1 && this.restriction() <= 3; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.confusionLevel = function () { return this.isConfused() ? this.restriction() : 0; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isActor = function () { return false; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isEnemy = function () { return false; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.sortStates = function () { this._states.sort(function (a, b) { var p1 = $dataStates[a].priority; var p2 = $dataStates[b].priority; if (p1 !== p2) { return p2 - p1; } return a - b; }); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.restriction = function () { return Math.max.apply(null, this.states().map(function (state) { return state.restriction; }).concat(0)); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.addNewState = function (stateId) { if (stateId === this.deathStateId()) { this.die(); } var restricted = this.isRestricted(); this._states.push(stateId); this.sortStates(); if (!restricted && this.isRestricted()) { this.onRestrict(); } }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.onRestrict = function () { }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.mostImportantStateText = function () { var states = this.states(); for (var i = 0; i < states.length; i++) { if (states[i].message3) { return states[i].message3; } } return ''; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.stateMotionIndex = function () { var states = this.states(); if (states.length > 0) { return states[0].motion; } else { return 0; } }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.stateOverlayIndex = function () { var states = this.states(); if (states.length > 0) { return states[0].overlay; } else { return 0; } }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isSkillWtypeOk = function (skill) { return true; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.skillMpCost = function (skill) { return Math.floor(skill.mpCost * this.mcr); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.skillTpCost = function (skill) { return skill.tpCost; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.canPaySkillCost = function (skill) { return this._tp >= this.skillTpCost(skill) && this._mp >= this.skillMpCost(skill); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.paySkillCost = function (skill) { this._mp -= this.skillMpCost(skill); this._tp -= this.skillTpCost(skill); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isOccasionOk = function (item) { if ($gameParty.inBattle()) { return item.occasion === 0 || item.occasion === 1; } else { return item.occasion === 0 || item.occasion === 2; } }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.meetsUsableItemConditions = function (item) { return this.canMove() && this.isOccasionOk(item); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.meetsSkillConditions = function (skill) { return (this.meetsUsableItemConditions(skill) && this.isSkillWtypeOk(skill) && this.canPaySkillCost(skill) && !this.isSkillSealed(skill.id) && !this.isSkillTypeSealed(skill.stypeId)); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.meetsItemConditions = function (item) { return this.meetsUsableItemConditions(item) && $gameParty.hasItem(item); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.canUse = function (item) { if (!item) { return false; } else if (DataManager.isSkill(item)) { return this.meetsSkillConditions(item); } else if (DataManager.isItem(item)) { return this.meetsItemConditions(item); } else { return false; } }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.canEquip = function (item) { if (!item) { return false; } else if (DataManager.isWeapon(item)) { return this.canEquipWeapon(item); } else if (DataManager.isArmor(item)) { return this.canEquipArmor(item); } else { return false; } }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.canEquipWeapon = function (item) { return this.isEquipWtypeOk(item.wtypeId) && !this.isEquipTypeSealed(item.etypeId); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.canEquipArmor = function (item) { return this.isEquipAtypeOk(item.atypeId) && !this.isEquipTypeSealed(item.etypeId); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.attackSkillId = function () { return 1; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.guardSkillId = function () { return 2; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.canAttack = function () { return this.canUse($dataSkills[this.attackSkillId()]); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.canGuard = function () { return this.canUse($dataSkills[this.guardSkillId()]); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Battler // // The superclass of Game_Actor and Game_Enemy. It contains methods for sprites // and actions. function Game_Battler() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_Battler.prototype = Object.create(Game_BattlerBase.prototype); Game_Battler.prototype.constructor = Game_Battler; Game_Battler.prototype.initialize = function () { Game_BattlerBase.prototype.initialize.call(this); }; Game_Battler.prototype.initMembers = function () { Game_BattlerBase.prototype.initMembers.call(this); this._actions = []; this._speed = 0; this._result = new Game_ActionResult(); this._actionState = ''; this._lastTargetIndex = 0; this._animations = []; this._damagePopup = false; this._effectType = null; this._motionType = null; this._weaponImageId = 0; this._motionRefresh = false; this._selected = false; }; Game_Battler.prototype.clearAnimations = function () { this._animations = []; }; Game_Battler.prototype.clearDamagePopup = function () { this._damagePopup = false; }; Game_Battler.prototype.clearWeaponAnimation = function () { this._weaponImageId = 0; }; Game_Battler.prototype.clearEffect = function () { this._effectType = null; }; Game_Battler.prototype.clearMotion = function () { this._motionType = null; this._motionRefresh = false; }; Game_Battler.prototype.requestEffect = function (effectType) { this._effectType = effectType; }; Game_Battler.prototype.requestMotion = function (motionType) { this._motionType = motionType; }; Game_Battler.prototype.requestMotionRefresh = function () { this._motionRefresh = true; }; Game_Battler.prototype.select = function () { this._selected = true; }; Game_Battler.prototype.deselect = function () { this._selected = false; }; Game_Battler.prototype.isAnimationRequested = function () { return this._animations.length > 0; }; Game_Battler.prototype.isDamagePopupRequested = function () { return this._damagePopup; }; Game_Battler.prototype.isEffectRequested = function () { return !!this._effectType; }; Game_Battler.prototype.isMotionRequested = function () { return !!this._motionType; }; Game_Battler.prototype.isWeaponAnimationRequested = function () { return this._weaponImageId > 0; }; Game_Battler.prototype.isMotionRefreshRequested = function () { return this._motionRefresh; }; Game_Battler.prototype.isSelected = function () { return this._selected; }; Game_Battler.prototype.effectType = function () { return this._effectType; }; Game_Battler.prototype.motionType = function () { return this._motionType; }; Game_Battler.prototype.weaponImageId = function () { return this._weaponImageId; }; Game_Battler.prototype.shiftAnimation = function () { return this._animations.shift(); }; Game_Battler.prototype.startAnimation = function (animationId, mirror, delay) { var data = { animationId: animationId, mirror: mirror, delay: delay }; this._animations.push(data); }; Game_Battler.prototype.startDamagePopup = function () { this._damagePopup = true; }; Game_Battler.prototype.startWeaponAnimation = function (weaponImageId) { this._weaponImageId = weaponImageId; }; Game_Battler.prototype.action = function (index) { return this._actions[index]; }; Game_Battler.prototype.setAction = function (index, action) { this._actions[index] = action; }; Game_Battler.prototype.numActions = function () { return this._actions.length; }; Game_Battler.prototype.clearActions = function () { this._actions = []; }; Game_Battler.prototype.result = function () { return this._result; }; Game_Battler.prototype.clearResult = function () { this._result.clear(); }; Game_Battler.prototype.refresh = function () { Game_BattlerBase.prototype.refresh.call(this); if (this.hp === 0) { this.addState(this.deathStateId()); } else { this.removeState(this.deathStateId()); } }; Game_Battler.prototype.addState = function (stateId) { if (this.isStateAddable(stateId)) { if (!this.isStateAffected(stateId)) { this.addNewState(stateId); this.refresh(); } this.resetStateCounts(stateId); this._result.pushAddedState(stateId); } }; Game_Battler.prototype.isStateAddable = function (stateId) { return (this.isAlive() && $dataStates[stateId] && !this.isStateResist(stateId) && !this._result.isStateRemoved(stateId) && !this.isStateRestrict(stateId)); }; Game_Battler.prototype.isStateRestrict = function (stateId) { return $dataStates[stateId].removeByRestriction && this.isRestricted(); }; Game_Battler.prototype.onRestrict = function () { Game_BattlerBase.prototype.onRestrict.call(this); this.clearActions(); this.states().forEach(function (state) { if (state.removeByRestriction) { this.removeState(state.id); } }, this); }; Game_Battler.prototype.removeState = function (stateId) { if (this.isStateAffected(stateId)) { if (stateId === this.deathStateId()) { this.revive(); } this.eraseState(stateId); this.refresh(); this._result.pushRemovedState(stateId); } }; Game_Battler.prototype.escape = function () { if ($gameParty.inBattle()) { this.hide(); } this.clearActions(); this.clearStates(); SoundManager.playEscape(); }; Game_Battler.prototype.addBuff = function (paramId, turns) { if (this.isAlive()) { this.increaseBuff(paramId); if (this.isBuffAffected(paramId)) { this.overwriteBuffTurns(paramId, turns); } this._result.pushAddedBuff(paramId); this.refresh(); } }; Game_Battler.prototype.addDebuff = function (paramId, turns) { if (this.isAlive()) { this.decreaseBuff(paramId); if (this.isDebuffAffected(paramId)) { this.overwriteBuffTurns(paramId, turns); } this._result.pushAddedDebuff(paramId); this.refresh(); } }; Game_Battler.prototype.removeBuff = function (paramId) { if (this.isAlive() && this.isBuffOrDebuffAffected(paramId)) { this.eraseBuff(paramId); this._result.pushRemovedBuff(paramId); this.refresh(); } }; Game_Battler.prototype.removeBattleStates = function () { this.states().forEach(function (state) { if (state.removeAtBattleEnd) { this.removeState(state.id); } }, this); }; Game_Battler.prototype.removeAllBuffs = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.buffLength(); i++) { this.removeBuff(i); } }; Game_Battler.prototype.removeStatesAuto = function (timing) { this.states().forEach(function (state) { if (this.isStateExpired(state.id) && state.autoRemovalTiming === timing) { this.removeState(state.id); } }, this); }; Game_Battler.prototype.removeBuffsAuto = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.buffLength(); i++) { if (this.isBuffExpired(i)) { this.removeBuff(i); } } }; Game_Battler.prototype.removeStatesByDamage = function () { this.states().forEach(function (state) { if (state.removeByDamage && Math.randomInt(100) < state.chanceByDamage) { this.removeState(state.id); } }, this); }; Game_Battler.prototype.makeActionTimes = function () { return this.actionPlusSet().reduce(function (r, p) { return Math.random() < p ? r + 1 : r; }, 1); }; Game_Battler.prototype.makeActions = function () { this.clearActions(); if (this.canMove()) { var actionTimes = this.makeActionTimes(); this._actions = []; for (var i = 0; i < actionTimes; i++) { this._actions.push(new Game_Action(this)); } } }; Game_Battler.prototype.speed = function () { return this._speed; }; Game_Battler.prototype.makeSpeed = function () { this._speed = Math.min.apply(null, this._actions.map(function (action) { return action.speed(); })) || 0; }; Game_Battler.prototype.currentAction = function () { return this._actions[0]; }; Game_Battler.prototype.removeCurrentAction = function () { this._actions.shift(); }; Game_Battler.prototype.setLastTarget = function (target) { if (target) { this._lastTargetIndex = target.index(); } else { this._lastTargetIndex = 0; } }; Game_Battler.prototype.forceAction = function (skillId, targetIndex) { this.clearActions(); var action = new Game_Action(this, true); action.setSkill(skillId); if (targetIndex === -2) { action.setTarget(this._lastTargetIndex); } else if (targetIndex === -1) { action.decideRandomTarget(); } else { action.setTarget(targetIndex); } this._actions.push(action); }; Game_Battler.prototype.useItem = function (item) { if (DataManager.isSkill(item)) { this.paySkillCost(item); } else if (DataManager.isItem(item)) { this.consumeItem(item); } }; Game_Battler.prototype.consumeItem = function (item) { $gameParty.consumeItem(item); }; Game_Battler.prototype.gainHp = function (value) { this._result.hpDamage = -value; this._result.hpAffected = true; this.setHp(this.hp + value); }; Game_Battler.prototype.gainMp = function (value) { this._result.mpDamage = -value; this.setMp(this.mp + value); }; Game_Battler.prototype.gainTp = function (value) { this._result.tpDamage = -value; this.setTp(this.tp + value); }; Game_Battler.prototype.gainSilentTp = function (value) { this.setTp(this.tp + value); }; Game_Battler.prototype.initTp = function () { this.setTp(Math.randomInt(25)); }; Game_Battler.prototype.clearTp = function () { this.setTp(0); }; Game_Battler.prototype.chargeTpByDamage = function (damageRate) { var value = Math.floor(50 * damageRate * this.tcr); this.gainSilentTp(value); }; Game_Battler.prototype.regenerateHp = function () { var value = Math.floor(this.mhp * this.hrg); value = Math.max(value, -this.maxSlipDamage()); if (value !== 0) { this.gainHp(value); } }; Game_Battler.prototype.maxSlipDamage = function () { return $dataSystem.optSlipDeath ? this.hp : Math.max(this.hp - 1, 0); }; Game_Battler.prototype.regenerateMp = function () { var value = Math.floor(this.mmp * this.mrg); if (value !== 0) { this.gainMp(value); } }; Game_Battler.prototype.regenerateTp = function () { var value = Math.floor(100 * this.trg); this.gainSilentTp(value); }; Game_Battler.prototype.regenerateAll = function () { if (this.isAlive()) { this.regenerateHp(); this.regenerateMp(); this.regenerateTp(); } }; Game_Battler.prototype.onBattleStart = function () { this.setActionState('undecided'); this.clearMotion(); if (!this.isPreserveTp()) { this.initTp(); } }; Game_Battler.prototype.onAllActionsEnd = function () { this.clearResult(); this.removeStatesAuto(1); this.removeBuffsAuto(); }; Game_Battler.prototype.onTurnEnd = function () { this.clearResult(); this.regenerateAll(); if (!BattleManager.isForcedTurn()) { this.updateStateTurns(); this.updateBuffTurns(); } this.removeStatesAuto(2); }; Game_Battler.prototype.onBattleEnd = function () { this.clearResult(); this.removeBattleStates(); this.removeAllBuffs(); this.clearActions(); if (!this.isPreserveTp()) { this.clearTp(); } this.appear(); }; Game_Battler.prototype.onDamage = function (value) { this.removeStatesByDamage(); this.chargeTpByDamage(value / this.mhp); }; Game_Battler.prototype.setActionState = function (actionState) { this._actionState = actionState; this.requestMotionRefresh(); }; Game_Battler.prototype.isUndecided = function () { return this._actionState === 'undecided'; }; Game_Battler.prototype.isInputting = function () { return this._actionState === 'inputting'; }; Game_Battler.prototype.isWaiting = function () { return this._actionState === 'waiting'; }; Game_Battler.prototype.isActing = function () { return this._actionState === 'acting'; }; Game_Battler.prototype.isChanting = function () { if (this.isWaiting()) { return this._actions.some(function (action) { return action.isMagicSkill(); }); } return false; }; Game_Battler.prototype.isGuardWaiting = function () { if (this.isWaiting()) { return this._actions.some(function (action) { return action.isGuard(); }); } return false; }; Game_Battler.prototype.performActionStart = function (action) { if (!action.isGuard()) { this.setActionState('acting'); } }; Game_Battler.prototype.performAction = function (action) { }; Game_Battler.prototype.performActionEnd = function () { this.setActionState('done'); }; Game_Battler.prototype.performDamage = function () { }; Game_Battler.prototype.performMiss = function () { SoundManager.playMiss(); }; Game_Battler.prototype.performRecovery = function () { SoundManager.playRecovery(); }; Game_Battler.prototype.performEvasion = function () { SoundManager.playEvasion(); }; Game_Battler.prototype.performMagicEvasion = function () { SoundManager.playMagicEvasion(); }; Game_Battler.prototype.performCounter = function () { SoundManager.playEvasion(); }; Game_Battler.prototype.performReflection = function () { SoundManager.playReflection(); }; Game_Battler.prototype.performSubstitute = function (target) { }; Game_Battler.prototype.performCollapse = function () { }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Actor // // The game object class for an actor. function Game_Actor() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_Actor.prototype = Object.create(Game_Battler.prototype); Game_Actor.prototype.constructor = Game_Actor; Object.defineProperty(Game_Actor.prototype, 'level', { get: function () { return this._level; }, configurable: true }); Game_Actor.prototype.initialize = function (actorId) { Game_Battler.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.setup(actorId); }; Game_Actor.prototype.initMembers = function () { Game_Battler.prototype.initMembers.call(this); this._actorId = 0; this._name = ''; this._nickname = ''; this._classId = 0; this._level = 0; this._characterName = ''; this._characterIndex = 0; this._faceName = ''; this._faceIndex = 0; this._battlerName = ''; this._exp = {}; this._skills = []; this._equips = []; this._actionInputIndex = 0; this._lastMenuSkill = new Game_Item(); this._lastBattleSkill = new Game_Item(); this._lastCommandSymbol = ''; }; Game_Actor.prototype.setup = function (actorId) { var actor = $dataActors[actorId]; this._actorId = actorId; this._name = actor.name; this._nickname = actor.nickname; this._profile = actor.profile; this._classId = actor.classId; this._level = actor.initialLevel; this.initImages(); this.initExp(); this.initSkills(); this.initEquips(actor.equips); this.clearParamPlus(); this.recoverAll(); }; Game_Actor.prototype.actorId = function () { return this._actorId; }; Game_Actor.prototype.actor = function () { return $dataActors[this._actorId]; }; Game_Actor.prototype.name = function () { return this._name; }; Game_Actor.prototype.setName = function (name) { this._name = name; }; Game_Actor.prototype.nickname = function () { return this._nickname; }; Game_Actor.prototype.setNickname = function (nickname) { this._nickname = nickname; }; Game_Actor.prototype.profile = function () { return this._profile; }; Game_Actor.prototype.setProfile = function (profile) { this._profile = profile; }; Game_Actor.prototype.characterName = function () { return this._characterName; }; Game_Actor.prototype.characterIndex = function () { return this._characterIndex; }; Game_Actor.prototype.faceName = function () { return this._faceName; }; Game_Actor.prototype.faceIndex = function () { return this._faceIndex; }; Game_Actor.prototype.battlerName = function () { return this._battlerName; }; Game_Actor.prototype.clearStates = function () { Game_Battler.prototype.clearStates.call(this); this._stateSteps = {}; }; Game_Actor.prototype.eraseState = function (stateId) { Game_Battler.prototype.eraseState.call(this, stateId); delete this._stateSteps[stateId]; }; Game_Actor.prototype.resetStateCounts = function (stateId) { Game_Battler.prototype.resetStateCounts.call(this, stateId); this._stateSteps[stateId] = $dataStates[stateId].stepsToRemove; }; Game_Actor.prototype.initImages = function () { var actor = this.actor(); this._characterName = actor.characterName; this._characterIndex = actor.characterIndex; this._faceName = actor.faceName; this._faceIndex = actor.faceIndex; this._battlerName = actor.battlerName; }; Game_Actor.prototype.expForLevel = function (level) { var c = this.currentClass(); var basis = c.expParams[0]; var extra = c.expParams[1]; var acc_a = c.expParams[2]; var acc_b = c.expParams[3]; return Math.round(basis * (Math.pow(level - 1, 0.9 + acc_a / 250)) * level * (level + 1) / (6 + Math.pow(level, 2) / 50 / acc_b) + (level - 1) * extra); }; Game_Actor.prototype.initExp = function () { this._exp[this._classId] = this.currentLevelExp(); }; Game_Actor.prototype.currentExp = function () { return this._exp[this._classId]; }; Game_Actor.prototype.currentLevelExp = function () { return this.expForLevel(this._level); }; Game_Actor.prototype.nextLevelExp = function () { return this.expForLevel(this._level + 1); }; Game_Actor.prototype.nextRequiredExp = function () { return this.nextLevelExp() - this.currentExp(); }; Game_Actor.prototype.maxLevel = function () { return this.actor().maxLevel; }; Game_Actor.prototype.isMaxLevel = function () { return this._level >= this.maxLevel(); }; Game_Actor.prototype.initSkills = function () { this._skills = []; this.currentClass().learnings.forEach(function (learning) { if (learning.level <= this._level) { this.learnSkill(learning.skillId); } }, this); }; Game_Actor.prototype.initEquips = function (equips) { var slots = this.equipSlots(); var maxSlots = slots.length; this._equips = []; for (var i = 0; i < maxSlots; i++) { this._equips[i] = new Game_Item(); } for (var j = 0; j < equips.length; j++) { if (j < maxSlots) { this._equips[j].setEquip(slots[j] === 1, equips[j]); } } this.releaseUnequippableItems(true); this.refresh(); }; Game_Actor.prototype.equipSlots = function () { var slots = []; for (var i = 1; i < $dataSystem.equipTypes.length; i++) { slots.push(i); } if (slots.length >= 2 && this.isDualWield()) { slots[1] = 1; } return slots; }; Game_Actor.prototype.equips = function () { return this._equips.map(function (item) { return item.object(); }); }; Game_Actor.prototype.weapons = function () { return this.equips().filter(function (item) { return item && DataManager.isWeapon(item); }); }; Game_Actor.prototype.armors = function () { return this.equips().filter(function (item) { return item && DataManager.isArmor(item); }); }; Game_Actor.prototype.hasWeapon = function (weapon) { return this.weapons().contains(weapon); }; Game_Actor.prototype.hasArmor = function (armor) { return this.armors().contains(armor); }; Game_Actor.prototype.isEquipChangeOk = function (slotId) { return (!this.isEquipTypeLocked(this.equipSlots()[slotId]) && !this.isEquipTypeSealed(this.equipSlots()[slotId])); }; Game_Actor.prototype.changeEquip = function (slotId, item) { if (this.tradeItemWithParty(item, this.equips()[slotId]) && (!item || this.equipSlots()[slotId] === item.etypeId)) { this._equips[slotId].setObject(item); this.refresh(); } }; Game_Actor.prototype.forceChangeEquip = function (slotId, item) { this._equips[slotId].setObject(item); this.releaseUnequippableItems(true); this.refresh(); }; Game_Actor.prototype.tradeItemWithParty = function (newItem, oldItem) { if (newItem && !$gameParty.hasItem(newItem)) { return false; } else { $gameParty.gainItem(oldItem, 1); $gameParty.loseItem(newItem, 1); return true; } }; Game_Actor.prototype.changeEquipById = function (etypeId, itemId) { var slotId = etypeId - 1; if (this.equipSlots()[slotId] === 1) { this.changeEquip(slotId, $dataWeapons[itemId]); } else { this.changeEquip(slotId, $dataArmors[itemId]); } }; Game_Actor.prototype.isEquipped = function (item) { return this.equips().contains(item); }; Game_Actor.prototype.discardEquip = function (item) { var slotId = this.equips().indexOf(item); if (slotId >= 0) { this._equips[slotId].setObject(null); } }; Game_Actor.prototype.releaseUnequippableItems = function (forcing) { for (; ;) { var slots = this.equipSlots(); var equips = this.equips(); var changed = false; for (var i = 0; i < equips.length; i++) { var item = equips[i]; if (item && (!this.canEquip(item) || item.etypeId !== slots[i])) { if (!forcing) { this.tradeItemWithParty(null, item); } this._equips[i].setObject(null); changed = true; } } if (!changed) { break; } } }; Game_Actor.prototype.clearEquipments = function () { var maxSlots = this.equipSlots().length; for (var i = 0; i < maxSlots; i++) { if (this.isEquipChangeOk(i)) { this.changeEquip(i, null); } } }; Game_Actor.prototype.optimizeEquipments = function () { var maxSlots = this.equipSlots().length; this.clearEquipments(); for (var i = 0; i < maxSlots; i++) { if (this.isEquipChangeOk(i)) { this.changeEquip(i, this.bestEquipItem(i)); } } }; Game_Actor.prototype.bestEquipItem = function (slotId) { var etypeId = this.equipSlots()[slotId]; var items = $gameParty.equipItems().filter(function (item) { return item.etypeId === etypeId && this.canEquip(item); }, this); var bestItem = null; var bestPerformance = -1000; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { var performance = this.calcEquipItemPerformance(items[i]); if (performance > bestPerformance) { bestPerformance = performance; bestItem = items[i]; } } return bestItem; }; Game_Actor.prototype.calcEquipItemPerformance = function (item) { return item.params.reduce(function (a, b) { return a + b; }); }; Game_Actor.prototype.isSkillWtypeOk = function (skill) { var wtypeId1 = skill.requiredWtypeId1; var wtypeId2 = skill.requiredWtypeId2; if ((wtypeId1 === 0 && wtypeId2 === 0) || (wtypeId1 > 0 && this.isWtypeEquipped(wtypeId1)) || (wtypeId2 > 0 && this.isWtypeEquipped(wtypeId2))) { return true; } else { return false; } }; Game_Actor.prototype.isWtypeEquipped = function (wtypeId) { return this.weapons().some(function (weapon) { return weapon.wtypeId === wtypeId; }); }; Game_Actor.prototype.refresh = function () { this.releaseUnequippableItems(false); Game_Battler.prototype.refresh.call(this); }; Game_Actor.prototype.isActor = function () { return true; }; Game_Actor.prototype.friendsUnit = function () { return $gameParty; }; Game_Actor.prototype.opponentsUnit = function () { return $gameTroop; }; Game_Actor.prototype.index = function () { return $gameParty.members().indexOf(this); }; Game_Actor.prototype.isBattleMember = function () { return $gameParty.battleMembers().contains(this); }; Game_Actor.prototype.isFormationChangeOk = function () { return true; }; Game_Actor.prototype.currentClass = function () { return $dataClasses[this._classId]; }; Game_Actor.prototype.isClass = function (gameClass) { return gameClass && this._classId === gameClass.id; }; Game_Actor.prototype.skills = function () { var list = []; this._skills.concat(this.addedSkills()).forEach(function (id) { if (!list.contains($dataSkills[id])) { list.push($dataSkills[id]); } }); return list; }; Game_Actor.prototype.usableSkills = function () { return this.skills().filter(function (skill) { return this.canUse(skill); }, this); }; Game_Actor.prototype.traitObjects = function () { var objects = Game_Battler.prototype.traitObjects.call(this); objects = objects.concat([this.actor(), this.currentClass()]); var equips = this.equips(); for (var i = 0; i < equips.length; i++) { var item = equips[i]; if (item) { objects.push(item); } } return objects; }; Game_Actor.prototype.attackElements = function () { var set = Game_Battler.prototype.attackElements.call(this); if (this.hasNoWeapons() && !set.contains(this.bareHandsElementId())) { set.push(this.bareHandsElementId()); } return set; }; Game_Actor.prototype.hasNoWeapons = function () { return this.weapons().length === 0; }; Game_Actor.prototype.bareHandsElementId = function () { return 1; }; Game_Actor.prototype.paramMax = function (paramId) { if (paramId === 0) { return 9999; // MHP } return Game_Battler.prototype.paramMax.call(this, paramId); }; Game_Actor.prototype.paramBase = function (paramId) { return this.currentClass().params[paramId][this._level]; }; Game_Actor.prototype.paramPlus = function (paramId) { var value = Game_Battler.prototype.paramPlus.call(this, paramId); var equips = this.equips(); for (var i = 0; i < equips.length; i++) { var item = equips[i]; if (item) { value += item.params[paramId]; } } return value; }; Game_Actor.prototype.attackAnimationId1 = function () { if (this.hasNoWeapons()) { return this.bareHandsAnimationId(); } else { var weapons = this.weapons(); return weapons[0] ? weapons[0].animationId : 0; } }; Game_Actor.prototype.attackAnimationId2 = function () { var weapons = this.weapons(); return weapons[1] ? weapons[1].animationId : 0; }; Game_Actor.prototype.bareHandsAnimationId = function () { return 1; }; Game_Actor.prototype.changeExp = function (exp, show) { this._exp[this._classId] = Math.max(exp, 0); var lastLevel = this._level; var lastSkills = this.skills(); while (!this.isMaxLevel() && this.currentExp() >= this.nextLevelExp()) { this.levelUp(); } while (this.currentExp() < this.currentLevelExp()) { this.levelDown(); } if (show && this._level > lastLevel) { this.displayLevelUp(this.findNewSkills(lastSkills)); } this.refresh(); }; Game_Actor.prototype.levelUp = function () { this._level++; this.currentClass().learnings.forEach(function (learning) { if (learning.level === this._level) { this.learnSkill(learning.skillId); } }, this); }; Game_Actor.prototype.levelDown = function () { this._level--; }; Game_Actor.prototype.findNewSkills = function (lastSkills) { var newSkills = this.skills(); for (var i = 0; i < lastSkills.length; i++) { var index = newSkills.indexOf(lastSkills[i]); if (index >= 0) { newSkills.splice(index, 1); } } return newSkills; }; Game_Actor.prototype.displayLevelUp = function (newSkills) { var text = TextManager.levelUp.format(this._name, TextManager.level, this._level); $gameMessage.newPage(); $gameMessage.add(text); newSkills.forEach(function (skill) { $gameMessage.add(TextManager.obtainSkill.format(skill.name)); }); }; Game_Actor.prototype.gainExp = function (exp) { var newExp = this.currentExp() + Math.round(exp * this.finalExpRate()); this.changeExp(newExp, this.shouldDisplayLevelUp()); }; Game_Actor.prototype.finalExpRate = function () { return this.exr * (this.isBattleMember() ? 1 : this.benchMembersExpRate()); }; Game_Actor.prototype.benchMembersExpRate = function () { return $dataSystem.optExtraExp ? 1 : 0; }; Game_Actor.prototype.shouldDisplayLevelUp = function () { return true; }; Game_Actor.prototype.changeLevel = function (level, show) { level = level.clamp(1, this.maxLevel()); this.changeExp(this.expForLevel(level), show); }; Game_Actor.prototype.learnSkill = function (skillId) { if (!this.isLearnedSkill(skillId)) { this._skills.push(skillId); this._skills.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; }); } }; Game_Actor.prototype.forgetSkill = function (skillId) { var index = this._skills.indexOf(skillId); if (index >= 0) { this._skills.splice(index, 1); } }; Game_Actor.prototype.isLearnedSkill = function (skillId) { return this._skills.contains(skillId); }; Game_Actor.prototype.hasSkill = function (skillId) { return this.skills().contains($dataSkills[skillId]); }; Game_Actor.prototype.changeClass = function (classId, keepExp) { if (keepExp) { this._exp[classId] = this.currentExp(); } this._classId = classId; this.changeExp(this._exp[this._classId] || 0, false); this.refresh(); }; Game_Actor.prototype.setCharacterImage = function (characterName, characterIndex) { this._characterName = characterName; this._characterIndex = characterIndex; }; Game_Actor.prototype.setFaceImage = function (faceName, faceIndex) { this._faceName = faceName; this._faceIndex = faceIndex; }; Game_Actor.prototype.setBattlerImage = function (battlerName) { this._battlerName = battlerName; }; Game_Actor.prototype.isSpriteVisible = function () { return $gameSystem.isSideView(); }; Game_Actor.prototype.startAnimation = function (animationId, mirror, delay) { mirror = !mirror; Game_Battler.prototype.startAnimation.call(this, animationId, mirror, delay); }; Game_Actor.prototype.performActionStart = function (action) { Game_Battler.prototype.performActionStart.call(this, action); }; Game_Actor.prototype.performAction = function (action) { Game_Battler.prototype.performAction.call(this, action); if (action.isAttack()) { this.performAttack(); } else if (action.isGuard()) { this.requestMotion('guard'); } else if (action.isMagicSkill()) { this.requestMotion('spell'); } else if (action.isSkill()) { this.requestMotion('skill'); } else if (action.isItem()) { this.requestMotion('item'); } }; Game_Actor.prototype.performActionEnd = function () { Game_Battler.prototype.performActionEnd.call(this); }; Game_Actor.prototype.performAttack = function () { var weapons = this.weapons(); var wtypeId = weapons[0] ? weapons[0].wtypeId : 0; var attackMotion = $dataSystem.attackMotions[wtypeId]; if (attackMotion) { if (attackMotion.type === 0) { this.requestMotion('thrust'); } else if (attackMotion.type === 1) { this.requestMotion('swing'); } else if (attackMotion.type === 2) { this.requestMotion('missile'); } this.startWeaponAnimation(attackMotion.weaponImageId); } }; Game_Actor.prototype.performDamage = function () { Game_Battler.prototype.performDamage.call(this); if (this.isSpriteVisible()) { this.requestMotion('damage'); } else { $gameScreen.startShake(5, 5, 10); } SoundManager.playActorDamage(); }; Game_Actor.prototype.performEvasion = function () { Game_Battler.prototype.performEvasion.call(this); this.requestMotion('evade'); }; Game_Actor.prototype.performMagicEvasion = function () { Game_Battler.prototype.performMagicEvasion.call(this); this.requestMotion('evade'); }; Game_Actor.prototype.performCounter = function () { Game_Battler.prototype.performCounter.call(this); this.performAttack(); }; Game_Actor.prototype.performCollapse = function () { Game_Battler.prototype.performCollapse.call(this); if ($gameParty.inBattle()) { SoundManager.playActorCollapse(); } }; Game_Actor.prototype.performVictory = function () { if (this.canMove()) { this.requestMotion('victory'); } }; Game_Actor.prototype.performEscape = function () { if (this.canMove()) { this.requestMotion('escape'); } }; Game_Actor.prototype.makeActionList = function () { var list = []; var action = new Game_Action(this); action.setAttack(); list.push(action); this.usableSkills().forEach(function (skill) { action = new Game_Action(this); action.setSkill(skill.id); list.push(action); }, this); return list; }; Game_Actor.prototype.makeAutoBattleActions = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.numActions(); i++) { var list = this.makeActionList(); var maxValue = Number.MIN_VALUE; for (var j = 0; j < list.length; j++) { var value = list[j].evaluate(); if (value > maxValue) { maxValue = value; this.setAction(i, list[j]); } } } this.setActionState('waiting'); }; Game_Actor.prototype.makeConfusionActions = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.numActions(); i++) { this.action(i).setConfusion(); } this.setActionState('waiting'); }; Game_Actor.prototype.makeActions = function () { Game_Battler.prototype.makeActions.call(this); if (this.numActions() > 0) { this.setActionState('undecided'); } else { this.setActionState('waiting'); } if (this.isAutoBattle()) { this.makeAutoBattleActions(); } else if (this.isConfused()) { this.makeConfusionActions(); } }; Game_Actor.prototype.onPlayerWalk = function () { this.clearResult(); this.checkFloorEffect(); if ($gamePlayer.isNormal()) { this.turnEndOnMap(); this.states().forEach(function (state) { this.updateStateSteps(state); }, this); this.showAddedStates(); this.showRemovedStates(); } }; Game_Actor.prototype.updateStateSteps = function (state) { if (state.removeByWalking) { if (this._stateSteps[state.id] > 0) { if (--this._stateSteps[state.id] === 0) { this.removeState(state.id); } } } }; Game_Actor.prototype.showAddedStates = function () { this.result().addedStateObjects().forEach(function (state) { if (state.message1) { $gameMessage.add(this._name + state.message1); } }, this); }; Game_Actor.prototype.showRemovedStates = function () { this.result().removedStateObjects().forEach(function (state) { if (state.message4) { $gameMessage.add(this._name + state.message4); } }, this); }; Game_Actor.prototype.stepsForTurn = function () { return 20; }; Game_Actor.prototype.turnEndOnMap = function () { if ($gameParty.steps() % this.stepsForTurn() === 0) { this.onTurnEnd(); if (this.result().hpDamage > 0) { this.performMapDamage(); } } }; Game_Actor.prototype.checkFloorEffect = function () { if ($gamePlayer.isOnDamageFloor()) { this.executeFloorDamage(); } }; Game_Actor.prototype.executeFloorDamage = function () { var damage = Math.floor(this.basicFloorDamage() * this.fdr); damage = Math.min(damage, this.maxFloorDamage()); this.gainHp(-damage); if (damage > 0) { this.performMapDamage(); } }; Game_Actor.prototype.basicFloorDamage = function () { return 10; }; Game_Actor.prototype.maxFloorDamage = function () { return $dataSystem.optFloorDeath ? this.hp : Math.max(this.hp - 1, 0); }; Game_Actor.prototype.performMapDamage = function () { if (!$gameParty.inBattle()) { $gameScreen.startFlashForDamage(); } }; Game_Actor.prototype.clearActions = function () { Game_Battler.prototype.clearActions.call(this); this._actionInputIndex = 0; }; Game_Actor.prototype.inputtingAction = function () { return this.action(this._actionInputIndex); }; Game_Actor.prototype.selectNextCommand = function () { if (this._actionInputIndex < this.numActions() - 1) { this._actionInputIndex++; return true; } else { return false; } }; Game_Actor.prototype.selectPreviousCommand = function () { if (this._actionInputIndex > 0) { this._actionInputIndex--; return true; } else { return false; } }; Game_Actor.prototype.lastMenuSkill = function () { return this._lastMenuSkill.object(); }; Game_Actor.prototype.setLastMenuSkill = function (skill) { this._lastMenuSkill.setObject(skill); }; Game_Actor.prototype.lastBattleSkill = function () { return this._lastBattleSkill.object(); }; Game_Actor.prototype.setLastBattleSkill = function (skill) { this._lastBattleSkill.setObject(skill); }; Game_Actor.prototype.lastCommandSymbol = function () { return this._lastCommandSymbol; }; Game_Actor.prototype.setLastCommandSymbol = function (symbol) { this._lastCommandSymbol = symbol; }; Game_Actor.prototype.testEscape = function (item) { return item.effects.some(function (effect, index, ar) { return effect && effect.code === Game_Action.EFFECT_SPECIAL; }); }; Game_Actor.prototype.meetsUsableItemConditions = function (item) { if ($gameParty.inBattle() && !BattleManager.canEscape() && this.testEscape(item)) { return false; } return Game_BattlerBase.prototype.meetsUsableItemConditions.call(this, item); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Enemy // // The game object class for an enemy. function Game_Enemy() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_Enemy.prototype = Object.create(Game_Battler.prototype); Game_Enemy.prototype.constructor = Game_Enemy; Game_Enemy.prototype.initialize = function (enemyId, x, y) { Game_Battler.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.setup(enemyId, x, y); }; Game_Enemy.prototype.initMembers = function () { Game_Battler.prototype.initMembers.call(this); this._enemyId = 0; this._letter = ''; this._plural = false; this._screenX = 0; this._screenY = 0; }; Game_Enemy.prototype.setup = function (enemyId, x, y) { this._enemyId = enemyId; this._screenX = x; this._screenY = y; this.recoverAll(); }; Game_Enemy.prototype.isEnemy = function () { return true; }; Game_Enemy.prototype.friendsUnit = function () { return $gameTroop; }; Game_Enemy.prototype.opponentsUnit = function () { return $gameParty; }; Game_Enemy.prototype.index = function () { return $gameTroop.members().indexOf(this); }; Game_Enemy.prototype.isBattleMember = function () { return this.index() >= 0; }; Game_Enemy.prototype.enemyId = function () { return this._enemyId; }; Game_Enemy.prototype.enemy = function () { return $dataEnemies[this._enemyId]; }; Game_Enemy.prototype.traitObjects = function () { return Game_Battler.prototype.traitObjects.call(this).concat(this.enemy()); }; Game_Enemy.prototype.paramBase = function (paramId) { return this.enemy().params[paramId]; }; Game_Enemy.prototype.exp = function () { return this.enemy().exp; }; Game_Enemy.prototype.gold = function () { return this.enemy().gold; }; Game_Enemy.prototype.makeDropItems = function () { return this.enemy().dropItems.reduce(function (r, di) { if (di.kind > 0 && Math.random() * di.denominator < this.dropItemRate()) { return r.concat(this.itemObject(di.kind, di.dataId)); } else { return r; } }.bind(this), []); }; Game_Enemy.prototype.dropItemRate = function () { return $gameParty.hasDropItemDouble() ? 2 : 1; }; Game_Enemy.prototype.itemObject = function (kind, dataId) { if (kind === 1) { return $dataItems[dataId]; } else if (kind === 2) { return $dataWeapons[dataId]; } else if (kind === 3) { return $dataArmors[dataId]; } else { return null; } }; Game_Enemy.prototype.isSpriteVisible = function () { return true; }; Game_Enemy.prototype.screenX = function () { return this._screenX; }; Game_Enemy.prototype.screenY = function () { return this._screenY; }; Game_Enemy.prototype.battlerName = function () { return this.enemy().battlerName; }; Game_Enemy.prototype.battlerHue = function () { return this.enemy().battlerHue; }; Game_Enemy.prototype.originalName = function () { return this.enemy().name; }; Game_Enemy.prototype.name = function () { return this.originalName() + (this._plural ? this._letter : ''); }; Game_Enemy.prototype.isLetterEmpty = function () { return this._letter === ''; }; Game_Enemy.prototype.setLetter = function (letter) { this._letter = letter; }; Game_Enemy.prototype.setPlural = function (plural) { this._plural = plural; }; Game_Enemy.prototype.performActionStart = function (action) { Game_Battler.prototype.performActionStart.call(this, action); this.requestEffect('whiten'); }; Game_Enemy.prototype.performAction = function (action) { Game_Battler.prototype.performAction.call(this, action); }; Game_Enemy.prototype.performActionEnd = function () { Game_Battler.prototype.performActionEnd.call(this); }; Game_Enemy.prototype.performDamage = function () { Game_Battler.prototype.performDamage.call(this); SoundManager.playEnemyDamage(); this.requestEffect('blink'); }; Game_Enemy.prototype.performCollapse = function () { Game_Battler.prototype.performCollapse.call(this); switch (this.collapseType()) { case 0: this.requestEffect('collapse'); SoundManager.playEnemyCollapse(); break; case 1: this.requestEffect('bossCollapse'); SoundManager.playBossCollapse1(); break; case 2: this.requestEffect('instantCollapse'); break; } }; Game_Enemy.prototype.transform = function (enemyId) { var name = this.originalName(); this._enemyId = enemyId; if (this.originalName() !== name) { this._letter = ''; this._plural = false; } this.refresh(); if (this.numActions() > 0) { this.makeActions(); } }; Game_Enemy.prototype.meetsCondition = function (action) { var param1 = action.conditionParam1; var param2 = action.conditionParam2; switch (action.conditionType) { case 1: return this.meetsTurnCondition(param1, param2); case 2: return this.meetsHpCondition(param1, param2); case 3: return this.meetsMpCondition(param1, param2); case 4: return this.meetsStateCondition(param1); case 5: return this.meetsPartyLevelCondition(param1); case 6: return this.meetsSwitchCondition(param1); default: return true; } }; Game_Enemy.prototype.meetsTurnCondition = function (param1, param2) { var n = $gameTroop.turnCount(); if (param2 === 0) { return n === param1; } else { return n > 0 && n >= param1 && n % param2 === param1 % param2; } }; Game_Enemy.prototype.meetsHpCondition = function (param1, param2) { return this.hpRate() >= param1 && this.hpRate() <= param2; }; Game_Enemy.prototype.meetsMpCondition = function (param1, param2) { return this.mpRate() >= param1 && this.mpRate() <= param2; }; Game_Enemy.prototype.meetsStateCondition = function (param) { return this.isStateAffected(param); }; Game_Enemy.prototype.meetsPartyLevelCondition = function (param) { return $gameParty.highestLevel() >= param; }; Game_Enemy.prototype.meetsSwitchCondition = function (param) { return $gameSwitches.value(param); }; Game_Enemy.prototype.isActionValid = function (action) { return this.meetsCondition(action) && this.canUse($dataSkills[action.skillId]); }; Game_Enemy.prototype.selectAction = function (actionList, ratingZero) { var sum = actionList.reduce(function (r, a) { return r + a.rating - ratingZero; }, 0); if (sum > 0) { var value = Math.randomInt(sum); for (var i = 0; i < actionList.length; i++) { var action = actionList[i]; value -= action.rating - ratingZero; if (value < 0) { return action; } } } else { return null; } }; Game_Enemy.prototype.selectAllActions = function (actionList) { var ratingMax = Math.max.apply(null, actionList.map(function (a) { return a.rating; })); var ratingZero = ratingMax - 3; actionList = actionList.filter(function (a) { return a.rating > ratingZero; }); for (var i = 0; i < this.numActions(); i++) { this.action(i).setEnemyAction(this.selectAction(actionList, ratingZero)); } }; Game_Enemy.prototype.makeActions = function () { Game_Battler.prototype.makeActions.call(this); if (this.numActions() > 0) { var actionList = this.enemy().actions.filter(function (a) { return this.isActionValid(a); }, this); if (actionList.length > 0) { this.selectAllActions(actionList); } } this.setActionState('waiting'); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Actors // // The wrapper class for an actor array. function Game_Actors() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_Actors.prototype.initialize = function () { this._data = []; }; Game_Actors.prototype.actor = function (actorId) { if ($dataActors[actorId]) { if (!this._data[actorId]) { this._data[actorId] = new Game_Actor(actorId); } return this._data[actorId]; } return null; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Unit // // The superclass of Game_Party and Game_Troop. function Game_Unit() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_Unit.prototype.initialize = function () { this._inBattle = false; }; Game_Unit.prototype.inBattle = function () { return this._inBattle; }; Game_Unit.prototype.members = function () { return []; }; Game_Unit.prototype.aliveMembers = function () { return this.members().filter(function (member) { return member.isAlive(); }); }; Game_Unit.prototype.deadMembers = function () { return this.members().filter(function (member) { return member.isDead(); }); }; Game_Unit.prototype.movableMembers = function () { return this.members().filter(function (member) { return member.canMove(); }); }; Game_Unit.prototype.clearActions = function () { return this.members().forEach(function (member) { return member.clearActions(); }); }; Game_Unit.prototype.agility = function () { var members = this.members(); if (members.length === 0) { return 1; } var sum = members.reduce(function (r, member) { return r + member.agi; }, 0); return sum / members.length; }; Game_Unit.prototype.tgrSum = function () { return this.aliveMembers().reduce(function (r, member) { return r + member.tgr; }, 0); }; Game_Unit.prototype.randomTarget = function () { var tgrRand = Math.random() * this.tgrSum(); var target = null; this.aliveMembers().forEach(function (member) { tgrRand -= member.tgr; if (tgrRand <= 0 && !target) { target = member; } }); return target; }; Game_Unit.prototype.randomDeadTarget = function () { var members = this.deadMembers(); if (members.length === 0) { return null; } return members[Math.floor(Math.random() * members.length)]; }; Game_Unit.prototype.smoothTarget = function (index) { if (index < 0) { index = 0; } var member = this.members()[index]; return (member && member.isAlive()) ? member : this.aliveMembers()[0]; }; Game_Unit.prototype.smoothDeadTarget = function (index) { if (index < 0) { index = 0; } var member = this.members()[index]; return (member && member.isDead()) ? member : this.deadMembers()[0]; }; Game_Unit.prototype.clearResults = function () { this.members().forEach(function (member) { member.clearResult(); }); }; Game_Unit.prototype.onBattleStart = function () { this.members().forEach(function (member) { member.onBattleStart(); }); this._inBattle = true; }; Game_Unit.prototype.onBattleEnd = function () { this._inBattle = false; this.members().forEach(function (member) { member.onBattleEnd(); }); }; Game_Unit.prototype.makeActions = function () { this.members().forEach(function (member) { member.makeActions(); }); }; Game_Unit.prototype.select = function (activeMember) { this.members().forEach(function (member) { if (member === activeMember) { member.select(); } else { member.deselect(); } }); }; Game_Unit.prototype.isAllDead = function () { return this.aliveMembers().length === 0; }; Game_Unit.prototype.substituteBattler = function () { var members = this.members(); for (var i = 0; i < members.length; i++) { if (members[i].isSubstitute()) { return members[i]; } } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Party // // The game object class for the party. Information such as gold and items is // included. function Game_Party() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_Party.prototype = Object.create(Game_Unit.prototype); Game_Party.prototype.constructor = Game_Party; Game_Party.ABILITY_ENCOUNTER_HALF = 0; Game_Party.ABILITY_ENCOUNTER_NONE = 1; Game_Party.ABILITY_CANCEL_SURPRISE = 2; Game_Party.ABILITY_RAISE_PREEMPTIVE = 3; Game_Party.ABILITY_GOLD_DOUBLE = 4; Game_Party.ABILITY_DROP_ITEM_DOUBLE = 5; Game_Party.prototype.initialize = function () { Game_Unit.prototype.initialize.call(this); this._gold = 0; this._steps = 0; this._lastItem = new Game_Item(); this._menuActorId = 0; this._targetActorId = 0; this._actors = []; this.initAllItems(); }; Game_Party.prototype.initAllItems = function () { this._items = {}; this._weapons = {}; this._armors = {}; }; Game_Party.prototype.exists = function () { return this._actors.length > 0; }; Game_Party.prototype.size = function () { return this.members().length; }; Game_Party.prototype.isEmpty = function () { return this.size() === 0; }; Game_Party.prototype.members = function () { return this.inBattle() ? this.battleMembers() : this.allMembers(); }; Game_Party.prototype.allMembers = function () { return this._actors.map(function (id) { return $gameActors.actor(id); }); }; Game_Party.prototype.battleMembers = function () { return this.allMembers().slice(0, this.maxBattleMembers()).filter(function (actor) { return actor.isAppeared(); }); }; Game_Party.prototype.maxBattleMembers = function () { return 4; }; Game_Party.prototype.leader = function () { return this.battleMembers()[0]; }; Game_Party.prototype.reviveBattleMembers = function () { this.battleMembers().forEach(function (actor) { if (actor.isDead()) { actor.setHp(1); } }); }; Game_Party.prototype.items = function () { var list = []; for (var id in this._items) { list.push($dataItems[id]); } return list; }; Game_Party.prototype.weapons = function () { var list = []; for (var id in this._weapons) { list.push($dataWeapons[id]); } return list; }; Game_Party.prototype.armors = function () { var list = []; for (var id in this._armors) { list.push($dataArmors[id]); } return list; }; Game_Party.prototype.equipItems = function () { return this.weapons().concat(this.armors()); }; Game_Party.prototype.allItems = function () { return this.items().concat(this.equipItems()); }; Game_Party.prototype.itemContainer = function (item) { if (!item) { return null; } else if (DataManager.isItem(item)) { return this._items; } else if (DataManager.isWeapon(item)) { return this._weapons; } else if (DataManager.isArmor(item)) { return this._armors; } else { return null; } }; Game_Party.prototype.setupStartingMembers = function () { this._actors = []; $dataSystem.partyMembers.forEach(function (actorId) { if ($gameActors.actor(actorId)) { this._actors.push(actorId); } }, this); }; Game_Party.prototype.name = function () { var numBattleMembers = this.battleMembers().length; if (numBattleMembers === 0) { return ''; } else if (numBattleMembers === 1) { return this.leader().name(); } else { return TextManager.partyName.format(this.leader().name()); } }; Game_Party.prototype.setupBattleTest = function () { this.setupBattleTestMembers(); this.setupBattleTestItems(); }; Game_Party.prototype.setupBattleTestMembers = function () { $dataSystem.testBattlers.forEach(function (battler) { var actor = $gameActors.actor(battler.actorId); if (actor) { actor.changeLevel(battler.level, false); actor.initEquips(battler.equips); actor.recoverAll(); this.addActor(battler.actorId); } }, this); }; Game_Party.prototype.setupBattleTestItems = function () { $dataItems.forEach(function (item) { if (item && item.name.length > 0) { this.gainItem(item, this.maxItems(item)); } }, this); }; Game_Party.prototype.highestLevel = function () { return Math.max.apply(null, this.members().map(function (actor) { return actor.level; })); }; Game_Party.prototype.addActor = function (actorId) { if (!this._actors.contains(actorId)) { this._actors.push(actorId); $gamePlayer.refresh(); $gameMap.requestRefresh(); } }; Game_Party.prototype.removeActor = function (actorId) { if (this._actors.contains(actorId)) { this._actors.splice(this._actors.indexOf(actorId), 1); $gamePlayer.refresh(); $gameMap.requestRefresh(); } }; Game_Party.prototype.gold = function () { return this._gold; }; Game_Party.prototype.gainGold = function (amount) { this._gold = (this._gold + amount).clamp(0, this.maxGold()); }; Game_Party.prototype.loseGold = function (amount) { this.gainGold(-amount); }; Game_Party.prototype.maxGold = function () { return 99999999; }; Game_Party.prototype.steps = function () { return this._steps; }; Game_Party.prototype.increaseSteps = function () { this._steps++; }; Game_Party.prototype.numItems = function (item) { var container = this.itemContainer(item); return container ? container[item.id] || 0 : 0; }; Game_Party.prototype.maxItems = function (item) { return 99; }; Game_Party.prototype.hasMaxItems = function (item) { return this.numItems(item) >= this.maxItems(item); }; Game_Party.prototype.hasItem = function (item, includeEquip) { if (includeEquip === undefined) { includeEquip = false; } if (this.numItems(item) > 0) { return true; } else if (includeEquip && this.isAnyMemberEquipped(item)) { return true; } else { return false; } }; Game_Party.prototype.isAnyMemberEquipped = function (item) { return this.members().some(function (actor) { return actor.equips().contains(item); }); }; Game_Party.prototype.gainItem = function (item, amount, includeEquip) { var container = this.itemContainer(item); if (container) { var lastNumber = this.numItems(item); var newNumber = lastNumber + amount; container[item.id] = newNumber.clamp(0, this.maxItems(item)); if (container[item.id] === 0) { delete container[item.id]; } if (includeEquip && newNumber < 0) { this.discardMembersEquip(item, -newNumber); } $gameMap.requestRefresh(); } }; Game_Party.prototype.discardMembersEquip = function (item, amount) { var n = amount; this.members().forEach(function (actor) { while (n > 0 && actor.isEquipped(item)) { actor.discardEquip(item); n--; } }); }; Game_Party.prototype.loseItem = function (item, amount, includeEquip) { this.gainItem(item, -amount, includeEquip); }; Game_Party.prototype.consumeItem = function (item) { if (DataManager.isItem(item) && item.consumable) { this.loseItem(item, 1); } }; Game_Party.prototype.canUse = function (item) { return this.members().some(function (actor) { return actor.canUse(item); }); }; Game_Party.prototype.canInput = function () { return this.members().some(function (actor) { return actor.canInput(); }); }; Game_Party.prototype.isAllDead = function () { if (Game_Unit.prototype.isAllDead.call(this)) { return this.inBattle() || !this.isEmpty(); } else { return false; } }; Game_Party.prototype.onPlayerWalk = function () { this.members().forEach(function (actor) { return actor.onPlayerWalk(); }); }; Game_Party.prototype.menuActor = function () { var actor = $gameActors.actor(this._menuActorId); if (!this.members().contains(actor)) { actor = this.members()[0]; } return actor; }; Game_Party.prototype.setMenuActor = function (actor) { this._menuActorId = actor.actorId(); }; Game_Party.prototype.makeMenuActorNext = function () { var index = this.members().indexOf(this.menuActor()); if (index >= 0) { index = (index + 1) % this.members().length; this.setMenuActor(this.members()[index]); } else { this.setMenuActor(this.members()[0]); } }; Game_Party.prototype.makeMenuActorPrevious = function () { var index = this.members().indexOf(this.menuActor()); if (index >= 0) { index = (index + this.members().length - 1) % this.members().length; this.setMenuActor(this.members()[index]); } else { this.setMenuActor(this.members()[0]); } }; Game_Party.prototype.targetActor = function () { var actor = $gameActors.actor(this._targetActorId); if (!this.members().contains(actor)) { actor = this.members()[0]; } return actor; }; Game_Party.prototype.setTargetActor = function (actor) { this._targetActorId = actor.actorId(); }; Game_Party.prototype.lastItem = function () { return this._lastItem.object(); }; Game_Party.prototype.setLastItem = function (item) { this._lastItem.setObject(item); }; Game_Party.prototype.swapOrder = function (index1, index2) { var temp = this._actors[index1]; this._actors[index1] = this._actors[index2]; this._actors[index2] = temp; $gamePlayer.refresh(); }; Game_Party.prototype.charactersForSavefile = function () { return this.battleMembers().map(function (actor) { return [actor.characterName(), actor.characterIndex()]; }); }; Game_Party.prototype.facesForSavefile = function () { return this.battleMembers().map(function (actor) { return [actor.faceName(), actor.faceIndex()]; }); }; Game_Party.prototype.partyAbility = function (abilityId) { return this.battleMembers().some(function (actor) { return actor.partyAbility(abilityId); }); }; Game_Party.prototype.hasEncounterHalf = function () { return this.partyAbility(Game_Party.ABILITY_ENCOUNTER_HALF); }; Game_Party.prototype.hasEncounterNone = function () { return this.partyAbility(Game_Party.ABILITY_ENCOUNTER_NONE); }; Game_Party.prototype.hasCancelSurprise = function () { return this.partyAbility(Game_Party.ABILITY_CANCEL_SURPRISE); }; Game_Party.prototype.hasRaisePreemptive = function () { return this.partyAbility(Game_Party.ABILITY_RAISE_PREEMPTIVE); }; Game_Party.prototype.hasGoldDouble = function () { return this.partyAbility(Game_Party.ABILITY_GOLD_DOUBLE); }; Game_Party.prototype.hasDropItemDouble = function () { return this.partyAbility(Game_Party.ABILITY_DROP_ITEM_DOUBLE); }; Game_Party.prototype.ratePreemptive = function (troopAgi) { var rate = this.agility() >= troopAgi ? 0.05 : 0.03; if (this.hasRaisePreemptive()) { rate *= 4; } return rate; }; Game_Party.prototype.rateSurprise = function (troopAgi) { var rate = this.agility() >= troopAgi ? 0.03 : 0.05; if (this.hasCancelSurprise()) { rate = 0; } return rate; }; Game_Party.prototype.performVictory = function () { this.members().forEach(function (actor) { actor.performVictory(); }); }; Game_Party.prototype.performEscape = function () { this.members().forEach(function (actor) { actor.performEscape(); }); }; Game_Party.prototype.removeBattleStates = function () { this.members().forEach(function (actor) { actor.removeBattleStates(); }); }; Game_Party.prototype.requestMotionRefresh = function () { this.members().forEach(function (actor) { actor.requestMotionRefresh(); }); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Troop // // The game object class for a troop and the battle-related data. function Game_Troop() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_Troop.prototype = Object.create(Game_Unit.prototype); Game_Troop.prototype.constructor = Game_Troop; Game_Troop.LETTER_TABLE_HALF = [ ' A', ' B', ' C', ' D', ' E', ' F', ' G', ' H', ' I', ' J', ' K', ' L', ' M', ' N', ' O', ' P', ' Q', ' R', ' S', ' T', ' U', ' V', ' W', ' X', ' Y', ' Z' ]; Game_Troop.LETTER_TABLE_FULL = [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z' ]; Game_Troop.prototype.initialize = function () { Game_Unit.prototype.initialize.call(this); this._interpreter = new Game_Interpreter(); this.clear(); }; Game_Troop.prototype.isEventRunning = function () { return this._interpreter.isRunning(); }; Game_Troop.prototype.updateInterpreter = function () { this._interpreter.update(); }; Game_Troop.prototype.turnCount = function () { return this._turnCount; }; Game_Troop.prototype.members = function () { return this._enemies; }; Game_Troop.prototype.clear = function () { this._interpreter.clear(); this._troopId = 0; this._eventFlags = {}; this._enemies = []; this._turnCount = 0; this._namesCount = {}; }; Game_Troop.prototype.troop = function () { return $dataTroops[this._troopId]; }; Game_Troop.prototype.setup = function (troopId) { this.clear(); this._troopId = troopId; this._enemies = []; this.troop().members.forEach(function (member) { if ($dataEnemies[member.enemyId]) { var enemyId = member.enemyId; var x = member.x; var y = member.y; var enemy = new Game_Enemy(enemyId, x, y); if (member.hidden) { enemy.hide(); } this._enemies.push(enemy); } }, this); this.makeUniqueNames(); }; Game_Troop.prototype.makeUniqueNames = function () { var table = this.letterTable(); this.members().forEach(function (enemy) { if (enemy.isAlive() && enemy.isLetterEmpty()) { var name = enemy.originalName(); var n = this._namesCount[name] || 0; enemy.setLetter(table[n % table.length]); this._namesCount[name] = n + 1; } }, this); this.members().forEach(function (enemy) { var name = enemy.originalName(); if (this._namesCount[name] >= 2) { enemy.setPlural(true); } }, this); }; Game_Troop.prototype.letterTable = function () { return $gameSystem.isCJK() ? Game_Troop.LETTER_TABLE_FULL : Game_Troop.LETTER_TABLE_HALF; }; Game_Troop.prototype.enemyNames = function () { var names = []; this.members().forEach(function (enemy) { var name = enemy.originalName(); if (enemy.isAlive() && !names.contains(name)) { names.push(name); } }); return names; }; Game_Troop.prototype.meetsConditions = function (page) { var c = page.conditions; if (!c.turnEnding && !c.turnValid && !c.enemyValid && !c.actorValid && !c.switchValid) { return false; // Conditions not set } if (c.turnEnding) { if (!BattleManager.isTurnEnd()) { return false; } } if (c.turnValid) { var n = this._turnCount; var a = c.turnA; var b = c.turnB; if ((b === 0 && n !== a)) { return false; } if ((b > 0 && (n < 1 || n < a || n % b !== a % b))) { return false; } } if (c.enemyValid) { var enemy = $gameTroop.members()[c.enemyIndex]; if (!enemy || enemy.hpRate() * 100 > c.enemyHp) { return false; } } if (c.actorValid) { var actor = $gameActors.actor(c.actorId); if (!actor || actor.hpRate() * 100 > c.actorHp) { return false; } } if (c.switchValid) { if (!$gameSwitches.value(c.switchId)) { return false; } } return true; }; Game_Troop.prototype.setupBattleEvent = function () { if (!this._interpreter.isRunning()) { if (this._interpreter.setupReservedCommonEvent()) { return; } var pages = this.troop().pages; for (var i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) { var page = pages[i]; if (this.meetsConditions(page) && !this._eventFlags[i]) { this._interpreter.setup(page.list); if (page.span <= 1) { this._eventFlags[i] = true; } break; } } } }; Game_Troop.prototype.increaseTurn = function () { var pages = this.troop().pages; for (var i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) { var page = pages[i]; if (page.span === 1) { this._eventFlags[i] = false; } } this._turnCount++; }; Game_Troop.prototype.expTotal = function () { return this.deadMembers().reduce(function (r, enemy) { return r + enemy.exp(); }, 0); }; Game_Troop.prototype.goldTotal = function () { return this.deadMembers().reduce(function (r, enemy) { return r + enemy.gold(); }, 0) * this.goldRate(); }; Game_Troop.prototype.goldRate = function () { return $gameParty.hasGoldDouble() ? 2 : 1; }; Game_Troop.prototype.makeDropItems = function () { return this.deadMembers().reduce(function (r, enemy) { return r.concat(enemy.makeDropItems()); }, []); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Map // // The game object class for a map. It contains scrolling and passage // determination functions. function Game_Map() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_Map.prototype.initialize = function () { this._interpreter = new Game_Interpreter(); this._mapId = 0; this._tilesetId = 0; this._events = []; this._commonEvents = []; this._vehicles = []; this._displayX = 0; this._displayY = 0; this._nameDisplay = true; this._scrollDirection = 2; this._scrollRest = 0; this._scrollSpeed = 4; this._parallaxName = ''; this._parallaxZero = false; this._parallaxLoopX = false; this._parallaxLoopY = false; this._parallaxSx = 0; this._parallaxSy = 0; this._parallaxX = 0; this._parallaxY = 0; this._battleback1Name = null; this._battleback2Name = null; this.createVehicles(); }; Game_Map.prototype.setup = function (mapId) { if (!$dataMap) { throw new Error('The map data is not available'); } this._mapId = mapId; this._tilesetId = $dataMap.tilesetId; this._displayX = 0; this._displayY = 0; this.refereshVehicles(); this.setupEvents(); this.setupScroll(); this.setupParallax(); this.setupBattleback(); this._needsRefresh = false; }; Game_Map.prototype.isEventRunning = function () { return this._interpreter.isRunning() || this.isAnyEventStarting(); }; Game_Map.prototype.tileWidth = function () { return 48; }; Game_Map.prototype.tileHeight = function () { return 48; }; Game_Map.prototype.mapId = function () { return this._mapId; }; Game_Map.prototype.tilesetId = function () { return this._tilesetId; }; Game_Map.prototype.displayX = function () { return this._displayX; }; Game_Map.prototype.displayY = function () { return this._displayY; }; Game_Map.prototype.parallaxName = function () { return this._parallaxName; }; Game_Map.prototype.battleback1Name = function () { return this._battleback1Name; }; Game_Map.prototype.battleback2Name = function () { return this._battleback2Name; }; Game_Map.prototype.requestRefresh = function (mapId) { this._needsRefresh = true; }; Game_Map.prototype.isNameDisplayEnabled = function () { return this._nameDisplay; }; Game_Map.prototype.disableNameDisplay = function () { this._nameDisplay = false; }; Game_Map.prototype.enableNameDisplay = function () { this._nameDisplay = true; }; Game_Map.prototype.createVehicles = function () { this._vehicles = []; this._vehicles[0] = new Game_Vehicle('boat'); this._vehicles[1] = new Game_Vehicle('ship'); this._vehicles[2] = new Game_Vehicle('airship'); }; Game_Map.prototype.refereshVehicles = function () { this._vehicles.forEach(function (vehicle) { vehicle.refresh(); }); }; Game_Map.prototype.vehicles = function () { return this._vehicles; }; Game_Map.prototype.vehicle = function (type) { if (type === 0 || type === 'boat') { return this.boat(); } else if (type === 1 || type === 'ship') { return this.ship(); } else if (type === 2 || type === 'airship') { return this.airship(); } else { return null; } }; Game_Map.prototype.boat = function () { return this._vehicles[0]; }; Game_Map.prototype.ship = function () { return this._vehicles[1]; }; Game_Map.prototype.airship = function () { return this._vehicles[2]; }; Game_Map.prototype.setupEvents = function () { this._events = []; for (var i = 0; i < $dataMap.events.length; i++) { if ($dataMap.events[i]) { this._events[i] = new Game_Event(this._mapId, i); } } this._commonEvents = this.parallelCommonEvents().map(function (commonEvent) { return new Game_CommonEvent(commonEvent.id); }); this.refreshTileEvents(); }; Game_Map.prototype.events = function () { return this._events.filter(function (event) { return !!event; }); }; Game_Map.prototype.event = function (eventId) { return this._events[eventId]; }; Game_Map.prototype.eraseEvent = function (eventId) { this._events[eventId].erase(); }; Game_Map.prototype.parallelCommonEvents = function () { return $dataCommonEvents.filter(function (commonEvent) { return commonEvent && commonEvent.trigger === 2; }); }; Game_Map.prototype.setupScroll = function () { this._scrollDirection = 2; this._scrollRest = 0; this._scrollSpeed = 4; }; Game_Map.prototype.setupParallax = function () { this._parallaxName = $dataMap.parallaxName || ''; this._parallaxZero = ImageManager.isZeroParallax(this._parallaxName); this._parallaxLoopX = $dataMap.parallaxLoopX; this._parallaxLoopY = $dataMap.parallaxLoopY; this._parallaxSx = $dataMap.parallaxSx; this._parallaxSy = $dataMap.parallaxSy; this._parallaxX = 0; this._parallaxY = 0; }; Game_Map.prototype.setupBattleback = function () { if ($dataMap.specifyBattleback) { this._battleback1Name = $dataMap.battleback1Name; this._battleback2Name = $dataMap.battleback2Name; } else { this._battleback1Name = null; this._battleback2Name = null; } }; Game_Map.prototype.setDisplayPos = function (x, y) { if (this.isLoopHorizontal()) { this._displayX = x.mod(this.width()); this._parallaxX = x; } else { var endX = this.width() - this.screenTileX(); this._displayX = endX < 0 ? endX / 2 : x.clamp(0, endX); this._parallaxX = this._displayX; } if (this.isLoopVertical()) { this._displayY = y.mod(this.height()); this._parallaxY = y; } else { var endY = this.height() - this.screenTileY(); this._displayY = endY < 0 ? endY / 2 : y.clamp(0, endY); this._parallaxY = this._displayY; } }; Game_Map.prototype.parallaxOx = function () { if (this._parallaxZero) { return this._parallaxX * this.tileWidth(); } else if (this._parallaxLoopX) { return this._parallaxX * this.tileWidth() / 2; } else { return 0; } }; Game_Map.prototype.parallaxOy = function () { if (this._parallaxZero) { return this._parallaxY * this.tileHeight(); } else if (this._parallaxLoopY) { return this._parallaxY * this.tileHeight() / 2; } else { return 0; } }; Game_Map.prototype.tileset = function () { return $dataTilesets[this._tilesetId]; }; Game_Map.prototype.tilesetFlags = function () { var tileset = this.tileset(); if (tileset) { return tileset.flags; } else { return []; } }; Game_Map.prototype.displayName = function () { return $dataMap.displayName; }; Game_Map.prototype.width = function () { return $dataMap.width; }; Game_Map.prototype.height = function () { return $dataMap.height; }; Game_Map.prototype.data = function () { return $dataMap.data; }; Game_Map.prototype.isLoopHorizontal = function () { return $dataMap.scrollType === 2 || $dataMap.scrollType === 3; }; Game_Map.prototype.isLoopVertical = function () { return $dataMap.scrollType === 1 || $dataMap.scrollType === 3; }; Game_Map.prototype.isDashDisabled = function () { return $dataMap.disableDashing; }; Game_Map.prototype.encounterList = function () { return $dataMap.encounterList; }; Game_Map.prototype.encounterStep = function () { return $dataMap.encounterStep; }; Game_Map.prototype.isOverworld = function () { return this.tileset() && this.tileset().mode === 0; }; Game_Map.prototype.screenTileX = function () { return Graphics.width / this.tileWidth(); }; Game_Map.prototype.screenTileY = function () { return Graphics.height / this.tileHeight(); }; Game_Map.prototype.adjustX = function (x) { if (this.isLoopHorizontal() && x < this._displayX - (this.width() - this.screenTileX()) / 2) { return x - this._displayX + $dataMap.width; } else { return x - this._displayX; } }; Game_Map.prototype.adjustY = function (y) { if (this.isLoopVertical() && y < this._displayY - (this.height() - this.screenTileY()) / 2) { return y - this._displayY + $dataMap.height; } else { return y - this._displayY; } }; Game_Map.prototype.roundX = function (x) { return this.isLoopHorizontal() ? x.mod(this.width()) : x; }; Game_Map.prototype.roundY = function (y) { return this.isLoopVertical() ? y.mod(this.height()) : y; }; Game_Map.prototype.xWithDirection = function (x, d) { return x + (d === 6 ? 1 : d === 4 ? -1 : 0); }; Game_Map.prototype.yWithDirection = function (y, d) { return y + (d === 2 ? 1 : d === 8 ? -1 : 0); }; Game_Map.prototype.roundXWithDirection = function (x, d) { return this.roundX(x + (d === 6 ? 1 : d === 4 ? -1 : 0)); }; Game_Map.prototype.roundYWithDirection = function (y, d) { return this.roundY(y + (d === 2 ? 1 : d === 8 ? -1 : 0)); }; Game_Map.prototype.deltaX = function (x1, x2) { var result = x1 - x2; if (this.isLoopHorizontal() && Math.abs(result) > this.width() / 2) { if (result < 0) { result += this.width(); } else { result -= this.width(); } } return result; }; Game_Map.prototype.deltaY = function (y1, y2) { var result = y1 - y2; if (this.isLoopVertical() && Math.abs(result) > this.height() / 2) { if (result < 0) { result += this.height(); } else { result -= this.height(); } } return result; }; Game_Map.prototype.distance = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) { return Math.abs(this.deltaX(x1, x2)) + Math.abs(this.deltaY(y1, y2)); }; Game_Map.prototype.canvasToMapX = function (x) { var tileWidth = this.tileWidth(); var originX = this._displayX * tileWidth; var mapX = Math.floor((originX + x) / tileWidth); return this.roundX(mapX); }; Game_Map.prototype.canvasToMapY = function (y) { var tileHeight = this.tileHeight(); var originY = this._displayY * tileHeight; var mapY = Math.floor((originY + y) / tileHeight); return this.roundY(mapY); }; Game_Map.prototype.autoplay = function () { if ($dataMap.autoplayBgm) { if ($gamePlayer.isInVehicle()) { $gameSystem.saveWalkingBgm2(); } else { AudioManager.playBgm($dataMap.bgm); } } if ($dataMap.autoplayBgs) { AudioManager.playBgs($dataMap.bgs); } }; Game_Map.prototype.refreshIfNeeded = function () { if (this._needsRefresh) { this.refresh(); } }; Game_Map.prototype.refresh = function () { this.events().forEach(function (event) { event.refresh(); }); this._commonEvents.forEach(function (event) { event.refresh(); }); this.refreshTileEvents(); this._needsRefresh = false; }; Game_Map.prototype.refreshTileEvents = function () { this.tileEvents = this.events().filter(function (event) { return event.isTile(); }); }; Game_Map.prototype.eventsXy = function (x, y) { return this.events().filter(function (event) { return event.pos(x, y); }); }; Game_Map.prototype.eventsXyNt = function (x, y) { return this.events().filter(function (event) { return event.posNt(x, y); }); }; Game_Map.prototype.tileEventsXy = function (x, y) { return this.tileEvents.filter(function (event) { return event.posNt(x, y); }); }; Game_Map.prototype.eventIdXy = function (x, y) { var list = this.eventsXy(x, y); return list.length === 0 ? 0 : list[0].eventId(); }; Game_Map.prototype.scrollDown = function (distance) { if (this.isLoopVertical()) { this._displayY += distance; this._displayY %= $dataMap.height; if (this._parallaxLoopY) { this._parallaxY += distance; } } else if (this.height() >= this.screenTileY()) { var lastY = this._displayY; this._displayY = Math.min(this._displayY + distance, this.height() - this.screenTileY()); this._parallaxY += this._displayY - lastY; } }; Game_Map.prototype.scrollLeft = function (distance) { if (this.isLoopHorizontal()) { this._displayX += $dataMap.width - distance; this._displayX %= $dataMap.width; if (this._parallaxLoopX) { this._parallaxX -= distance; } } else if (this.width() >= this.screenTileX()) { var lastX = this._displayX; this._displayX = Math.max(this._displayX - distance, 0); this._parallaxX += this._displayX - lastX; } }; Game_Map.prototype.scrollRight = function (distance) { if (this.isLoopHorizontal()) { this._displayX += distance; this._displayX %= $dataMap.width; if (this._parallaxLoopX) { this._parallaxX += distance; } } else if (this.width() >= this.screenTileX()) { var lastX = this._displayX; this._displayX = Math.min(this._displayX + distance, this.width() - this.screenTileX()); this._parallaxX += this._displayX - lastX; } }; Game_Map.prototype.scrollUp = function (distance) { if (this.isLoopVertical()) { this._displayY += $dataMap.height - distance; this._displayY %= $dataMap.height; if (this._parallaxLoopY) { this._parallaxY -= distance; } } else if (this.height() >= this.screenTileY()) { var lastY = this._displayY; this._displayY = Math.max(this._displayY - distance, 0); this._parallaxY += this._displayY - lastY; } }; Game_Map.prototype.isValid = function (x, y) { return x >= 0 && x < this.width() && y >= 0 && y < this.height(); }; Game_Map.prototype.checkPassage = function (x, y, bit) { var flags = this.tilesetFlags(); var tiles = this.allTiles(x, y); for (var i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) { var flag = flags[tiles[i]]; if ((flag & 0x10) !== 0) // [*] No effect on passage continue; if ((flag & bit) === 0) // [o] Passable return true; if ((flag & bit) === bit) // [x] Impassable return false; } return false; }; Game_Map.prototype.tileId = function (x, y, z) { var width = $dataMap.width; var height = $dataMap.height; return $dataMap.data[(z * height + y) * width + x] || 0; }; Game_Map.prototype.layeredTiles = function (x, y) { var tiles = []; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { tiles.push(this.tileId(x, y, 3 - i)); } return tiles; }; Game_Map.prototype.allTiles = function (x, y) { var tiles = this.tileEventsXy(x, y).map(function (event) { return event.tileId(); }); return tiles.concat(this.layeredTiles(x, y)); }; Game_Map.prototype.autotileType = function (x, y, z) { var tileId = this.tileId(x, y, z); return tileId >= 2048 ? Math.floor((tileId - 2048) / 48) : -1; }; Game_Map.prototype.isPassable = function (x, y, d) { return this.checkPassage(x, y, (1 << (d / 2 - 1)) & 0x0f); }; Game_Map.prototype.isBoatPassable = function (x, y) { return this.checkPassage(x, y, 0x0200); }; Game_Map.prototype.isShipPassable = function (x, y) { return this.checkPassage(x, y, 0x0400); }; Game_Map.prototype.isAirshipLandOk = function (x, y) { return this.checkPassage(x, y, 0x0800) && this.checkPassage(x, y, 0x0f); }; Game_Map.prototype.checkLayeredTilesFlags = function (x, y, bit) { var flags = this.tilesetFlags(); return this.layeredTiles(x, y).some(function (tileId) { return (flags[tileId] & bit) !== 0; }); }; Game_Map.prototype.isLadder = function (x, y) { return this.isValid(x, y) && this.checkLayeredTilesFlags(x, y, 0x20); }; Game_Map.prototype.isBush = function (x, y) { return this.isValid(x, y) && this.checkLayeredTilesFlags(x, y, 0x40); }; Game_Map.prototype.isCounter = function (x, y) { return this.isValid(x, y) && this.checkLayeredTilesFlags(x, y, 0x80); }; Game_Map.prototype.isDamageFloor = function (x, y) { return this.isValid(x, y) && this.checkLayeredTilesFlags(x, y, 0x100); }; Game_Map.prototype.terrainTag = function (x, y) { if (this.isValid(x, y)) { var flags = this.tilesetFlags(); var tiles = this.layeredTiles(x, y); for (var i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) { var tag = flags[tiles[i]] >> 12; if (tag > 0) { return tag; } } } return 0; }; Game_Map.prototype.regionId = function (x, y) { return this.isValid(x, y) ? this.tileId(x, y, 5) : 0; }; Game_Map.prototype.startScroll = function (direction, distance, speed) { this._scrollDirection = direction; this._scrollRest = distance; this._scrollSpeed = speed; }; Game_Map.prototype.isScrolling = function () { return this._scrollRest > 0; }; Game_Map.prototype.update = function (sceneActive) { this.refreshIfNeeded(); if (sceneActive) { this.updateInterpreter(); } this.updateScroll(); this.updateEvents(); this.updateVehicles(); this.updateParallax(); }; Game_Map.prototype.updateScroll = function () { if (this.isScrolling()) { var lastX = this._displayX; var lastY = this._displayY; this.doScroll(this._scrollDirection, this.scrollDistance()); if (this._displayX === lastX && this._displayY === lastY) { this._scrollRest = 0; } else { this._scrollRest -= this.scrollDistance(); } } }; Game_Map.prototype.scrollDistance = function () { return Math.pow(2, this._scrollSpeed) / 256; }; Game_Map.prototype.doScroll = function (direction, distance) { switch (direction) { case 2: this.scrollDown(distance); break; case 4: this.scrollLeft(distance); break; case 6: this.scrollRight(distance); break; case 8: this.scrollUp(distance); break; } }; Game_Map.prototype.updateEvents = function () { this.events().forEach(function (event) { event.update(); }); this._commonEvents.forEach(function (event) { event.update(); }); }; Game_Map.prototype.updateVehicles = function () { this._vehicles.forEach(function (vehicle) { vehicle.update(); }); }; Game_Map.prototype.updateParallax = function () { if (this._parallaxLoopX) { this._parallaxX += this._parallaxSx / this.tileWidth() / 2; } if (this._parallaxLoopY) { this._parallaxY += this._parallaxSy / this.tileHeight() / 2; } }; Game_Map.prototype.changeTileset = function (tilesetId) { this._tilesetId = tilesetId; this.refresh(); }; Game_Map.prototype.changeBattleback = function (battleback1Name, battleback2Name) { this._battleback1Name = battleback1Name; this._battleback2Name = battleback2Name; }; Game_Map.prototype.changeParallax = function (name, loopX, loopY, sx, sy) { this._parallaxName = name; this._parallaxZero = ImageManager.isZeroParallax(this._parallaxName); if (this._parallaxLoopX && !loopX) { this._parallaxX = 0; } if (this._parallaxLoopY && !loopY) { this._parallaxY = 0; } this._parallaxLoopX = loopX; this._parallaxLoopY = loopY; this._parallaxSx = sx; this._parallaxSy = sy; }; Game_Map.prototype.updateInterpreter = function () { for (; ;) { this._interpreter.update(); if (this._interpreter.isRunning()) { return; } if (this._interpreter.eventId() > 0) { this.unlockEvent(this._interpreter.eventId()); this._interpreter.clear(); } if (!this.setupStartingEvent()) { return; } } }; Game_Map.prototype.unlockEvent = function (eventId) { if (this._events[eventId]) { this._events[eventId].unlock(); } }; Game_Map.prototype.setupStartingEvent = function () { this.refreshIfNeeded(); if (this._interpreter.setupReservedCommonEvent()) { return true; } if (this.setupTestEvent()) { return true; } if (this.setupStartingMapEvent()) { return true; } if (this.setupAutorunCommonEvent()) { return true; } return false; }; Game_Map.prototype.setupTestEvent = function () { if ($testEvent) { this._interpreter.setup($testEvent, 0); $testEvent = null; return true; } return false; }; Game_Map.prototype.setupStartingMapEvent = function () { var events = this.events(); for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { var event = events[i]; if (event.isStarting()) { event.clearStartingFlag(); this._interpreter.setup(event.list(), event.eventId()); return true; } } return false; }; Game_Map.prototype.setupAutorunCommonEvent = function () { for (var i = 0; i < $dataCommonEvents.length; i++) { var event = $dataCommonEvents[i]; if (event && event.trigger === 1 && $gameSwitches.value(event.switchId)) { this._interpreter.setup(event.list); return true; } } return false; }; Game_Map.prototype.isAnyEventStarting = function () { return this.events().some(function (event) { return event.isStarting(); }); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_CommonEvent // // The game object class for a common event. It contains functionality for // running parallel process events. function Game_CommonEvent() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_CommonEvent.prototype.initialize = function (commonEventId) { this._commonEventId = commonEventId; this.refresh(); }; Game_CommonEvent.prototype.event = function () { return $dataCommonEvents[this._commonEventId]; }; Game_CommonEvent.prototype.list = function () { return this.event().list; }; Game_CommonEvent.prototype.refresh = function () { if (this.isActive()) { if (!this._interpreter) { this._interpreter = new Game_Interpreter(); } } else { this._interpreter = null; } }; Game_CommonEvent.prototype.isActive = function () { var event = this.event(); return event.trigger === 2 && $gameSwitches.value(event.switchId); }; Game_CommonEvent.prototype.update = function () { if (this._interpreter) { if (!this._interpreter.isRunning()) { this._interpreter.setup(this.list()); } this._interpreter.update(); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_CharacterBase // // The superclass of Game_Character. It handles basic information, such as // coordinates and images, shared by all characters. function Game_CharacterBase() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Object.defineProperties(Game_CharacterBase.prototype, { x: { get: function () { return this._x; }, configurable: true }, y: { get: function () { return this._y; }, configurable: true } }); Game_CharacterBase.prototype.initialize = function () { this.initMembers(); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.initMembers = function () { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; this._realX = 0; this._realY = 0; this._moveSpeed = 4; this._moveFrequency = 6; this._opacity = 255; this._blendMode = 0; this._direction = 2; this._pattern = 1; this._priorityType = 1; this._tileId = 0; this._characterName = ''; this._characterIndex = 0; this._isObjectCharacter = false; this._walkAnime = true; this._stepAnime = false; this._directionFix = false; this._through = false; this._transparent = false; this._bushDepth = 0; this._animationId = 0; this._balloonId = 0; this._animationPlaying = false; this._balloonPlaying = false; this._animationCount = 0; this._stopCount = 0; this._jumpCount = 0; this._jumpPeak = 0; this._movementSuccess = true; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.pos = function (x, y) { return this._x === x && this._y === y; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.posNt = function (x, y) { // No through return this.pos(x, y) && !this.isThrough(); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.moveSpeed = function () { return this._moveSpeed; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setMoveSpeed = function (moveSpeed) { this._moveSpeed = moveSpeed; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.moveFrequency = function () { return this._moveFrequency; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setMoveFrequency = function (moveFrequency) { this._moveFrequency = moveFrequency; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.opacity = function () { return this._opacity; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setOpacity = function (opacity) { this._opacity = opacity; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.blendMode = function () { return this._blendMode; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setBlendMode = function (blendMode) { this._blendMode = blendMode; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isNormalPriority = function () { return this._priorityType === 1; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setPriorityType = function (priorityType) { this._priorityType = priorityType; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isMoving = function () { return this._realX !== this._x || this._realY !== this._y; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isJumping = function () { return this._jumpCount > 0; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.jumpHeight = function () { return (this._jumpPeak * this._jumpPeak - Math.pow(Math.abs(this._jumpCount - this._jumpPeak), 2)) / 2; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isStopping = function () { return !this.isMoving() && !this.isJumping(); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.checkStop = function (threshold) { return this._stopCount > threshold; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.resetStopCount = function () { this._stopCount = 0; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.realMoveSpeed = function () { return this._moveSpeed + (this.isDashing() ? 1 : 0); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.distancePerFrame = function () { return Math.pow(2, this.realMoveSpeed()) / 256; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isDashing = function () { return false; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isDebugThrough = function () { return false; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.straighten = function () { if (this.hasWalkAnime() || this.hasStepAnime()) { this._pattern = 1; } this._animationCount = 0; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.reverseDir = function (d) { return 10 - d; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.canPass = function (x, y, d) { var x2 = $gameMap.roundXWithDirection(x, d); var y2 = $gameMap.roundYWithDirection(y, d); if (!$gameMap.isValid(x2, y2)) { return false; } if (this.isThrough() || this.isDebugThrough()) { return true; } if (!this.isMapPassable(x, y, d)) { return false; } if (this.isCollidedWithCharacters(x2, y2)) { return false; } return true; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.canPassDiagonally = function (x, y, horz, vert) { var x2 = $gameMap.roundXWithDirection(x, horz); var y2 = $gameMap.roundYWithDirection(y, vert); if (this.canPass(x, y, vert) && this.canPass(x, y2, horz)) { return true; } if (this.canPass(x, y, horz) && this.canPass(x2, y, vert)) { return true; } return false; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isMapPassable = function (x, y, d) { var x2 = $gameMap.roundXWithDirection(x, d); var y2 = $gameMap.roundYWithDirection(y, d); var d2 = this.reverseDir(d); return $gameMap.isPassable(x, y, d) && $gameMap.isPassable(x2, y2, d2); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isCollidedWithCharacters = function (x, y) { return this.isCollidedWithEvents(x, y) || this.isCollidedWithVehicles(x, y); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isCollidedWithEvents = function (x, y) { var events = $gameMap.eventsXyNt(x, y); return events.some(function (event) { return event.isNormalPriority(); }); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isCollidedWithVehicles = function (x, y) { return $gameMap.boat().posNt(x, y) || $gameMap.ship().posNt(x, y); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setPosition = function (x, y) { this._x = Math.round(x); this._y = Math.round(y); this._realX = x; this._realY = y; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.copyPosition = function (character) { this._x = character._x; this._y = character._y; this._realX = character._realX; this._realY = character._realY; this._direction = character._direction; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.locate = function (x, y) { this.setPosition(x, y); this.straighten(); this.refreshBushDepth(); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.direction = function () { return this._direction; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setDirection = function (d) { if (!this.isDirectionFixed() && d) { this._direction = d; } this.resetStopCount(); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isTile = function () { return this._tileId > 0 && this._priorityType === 0; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isObjectCharacter = function () { return this._isObjectCharacter; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.shiftY = function () { return this.isObjectCharacter() ? 0 : 6; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.scrolledX = function () { return $gameMap.adjustX(this._realX); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.scrolledY = function () { return $gameMap.adjustY(this._realY); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.screenX = function () { var tw = $gameMap.tileWidth(); return Math.round(this.scrolledX() * tw + tw / 2); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.screenY = function () { var th = $gameMap.tileHeight(); return Math.round(this.scrolledY() * th + th - this.shiftY() - this.jumpHeight()); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.screenZ = function () { return this._priorityType * 2 + 1; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isNearTheScreen = function () { var gw = Graphics.width; var gh = Graphics.height; var tw = $gameMap.tileWidth(); var th = $gameMap.tileHeight(); var px = this.scrolledX() * tw + tw / 2 - gw / 2; var py = this.scrolledY() * th + th / 2 - gh / 2; return px >= -gw && px <= gw && py >= -gh && py <= gh; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.update = function () { if (this.isStopping()) { this.updateStop(); } if (this.isJumping()) { this.updateJump(); } else if (this.isMoving()) { this.updateMove(); } this.updateAnimation(); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.updateStop = function () { this._stopCount++; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.updateJump = function () { this._jumpCount--; this._realX = (this._realX * this._jumpCount + this._x) / (this._jumpCount + 1.0); this._realY = (this._realY * this._jumpCount + this._y) / (this._jumpCount + 1.0); this.refreshBushDepth(); if (this._jumpCount === 0) { this._realX = this._x = $gameMap.roundX(this._x); this._realY = this._y = $gameMap.roundY(this._y); } }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.updateMove = function () { if (this._x < this._realX) { this._realX = Math.max(this._realX - this.distancePerFrame(), this._x); } if (this._x > this._realX) { this._realX = Math.min(this._realX + this.distancePerFrame(), this._x); } if (this._y < this._realY) { this._realY = Math.max(this._realY - this.distancePerFrame(), this._y); } if (this._y > this._realY) { this._realY = Math.min(this._realY + this.distancePerFrame(), this._y); } if (!this.isMoving()) { this.refreshBushDepth(); } }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.updateAnimation = function () { this.updateAnimationCount(); if (this._animationCount >= this.animationWait()) { this.updatePattern(); this._animationCount = 0; } }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.animationWait = function () { return (9 - this.realMoveSpeed()) * 3; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.updateAnimationCount = function () { if (this.isMoving() && this.hasWalkAnime()) { this._animationCount += 1.5; } else if (this.hasStepAnime() || !this.isOriginalPattern()) { this._animationCount++; } }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.updatePattern = function () { if (!this.hasStepAnime() && this._stopCount > 0) { this.resetPattern(); } else { this._pattern = (this._pattern + 1) % this.maxPattern(); } }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.maxPattern = function () { return 4; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.pattern = function () { return this._pattern < 3 ? this._pattern : 1; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setPattern = function (pattern) { this._pattern = pattern; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isOriginalPattern = function () { return this.pattern() === 1; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.resetPattern = function () { this.setPattern(1); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.refreshBushDepth = function () { if (this.isNormalPriority() && !this.isObjectCharacter() && this.isOnBush() && !this.isJumping()) { if (!this.isMoving()) { this._bushDepth = 12; } } else { this._bushDepth = 0; } }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isOnLadder = function () { return $gameMap.isLadder(this._x, this._y); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isOnBush = function () { return $gameMap.isBush(this._x, this._y); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.terrainTag = function () { return $gameMap.terrainTag(this._x, this._y); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.regionId = function () { return $gameMap.regionId(this._x, this._y); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.increaseSteps = function () { if (this.isOnLadder()) { this.setDirection(8); } this.resetStopCount(); this.refreshBushDepth(); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.tileId = function () { return this._tileId; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.characterName = function () { return this._characterName; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.characterIndex = function () { return this._characterIndex; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setImage = function (characterName, characterIndex) { this._tileId = 0; this._characterName = characterName; this._characterIndex = characterIndex; this._isObjectCharacter = ImageManager.isObjectCharacter(characterName); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setTileImage = function (tileId) { this._tileId = tileId; this._characterName = ''; this._characterIndex = 0; this._isObjectCharacter = true; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.checkEventTriggerTouchFront = function (d) { var x2 = $gameMap.roundXWithDirection(this._x, d); var y2 = $gameMap.roundYWithDirection(this._y, d); this.checkEventTriggerTouch(x2, y2); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.checkEventTriggerTouch = function (x, y) { return false; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isMovementSucceeded = function (x, y) { return this._movementSuccess; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setMovementSuccess = function (success) { this._movementSuccess = success; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.moveStraight = function (d) { this.setMovementSuccess(this.canPass(this._x, this._y, d)); if (this.isMovementSucceeded()) { this.setDirection(d); this._x = $gameMap.roundXWithDirection(this._x, d); this._y = $gameMap.roundYWithDirection(this._y, d); this._realX = $gameMap.xWithDirection(this._x, this.reverseDir(d)); this._realY = $gameMap.yWithDirection(this._y, this.reverseDir(d)); this.increaseSteps(); } else { this.setDirection(d); this.checkEventTriggerTouchFront(d); } }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.moveDiagonally = function (horz, vert) { this.setMovementSuccess(this.canPassDiagonally(this._x, this._y, horz, vert)); if (this.isMovementSucceeded()) { this._x = $gameMap.roundXWithDirection(this._x, horz); this._y = $gameMap.roundYWithDirection(this._y, vert); this._realX = $gameMap.xWithDirection(this._x, this.reverseDir(horz)); this._realY = $gameMap.yWithDirection(this._y, this.reverseDir(vert)); this.increaseSteps(); } if (this._direction === this.reverseDir(horz)) { this.setDirection(horz); } if (this._direction === this.reverseDir(vert)) { this.setDirection(vert); } }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.jump = function (xPlus, yPlus) { if (Math.abs(xPlus) > Math.abs(yPlus)) { if (xPlus !== 0) { this.setDirection(xPlus < 0 ? 4 : 6); } } else { if (yPlus !== 0) { this.setDirection(yPlus < 0 ? 8 : 2); } } this._x += xPlus; this._y += yPlus; var distance = Math.round(Math.sqrt(xPlus * xPlus + yPlus * yPlus)); this._jumpPeak = 10 + distance - this._moveSpeed; this._jumpCount = this._jumpPeak * 2; this.resetStopCount(); this.straighten(); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.hasWalkAnime = function () { return this._walkAnime; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setWalkAnime = function (walkAnime) { this._walkAnime = walkAnime; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.hasStepAnime = function () { return this._stepAnime; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setStepAnime = function (stepAnime) { this._stepAnime = stepAnime; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isDirectionFixed = function () { return this._directionFix; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setDirectionFix = function (directionFix) { this._directionFix = directionFix; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isThrough = function () { return this._through; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setThrough = function (through) { this._through = through; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isTransparent = function () { return this._transparent; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.bushDepth = function () { return this._bushDepth; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setTransparent = function (transparent) { this._transparent = transparent; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.requestAnimation = function (animationId) { this._animationId = animationId; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.requestBalloon = function (balloonId) { this._balloonId = balloonId; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.animationId = function () { return this._animationId; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.balloonId = function () { return this._balloonId; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.startAnimation = function () { this._animationId = 0; this._animationPlaying = true; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.startBalloon = function () { this._balloonId = 0; this._balloonPlaying = true; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isAnimationPlaying = function () { return this._animationId > 0 || this._animationPlaying; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isBalloonPlaying = function () { return this._balloonId > 0 || this._balloonPlaying; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.endAnimation = function () { this._animationPlaying = false; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.endBalloon = function () { this._balloonPlaying = false; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Character // // The superclass of Game_Player, Game_Follower, GameVehicle, and Game_Event. function Game_Character() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_Character.prototype = Object.create(Game_CharacterBase.prototype); Game_Character.prototype.constructor = Game_Character; Game_Character.ROUTE_END = 0; Game_Character.ROUTE_MOVE_DOWN = 1; Game_Character.ROUTE_MOVE_LEFT = 2; Game_Character.ROUTE_MOVE_RIGHT = 3; Game_Character.ROUTE_MOVE_UP = 4; Game_Character.ROUTE_MOVE_LOWER_L = 5; Game_Character.ROUTE_MOVE_LOWER_R = 6; Game_Character.ROUTE_MOVE_UPPER_L = 7; Game_Character.ROUTE_MOVE_UPPER_R = 8; Game_Character.ROUTE_MOVE_RANDOM = 9; Game_Character.ROUTE_MOVE_TOWARD = 10; Game_Character.ROUTE_MOVE_AWAY = 11; Game_Character.ROUTE_MOVE_FORWARD = 12; Game_Character.ROUTE_MOVE_BACKWARD = 13; Game_Character.ROUTE_JUMP = 14; Game_Character.ROUTE_WAIT = 15; Game_Character.ROUTE_TURN_DOWN = 16; Game_Character.ROUTE_TURN_LEFT = 17; Game_Character.ROUTE_TURN_RIGHT = 18; Game_Character.ROUTE_TURN_UP = 19; Game_Character.ROUTE_TURN_90D_R = 20; Game_Character.ROUTE_TURN_90D_L = 21; Game_Character.ROUTE_TURN_180D = 22; Game_Character.ROUTE_TURN_90D_R_L = 23; Game_Character.ROUTE_TURN_RANDOM = 24; Game_Character.ROUTE_TURN_TOWARD = 25; Game_Character.ROUTE_TURN_AWAY = 26; Game_Character.ROUTE_SWITCH_ON = 27; Game_Character.ROUTE_SWITCH_OFF = 28; Game_Character.ROUTE_CHANGE_SPEED = 29; Game_Character.ROUTE_CHANGE_FREQ = 30; Game_Character.ROUTE_WALK_ANIME_ON = 31; Game_Character.ROUTE_WALK_ANIME_OFF = 32; Game_Character.ROUTE_STEP_ANIME_ON = 33; Game_Character.ROUTE_STEP_ANIME_OFF = 34; Game_Character.ROUTE_DIR_FIX_ON = 35; Game_Character.ROUTE_DIR_FIX_OFF = 36; Game_Character.ROUTE_THROUGH_ON = 37; Game_Character.ROUTE_THROUGH_OFF = 38; Game_Character.ROUTE_TRANSPARENT_ON = 39; Game_Character.ROUTE_TRANSPARENT_OFF = 40; Game_Character.ROUTE_CHANGE_IMAGE = 41; Game_Character.ROUTE_CHANGE_OPACITY = 42; Game_Character.ROUTE_CHANGE_BLEND_MODE = 43; Game_Character.ROUTE_PLAY_SE = 44; Game_Character.ROUTE_SCRIPT = 45; Game_Character.prototype.initialize = function () { Game_CharacterBase.prototype.initialize.call(this); }; Game_Character.prototype.initMembers = function () { Game_CharacterBase.prototype.initMembers.call(this); this._moveRouteForcing = false; this._moveRoute = null; this._moveRouteIndex = 0; this._originalMoveRoute = null; this._originalMoveRouteIndex = 0; this._waitCount = 0; }; Game_Character.prototype.memorizeMoveRoute = function () { this._originalMoveRoute = this._moveRoute; this._originalMoveRouteIndex = this._moveRouteIndex; }; Game_Character.prototype.restoreMoveRoute = function () { this._moveRoute = this._originalMoveRoute; this._moveRouteIndex = this._originalMoveRouteIndex; this._originalMoveRoute = null; }; Game_Character.prototype.isMoveRouteForcing = function () { return this._moveRouteForcing; }; Game_Character.prototype.setMoveRoute = function (moveRoute) { this._moveRoute = moveRoute; this._moveRouteIndex = 0; this._moveRouteForcing = false; }; Game_Character.prototype.forceMoveRoute = function (moveRoute) { if (!this._originalMoveRoute) { this.memorizeMoveRoute(); } this._moveRoute = moveRoute; this._moveRouteIndex = 0; this._moveRouteForcing = true; this._waitCount = 0; }; Game_Character.prototype.updateStop = function () { Game_CharacterBase.prototype.updateStop.call(this); if (this._moveRouteForcing) { this.updateRoutineMove(); } }; Game_Character.prototype.updateRoutineMove = function () { if (this._waitCount > 0) { this._waitCount--; } else { this.setMovementSuccess(true); var command = this._moveRoute.list[this._moveRouteIndex]; if (command) { this.processMoveCommand(command); this.advanceMoveRouteIndex(); } } }; Game_Character.prototype.processMoveCommand = function (command) { var gc = Game_Character; var params = command.parameters; switch (command.code) { case gc.ROUTE_END: this.processRouteEnd(); break; case gc.ROUTE_MOVE_DOWN: this.moveStraight(2); break; case gc.ROUTE_MOVE_LEFT: this.moveStraight(4); break; case gc.ROUTE_MOVE_RIGHT: this.moveStraight(6); break; case gc.ROUTE_MOVE_UP: this.moveStraight(8); break; case gc.ROUTE_MOVE_LOWER_L: this.moveDiagonally(4, 2); break; case gc.ROUTE_MOVE_LOWER_R: this.moveDiagonally(6, 2); break; case gc.ROUTE_MOVE_UPPER_L: this.moveDiagonally(4, 8); break; case gc.ROUTE_MOVE_UPPER_R: this.moveDiagonally(6, 8); break; case gc.ROUTE_MOVE_RANDOM: this.moveRandom(); break; case gc.ROUTE_MOVE_TOWARD: this.moveTowardPlayer(); break; case gc.ROUTE_MOVE_AWAY: this.moveAwayFromPlayer(); break; case gc.ROUTE_MOVE_FORWARD: this.moveForward(); break; case gc.ROUTE_MOVE_BACKWARD: this.moveBackward(); break; case gc.ROUTE_JUMP: this.jump(params[0], params[1]); break; case gc.ROUTE_WAIT: this._waitCount = params[0] - 1; break; case gc.ROUTE_TURN_DOWN: this.setDirection(2); break; case gc.ROUTE_TURN_LEFT: this.setDirection(4); break; case gc.ROUTE_TURN_RIGHT: this.setDirection(6); break; case gc.ROUTE_TURN_UP: this.setDirection(8); break; case gc.ROUTE_TURN_90D_R: this.turnRight90(); break; case gc.ROUTE_TURN_90D_L: this.turnLeft90(); break; case gc.ROUTE_TURN_180D: this.turn180(); break; case gc.ROUTE_TURN_90D_R_L: this.turnRightOrLeft90(); break; case gc.ROUTE_TURN_RANDOM: this.turnRandom(); break; case gc.ROUTE_TURN_TOWARD: this.turnTowardPlayer(); break; case gc.ROUTE_TURN_AWAY: this.turnAwayFromPlayer(); break; case gc.ROUTE_SWITCH_ON: $gameSwitches.setValue(params[0], true); break; case gc.ROUTE_SWITCH_OFF: $gameSwitches.setValue(params[0], false); break; case gc.ROUTE_CHANGE_SPEED: this.setMoveSpeed(params[0]); break; case gc.ROUTE_CHANGE_FREQ: this.setMoveFrequency(params[0]); break; case gc.ROUTE_WALK_ANIME_ON: this.setWalkAnime(true); break; case gc.ROUTE_WALK_ANIME_OFF: this.setWalkAnime(false); break; case gc.ROUTE_STEP_ANIME_ON: this.setStepAnime(true); break; case gc.ROUTE_STEP_ANIME_OFF: this.setStepAnime(false); break; case gc.ROUTE_DIR_FIX_ON: this.setDirectionFix(true); break; case gc.ROUTE_DIR_FIX_OFF: this.setDirectionFix(false); break; case gc.ROUTE_THROUGH_ON: this.setThrough(true); break; case gc.ROUTE_THROUGH_OFF: this.setThrough(false); break; case gc.ROUTE_TRANSPARENT_ON: this.setTransparent(true); break; case gc.ROUTE_TRANSPARENT_OFF: this.setTransparent(false); break; case gc.ROUTE_CHANGE_IMAGE: this.setImage(params[0], params[1]); break; case gc.ROUTE_CHANGE_OPACITY: this.setOpacity(params[0]); break; case gc.ROUTE_CHANGE_BLEND_MODE: this.setBlendMode(params[0]); break; case gc.ROUTE_PLAY_SE: AudioManager.playSe(params[0]); break; case gc.ROUTE_SCRIPT: eval(params[0]); break; } }; Game_Character.prototype.deltaXFrom = function (x) { return $gameMap.deltaX(this.x, x); }; Game_Character.prototype.deltaYFrom = function (y) { return $gameMap.deltaY(this.y, y); }; Game_Character.prototype.moveRandom = function () { var d = 2 + Math.randomInt(4) * 2; if (this.canPass(this.x, this.y, d)) { this.moveStraight(d); } }; Game_Character.prototype.moveTowardCharacter = function (character) { var sx = this.deltaXFrom(character.x); var sy = this.deltaYFrom(character.y); if (Math.abs(sx) > Math.abs(sy)) { this.moveStraight(sx > 0 ? 4 : 6); if (!this.isMovementSucceeded() && sy !== 0) { this.moveStraight(sy > 0 ? 8 : 2); } } else if (sy !== 0) { this.moveStraight(sy > 0 ? 8 : 2); if (!this.isMovementSucceeded() && sx !== 0) { this.moveStraight(sx > 0 ? 4 : 6); } } }; Game_Character.prototype.moveAwayFromCharacter = function (character) { var sx = this.deltaXFrom(character.x); var sy = this.deltaYFrom(character.y); if (Math.abs(sx) > Math.abs(sy)) { this.moveStraight(sx > 0 ? 6 : 4); if (!this.isMovementSucceeded() && sy !== 0) { this.moveStraight(sy > 0 ? 2 : 8); } } else if (sy !== 0) { this.moveStraight(sy > 0 ? 2 : 8); if (!this.isMovementSucceeded() && sx !== 0) { this.moveStraight(sx > 0 ? 6 : 4); } } }; Game_Character.prototype.turnTowardCharacter = function (character) { var sx = this.deltaXFrom(character.x); var sy = this.deltaYFrom(character.y); if (Math.abs(sx) > Math.abs(sy)) { this.setDirection(sx > 0 ? 4 : 6); } else if (sy !== 0) { this.setDirection(sy > 0 ? 8 : 2); } }; Game_Character.prototype.turnAwayFromCharacter = function (character) { var sx = this.deltaXFrom(character.x); var sy = this.deltaYFrom(character.y); if (Math.abs(sx) > Math.abs(sy)) { this.setDirection(sx > 0 ? 6 : 4); } else if (sy !== 0) { this.setDirection(sy > 0 ? 2 : 8); } }; Game_Character.prototype.turnTowardPlayer = function () { this.turnTowardCharacter($gamePlayer); }; Game_Character.prototype.turnAwayFromPlayer = function () { this.turnAwayFromCharacter($gamePlayer); }; Game_Character.prototype.moveTowardPlayer = function () { this.moveTowardCharacter($gamePlayer); }; Game_Character.prototype.moveAwayFromPlayer = function () { this.moveAwayFromCharacter($gamePlayer); }; Game_Character.prototype.moveForward = function () { this.moveStraight(this.direction()); }; Game_Character.prototype.moveBackward = function () { var lastDirectionFix = this.isDirectionFixed(); this.setDirectionFix(true); this.moveStraight(this.reverseDir(this.direction())); this.setDirectionFix(lastDirectionFix); }; Game_Character.prototype.processRouteEnd = function () { if (this._moveRoute.repeat) { this._moveRouteIndex = -1; } else if (this._moveRouteForcing) { this._moveRouteForcing = false; this.restoreMoveRoute(); } }; Game_Character.prototype.advanceMoveRouteIndex = function () { var moveRoute = this._moveRoute; if (moveRoute && (this.isMovementSucceeded() || moveRoute.skippable)) { var numCommands = moveRoute.list.length - 1; this._moveRouteIndex++; if (moveRoute.repeat && this._moveRouteIndex >= numCommands) { this._moveRouteIndex = 0; } } }; Game_Character.prototype.turnRight90 = function () { switch (this.direction()) { case 2: this.setDirection(4); break; case 4: this.setDirection(8); break; case 6: this.setDirection(2); break; case 8: this.setDirection(6); break; } }; Game_Character.prototype.turnLeft90 = function () { switch (this.direction()) { case 2: this.setDirection(6); break; case 4: this.setDirection(2); break; case 6: this.setDirection(8); break; case 8: this.setDirection(4); break; } }; Game_Character.prototype.turn180 = function () { this.setDirection(this.reverseDir(this.direction())); }; Game_Character.prototype.turnRightOrLeft90 = function () { switch (Math.randomInt(2)) { case 0: this.turnRight90(); break; case 1: this.turnLeft90(); break; } }; Game_Character.prototype.turnRandom = function () { this.setDirection(2 + Math.randomInt(4) * 2); }; Game_Character.prototype.swap = function (character) { var newX = character.x; var newY = character.y; character.locate(this.x, this.y); this.locate(newX, newY); }; Game_Character.prototype.findDirectionTo = function (goalX, goalY) { var searchLimit = this.searchLimit(); var mapWidth = $gameMap.width(); var nodeList = []; var openList = []; var closedList = []; var start = {}; var best = start; if (this.x === goalX && this.y === goalY) { return 0; } start.parent = null; start.x = this.x; start.y = this.y; start.g = 0; start.f = $gameMap.distance(start.x, start.y, goalX, goalY); nodeList.push(start); openList.push(start.y * mapWidth + start.x); while (nodeList.length > 0) { var bestIndex = 0; for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) { if (nodeList[i].f < nodeList[bestIndex].f) { bestIndex = i; } } var current = nodeList[bestIndex]; var x1 = current.x; var y1 = current.y; var pos1 = y1 * mapWidth + x1; var g1 = current.g; nodeList.splice(bestIndex, 1); openList.splice(openList.indexOf(pos1), 1); closedList.push(pos1); if (current.x === goalX && current.y === goalY) { best = current; break; } if (g1 >= searchLimit) { continue; } for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) { var direction = 2 + j * 2; var x2 = $gameMap.roundXWithDirection(x1, direction); var y2 = $gameMap.roundYWithDirection(y1, direction); var pos2 = y2 * mapWidth + x2; if (closedList.contains(pos2)) { continue; } if (!this.canPass(x1, y1, direction)) { continue; } var g2 = g1 + 1; var index2 = openList.indexOf(pos2); if (index2 < 0 || g2 < nodeList[index2].g) { var neighbor; if (index2 >= 0) { neighbor = nodeList[index2]; } else { neighbor = {}; nodeList.push(neighbor); openList.push(pos2); } neighbor.parent = current; neighbor.x = x2; neighbor.y = y2; neighbor.g = g2; neighbor.f = g2 + $gameMap.distance(x2, y2, goalX, goalY); if (!best || neighbor.f - neighbor.g < best.f - best.g) { best = neighbor; } } } } var node = best; while (node.parent && node.parent !== start) { node = node.parent; } var deltaX1 = $gameMap.deltaX(node.x, start.x); var deltaY1 = $gameMap.deltaY(node.y, start.y); if (deltaY1 > 0) { return 2; } else if (deltaX1 < 0) { return 4; } else if (deltaX1 > 0) { return 6; } else if (deltaY1 < 0) { return 8; } var deltaX2 = this.deltaXFrom(goalX); var deltaY2 = this.deltaYFrom(goalY); if (Math.abs(deltaX2) > Math.abs(deltaY2)) { return deltaX2 > 0 ? 4 : 6; } else if (deltaY2 !== 0) { return deltaY2 > 0 ? 8 : 2; } return 0; }; Game_Character.prototype.searchLimit = function () { return 12; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Player // // The game object class for the player. It contains event starting // determinants and map scrolling functions. function Game_Player() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_Player.prototype = Object.create(Game_Character.prototype); Game_Player.prototype.constructor = Game_Player; Game_Player.prototype.initialize = function () { Game_Character.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.setTransparent($dataSystem.optTransparent); }; Game_Player.prototype.initMembers = function () { Game_Character.prototype.initMembers.call(this); this._vehicleType = 'walk'; this._vehicleGettingOn = false; this._vehicleGettingOff = false; this._dashing = false; this._needsMapReload = false; this._transferring = false; this._newMapId = 0; this._newX = 0; this._newY = 0; this._newDirection = 0; this._fadeType = 0; this._followers = new Game_Followers(); this._encounterCount = 0; }; Game_Player.prototype.clearTransferInfo = function () { this._transferring = false; this._newMapId = 0; this._newX = 0; this._newY = 0; this._newDirection = 0; }; Game_Player.prototype.followers = function () { return this._followers; }; Game_Player.prototype.refresh = function () { var actor = $gameParty.leader(); var characterName = actor ? actor.characterName() : ''; var characterIndex = actor ? actor.characterIndex() : 0; this.setImage(characterName, characterIndex); this._followers.refresh(); }; Game_Player.prototype.isStopping = function () { if (this._vehicleGettingOn || this._vehicleGettingOff) { return false; } return Game_Character.prototype.isStopping.call(this); }; Game_Player.prototype.reserveTransfer = function (mapId, x, y, d, fadeType) { this._transferring = true; this._newMapId = mapId; this._newX = x; this._newY = y; this._newDirection = d; this._fadeType = fadeType; }; Game_Player.prototype.requestMapReload = function () { this._needsMapReload = true; }; Game_Player.prototype.isTransferring = function () { return this._transferring; }; Game_Player.prototype.newMapId = function () { return this._newMapId; }; Game_Player.prototype.fadeType = function () { return this._fadeType; }; Game_Player.prototype.performTransfer = function () { if (this.isTransferring()) { this.setDirection(this._newDirection); if (this._newMapId !== $gameMap.mapId() || this._needsMapReload) { $gameMap.setup(this._newMapId); this._needsMapReload = false; } this.locate(this._newX, this._newY); this.refresh(); this.clearTransferInfo(); } }; Game_Player.prototype.isMapPassable = function (x, y, d) { var vehicle = this.vehicle(); if (vehicle) { return vehicle.isMapPassable(x, y, d); } else { return Game_Character.prototype.isMapPassable.call(this, x, y, d); } }; Game_Player.prototype.vehicle = function () { return $gameMap.vehicle(this._vehicleType); }; Game_Player.prototype.isInBoat = function () { return this._vehicleType === 'boat'; }; Game_Player.prototype.isInShip = function () { return this._vehicleType === 'ship'; }; Game_Player.prototype.isInAirship = function () { return this._vehicleType === 'airship'; }; Game_Player.prototype.isInVehicle = function () { return this.isInBoat() || this.isInShip() || this.isInAirship(); }; Game_Player.prototype.isNormal = function () { return this._vehicleType === 'walk' && !this.isMoveRouteForcing(); }; Game_Player.prototype.isDashing = function () { return this._dashing; }; Game_Player.prototype.isDebugThrough = function () { return Input.isPressed('control') && $gameTemp.isPlaytest(); }; Game_Player.prototype.isCollided = function (x, y) { if (this.isThrough()) { return false; } else { return this.pos(x, y) || this._followers.isSomeoneCollided(x, y); } }; Game_Player.prototype.centerX = function () { return (Graphics.width / $gameMap.tileWidth() - 1) / 2.0; }; Game_Player.prototype.centerY = function () { return (Graphics.height / $gameMap.tileHeight() - 1) / 2.0; }; Game_Player.prototype.center = function (x, y) { return $gameMap.setDisplayPos(x - this.centerX(), y - this.centerY()); }; Game_Player.prototype.locate = function (x, y) { Game_Character.prototype.locate.call(this, x, y); this.center(x, y); this.makeEncounterCount(); if (this.isInVehicle()) { this.vehicle().refresh(); } this._followers.synchronize(x, y, this.direction()); }; Game_Player.prototype.increaseSteps = function () { Game_Character.prototype.increaseSteps.call(this); if (this.isNormal()) { $gameParty.increaseSteps(); } }; Game_Player.prototype.makeEncounterCount = function () { var n = $gameMap.encounterStep(); this._encounterCount = Math.randomInt(n) + Math.randomInt(n) + 1; }; Game_Player.prototype.makeEncounterTroopId = function () { var encounterList = []; var weightSum = 0; $gameMap.encounterList().forEach(function (encounter) { if (this.meetsEncounterConditions(encounter)) { encounterList.push(encounter); weightSum += encounter.weight; } }, this); if (weightSum > 0) { var value = Math.randomInt(weightSum); for (var i = 0; i < encounterList.length; i++) { value -= encounterList[i].weight; if (value < 0) { return encounterList[i].troopId; } } } return 0; }; Game_Player.prototype.meetsEncounterConditions = function (encounter) { return (encounter.regionSet.length === 0 || encounter.regionSet.contains(this.regionId())); }; Game_Player.prototype.executeEncounter = function () { if (!$gameMap.isEventRunning() && this._encounterCount <= 0) { this.makeEncounterCount(); var troopId = this.makeEncounterTroopId(); if ($dataTroops[troopId]) { BattleManager.setup(troopId, true, false); BattleManager.onEncounter(); return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }; Game_Player.prototype.startMapEvent = function (x, y, triggers, normal) { if (!$gameMap.isEventRunning()) { $gameMap.eventsXy(x, y).forEach(function (event) { if (event.isTriggerIn(triggers) && event.isNormalPriority() === normal) { event.start(); } }); } }; Game_Player.prototype.moveByInput = function () { if (!this.isMoving() && this.canMove()) { var direction = this.getInputDirection(); if (direction > 0) { $gameTemp.clearDestination(); } else if ($gameTemp.isDestinationValid()) { var x = $gameTemp.destinationX(); var y = $gameTemp.destinationY(); direction = this.findDirectionTo(x, y); } if (direction > 0) { this.executeMove(direction); } } }; Game_Player.prototype.canMove = function () { if ($gameMap.isEventRunning() || $gameMessage.isBusy()) { return false; } if (this.isMoveRouteForcing() || this.areFollowersGathering()) { return false; } if (this._vehicleGettingOn || this._vehicleGettingOff) { return false; } if (this.isInVehicle() && !this.vehicle().canMove()) { return false; } return true; }; Game_Player.prototype.getInputDirection = function () { return Input.dir4; }; Game_Player.prototype.executeMove = function (direction) { this.moveStraight(direction); }; Game_Player.prototype.update = function (sceneActive) { var lastScrolledX = this.scrolledX(); var lastScrolledY = this.scrolledY(); var wasMoving = this.isMoving(); this.updateDashing(); if (sceneActive) { this.moveByInput(); } Game_Character.prototype.update.call(this); this.updateScroll(lastScrolledX, lastScrolledY); this.updateVehicle(); if (!this.isMoving()) { this.updateNonmoving(wasMoving); } this._followers.update(); }; Game_Player.prototype.updateDashing = function () { if (this.isMoving()) { return; } if (this.canMove() && !this.isInVehicle() && !$gameMap.isDashDisabled()) { this._dashing = this.isDashButtonPressed() || $gameTemp.isDestinationValid(); } else { this._dashing = false; } }; Game_Player.prototype.isDashButtonPressed = function () { var shift = Input.isPressed('shift'); if (ConfigManager.alwaysDash) { return !shift; } else { return shift; } }; Game_Player.prototype.updateScroll = function (lastScrolledX, lastScrolledY) { var x1 = lastScrolledX; var y1 = lastScrolledY; var x2 = this.scrolledX(); var y2 = this.scrolledY(); if (y2 > y1 && y2 > this.centerY()) { $gameMap.scrollDown(y2 - y1); } if (x2 < x1 && x2 < this.centerX()) { $gameMap.scrollLeft(x1 - x2); } if (x2 > x1 && x2 > this.centerX()) { $gameMap.scrollRight(x2 - x1); } if (y2 < y1 && y2 < this.centerY()) { $gameMap.scrollUp(y1 - y2); } }; Game_Player.prototype.updateVehicle = function () { if (this.isInVehicle() && !this.areFollowersGathering()) { if (this._vehicleGettingOn) { this.updateVehicleGetOn(); } else if (this._vehicleGettingOff) { this.updateVehicleGetOff(); } else { this.vehicle().syncWithPlayer(); } } }; Game_Player.prototype.updateVehicleGetOn = function () { if (!this.areFollowersGathering() && !this.isMoving()) { this.setDirection(this.vehicle().direction()); this.setMoveSpeed(this.vehicle().moveSpeed()); this._vehicleGettingOn = false; this.setTransparent(true); if (this.isInAirship()) { this.setThrough(true); } this.vehicle().getOn(); } }; Game_Player.prototype.updateVehicleGetOff = function () { if (!this.areFollowersGathering() && this.vehicle().isLowest()) { this._vehicleGettingOff = false; this._vehicleType = 'walk'; this.setTransparent(false); } }; Game_Player.prototype.updateNonmoving = function (wasMoving) { if (!$gameMap.isEventRunning()) { if (wasMoving) { $gameParty.onPlayerWalk(); this.checkEventTriggerHere([1, 2]); if ($gameMap.setupStartingEvent()) { return; } } if (this.triggerAction()) { return; } if (wasMoving) { this.updateEncounterCount(); } else { $gameTemp.clearDestination(); } } }; Game_Player.prototype.triggerAction = function () { if (this.canMove()) { if (this.triggerButtonAction()) { return true; } if (this.triggerTouchAction()) { return true; } } return false; }; Game_Player.prototype.triggerButtonAction = function () { if (Input.isTriggered('ok')) { if (this.getOnOffVehicle()) { return true; } this.checkEventTriggerHere([0]); if ($gameMap.setupStartingEvent()) { return true; } this.checkEventTriggerThere([0, 1, 2]); if ($gameMap.setupStartingEvent()) { return true; } } return false; }; Game_Player.prototype.triggerTouchAction = function () { if ($gameTemp.isDestinationValid()) { var direction = this.direction(); var x1 = this.x; var y1 = this.y; var x2 = $gameMap.roundXWithDirection(x1, direction); var y2 = $gameMap.roundYWithDirection(y1, direction); var x3 = $gameMap.roundXWithDirection(x2, direction); var y3 = $gameMap.roundYWithDirection(y2, direction); var destX = $gameTemp.destinationX(); var destY = $gameTemp.destinationY(); if (destX === x1 && destY === y1) { return this.triggerTouchActionD1(x1, y1); } else if (destX === x2 && destY === y2) { return this.triggerTouchActionD2(x2, y2); } else if (destX === x3 && destY === y3) { return this.triggerTouchActionD3(x2, y2); } } return false; }; Game_Player.prototype.triggerTouchActionD1 = function (x1, y1) { if ($gameMap.airship().pos(x1, y1)) { if (TouchInput.isTriggered() && this.getOnOffVehicle()) { return true; } } this.checkEventTriggerHere([0]); return $gameMap.setupStartingEvent(); }; Game_Player.prototype.triggerTouchActionD2 = function (x2, y2) { if ($gameMap.boat().pos(x2, y2) || $gameMap.ship().pos(x2, y2)) { if (TouchInput.isTriggered() && this.getOnVehicle()) { return true; } } if (this.isInBoat() || this.isInShip()) { if (TouchInput.isTriggered() && this.getOffVehicle()) { return true; } } this.checkEventTriggerThere([0, 1, 2]); return $gameMap.setupStartingEvent(); }; Game_Player.prototype.triggerTouchActionD3 = function (x2, y2) { if ($gameMap.isCounter(x2, y2)) { this.checkEventTriggerThere([0, 1, 2]); } return $gameMap.setupStartingEvent(); }; Game_Player.prototype.updateEncounterCount = function () { if (this.canEncounter()) { this._encounterCount -= this.encounterProgressValue(); } }; Game_Player.prototype.canEncounter = function () { return (!$gameParty.hasEncounterNone() && $gameSystem.isEncounterEnabled() && !this.isInAirship() && !this.isMoveRouteForcing() && !this.isDebugThrough()); }; Game_Player.prototype.encounterProgressValue = function () { var value = $gameMap.isBush(this.x, this.y) ? 2 : 1; if ($gameParty.hasEncounterHalf()) { value *= 0.5; } if (this.isInShip()) { value *= 0.5; } return value; }; Game_Player.prototype.checkEventTriggerHere = function (triggers) { if (this.canStartLocalEvents()) { this.startMapEvent(this.x, this.y, triggers, false); } }; Game_Player.prototype.checkEventTriggerThere = function (triggers) { if (this.canStartLocalEvents()) { var direction = this.direction(); var x1 = this.x; var y1 = this.y; var x2 = $gameMap.roundXWithDirection(x1, direction); var y2 = $gameMap.roundYWithDirection(y1, direction); this.startMapEvent(x2, y2, triggers, true); if (!$gameMap.isAnyEventStarting() && $gameMap.isCounter(x2, y2)) { var x3 = $gameMap.roundXWithDirection(x2, direction); var y3 = $gameMap.roundYWithDirection(y2, direction); this.startMapEvent(x3, y3, triggers, true); } } }; Game_Player.prototype.checkEventTriggerTouch = function (x, y) { if (this.canStartLocalEvents()) { this.startMapEvent(x, y, [1, 2], true); } }; Game_Player.prototype.canStartLocalEvents = function () { return !this.isInAirship(); }; Game_Player.prototype.getOnOffVehicle = function () { if (this.isInVehicle()) { return this.getOffVehicle(); } else { return this.getOnVehicle(); } }; Game_Player.prototype.getOnVehicle = function () { var direction = this.direction(); var x1 = this.x; var y1 = this.y; var x2 = $gameMap.roundXWithDirection(x1, direction); var y2 = $gameMap.roundYWithDirection(y1, direction); if ($gameMap.airship().pos(x1, y1)) { this._vehicleType = 'airship'; } else if ($gameMap.ship().pos(x2, y2)) { this._vehicleType = 'ship'; } else if ($gameMap.boat().pos(x2, y2)) { this._vehicleType = 'boat'; } if (this.isInVehicle()) { this._vehicleGettingOn = true; if (!this.isInAirship()) { this.forceMoveForward(); } this.gatherFollowers(); } return this._vehicleGettingOn; }; Game_Player.prototype.getOffVehicle = function () { if (this.vehicle().isLandOk(this.x, this.y, this.direction())) { if (this.isInAirship()) { this.setDirection(2); } this._followers.synchronize(this.x, this.y, this.direction()); this.vehicle().getOff(); if (!this.isInAirship()) { this.forceMoveForward(); this.setTransparent(false); } this._vehicleGettingOff = true; this.setMoveSpeed(4); this.setThrough(false); this.makeEncounterCount(); this.gatherFollowers(); } return this._vehicleGettingOff; }; Game_Player.prototype.forceMoveForward = function () { this.setThrough(true); this.moveForward(); this.setThrough(false); }; Game_Player.prototype.isOnDamageFloor = function () { return $gameMap.isDamageFloor(this.x, this.y) && !this.isInAirship(); }; Game_Player.prototype.moveStraight = function (d) { if (this.canPass(this.x, this.y, d)) { this._followers.updateMove(); } Game_Character.prototype.moveStraight.call(this, d); }; Game_Player.prototype.moveDiagonally = function (horz, vert) { if (this.canPassDiagonally(this.x, this.y, horz, vert)) { this._followers.updateMove(); } Game_Character.prototype.moveDiagonally.call(this, horz, vert); }; Game_Player.prototype.jump = function (xPlus, yPlus) { Game_Character.prototype.jump.call(this, xPlus, yPlus); this._followers.jumpAll(); }; Game_Player.prototype.showFollowers = function () { this._followers.show(); }; Game_Player.prototype.hideFollowers = function () { this._followers.hide(); }; Game_Player.prototype.gatherFollowers = function () { this._followers.gather(); }; Game_Player.prototype.areFollowersGathering = function () { return this._followers.areGathering(); }; Game_Player.prototype.areFollowersGathered = function () { return this._followers.areGathered(); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Follower // // The game object class for a follower. A follower is an allied character, // other than the front character, displayed in the party. function Game_Follower() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_Follower.prototype = Object.create(Game_Character.prototype); Game_Follower.prototype.constructor = Game_Follower; Game_Follower.prototype.initialize = function (memberIndex) { Game_Character.prototype.initialize.call(this); this._memberIndex = memberIndex; this.setTransparent($dataSystem.optTransparent); this.setThrough(true); }; Game_Follower.prototype.refresh = function () { var characterName = this.isVisible() ? this.actor().characterName() : ''; var characterIndex = this.isVisible() ? this.actor().characterIndex() : 0; this.setImage(characterName, characterIndex); }; Game_Follower.prototype.actor = function () { return $gameParty.battleMembers()[this._memberIndex]; }; Game_Follower.prototype.isVisible = function () { return this.actor() && $gamePlayer.followers().isVisible(); }; Game_Follower.prototype.update = function () { Game_Character.prototype.update.call(this); this.setMoveSpeed($gamePlayer.realMoveSpeed()); this.setOpacity($gamePlayer.opacity()); this.setBlendMode($gamePlayer.blendMode()); this.setWalkAnime($gamePlayer.hasWalkAnime()); this.setStepAnime($gamePlayer.hasStepAnime()); this.setDirectionFix($gamePlayer.isDirectionFixed()); this.setTransparent($gamePlayer.isTransparent()); }; Game_Follower.prototype.chaseCharacter = function (character) { var sx = this.deltaXFrom(character.x); var sy = this.deltaYFrom(character.y); if (sx !== 0 && sy !== 0) { this.moveDiagonally(sx > 0 ? 4 : 6, sy > 0 ? 8 : 2); } else if (sx !== 0) { this.moveStraight(sx > 0 ? 4 : 6); } else if (sy !== 0) { this.moveStraight(sy > 0 ? 8 : 2); } this.setMoveSpeed($gamePlayer.realMoveSpeed()); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Followers // // The wrapper class for a follower array. function Game_Followers() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_Followers.prototype.initialize = function () { this._visible = $dataSystem.optFollowers; this._gathering = false; this._data = []; for (var i = 1; i < $gameParty.maxBattleMembers(); i++) { this._data.push(new Game_Follower(i)); } }; Game_Followers.prototype.isVisible = function () { return this._visible; }; Game_Followers.prototype.show = function () { this._visible = true; }; Game_Followers.prototype.hide = function () { this._visible = false; }; Game_Followers.prototype.follower = function (index) { return this._data[index]; }; Game_Followers.prototype.forEach = function (callback, thisObject) { this._data.forEach(callback, thisObject); }; Game_Followers.prototype.reverseEach = function (callback, thisObject) { this._data.reverse(); this._data.forEach(callback, thisObject); this._data.reverse(); }; Game_Followers.prototype.refresh = function () { this.forEach(function (follower) { return follower.refresh(); }, this); }; Game_Followers.prototype.update = function () { if (this.areGathering()) { if (!this.areMoving()) { this.updateMove(); } if (this.areGathered()) { this._gathering = false; } } this.forEach(function (follower) { follower.update(); }, this); }; Game_Followers.prototype.updateMove = function () { for (var i = this._data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var precedingCharacter = (i > 0 ? this._data[i - 1] : $gamePlayer); this._data[i].chaseCharacter(precedingCharacter); } }; Game_Followers.prototype.jumpAll = function () { if ($gamePlayer.isJumping()) { for (var i = 0; i < this._data.length; i++) { var follower = this._data[i]; var sx = $gamePlayer.deltaXFrom(follower.x); var sy = $gamePlayer.deltaYFrom(follower.y); follower.jump(sx, sy); } } }; Game_Followers.prototype.synchronize = function (x, y, d) { this.forEach(function (follower) { follower.locate(x, y); follower.setDirection(d); }, this); }; Game_Followers.prototype.gather = function () { this._gathering = true; }; Game_Followers.prototype.areGathering = function () { return this._gathering; }; Game_Followers.prototype.visibleFollowers = function () { return this._data.filter(function (follower) { return follower.isVisible(); }, this); }; Game_Followers.prototype.areMoving = function () { return this.visibleFollowers().some(function (follower) { return follower.isMoving(); }, this); }; Game_Followers.prototype.areGathered = function () { return this.visibleFollowers().every(function (follower) { return !follower.isMoving() && follower.pos($gamePlayer.x, $gamePlayer.y); }, this); }; Game_Followers.prototype.isSomeoneCollided = function (x, y) { return this.visibleFollowers().some(function (follower) { return follower.pos(x, y); }, this); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Vehicle // // The game object class for a vehicle. function Game_Vehicle() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_Vehicle.prototype = Object.create(Game_Character.prototype); Game_Vehicle.prototype.constructor = Game_Vehicle; Game_Vehicle.prototype.initialize = function (type) { Game_Character.prototype.initialize.call(this); this._type = type; this.resetDirection(); this.initMoveSpeed(); this.loadSystemSettings(); }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.initMembers = function () { Game_Character.prototype.initMembers.call(this); this._type = ''; this._mapId = 0; this._altitude = 0; this._driving = false; this._bgm = null; }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.isBoat = function () { return this._type === 'boat'; }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.isShip = function () { return this._type === 'ship'; }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.isAirship = function () { return this._type === 'airship'; }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.resetDirection = function () { this.setDirection(4); }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.initMoveSpeed = function () { if (this.isBoat()) { this.setMoveSpeed(4); } else if (this.isShip()) { this.setMoveSpeed(5); } else if (this.isAirship()) { this.setMoveSpeed(6); } }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.vehicle = function () { if (this.isBoat()) { return $dataSystem.boat; } else if (this.isShip()) { return $dataSystem.ship; } else if (this.isAirship()) { return $dataSystem.airship; } else { return null; } }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.loadSystemSettings = function () { var vehicle = this.vehicle(); this._mapId = vehicle.startMapId; this.setPosition(vehicle.startX, vehicle.startY); this.setImage(vehicle.characterName, vehicle.characterIndex); }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.refresh = function () { if (this._driving) { this._mapId = $gameMap.mapId(); this.syncWithPlayer(); } else if (this._mapId === $gameMap.mapId()) { this.locate(this.x, this.y); } if (this.isAirship()) { this.setPriorityType(this._driving ? 2 : 0); } else { this.setPriorityType(1); } this.setWalkAnime(this._driving); this.setStepAnime(this._driving); this.setTransparent(this._mapId !== $gameMap.mapId()); }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.setLocation = function (mapId, x, y) { this._mapId = mapId; this.setPosition(x, y); this.refresh(); }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.pos = function (x, y) { if (this._mapId === $gameMap.mapId()) { return Game_Character.prototype.pos.call(this, x, y); } else { return false; } }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.isMapPassable = function (x, y, d) { var x2 = $gameMap.roundXWithDirection(x, d); var y2 = $gameMap.roundYWithDirection(y, d); if (this.isBoat()) { return $gameMap.isBoatPassable(x2, y2); } else if (this.isShip()) { return $gameMap.isShipPassable(x2, y2); } else if (this.isAirship()) { return true; } else { return false; } }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.getOn = function () { this._driving = true; this.setWalkAnime(true); this.setStepAnime(true); $gameSystem.saveWalkingBgm(); this.playBgm(); }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.getOff = function () { this._driving = false; this.setWalkAnime(false); this.setStepAnime(false); this.resetDirection(); $gameSystem.replayWalkingBgm(); }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.setBgm = function (bgm) { this._bgm = bgm; }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.playBgm = function () { AudioManager.playBgm(this._bgm || this.vehicle().bgm); }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.syncWithPlayer = function () { this.copyPosition($gamePlayer); this.refreshBushDepth(); }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.screenY = function () { return Game_Character.prototype.screenY.call(this) - this._altitude; }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.shadowX = function () { return this.screenX(); }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.shadowY = function () { return this.screenY() + this._altitude; }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.shadowOpacity = function () { return 255 * this._altitude / this.maxAltitude(); }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.canMove = function () { if (this.isAirship()) { return this.isHighest(); } else { return true; } }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.update = function () { Game_Character.prototype.update.call(this); if (this.isAirship()) { this.updateAirship(); } }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.updateAirship = function () { this.updateAirshipAltitude(); this.setStepAnime(this.isHighest()); this.setPriorityType(this.isLowest() ? 0 : 2); }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.updateAirshipAltitude = function () { if (this._driving && !this.isHighest()) { this._altitude++; } if (!this._driving && !this.isLowest()) { this._altitude--; } }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.maxAltitude = function () { return 48; }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.isLowest = function () { return this._altitude <= 0; }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.isHighest = function () { return this._altitude >= this.maxAltitude(); }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.isTakeoffOk = function () { return $gamePlayer.areFollowersGathered(); }; Game_Vehicle.prototype.isLandOk = function (x, y, d) { if (this.isAirship()) { if (!$gameMap.isAirshipLandOk(x, y)) { return false; } if ($gameMap.eventsXy(x, y).length > 0) { return false; } } else { var x2 = $gameMap.roundXWithDirection(x, d); var y2 = $gameMap.roundYWithDirection(y, d); if (!$gameMap.isValid(x2, y2)) { return false; } if (!$gameMap.isPassable(x2, y2, this.reverseDir(d))) { return false; } if (this.isCollidedWithCharacters(x2, y2)) { return false; } } return true; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Event // // The game object class for an event. It contains functionality for event page // switching and running parallel process events. function Game_Event() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_Event.prototype = Object.create(Game_Character.prototype); Game_Event.prototype.constructor = Game_Event; Game_Event.prototype.initialize = function (mapId, eventId) { Game_Character.prototype.initialize.call(this); this._mapId = mapId; this._eventId = eventId; this.locate(this.event().x, this.event().y); this.refresh(); }; Game_Event.prototype.initMembers = function () { Game_Character.prototype.initMembers.call(this); this._moveType = 0; this._trigger = 0; this._starting = false; this._erased = false; this._pageIndex = -2; this._originalPattern = 1; this._originalDirection = 2; this._prelockDirection = 0; this._locked = false; }; Game_Event.prototype.eventId = function () { return this._eventId; }; Game_Event.prototype.event = function () { return $dataMap.events[this._eventId]; }; Game_Event.prototype.page = function () { return this.event().pages[this._pageIndex]; }; Game_Event.prototype.list = function () { return this.page().list; }; Game_Event.prototype.isCollidedWithCharacters = function (x, y) { return (Game_Character.prototype.isCollidedWithCharacters.call(this, x, y) || this.isCollidedWithPlayerCharacters(x, y)); }; Game_Event.prototype.isCollidedWithEvents = function (x, y) { var events = $gameMap.eventsXyNt(x, y); return events.length > 0; }; Game_Event.prototype.isCollidedWithPlayerCharacters = function (x, y) { return this.isNormalPriority() && $gamePlayer.isCollided(x, y); }; Game_Event.prototype.lock = function () { if (!this._locked) { this._prelockDirection = this.direction(); this.turnTowardPlayer(); this._locked = true; } }; Game_Event.prototype.unlock = function () { if (this._locked) { this._locked = false; this.setDirection(this._prelockDirection); } }; Game_Event.prototype.updateStop = function () { if (this._locked) { this.resetStopCount(); } Game_Character.prototype.updateStop.call(this); if (!this.isMoveRouteForcing()) { this.updateSelfMovement(); } }; Game_Event.prototype.updateSelfMovement = function () { if (!this._locked && this.isNearTheScreen() && this.checkStop(this.stopCountThreshold())) { switch (this._moveType) { case 1: this.moveTypeRandom(); break; case 2: this.moveTypeTowardPlayer(); break; case 3: this.moveTypeCustom(); break; } } }; Game_Event.prototype.stopCountThreshold = function () { return 30 * (5 - this.moveFrequency()); }; Game_Event.prototype.moveTypeRandom = function () { switch (Math.randomInt(6)) { case 0: case 1: this.moveRandom(); break; case 2: case 3: case 4: this.moveForward(); break; case 5: this.resetStopCount(); break; } }; Game_Event.prototype.moveTypeTowardPlayer = function () { if (this.isNearThePlayer()) { switch (Math.randomInt(6)) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: this.moveTowardPlayer(); break; case 4: this.moveRandom(); break; case 5: this.moveForward(); break; } } else { this.moveRandom(); } }; Game_Event.prototype.isNearThePlayer = function () { var sx = Math.abs(this.deltaXFrom($gamePlayer.x)); var sy = Math.abs(this.deltaYFrom($gamePlayer.y)); return sx + sy < 20; }; Game_Event.prototype.moveTypeCustom = function () { this.updateRoutineMove(); }; Game_Event.prototype.isStarting = function () { return this._starting; }; Game_Event.prototype.clearStartingFlag = function () { this._starting = false; }; Game_Event.prototype.isTriggerIn = function (triggers) { return triggers.contains(this._trigger); }; Game_Event.prototype.start = function () { var list = this.list(); if (list && list.length > 1) { this._starting = true; if (this.isTriggerIn([0, 1, 2])) { this.lock(); } } }; Game_Event.prototype.erase = function () { this._erased = true; this.refresh(); }; Game_Event.prototype.refresh = function () { var newPageIndex = this._erased ? -1 : this.findProperPageIndex(); if (this._pageIndex !== newPageIndex) { this._pageIndex = newPageIndex; this.setupPage(); } }; Game_Event.prototype.findProperPageIndex = function () { var pages = this.event().pages; for (var i = pages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var page = pages[i]; if (this.meetsConditions(page)) { return i; } } return -1; }; Game_Event.prototype.meetsConditions = function (page) { var c = page.conditions; if (c.switch1Valid) { if (!$gameSwitches.value(c.switch1Id)) { return false; } } if (c.switch2Valid) { if (!$gameSwitches.value(c.switch2Id)) { return false; } } if (c.variableValid) { if ($gameVariables.value(c.variableId) < c.variableValue) { return false; } } if (c.selfSwitchValid) { var key = [this._mapId, this._eventId, c.selfSwitchCh]; if ($gameSelfSwitches.value(key) !== true) { return false; } } if (c.itemValid) { var item = $dataItems[c.itemId]; if (!$gameParty.hasItem(item)) { return false; } } if (c.actorValid) { var actor = $gameActors.actor(c.actorId); if (!$gameParty.members().contains(actor)) { return false; } } return true; }; Game_Event.prototype.setupPage = function () { if (this._pageIndex >= 0) { this.setupPageSettings(); } else { this.clearPageSettings(); } this.refreshBushDepth(); this.clearStartingFlag(); this.checkEventTriggerAuto(); }; Game_Event.prototype.clearPageSettings = function () { this.setImage('', 0); this._moveType = 0; this._trigger = null; this._interpreter = null; this.setThrough(true); }; Game_Event.prototype.setupPageSettings = function () { var page = this.page(); var image = page.image; if (image.tileId > 0) { this.setTileImage(image.tileId); } else { this.setImage(image.characterName, image.characterIndex); } if (this._originalDirection !== image.direction) { this._originalDirection = image.direction; this._prelockDirection = 0; this.setDirectionFix(false); this.setDirection(image.direction); } if (this._originalPattern !== image.pattern) { this._originalPattern = image.pattern; this.setPattern(image.pattern); } this.setMoveSpeed(page.moveSpeed); this.setMoveFrequency(page.moveFrequency); this.setPriorityType(page.priorityType); this.setWalkAnime(page.walkAnime); this.setStepAnime(page.stepAnime); this.setDirectionFix(page.directionFix); this.setThrough(page.through); this.setMoveRoute(page.moveRoute); this._moveType = page.moveType; this._trigger = page.trigger; if (this._trigger === 4) { this._interpreter = new Game_Interpreter(); } else { this._interpreter = null; } }; Game_Event.prototype.isOriginalPattern = function () { return this.pattern() === this._originalPattern; }; Game_Event.prototype.resetPattern = function () { this.setPattern(this._originalPattern); }; Game_Event.prototype.checkEventTriggerTouch = function (x, y) { if (!$gameMap.isEventRunning()) { if (this._trigger === 2 && $gamePlayer.pos(x, y)) { if (!this.isJumping() && this.isNormalPriority()) { this.start(); } } } }; Game_Event.prototype.checkEventTriggerAuto = function () { if (this._trigger === 3) { this.start(); } }; Game_Event.prototype.update = function () { Game_Character.prototype.update.call(this); this.checkEventTriggerAuto(); this.updateParallel(); }; Game_Event.prototype.updateParallel = function () { if (this._interpreter) { if (!this._interpreter.isRunning()) { this._interpreter.setup(this.list(), this._eventId); } this._interpreter.update(); } }; Game_Event.prototype.locate = function (x, y) { Game_Character.prototype.locate.call(this, x, y); this._prelockDirection = 0; }; Game_Event.prototype.forceMoveRoute = function (moveRoute) { Game_Character.prototype.forceMoveRoute.call(this, moveRoute); this._prelockDirection = 0; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Interpreter // // The interpreter for running event commands. function Game_Interpreter() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Game_Interpreter.prototype.initialize = function (depth) { this._depth = depth || 0; this.checkOverflow(); this.clear(); this._branch = {}; this._params = []; this._indent = 0; this._frameCount = 0; this._freezeChecker = 0; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.checkOverflow = function () { if (this._depth >= 100) { throw new Error('Common event calls exceeded the limit'); } }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.clear = function () { this._mapId = 0; this._eventId = 0; this._list = null; this._index = 0; this._waitCount = 0; this._waitMode = ''; this._comments = ''; this._character = null; this._childInterpreter = null; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.setup = function (list, eventId) { this.clear(); this._mapId = $gameMap.mapId(); this._eventId = eventId || 0; this._list = list; Game_Interpreter.requestImages(list); }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.eventId = function () { return this._eventId; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.isOnCurrentMap = function () { return this._mapId === $gameMap.mapId(); }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.setupReservedCommonEvent = function () { if ($gameTemp.isCommonEventReserved()) { this.setup($gameTemp.reservedCommonEvent().list); $gameTemp.clearCommonEvent(); return true; } else { return false; } }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.isRunning = function () { return !!this._list; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.update = function () { while (this.isRunning()) { if (this.updateChild() || this.updateWait()) { break; } if (SceneManager.isSceneChanging()) { break; } if (!this.executeCommand()) { break; } if (this.checkFreeze()) { break; } } }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.updateChild = function () { if (this._childInterpreter) { this._childInterpreter.update(); if (this._childInterpreter.isRunning()) { return true; } else { this._childInterpreter = null; } } return false; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.updateWait = function () { return this.updateWaitCount() || this.updateWaitMode(); }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.updateWaitCount = function () { if (this._waitCount > 0) { this._waitCount--; return true; } return false; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.updateWaitMode = function () { var waiting = false; switch (this._waitMode) { case 'message': waiting = $gameMessage.isBusy(); break; case 'transfer': waiting = $gamePlayer.isTransferring(); break; case 'scroll': waiting = $gameMap.isScrolling(); break; case 'route': waiting = this._character.isMoveRouteForcing(); break; case 'animation': waiting = this._character.isAnimationPlaying(); break; case 'balloon': waiting = this._character.isBalloonPlaying(); break; case 'gather': waiting = $gamePlayer.areFollowersGathering(); break; case 'action': waiting = BattleManager.isActionForced(); break; case 'video': waiting = Graphics.isVideoPlaying(); break; case 'image': waiting = !ImageManager.isReady(); break; } if (!waiting) { this._waitMode = ''; } return waiting; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.setWaitMode = function (waitMode) { this._waitMode = waitMode; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.wait = function (duration) { this._waitCount = duration; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.fadeSpeed = function () { return 24; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.executeCommand = function () { var command = this.currentCommand(); if (command) { this._params = command.parameters; this._indent = command.indent; var methodName = 'command' + command.code; if (typeof this[methodName] === 'function') { if (!this[methodName]()) { return false; } } this._index++; } else { this.terminate(); } return true; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.checkFreeze = function () { if (this._frameCount !== Graphics.frameCount) { this._frameCount = Graphics.frameCount; this._freezeChecker = 0; } if (this._freezeChecker++ >= 100000) { return true; } else { return false; } }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.terminate = function () { this._list = null; this._comments = ''; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.skipBranch = function () { while (this._list[this._index + 1].indent > this._indent) { this._index++; } }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.currentCommand = function () { return this._list[this._index]; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.nextEventCode = function () { var command = this._list[this._index + 1]; if (command) { return command.code; } else { return 0; } }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.iterateActorId = function (param, callback) { if (param === 0) { $gameParty.members().forEach(callback); } else { var actor = $gameActors.actor(param); if (actor) { callback(actor); } } }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.iterateActorEx = function (param1, param2, callback) { if (param1 === 0) { this.iterateActorId(param2, callback); } else { this.iterateActorId($gameVariables.value(param2), callback); } }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.iterateActorIndex = function (param, callback) { if (param < 0) { $gameParty.members().forEach(callback); } else { var actor = $gameParty.members()[param]; if (actor) { callback(actor); } } }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.iterateEnemyIndex = function (param, callback) { if (param < 0) { $gameTroop.members().forEach(callback); } else { var enemy = $gameTroop.members()[param]; if (enemy) { callback(enemy); } } }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.iterateBattler = function (param1, param2, callback) { if ($gameParty.inBattle()) { if (param1 === 0) { this.iterateEnemyIndex(param2, callback); } else { this.iterateActorId(param2, callback); } } }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.character = function (param) { if ($gameParty.inBattle()) { return null; } else if (param < 0) { return $gamePlayer; } else if (this.isOnCurrentMap()) { return $gameMap.event(param > 0 ? param : this._eventId); } else { return null; } }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.operateValue = function (operation, operandType, operand) { var value = operandType === 0 ? operand : $gameVariables.value(operand); return operation === 0 ? value : -value; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.changeHp = function (target, value, allowDeath) { if (target.isAlive()) { if (!allowDeath && target.hp <= -value) { value = 1 - target.hp; } target.gainHp(value); if (target.isDead()) { target.performCollapse(); } } }; // Show Text Game_Interpreter.prototype.command101 = function () { if (!$gameMessage.isBusy()) { $gameMessage.setFaceImage(this._params[0], this._params[1]); $gameMessage.setBackground(this._params[2]); $gameMessage.setPositionType(this._params[3]); while (this.nextEventCode() === 401) { // Text data this._index++; $gameMessage.add(this.currentCommand().parameters[0]); } switch (this.nextEventCode()) { case 102: // Show Choices this._index++; this.setupChoices(this.currentCommand().parameters); break; case 103: // Input Number this._index++; this.setupNumInput(this.currentCommand().parameters); break; case 104: // Select Item this._index++; this.setupItemChoice(this.currentCommand().parameters); break; } this._index++; this.setWaitMode('message'); } return false; }; // Show Choices Game_Interpreter.prototype.command102 = function () { if (!$gameMessage.isBusy()) { this.setupChoices(this._params); this._index++; this.setWaitMode('message'); } return false; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.setupChoices = function (params) { var choices = params[0].clone(); var cancelType = params[1]; var defaultType = params.length > 2 ? params[2] : 0; var positionType = params.length > 3 ? params[3] : 2; var background = params.length > 4 ? params[4] : 0; if (cancelType >= choices.length) { cancelType = -2; } $gameMessage.setChoices(choices, defaultType, cancelType); $gameMessage.setChoiceBackground(background); $gameMessage.setChoicePositionType(positionType); $gameMessage.setChoiceCallback(function (n) { this._branch[this._indent] = n; }.bind(this)); }; // When [**] Game_Interpreter.prototype.command402 = function () { if (this._branch[this._indent] !== this._params[0]) { this.skipBranch(); } return true; }; // When Cancel Game_Interpreter.prototype.command403 = function () { if (this._branch[this._indent] >= 0) { this.skipBranch(); } return true; }; // Input Number Game_Interpreter.prototype.command103 = function () { if (!$gameMessage.isBusy()) { this.setupNumInput(this._params); this._index++; this.setWaitMode('message'); } return false; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.setupNumInput = function (params) { $gameMessage.setNumberInput(params[0], params[1]); }; // Select Item Game_Interpreter.prototype.command104 = function () { if (!$gameMessage.isBusy()) { this.setupItemChoice(this._params); this._index++; this.setWaitMode('message'); } return false; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.setupItemChoice = function (params) { $gameMessage.setItemChoice(params[0], params[1] || 2); }; // Show Scrolling Text Game_Interpreter.prototype.command105 = function () { if (!$gameMessage.isBusy()) { $gameMessage.setScroll(this._params[0], this._params[1]); while (this.nextEventCode() === 405) { this._index++; $gameMessage.add(this.currentCommand().parameters[0]); } this._index++; this.setWaitMode('message'); } return false; }; // Comment Game_Interpreter.prototype.command108 = function () { this._comments = [this._params[0]]; while (this.nextEventCode() === 408) { this._index++; this._comments.push(this.currentCommand().parameters[0]); } return true; }; // Conditional Branch Game_Interpreter.prototype.command111 = function () { var result = false; switch (this._params[0]) { case 0: // Switch result = ($gameSwitches.value(this._params[1]) === (this._params[2] === 0)); break; case 1: // Variable var value1 = $gameVariables.value(this._params[1]); var value2; if (this._params[2] === 0) { value2 = this._params[3]; } else { value2 = $gameVariables.value(this._params[3]); } switch (this._params[4]) { case 0: // Equal to result = (value1 === value2); break; case 1: // Greater than or Equal to result = (value1 >= value2); break; case 2: // Less than or Equal to result = (value1 <= value2); break; case 3: // Greater than result = (value1 > value2); break; case 4: // Less than result = (value1 < value2); break; case 5: // Not Equal to result = (value1 !== value2); break; } break; case 2: // Self Switch if (this._eventId > 0) { var key = [this._mapId, this._eventId, this._params[1]]; result = ($gameSelfSwitches.value(key) === (this._params[2] === 0)); } break; case 3: // Timer if ($gameTimer.isWorking()) { if (this._params[2] === 0) { result = ($gameTimer.seconds() >= this._params[1]); } else { result = ($gameTimer.seconds() <= this._params[1]); } } break; case 4: // Actor var actor = $gameActors.actor(this._params[1]); if (actor) { var n = this._params[3]; switch (this._params[2]) { case 0: // In the Party result = $gameParty.members().contains(actor); break; case 1: // Name result = (actor.name() === n); break; case 2: // Class result = actor.isClass($dataClasses[n]); break; case 3: // Skill result = actor.hasSkill(n); break; case 4: // Weapon result = actor.hasWeapon($dataWeapons[n]); break; case 5: // Armor result = actor.hasArmor($dataArmors[n]); break; case 6: // State result = actor.isStateAffected(n); break; } } break; case 5: // Enemy var enemy = $gameTroop.members()[this._params[1]]; if (enemy) { switch (this._params[2]) { case 0: // Appeared result = enemy.isAlive(); break; case 1: // State result = enemy.isStateAffected(this._params[3]); break; } } break; case 6: // Character var character = this.character(this._params[1]); if (character) { result = (character.direction() === this._params[2]); } break; case 7: // Gold switch (this._params[2]) { case 0: // Greater than or equal to result = ($gameParty.gold() >= this._params[1]); break; case 1: // Less than or equal to result = ($gameParty.gold() <= this._params[1]); break; case 2: // Less than result = ($gameParty.gold() < this._params[1]); break; } break; case 8: // Item result = $gameParty.hasItem($dataItems[this._params[1]]); break; case 9: // Weapon result = $gameParty.hasItem($dataWeapons[this._params[1]], this._params[2]); break; case 10: // Armor result = $gameParty.hasItem($dataArmors[this._params[1]], this._params[2]); break; case 11: // Button result = Input.isPressed(this._params[1]); break; case 12: // Script result = !!eval(this._params[1]); break; case 13: // Vehicle result = ($gamePlayer.vehicle() === $gameMap.vehicle(this._params[1])); break; } this._branch[this._indent] = result; if (this._branch[this._indent] === false) { this.skipBranch(); } return true; }; // Else Game_Interpreter.prototype.command411 = function () { if (this._branch[this._indent] !== false) { this.skipBranch(); } return true; }; // Loop Game_Interpreter.prototype.command112 = function () { return true; }; // Repeat Above Game_Interpreter.prototype.command413 = function () { do { this._index--; } while (this.currentCommand().indent !== this._indent); return true; }; // Break Loop Game_Interpreter.prototype.command113 = function () { var depth = 0; while (this._index < this._list.length - 1) { this._index++; var command = this.currentCommand(); if (command.code === 112) depth++; if (command.code === 413) { if (depth > 0) depth--; else break; } } return true; }; // Exit Event Processing Game_Interpreter.prototype.command115 = function () { this._index = this._list.length; return true; }; // Common Event Game_Interpreter.prototype.command117 = function () { var commonEvent = $dataCommonEvents[this._params[0]]; if (commonEvent) { var eventId = this.isOnCurrentMap() ? this._eventId : 0; this.setupChild(commonEvent.list, eventId); } return true; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.setupChild = function (list, eventId) { this._childInterpreter = new Game_Interpreter(this._depth + 1); this._childInterpreter.setup(list, eventId); }; // Label Game_Interpreter.prototype.command118 = function () { return true; }; // Jump to Label Game_Interpreter.prototype.command119 = function () { var labelName = this._params[0]; for (var i = 0; i < this._list.length; i++) { var command = this._list[i]; if (command.code === 118 && command.parameters[0] === labelName) { this.jumpTo(i); return; } } return true; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.jumpTo = function (index) { var lastIndex = this._index; var startIndex = Math.min(index, lastIndex); var endIndex = Math.max(index, lastIndex); var indent = this._indent; for (var i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) { var newIndent = this._list[i].indent; if (newIndent !== indent) { this._branch[indent] = null; indent = newIndent; } } this._index = index; }; // Control Switches Game_Interpreter.prototype.command121 = function () { for (var i = this._params[0]; i <= this._params[1]; i++) { $gameSwitches.setValue(i, this._params[2] === 0); } return true; }; // Control Variables Game_Interpreter.prototype.command122 = function () { var value = 0; switch (this._params[3]) { // Operand case 0: // Constant value = this._params[4]; break; case 1: // Variable value = $gameVariables.value(this._params[4]); break; case 2: // Random value = this._params[5] - this._params[4] + 1; for (var i = this._params[0]; i <= this._params[1]; i++) { this.operateVariable(i, this._params[2], this._params[4] + Math.randomInt(value)); } return true; break; case 3: // Game Data value = this.gameDataOperand(this._params[4], this._params[5], this._params[6]); break; case 4: // Script value = eval(this._params[4]); break; } for (var i = this._params[0]; i <= this._params[1]; i++) { this.operateVariable(i, this._params[2], value); } return true; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.gameDataOperand = function (type, param1, param2) { switch (type) { case 0: // Item return $gameParty.numItems($dataItems[param1]); case 1: // Weapon return $gameParty.numItems($dataWeapons[param1]); case 2: // Armor return $gameParty.numItems($dataArmors[param1]); case 3: // Actor var actor = $gameActors.actor(param1); if (actor) { switch (param2) { case 0: // Level return actor.level; case 1: // EXP return actor.currentExp(); case 2: // HP return actor.hp; case 3: // MP return actor.mp; default: // Parameter if (param2 >= 4 && param2 <= 11) { return actor.param(param2 - 4); } } } break; case 4: // Enemy var enemy = $gameTroop.members()[param1]; if (enemy) { switch (param2) { case 0: // HP return enemy.hp; case 1: // MP return enemy.mp; default: // Parameter if (param2 >= 2 && param2 <= 9) { return enemy.param(param2 - 2); } } } break; case 5: // Character var character = this.character(param1); if (character) { switch (param2) { case 0: // Map X return character.x; case 1: // Map Y return character.y; case 2: // Direction return character.direction(); case 3: // Screen X return character.screenX(); case 4: // Screen Y return character.screenY(); } } break; case 6: // Party actor = $gameParty.members()[param1]; return actor ? actor.actorId() : 0; case 7: // Other switch (param1) { case 0: // Map ID return $gameMap.mapId(); case 1: // Party Members return $gameParty.size(); case 2: // Gold return $gameParty.gold(); case 3: // Steps return $gameParty.steps(); case 4: // Play Time return $gameSystem.playtime(); case 5: // Timer return $gameTimer.seconds(); case 6: // Save Count return $gameSystem.saveCount(); case 7: // Battle Count return $gameSystem.battleCount(); case 8: // Win Count return $gameSystem.winCount(); case 9: // Escape Count return $gameSystem.escapeCount(); } break; } return 0; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.operateVariable = function (variableId, operationType, value) { try { var oldValue = $gameVariables.value(variableId); switch (operationType) { case 0: // Set $gameVariables.setValue(variableId, oldValue = value); break; case 1: // Add $gameVariables.setValue(variableId, oldValue + value); break; case 2: // Sub $gameVariables.setValue(variableId, oldValue - value); break; case 3: // Mul $gameVariables.setValue(variableId, oldValue * value); break; case 4: // Div $gameVariables.setValue(variableId, oldValue / value); break; case 5: // Mod $gameVariables.setValue(variableId, oldValue % value); break; } } catch (e) { $gameVariables.setValue(variableId, 0); } }; // Control Self Switch Game_Interpreter.prototype.command123 = function () { if (this._eventId > 0) { var key = [this._mapId, this._eventId, this._params[0]]; $gameSelfSwitches.setValue(key, this._params[1] === 0); } return true; }; // Control Timer Game_Interpreter.prototype.command124 = function () { if (this._params[0] === 0) { // Start $gameTimer.start(this._params[1] * 60); } else { // Stop $gameTimer.stop(); } return true; }; // Change Gold Game_Interpreter.prototype.command125 = function () { var value = this.operateValue(this._params[0], this._params[1], this._params[2]); $gameParty.gainGold(value); return true; }; // Change Items Game_Interpreter.prototype.command126 = function () { var value = this.operateValue(this._params[1], this._params[2], this._params[3]); $gameParty.gainItem($dataItems[this._params[0]], value); return true; }; // Change Weapons Game_Interpreter.prototype.command127 = function () { var value = this.operateValue(this._params[1], this._params[2], this._params[3]); $gameParty.gainItem($dataWeapons[this._params[0]], value, this._params[4]); return true; }; // Change Armors Game_Interpreter.prototype.command128 = function () { var value = this.operateValue(this._params[1], this._params[2], this._params[3]); $gameParty.gainItem($dataArmors[this._params[0]], value, this._params[4]); return true; }; // Change Party Member Game_Interpreter.prototype.command129 = function () { var actor = $gameActors.actor(this._params[0]); if (actor) { if (this._params[1] === 0) { // Add if (this._params[2]) { // Initialize $gameActors.actor(this._params[0]).setup(this._params[0]); } $gameParty.addActor(this._params[0]); } else { // Remove $gameParty.removeActor(this._params[0]); } } return true; }; // Change Battle BGM Game_Interpreter.prototype.command132 = function () { $gameSystem.setBattleBgm(this._params[0]); return true; }; // Change Victory ME Game_Interpreter.prototype.command133 = function () { $gameSystem.setVictoryMe(this._params[0]); return true; }; // Change Save Access Game_Interpreter.prototype.command134 = function () { if (this._params[0] === 0) { $gameSystem.disableSave(); } else { $gameSystem.enableSave(); } return true; }; // Change Menu Access Game_Interpreter.prototype.command135 = function () { if (this._params[0] === 0) { $gameSystem.disableMenu(); } else { $gameSystem.enableMenu(); } return true; }; // Change Encounter Disable Game_Interpreter.prototype.command136 = function () { if (this._params[0] === 0) { $gameSystem.disableEncounter(); } else { $gameSystem.enableEncounter(); } $gamePlayer.makeEncounterCount(); return true; }; // Change Formation Access Game_Interpreter.prototype.command137 = function () { if (this._params[0] === 0) { $gameSystem.disableFormation(); } else { $gameSystem.enableFormation(); } return true; }; // Change Window Color Game_Interpreter.prototype.command138 = function () { $gameSystem.setWindowTone(this._params[0]); return true; }; // Change Defeat ME Game_Interpreter.prototype.command139 = function () { $gameSystem.setDefeatMe(this._params[0]); return true; }; // Change Vehicle BGM Game_Interpreter.prototype.command140 = function () { var vehicle = $gameMap.vehicle(this._params[0]); if (vehicle) { vehicle.setBgm(this._params[1]); } return true; }; // Transfer Player Game_Interpreter.prototype.command201 = function () { if (!$gameParty.inBattle() && !$gameMessage.isBusy()) { var mapId, x, y; if (this._params[0] === 0) { // Direct designation mapId = this._params[1]; x = this._params[2]; y = this._params[3]; } else { // Designation with variables mapId = $gameVariables.value(this._params[1]); x = $gameVariables.value(this._params[2]); y = $gameVariables.value(this._params[3]); } $gamePlayer.reserveTransfer(mapId, x, y, this._params[4], this._params[5]); this.setWaitMode('transfer'); this._index++; } return false; }; // Set Vehicle Location Game_Interpreter.prototype.command202 = function () { var mapId, x, y; if (this._params[1] === 0) { // Direct designation mapId = this._params[2]; x = this._params[3]; y = this._params[4]; } else { // Designation with variables mapId = $gameVariables.value(this._params[2]); x = $gameVariables.value(this._params[3]); y = $gameVariables.value(this._params[4]); } var vehicle = $gameMap.vehicle(this._params[0]); if (vehicle) { vehicle.setLocation(mapId, x, y); } return true; }; // Set Event Location Game_Interpreter.prototype.command203 = function () { var character = this.character(this._params[0]); if (character) { if (this._params[1] === 0) { // Direct designation character.locate(this._params[2], this._params[3]); } else if (this._params[1] === 1) { // Designation with variables var x = $gameVariables.value(this._params[2]); var y = $gameVariables.value(this._params[3]); character.locate(x, y); } else { // Exchange with another event var character2 = this.character(this._params[2]); if (character2) { character.swap(character2); } } if (this._params[4] > 0) { character.setDirection(this._params[4]); } } return true; }; // Scroll Map Game_Interpreter.prototype.command204 = function () { if (!$gameParty.inBattle()) { if ($gameMap.isScrolling()) { this.setWaitMode('scroll'); return false; } $gameMap.startScroll(this._params[0], this._params[1], this._params[2]); } return true; }; // Set Movement Route Game_Interpreter.prototype.command205 = function () { $gameMap.refreshIfNeeded(); this._character = this.character(this._params[0]); if (this._character) { this._character.forceMoveRoute(this._params[1]); if (this._params[1].wait) { this.setWaitMode('route'); } } return true; }; // Getting On and Off Vehicles Game_Interpreter.prototype.command206 = function () { $gamePlayer.getOnOffVehicle(); return true; }; // Change Transparency Game_Interpreter.prototype.command211 = function () { $gamePlayer.setTransparent(this._params[0] === 0); return true; }; // Show Animation Game_Interpreter.prototype.command212 = function () { this._character = this.character(this._params[0]); if (this._character) { this._character.requestAnimation(this._params[1]); if (this._params[2]) { this.setWaitMode('animation'); } } return true; }; // Show Balloon Icon Game_Interpreter.prototype.command213 = function () { this._character = this.character(this._params[0]); if (this._character) { this._character.requestBalloon(this._params[1]); if (this._params[2]) { this.setWaitMode('balloon'); } } return true; }; // Erase Event Game_Interpreter.prototype.command214 = function () { if (this.isOnCurrentMap() && this._eventId > 0) { $gameMap.eraseEvent(this._eventId); } return true; }; // Change Player Followers Game_Interpreter.prototype.command216 = function () { if (this._params[0] === 0) { $gamePlayer.showFollowers(); } else { $gamePlayer.hideFollowers(); } $gamePlayer.refresh(); return true; }; // Gather Followers Game_Interpreter.prototype.command217 = function () { if (!$gameParty.inBattle()) { $gamePlayer.gatherFollowers(); this.setWaitMode('gather'); } return true; }; // Fadeout Screen Game_Interpreter.prototype.command221 = function () { if (!$gameMessage.isBusy()) { $gameScreen.startFadeOut(this.fadeSpeed()); this.wait(this.fadeSpeed()); this._index++; } return false; }; // Fadein Screen Game_Interpreter.prototype.command222 = function () { if (!$gameMessage.isBusy()) { $gameScreen.startFadeIn(this.fadeSpeed()); this.wait(this.fadeSpeed()); this._index++; } return false; }; // Tint Screen Game_Interpreter.prototype.command223 = function () { $gameScreen.startTint(this._params[0], this._params[1]); if (this._params[2]) { this.wait(this._params[1]); } return true; }; // Flash Screen Game_Interpreter.prototype.command224 = function () { $gameScreen.startFlash(this._params[0], this._params[1]); if (this._params[2]) { this.wait(this._params[1]); } return true; }; // Shake Screen Game_Interpreter.prototype.command225 = function () { $gameScreen.startShake(this._params[0], this._params[1], this._params[2]); if (this._params[3]) { this.wait(this._params[2]); } return true; }; // Wait Game_Interpreter.prototype.command230 = function () { this.wait(this._params[0]); return true; }; // Show Picture Game_Interpreter.prototype.command231 = function () { var x, y; if (this._params[3] === 0) { // Direct designation x = this._params[4]; y = this._params[5]; } else { // Designation with variables x = $gameVariables.value(this._params[4]); y = $gameVariables.value(this._params[5]); } $gameScreen.showPicture(this._params[0], this._params[1], this._params[2], x, y, this._params[6], this._params[7], this._params[8], this._params[9]); return true; }; // Move Picture Game_Interpreter.prototype.command232 = function () { var x, y; if (this._params[3] === 0) { // Direct designation x = this._params[4]; y = this._params[5]; } else { // Designation with variables x = $gameVariables.value(this._params[4]); y = $gameVariables.value(this._params[5]); } $gameScreen.movePicture(this._params[0], this._params[2], x, y, this._params[6], this._params[7], this._params[8], this._params[9], this._params[10]); if (this._params[11]) { this.wait(this._params[10]); } return true; }; // Rotate Picture Game_Interpreter.prototype.command233 = function () { $gameScreen.rotatePicture(this._params[0], this._params[1]); return true; }; // Tint Picture Game_Interpreter.prototype.command234 = function () { $gameScreen.tintPicture(this._params[0], this._params[1], this._params[2]); if (this._params[3]) { this.wait(this._params[2]); } return true; }; // Erase Picture Game_Interpreter.prototype.command235 = function () { $gameScreen.erasePicture(this._params[0]); return true; }; // Set Weather Effect Game_Interpreter.prototype.command236 = function () { if (!$gameParty.inBattle()) { $gameScreen.changeWeather(this._params[0], this._params[1], this._params[2]); if (this._params[3]) { this.wait(this._params[2]); } } return true; }; // Play BGM Game_Interpreter.prototype.command241 = function () { AudioManager.playBgm(this._params[0]); return true; }; // Fadeout BGM Game_Interpreter.prototype.command242 = function () { AudioManager.fadeOutBgm(this._params[0]); return true; }; // Save BGM Game_Interpreter.prototype.command243 = function () { $gameSystem.saveBgm(); return true; }; // Resume BGM Game_Interpreter.prototype.command244 = function () { $gameSystem.replayBgm(); return true; }; // Play BGS Game_Interpreter.prototype.command245 = function () { AudioManager.playBgs(this._params[0]); return true; }; // Fadeout BGS Game_Interpreter.prototype.command246 = function () { AudioManager.fadeOutBgs(this._params[0]); return true; }; // Play ME Game_Interpreter.prototype.command249 = function () { AudioManager.playMe(this._params[0]); return true; }; // Play SE Game_Interpreter.prototype.command250 = function () { AudioManager.playSe(this._params[0]); return true; }; // Stop SE Game_Interpreter.prototype.command251 = function () { AudioManager.stopSe(); return true; }; // Play Movie Game_Interpreter.prototype.command261 = function () { if (!$gameMessage.isBusy()) { var name = this._params[0]; if (name.length > 0) { var ext = this.videoFileExt(); Graphics.playVideo('movies/' + name + ext); this.setWaitMode('video'); } this._index++; } return false; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.videoFileExt = function () { if (Graphics.canPlayVideoType('video/webm') && !Utils.isMobileDevice()) { return '.webm'; } else { return '.mp4'; } }; // Change Map Name Display Game_Interpreter.prototype.command281 = function () { if (this._params[0] === 0) { $gameMap.enableNameDisplay(); } else { $gameMap.disableNameDisplay(); } return true; }; // Change Tileset Game_Interpreter.prototype.command282 = function () { var tileset = $dataTilesets[this._params[0]]; if (!this._imageReservationId) { this._imageReservationId = Utils.generateRuntimeId(); } var allReady = tileset.tilesetNames.map(function (tilesetName) { return ImageManager.reserveTileset(tilesetName, 0, this._imageReservationId); }, this).every(function (bitmap) { return bitmap.isReady(); }); if (allReady) { $gameMap.changeTileset(this._params[0]); ImageManager.releaseReservation(this._imageReservationId); this._imageReservationId = null; return true; } else { return false; } }; // Change Battle Back Game_Interpreter.prototype.command283 = function () { $gameMap.changeBattleback(this._params[0], this._params[1]); return true; }; // Change Parallax Game_Interpreter.prototype.command284 = function () { $gameMap.changeParallax(this._params[0], this._params[1], this._params[2], this._params[3], this._params[4]); return true; }; // Get Location Info Game_Interpreter.prototype.command285 = function () { var x, y, value; if (this._params[2] === 0) { // Direct designation x = this._params[3]; y = this._params[4]; } else { // Designation with variables x = $gameVariables.value(this._params[3]); y = $gameVariables.value(this._params[4]); } switch (this._params[1]) { case 0: // Terrain Tag value = $gameMap.terrainTag(x, y); break; case 1: // Event ID value = $gameMap.eventIdXy(x, y); break; case 2: // Tile ID (Layer 1) case 3: // Tile ID (Layer 2) case 4: // Tile ID (Layer 3) case 5: // Tile ID (Layer 4) value = $gameMap.tileId(x, y, this._params[1] - 2); break; default: // Region ID value = $gameMap.regionId(x, y); break; } $gameVariables.setValue(this._params[0], value); return true; }; // Battle Processing Game_Interpreter.prototype.command301 = function () { if (!$gameParty.inBattle()) { var troopId; if (this._params[0] === 0) { // Direct designation troopId = this._params[1]; } else if (this._params[0] === 1) { // Designation with a variable troopId = $gameVariables.value(this._params[1]); } else { // Same as Random Encounter troopId = $gamePlayer.makeEncounterTroopId(); } if ($dataTroops[troopId]) { BattleManager.setup(troopId, this._params[2], this._params[3]); BattleManager.setEventCallback(function (n) { this._branch[this._indent] = n; }.bind(this)); $gamePlayer.makeEncounterCount(); SceneManager.push(Scene_Battle); } } return true; }; // If Win Game_Interpreter.prototype.command601 = function () { if (this._branch[this._indent] !== 0) { this.skipBranch(); } return true; }; // If Escape Game_Interpreter.prototype.command602 = function () { if (this._branch[this._indent] !== 1) { this.skipBranch(); } return true; }; // If Lose Game_Interpreter.prototype.command603 = function () { if (this._branch[this._indent] !== 2) { this.skipBranch(); } return true; }; // Shop Processing Game_Interpreter.prototype.command302 = function () { if (!$gameParty.inBattle()) { var goods = [this._params]; while (this.nextEventCode() === 605) { this._index++; goods.push(this.currentCommand().parameters); } SceneManager.push(Scene_Shop); SceneManager.prepareNextScene(goods, this._params[4]); } return true; }; // Name Input Processing Game_Interpreter.prototype.command303 = function () { if (!$gameParty.inBattle()) { if ($dataActors[this._params[0]]) { SceneManager.push(Scene_Name); SceneManager.prepareNextScene(this._params[0], this._params[1]); } } return true; }; // Change HP Game_Interpreter.prototype.command311 = function () { var value = this.operateValue(this._params[2], this._params[3], this._params[4]); this.iterateActorEx(this._params[0], this._params[1], function (actor) { this.changeHp(actor, value, this._params[5]); }.bind(this)); return true; }; // Change MP Game_Interpreter.prototype.command312 = function () { var value = this.operateValue(this._params[2], this._params[3], this._params[4]); this.iterateActorEx(this._params[0], this._params[1], function (actor) { actor.gainMp(value); }.bind(this)); return true; }; // Change TP Game_Interpreter.prototype.command326 = function () { var value = this.operateValue(this._params[2], this._params[3], this._params[4]); this.iterateActorEx(this._params[0], this._params[1], function (actor) { actor.gainTp(value); }.bind(this)); return true; }; // Change State Game_Interpreter.prototype.command313 = function () { this.iterateActorEx(this._params[0], this._params[1], function (actor) { var alreadyDead = actor.isDead(); if (this._params[2] === 0) { actor.addState(this._params[3]); } else { actor.removeState(this._params[3]); } if (actor.isDead() && !alreadyDead) { actor.performCollapse(); } actor.clearResult(); }.bind(this)); return true; }; // Recover All Game_Interpreter.prototype.command314 = function () { this.iterateActorEx(this._params[0], this._params[1], function (actor) { actor.recoverAll(); }.bind(this)); return true; }; // Change EXP Game_Interpreter.prototype.command315 = function () { var value = this.operateValue(this._params[2], this._params[3], this._params[4]); this.iterateActorEx(this._params[0], this._params[1], function (actor) { actor.changeExp(actor.currentExp() + value, this._params[5]); }.bind(this)); return true; }; // Change Level Game_Interpreter.prototype.command316 = function () { var value = this.operateValue(this._params[2], this._params[3], this._params[4]); this.iterateActorEx(this._params[0], this._params[1], function (actor) { actor.changeLevel(actor.level + value, this._params[5]); }.bind(this)); return true; }; // Change Parameter Game_Interpreter.prototype.command317 = function () { var value = this.operateValue(this._params[3], this._params[4], this._params[5]); this.iterateActorEx(this._params[0], this._params[1], function (actor) { actor.addParam(this._params[2], value); }.bind(this)); return true; }; // Change Skill Game_Interpreter.prototype.command318 = function () { this.iterateActorEx(this._params[0], this._params[1], function (actor) { if (this._params[2] === 0) { actor.learnSkill(this._params[3]); } else { actor.forgetSkill(this._params[3]); } }.bind(this)); return true; }; // Change Equipment Game_Interpreter.prototype.command319 = function () { var actor = $gameActors.actor(this._params[0]); if (actor) { actor.changeEquipById(this._params[1], this._params[2]); } return true; }; // Change Name Game_Interpreter.prototype.command320 = function () { var actor = $gameActors.actor(this._params[0]); if (actor) { actor.setName(this._params[1]); } return true; }; // Change Class Game_Interpreter.prototype.command321 = function () { var actor = $gameActors.actor(this._params[0]); if (actor && $dataClasses[this._params[1]]) { actor.changeClass(this._params[1], this._params[2]); } return true; }; // Change Actor Images Game_Interpreter.prototype.command322 = function () { var actor = $gameActors.actor(this._params[0]); if (actor) { actor.setCharacterImage(this._params[1], this._params[2]); actor.setFaceImage(this._params[3], this._params[4]); actor.setBattlerImage(this._params[5]); } $gamePlayer.refresh(); return true; }; // Change Vehicle Image Game_Interpreter.prototype.command323 = function () { var vehicle = $gameMap.vehicle(this._params[0]); if (vehicle) { vehicle.setImage(this._params[1], this._params[2]); } return true; }; // Change Nickname Game_Interpreter.prototype.command324 = function () { var actor = $gameActors.actor(this._params[0]); if (actor) { actor.setNickname(this._params[1]); } return true; }; // Change Profile Game_Interpreter.prototype.command325 = function () { var actor = $gameActors.actor(this._params[0]); if (actor) { actor.setProfile(this._params[1]); } return true; }; // Change Enemy HP Game_Interpreter.prototype.command331 = function () { var value = this.operateValue(this._params[1], this._params[2], this._params[3]); this.iterateEnemyIndex(this._params[0], function (enemy) { this.changeHp(enemy, value, this._params[4]); }.bind(this)); return true; }; // Change Enemy MP Game_Interpreter.prototype.command332 = function () { var value = this.operateValue(this._params[1], this._params[2], this._params[3]); this.iterateEnemyIndex(this._params[0], function (enemy) { enemy.gainMp(value); }.bind(this)); return true; }; // Change Enemy TP Game_Interpreter.prototype.command342 = function () { var value = this.operateValue(this._params[1], this._params[2], this._params[3]); this.iterateEnemyIndex(this._params[0], function (enemy) { enemy.gainTp(value); }.bind(this)); return true; }; // Change Enemy State Game_Interpreter.prototype.command333 = function () { this.iterateEnemyIndex(this._params[0], function (enemy) { var alreadyDead = enemy.isDead(); if (this._params[1] === 0) { enemy.addState(this._params[2]); } else { enemy.removeState(this._params[2]); } if (enemy.isDead() && !alreadyDead) { enemy.performCollapse(); } enemy.clearResult(); }.bind(this)); return true; }; // Enemy Recover All Game_Interpreter.prototype.command334 = function () { this.iterateEnemyIndex(this._params[0], function (enemy) { enemy.recoverAll(); }.bind(this)); return true; }; // Enemy Appear Game_Interpreter.prototype.command335 = function () { this.iterateEnemyIndex(this._params[0], function (enemy) { enemy.appear(); $gameTroop.makeUniqueNames(); }.bind(this)); return true; }; // Enemy Transform Game_Interpreter.prototype.command336 = function () { this.iterateEnemyIndex(this._params[0], function (enemy) { enemy.transform(this._params[1]); $gameTroop.makeUniqueNames(); }.bind(this)); return true; }; // Show Battle Animation Game_Interpreter.prototype.command337 = function () { if (this._params[2] == true) { this.iterateEnemyIndex(-1, function (enemy) { if (enemy.isAlive()) { enemy.startAnimation(this._params[1], false, 0); } }.bind(this)); } else { this.iterateEnemyIndex(this._params[0], function (enemy) { if (enemy.isAlive()) { enemy.startAnimation(this._params[1], false, 0); } }.bind(this)); } return true; }; // Force Action Game_Interpreter.prototype.command339 = function () { this.iterateBattler(this._params[0], this._params[1], function (battler) { if (!battler.isDeathStateAffected()) { battler.forceAction(this._params[2], this._params[3]); BattleManager.forceAction(battler); this.setWaitMode('action'); } }.bind(this)); return true; }; // Abort Battle Game_Interpreter.prototype.command340 = function () { BattleManager.abort(); return true; }; // Open Menu Screen Game_Interpreter.prototype.command351 = function () { if (!$gameParty.inBattle()) { SceneManager.push(Scene_Menu); Window_MenuCommand.initCommandPosition(); } return true; }; // Open Save Screen Game_Interpreter.prototype.command352 = function () { if (!$gameParty.inBattle()) { SceneManager.push(Scene_Save); } return true; }; // Game Over Game_Interpreter.prototype.command353 = function () { SceneManager.goto(Scene_Gameover); return true; }; // Return to Title Screen Game_Interpreter.prototype.command354 = function () { SceneManager.goto(Scene_Title); return true; }; // Script Game_Interpreter.prototype.command355 = function () { var script = this.currentCommand().parameters[0] + '\n'; while (this.nextEventCode() === 655) { this._index++; script += this.currentCommand().parameters[0] + '\n'; } eval(script); return true; }; // Plugin Command Game_Interpreter.prototype.command356 = function () { var args = this._params[0].split(" "); var command = args.shift(); this.pluginCommand(command, args); return true; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function (command, args) { // to be overridden by plugins }; Game_Interpreter.requestImages = function (list, commonList) { if (!list) return; list.forEach(function (command) { var params = command.parameters; switch (command.code) { // Show Text case 101: ImageManager.requestFace(params[0]); break; // Common Event case 117: var commonEvent = $dataCommonEvents[params[0]]; if (commonEvent) { if (!commonList) { commonList = []; } if (!commonList.contains(params[0])) { commonList.push(params[0]); Game_Interpreter.requestImages(commonEvent.list, commonList); } } break; // Change Party Member case 129: var actor = $gameActors.actor(params[0]); if (actor && params[1] === 0) { var name = actor.characterName(); ImageManager.requestCharacter(name); } break; // Set Movement Route case 205: if (params[1]) { params[1].list.forEach(function (command) { var params = command.parameters; if (command.code === Game_Character.ROUTE_CHANGE_IMAGE) { ImageManager.requestCharacter(params[0]); } }); } break; // Show Animation, Show Battle Animation case 212: case 337: if (params[1]) { var animation = $dataAnimations[params[1]]; var name1 = animation.animation1Name; var name2 = animation.animation2Name; var hue1 = animation.animation1Hue; var hue2 = animation.animation2Hue; ImageManager.requestAnimation(name1, hue1); ImageManager.requestAnimation(name2, hue2); } break; // Change Player Followers case 216: if (params[0] === 0) { $gamePlayer.followers().forEach(function (follower) { var name = follower.characterName(); ImageManager.requestCharacter(name); }); } break; // Show Picture case 231: ImageManager.requestPicture(params[1]); break; // Change Tileset case 282: var tileset = $dataTilesets[params[0]]; tileset.tilesetNames.forEach(function (tilesetName) { ImageManager.requestTileset(tilesetName); }); break; // Change Battle Back case 283: if ($gameParty.inBattle()) { ImageManager.requestBattleback1(params[0]); ImageManager.requestBattleback2(params[1]); } break; // Change Parallax case 284: if (!$gameParty.inBattle()) { ImageManager.requestParallax(params[0]); } break; // Change Actor Images case 322: ImageManager.requestCharacter(params[1]); ImageManager.requestFace(params[3]); ImageManager.requestSvActor(params[5]); break; // Change Vehicle Image case 323: var vehicle = $gameMap.vehicle(params[0]); if (vehicle) { ImageManager.requestCharacter(params[1]); } break; // Enemy Transform case 336: var enemy = $dataEnemies[params[1]]; var name = enemy.battlerName; var hue = enemy.battlerHue; if ($gameSystem.isSideView()) { ImageManager.requestSvEnemy(name, hue); } else { ImageManager.requestEnemy(name, hue); } break; } }); };