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1021 lines
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1021 lines
33 KiB
2 years ago
// Yanfly Engine Plugins - Victory Aftermath
// YEP_VictoryAftermath.js
var Imported = Imported || {};
Imported.YEP_VictoryAftermath = true;
var Yanfly = Yanfly || {};
Yanfly.VA = Yanfly.VA || {};
Yanfly.VA.version = 1.07;
* @plugindesc v1.07 Display an informative window after a battle is over
* instead of message box text stating what the party earned.
* @author Yanfly Engine Plugins
* @param ---General---
* @default
* @param Victory Order
* @parent ---General---
* @desc This is the order the victory sequence will play out.
* Separate each part with a space.
* @default exp custom drops
* @param ---BGM---
* @default
* @param Victory BGM
* @parent ---BGM---
* @type file
* @dir audio/bgm/
* @require 1
* @desc This will be the BGM used when the battle is over.
* @default Ship
* @param BGM Volume
* @parent ---BGM---
* @desc This will be the volume of the BGM played.
* @default 90
* @param BGM Pitch
* @parent ---BGM---
* @desc This will be the pitch of the BGM played.
* @default 100
* @param BGM Pan
* @parent ---BGM---
* @desc This will be the pan of the BGM played.
* @default 0
* @param ---Battle Results---
* @default
* @param Cheer Wait
* @parent ---Battle Results---
* @type number
* @min 0
* @desc This will be how many frames the actors will cheer for
* before the Victory Aftermath windows appear.
* @default 90
* @param Battle Results Text
* @parent ---Battle Results---
* @desc This is the text used for the battle results text.
* @default Battle Results
* @param Battle Drops Text
* @parent ---Battle Results---
* @desc This is the text used for the drops gained in battle.
* @default Battle Spoils
* @param ---EXP Window---
* @default
* @param Font Size
* @parent ---EXP Window---
* @type number
* @min 1
* @desc This is the font size used for the EXP Window.
* Default: 28
* @default 28
* @param Level Up Text
* @parent ---EXP Window---
* @desc The text to be used when leveling up.
* @default LEVEL UP!
* @param Max Level Text
* @parent ---EXP Window---
* @desc The text to be used when the actor is Max Level.
* @default MAX LEVEL
* @param Show Skills Learned
* @parent ---EXP Window---
* @type boolean
* @on Display Skills
* @off Don't Display
* @desc Display skills learned at level up?
* NO - false YES - true
* @default false
* @param Gained EXP Text
* @parent ---EXP Window---
* @desc The text to label how much EXP was gained in battle.
* @default Gained EXP
* @param Gained EXP Format
* @parent ---EXP Window---
* @desc The text to display how much EXP was gained in battle.
* @default +%1
* @param EXP Gauge Color 1
* @parent ---EXP Window---
* @type number
* @min 0
* @max 31
* @desc The skin color used in EXP Gauge Color 1 shown in the
* Victory Aftermath Window.
* @default 30
* @param EXP Gauge Color 2
* @parent ---EXP Window---
* @type number
* @min 0
* @max 31
* @desc The skin color used in EXP Gauge Color 2 shown in the
* Victory Aftermath Window.
* @default 31
* @param Level Gauge Color 1
* @parent ---EXP Window---
* @type number
* @min 0
* @max 31
* @desc The skin color used for the EXP Gauge Color 1 if the actor
* has leveled up.
* @default 14
* @param Level Gauge Color 2
* @parent ---EXP Window---
* @type number
* @min 0
* @max 31
* @desc The skin color used for the EXP Gauge Color 2 if the actor
* has leveled up.
* @default 6
* @param Gauge Ticks
* @parent ---EXP Window---
* @type number
* @min 0
* @desc This is how many ticks will occur before the gained EXP
* gauge is full. Each tick is 4 frames.
* @default 15
* @param Tick SE
* @parent ---EXP Window---
* @type file
* @dir audio/se/
* @require 1
* @desc This will be the sound used while the EXP gauge fills up.
* @default Absorb2
* @param Tick Volume
* @parent ---EXP Window---
* @desc This will be the volume of the BGM played.
* @default 90
* @param Tick Pitch
* @parent ---EXP Window---
* @desc This will be the pitch of the BGM played.
* @default 150
* @param Tick Pan
* @parent ---EXP Window---
* @desc This will be the pan of the BGM played.
* @default 0
* @help
* ============================================================================
* Introduction
* ============================================================================
* This plugin swaps out the victory messages from the default battle system in
* favor of more informative windows to display. Adjust the parameters to
* change the settings to fit your game.
* ============================================================================
* Victory Aftermath
* ============================================================================
* In the parameters, there's a 'Victory Order' parameter. This parameter lets
* you choose the order of the steps in the Victory Aftermath.
* The default order is as follows:
* exp Displays the EXP window.
* custom Displays any custom plugin extensions.
* drops Displays the drops window.
* If you switch the order of these steps, add steps, or remove steps from the
* 'Victory Order' plugin, the Victory Aftermath will correspond to any changes
* you have made.
* ============================================================================
* Plugin Commands
* ============================================================================
* If you wish to alter the Victory Aftermath sequence a bit, you can use the
* following Plugin Commands.
* Plugin Commands:
* DisableVictoryAftermath - Disables the Victory Aftermath sequence and
* bypasses the Victory Aftermath music, too.
* EnableVictoryAftermath - Enables the Victory Aftermath sequence if
* it has been previously disabled.
* DisableVictoryMusic - Disables the Victory Aftermath music to just
* continue playing whatever was playing.
* EnableVictoryMusic - Enables the Victory Aftermath music if it has
* been previously disabled.
* ============================================================================
* Changelog
* ============================================================================
* Version 1.07:
* - Updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.5.0.
* Version 1.06:
* - Updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.3.2.
* Version 1.05a:
* - Added 'Font Size' plugin parameter to alter the font size for the battle
* results page.
* - Fixed a graphical issue where an actor in crisis would display its level
* in the crisis color.
* - Changed the Victory Aftermath sequence so that the player can hold down a
* button to quickly go through all the Victory Sequence menus.
* Version 1.04:
* - Updated the plugin so it doesn't break visually when party sizes are too
* large. That said, if the party size is beyond a certain amount, this plugin
* will not support that many faces for it and will fit just the bare minimum.
* Version 1.03:
* - Added parameter 'Show Skills Learned'.
* Version 1.02:
* - If the Battle HUD has been hidden for whatever reason during the victory
* sequence, it will be returned.
* Version 1.01:
* - Fixed a bug plugin commands that would cause some victory sequences to
* loop forever.
* Version 1.00:
* - Finished plugin!
// Parameter Variables
Yanfly.Parameters = PluginManager.parameters("YEP_VictoryAftermath");
Yanfly.Param = Yanfly.Param || {};
Yanfly.Param.VAOrder = String(Yanfly.Parameters["Victory Order"]);
Yanfly.Param.VACheerWait = Number(Yanfly.Parameters["Cheer Wait"]);
Yanfly.Param.VABattleResults = String(Yanfly.Parameters["Battle Results Text"]);
Yanfly.Param.VABattleDrops = String(Yanfly.Parameters["Battle Drops Text"]);
Yanfly.Param.VABgmName = String(Yanfly.Parameters["Victory BGM"]);
Yanfly.Param.VABgmVol = Number(Yanfly.Parameters["BGM Volume"]);
Yanfly.Param.VABgmPitch = Number(Yanfly.Parameters["BGM Pitch"]);
Yanfly.Param.VABgmPan = Number(Yanfly.Parameters["BGM Pan"]);
Yanfly.Param.VAFontSize = Number(Yanfly.Parameters["Font Size"]);
Yanfly.Param.VALevelUp = String(Yanfly.Parameters["Level Up Text"]);
Yanfly.Param.VAMaxLv = String(Yanfly.Parameters["Max Level Text"]);
Yanfly.Param.VAShowSkills = String(Yanfly.Parameters["Show Skills Learned"]);
Yanfly.Param.VAGainedExp = String(Yanfly.Parameters["Gained EXP Text"]);
Yanfly.Param.VAGainedExpfmt = String(Yanfly.Parameters["Gained EXP Format"]);
Yanfly.Param.ColorExp1 = Number(Yanfly.Parameters["EXP Gauge Color 1"]);
Yanfly.Param.ColorExp2 = Number(Yanfly.Parameters["EXP Gauge Color 2"]);
Yanfly.Param.ColorLv1 = Number(Yanfly.Parameters["Level Gauge Color 1"]);
Yanfly.Param.ColorLv2 = Number(Yanfly.Parameters["Level Gauge Color 2"]);
Yanfly.Param.VAGaugeTicks = Number(Yanfly.Parameters["Gauge Ticks"]);
Yanfly.Param.VATickName = String(Yanfly.Parameters["Tick SE"]);
Yanfly.Param.VATickVol = Number(Yanfly.Parameters["Tick Volume"]);
Yanfly.Param.VATickPitch = Number(Yanfly.Parameters["Tick Pitch"]);
Yanfly.Param.VATickPan = Number(Yanfly.Parameters["Tick Pan"]);
// BattleManager
Yanfly.VA.BattleManager_initMembers = BattleManager.initMembers;
BattleManager.initMembers = function () {
BattleManager.initVictoryData = function () {
this._victoryPhase = false;
this._victoryCheerWait = 0;
this._victoryStep = 0;
BattleManager.processVictory = function () {
if (this.isVictoryPhase()) return;
if (this._windowLayer) this._windowLayer.x = 0;
this._victoryPhase = true;
if ($gameSystem.skipVictoryAftermath()) {
} else {
BattleManager.isVictoryPhase = function () {
return this._victoryPhase;
BattleManager.isFinishedVictoryCheer = function () {
return ++this._victoryCheerWait >= Yanfly.Param.VACheerWait;
BattleManager.processSkipVictory = function () {
BattleManager.processNormalVictory = function () {
if (!$gameSystem.skipVictoryMusic()) this.playVictoryMe();
Yanfly.VA.BattleManager_playVictoryMe = BattleManager.playVictoryMe;
BattleManager.playVictoryMe = function () {
BattleManager.playVictoryBGM = function () {
var victoryBgm = {
name: Yanfly.Param.VABgmName,
volume: Yanfly.Param.VABgmVol,
pitch: Yanfly.Param.VABgmPitch,
pan: Yanfly.Param.VABgmPan,
BattleManager.startVictoryPhase = function () {
this._victoryCheerWait = 0;
this._victoryStep = 0;
BattleManager.prepareVictoryInfo = function () {
$gameParty.allMembers().forEach(function (actor) {
actor._preVictoryExp = actor.currentExp();
actor._preVictoryLv = actor._level;
actor._victoryPhase = true;
actor._victorySkills = [];
}, this);
$gameParty.allMembers().forEach(function (actor) {
actor._expGained = actor.currentExp() - actor._preVictoryExp;
actor._postVictoryLv = actor._level;
}, this);
BattleManager.processVictoryFinish = function () {
this._victoryPhase = false;
// Game_System
Yanfly.VA.Game_System_initialize = Game_System.prototype.initialize;
Game_System.prototype.initialize = function () {
this._skipVictoryAftermath = false;
this._skipVictoryMusic = false;
Game_System.prototype.skipVictoryAftermath = function () {
return this._skipVictoryAftermath;
Game_System.prototype.skipVictoryMusic = function () {
return this._skipVictoryMusic;
// Game_Actor
Yanfly.VA.Game_Actor_shouldDisplayLevelUp = Game_Actor.prototype.shouldDisplayLevelUp;
Game_Actor.prototype.shouldDisplayLevelUp = function () {
if ($gameParty.inBattle()) return false;
Game_Actor.prototype.clearVictoryData = function () {
this._preVictoryExp = undefined;
this._preVictoryLv = undefined;
this._expGained = undefined;
this._postVictoryLv = undefined;
this._victoryPhase = undefined;
this._victorySkills = undefined;
Game_Actor.prototype.isLearnedSkillRaw = function (skillId) {
return this._skills.contains(skillId);
Yanfly.VA.Game_Actor_learnSkill = Game_Actor.prototype.learnSkill;
Game_Actor.prototype.learnSkill = function (skillId) {
if (!this.isLearnedSkillRaw(skillId) && this._victoryPhase) {
|, skillId);
// Game_Party
Game_Party.prototype.clearVictoryData = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < this.members().length; ++i) {
var actor = this.members()[i];
if (!actor) continue;
// Game_Interpreter
Yanfly.VA.Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand;
Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function (command, args) {
|, command, args);
if (command === "DisableVictoryAftermath") {
$gameSystem._skipVictoryAftermath = true;
if (command === "EnableVictoryAftermath") {
$gameSystem._skipVictoryAftermath = false;
if (command === "DisableVictoryMusic") {
$gameSystem._skipVictoryMusic = true;
if (command === "EnableVictoryMusic") {
$gameSystem._skipVictoryMusic = false;
Game_Interpreter.prototype.gotoSceneParty = function () {
if (!$gameParty.inBattle()) SceneManager.push(Scene_Party);
return true;
Game_Interpreter.prototype.lockActor = function (args, value) {
for (i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
var actorId = Number(args[i]);
if ($ {
$ = value;
Game_Interpreter.prototype.requireActor = function (args, value) {
for (i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
var actorId = Number(args[i]);
if ($ {
$ = value;
// Window_VictoryTitle
function Window_VictoryTitle() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Window_VictoryTitle.prototype = Object.create(Window_Base.prototype);
Window_VictoryTitle.prototype.constructor = Window_VictoryTitle;
Window_VictoryTitle.prototype.initialize = function () {
var width = this.windowWidth();
var height = this.windowHeight();
|, 0, 0, width, height);
this.openness = 0;
Window_VictoryTitle.prototype.windowWidth = function () {
return Graphics.boxWidth;
Window_VictoryTitle.prototype.windowHeight = function () {
return this.fittingHeight(1);
Window_VictoryTitle.prototype.refresh = function (text) {
this.drawText(text, 0, 0, this.contents.width, "center");
// Window_VictoryExp
function Window_VictoryExp() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Window_VictoryExp.prototype = Object.create(Window_Selectable.prototype);
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.constructor = Window_VictoryExp;
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.initialize = function () {
var wy = this.fittingHeight(1);
var width = this.windowWidth();
var height = this.windowHeight();
this._showGainedSkills = eval(Yanfly.Param.VAShowSkills);
|, 0, wy, width, height);
this._tick = 0;
this.openness = 0;
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.windowWidth = function () {
return Graphics.boxWidth;
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.windowHeight = function () {
return Graphics.boxHeight - this.fittingHeight(1);
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.maxItems = function () {
return $gameParty.maxBattleMembers();
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.standardFontSize = function () {
return Yanfly.Param.VAFontSize;
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.lineHeight = function () {
return this.standardFontSize() + 8;
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.itemHeight = function () {
var clientHeight = this.height - this.padding * 2;
var clientHeight = Math.floor(clientHeight / this.maxItems());
var clientHeight = Math.max(clientHeight, this.lineHeight() * 2);
return clientHeight;
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.textWidthEx = function (text) {
return this.drawTextEx(text, 0, this.contents.height);
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.defineTickSound = function () {
this._tickSound = {
name: Yanfly.Param.VATickName,
volume: Yanfly.Param.VATickVol,
pitch: Yanfly.Param.VATickPitch,
pan: Yanfly.Param.VATickPan,
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.update = function () {
if (this.openness >= 255) this.updateTicks();
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.updateTicks = function () {
if (this._tick >= Yanfly.Param.VAGaugeTicks) return;
if (Graphics.frameCount % 4 !== 0) return;
if (Input.isPressed("ok") || TouchInput.isPressed()) {
this._tick = Yanfly.Param.VAGaugeTicks;
} else {
this._tick += 1;
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.drawAllGauges = function () {
var topIndex = this.topIndex();
for (var i = 0; i < this.maxPageItems(); i++) {
var index = topIndex + i;
if (index < this.maxItems()) this.drawItemGauge(index);
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.drawItem = function (index) {
var actor = $gameParty.battleMembers()[index];
if (!actor) return;
this.drawActorProfile(actor, index);
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.drawActorProfile = function (actor, index) {
var rect = this.itemRect(index);
var fw = Window_Base._faceWidth;
this.drawActorFace(actor, rect.x + 1, rect.y + 1, fw, rect.height - 2);
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.drawItemGauge = function (index) {
var actor = $gameParty.battleMembers()[index];
if (!actor) return;
this.drawActorGauge(actor, index);
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.gaugeRect = function (index) {
var rect = this.itemRect(index);
var fw = Window_Base._faceWidth;
rect.x += fw + this.standardPadding() * 2;
rect.width -= fw * 2 + this.standardPadding() * 4;
return rect;
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.clearGaugeRect = function (index) {
var rect = this.gaugeRect(index);
this.contents.clearRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.drawActorGauge = function (actor, index) {
var rect = this.gaugeRect(index);
this.drawActorName(actor, rect.x + 2, rect.y);
this.drawLevel(actor, rect);
this.drawExpGauge(actor, rect);
this.drawExpValues(actor, rect);
this.drawExpGained(actor, rect);
this.drawGainedSkills(actor, rect);
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.drawLevel = function (actor, rect) {
if (this.actorExpRate(actor) >= 1.0) {
var text = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(actor._postVictoryLv);
} else {
var text = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(actor._preVictoryLv);
this.drawText(text, rect.x + 2, rect.y, rect.width - 4, "right");
var ww = rect.width - 4 - this.textWidth("0" + Yanfly.Util.toGroup(actor.maxLevel()));
this.drawText(TextManager.levelA, rect.x + 2, rect.y, ww, "right");
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.actorExpRate = function (actor) {
var actorLv = actor._preVictoryLv;
if (actorLv === actor.maxLevel()) return 1.0;
var bonusExp = (1.0 * actor._expGained * this._tick) / Yanfly.Param.VAGaugeTicks;
var nowExp = actor._preVictoryExp - actor.expForLevel(actorLv) + bonusExp;
var nextExp = actor.expForLevel(actorLv + 1) - actor.expForLevel(actorLv);
return ((1.0 * nowExp) / nextExp).clamp(0.0, 1.0);
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.drawExpGauge = function (actor, rect) {
var rate = this.actorExpRate(actor);
if (rate >= 1.0) {
var color1 = this.textColor(Yanfly.Param.ColorLv1);
var color2 = this.textColor(Yanfly.Param.ColorLv2);
} else {
var color1 = this.textColor(Yanfly.Param.ColorExp1);
var color2 = this.textColor(Yanfly.Param.ColorExp2);
var wy = rect.y + this.lineHeight();
this.drawGauge(rect.x, wy, rect.width, rate, color1, color2);
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.drawExpValues = function (actor, rect) {
var wy = rect.y + this.lineHeight();
var actorLv = actor._preVictoryLv;
var bonusExp = (1.0 * actor._expGained * this._tick) / Yanfly.Param.VAGaugeTicks;
var nowExp = actor._preVictoryExp - actor.expForLevel(actorLv) + bonusExp;
var nextExp = actor.expForLevel(actorLv + 1) - actor.expForLevel(actorLv);
if (actorLv === actor.maxLevel()) {
var text = Yanfly.Param.VAMaxLv;
} else if (nowExp >= nextExp) {
var text = Yanfly.Param.VALevelUp;
} else {
var text = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(parseInt(nextExp - nowExp));
this.drawText(text, rect.x + 2, wy, rect.width - 4, "right");
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.drawExpGained = function (actor, rect) {
var wy = rect.y + this.lineHeight() * 2;
if (wy >= rect.y + rect.height) return;
this.drawText(Yanfly.Param.VAGainedExp, rect.x + 2, wy, rect.width - 4, "left");
var bonusExp = (1.0 * actor._expGained * this._tick) / Yanfly.Param.VAGaugeTicks;
var expParse = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(parseInt(bonusExp));
var expText = Yanfly.Param.VAGainedExpfmt.format(expParse);
this.drawText(expText, rect.x + 2, wy, rect.width - 4, "right");
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.drawGainedSkills = function (actor, rect) {
if (actor._victorySkills.length <= 0) return;
if (!this.meetDrawGainedSkillsCondition(actor)) return;
var wy = rect.y;
for (var i = 0; i < actor._victorySkills.length; ++i) {
if (wy + this.lineHeight() > rect.y + rect.height) break;
var skillId = actor._victorySkills[i];
var skill = $dataSkills[skillId];
if (!skill) continue;
var text = "\\i[" + skill.iconIndex + "]" +;
text = TextManager.obtainSkill.format(text);
var ww = this.textWidthEx(text);
var wx = rect.x + (rect.width - ww) / 2;
this.drawTextEx(text, wx, wy);
wy += this.lineHeight();
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.meetDrawGainedSkillsCondition = function (actor) {
if (!this._showGainedSkills) return;
var actorLv = actor._preVictoryLv;
var bonusExp = (1.0 * actor._expGained * this._tick) / Yanfly.Param.VAGaugeTicks;
var nowExp = actor._preVictoryExp - actor.expForLevel(actorLv) + bonusExp;
var nextExp = actor.expForLevel(actorLv + 1) - actor.expForLevel(actorLv);
if (actorLv === actor.maxLevel()) {
return false;
} else if (nowExp >= nextExp) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Window_VictoryExp.prototype.isReady = function () {
return this._tick >= Yanfly.Param.VAGaugeTicks;
// Window_VictoryDrop
function Window_VictoryDrop() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Window_VictoryDrop.prototype = Object.create(Window_ItemList.prototype);
Window_VictoryDrop.prototype.constructor = Window_VictoryDrop;
Window_VictoryDrop.prototype.initialize = function (titleWindow) {
var wy = titleWindow.height;
var ww = Graphics.boxWidth;
var wh = Graphics.boxHeight - wy;
|, 0, wy, ww, wh);
this.openness = 0;
Window_VictoryDrop.prototype.makeItemList = function () {
if ( > 0) {
this._data = ["gold", null];
} else {
this._data = [];
this._dropItems = [];
this._dropWeapons = [];
this._dropArmors = [];
Window_VictoryDrop.prototype.extractDrops = function () {
BattleManager._rewards.items.forEach(function (item) {
if (!item) return;
if (DataManager.isItem(item)) this._dropItems.push(;
if (DataManager.isWeapon(item)) this._dropWeapons.push(;
if (DataManager.isArmor(item)) this._dropArmors.push(;
}, this);
this._dropItems.sort(function (a, b) {
return a - b;
this._dropWeapons.sort(function (a, b) {
return a - b;
this._dropArmors.sort(function (a, b) {
return a - b;
this._dropItems.forEach(function (id) {
var item = $dataItems[id];
if (item && !this._data.contains(item)) this._data.push(item);
}, this);
this._dropWeapons.forEach(function (id) {
var item = $dataWeapons[id];
if (item && !this._data.contains(item)) this._data.push(item);
}, this);
this._dropArmors.forEach(function (id) {
var item = $dataArmors[id];
if (item && !this._data.contains(item)) this._data.push(item);
}, this);
Window_VictoryDrop.prototype.drawItem = function (index) {
var item = this._data[index];
if (!item) return;
this.drawGold(item, index);
this.drawDrop(item, index);
Window_VictoryDrop.prototype.drawGold = function (item, index) {
if (item !== "gold") return;
var rect = this.itemRect(index);
rect.width -= this.textPadding();
var value =;
var currency = TextManager.currencyUnit;
this.drawCurrencyValue(value, currency, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width);
Window_VictoryDrop.prototype.drawDrop = function (item, index) {
if (!DataManager.isItem(item) && !DataManager.isWeapon(item) && !DataManager.isArmor(item)) return;
var rect = this.itemRect(index);
rect.width -= this.textPadding();
this.drawItemName(item, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width);
this.drawItemNumber(item, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width);
Window_VictoryDrop.prototype.drawItemNumber = function (item, x, y, width) {
if (!this.needsNumber()) return;
var numItems = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this.numItems(item));
var size = Yanfly.Param.ItemQuantitySize || 28;
this.contents.fontSize = size;
this.drawText("\u00d7" + numItems, x, y, width, "right");
Window_VictoryDrop.prototype.numItems = function (item) {
if (DataManager.isItem(item)) {
return Yanfly.Util.getCount(, this._dropItems);
if (DataManager.isWeapon(item)) {
return Yanfly.Util.getCount(, this._dropWeapons);
if (DataManager.isArmor(item)) {
return Yanfly.Util.getCount(, this._dropArmors);
return 0;
// Scene_Battle
Yanfly.VA.Scene_Battle_update = Scene_Battle.prototype.update;
Scene_Battle.prototype.update = function () {
Scene_Battle.prototype.processNextVictoryStep = function () {
var step = this._victorySteps.shift();
if (step) {
} else {
Scene_Battle.prototype.processVictoryStep = function (step) {
this._victoryStep = step;
Scene_Battle.prototype.processVictoryFinish = function () {
Scene_Battle.prototype.isVictoryStep = function (value) {
return this._victoryStep && this._victoryStep === value;
Scene_Battle.prototype.updateVictoryAftermath = function () {
if (!BattleManager.isVictoryPhase()) return;
if (!BattleManager.isFinishedVictoryCheer()) return;
Scene_Battle.prototype.activateVictoryStep = function () {
if (this._activateVictoryStep) return;
this._activateVictoryStep = true;
this._victorySteps = this.createVictorySteps();
Scene_Battle.prototype.createVictorySteps = function () {
var steps = Yanfly.Param.VAOrder.split(" ");
var array = [];
for (var i = 0; i < steps.length; ++i) {
var step = steps[i];
if (step.toUpperCase() === "CUSTOM") {
array = this.addCustomVictorySteps(array);
} else {
return array;
Scene_Battle.prototype.addCustomVictorySteps = function (array) {
return array;
Scene_Battle.prototype.updateVictorySteps = function () {
if (this.isVictoryStep("EXP")) this.updateVictoryExp();
if (this.isVictoryStep("DROPS")) this.updateVictoryDrops();
Scene_Battle.prototype.updateVictoryExp = function () {
if (!this._victoryExpWindow) {
} else if (this._victoryExpWindow.isReady()) {
if (this.victoryTriggerContinue()) this.finishVictoryExp();
Scene_Battle.prototype.createVictoryTitle = function () {
this._victoryTitleWindow = new Window_VictoryTitle();
Scene_Battle.prototype.createVictoryExp = function () {
this._victoryExpWindow = new Window_VictoryExp();
Scene_Battle.prototype.finishVictoryExp = function () {
Scene_Battle.prototype.updateVictoryDrops = function () {
if (!this._victoryDropWindow) {
} else if (this._victoryDropWindow.isOpen()) {
if (this.victoryTriggerContinue()) this.finishVictoryDrop();
Scene_Battle.prototype.createVictoryDrop = function () {
this._victoryDropWindow = new Window_VictoryDrop(this._victoryTitleWindow);
Scene_Battle.prototype.finishVictoryDrop = function () {
Scene_Battle.prototype.victoryTriggerContinue = function () {
if (Input.isRepeated("ok") || TouchInput.isRepeated()) return true;
if (Input.isRepeated("cancel")) return true;
return false;
// Utilities
Yanfly.Util = Yanfly.Util || {};
if (!Yanfly.Util.toGroup) {
Yanfly.Util.toGroup = function (inVal) {
return inVal;
Yanfly.Util.getCount = function (value, arr) {
var occur = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] === value) occur++;
return occur;
// End of File