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3 years ago
// SaltedFish Plugins - Loading Scene
// SF_LoadingScene.js
"use strict";
var Imported = Imported || {};
Imported.SF_LoadingScene = true;
var SF_Plugins = SF_Plugins || {};
* @param tips
* @desc random show when loading
* @type text[]
* @default []
3 years ago
* @param initialize
* @text initialize function
* @desc run this only once time when game started
* @type note
* @default ""
3 years ago
* @param create
* @text create function
* @desc run this once when start loading
* @type note
* @default ""
3 years ago
* @param update
* @text update function
* @desc run this each frame when in loading.
* so you can use this to make animation
* @type note
* @default ""
3 years ago
* @param terminate
* @text terminate function
* @desc run this when removed
* @type note
* @default ""
3 years ago
* @param canExit
* @text can Exit function
* @desc call this each update after new scene loaded
* @type note
* @default "return true;"
3 years ago
3 years ago
* @param pictures
* @desc loop as gif files
* @type file[]
* @default []
3 years ago
* @param initialize
* @text initilize function
* @desc run this only once time when game started
* @type note
* @default ""
3 years ago
* @param create
* @text create function
* @desc run this once when start loading
* @type note
* @default ""
3 years ago
* @param update
* @text update function
* @desc run this each frame when in loading.
* so you can use this to make animation
* @type note
* @default ""
3 years ago
* @param terminate
* @text terminate function
* @desc run this when removed
* @type note
* @default ""
3 years ago
* @param canExit
* @text can Exit function
* @desc call this in each update after new scene loaded
* @type note
* @default "return true;"
3 years ago
* @plugindesc Show Loading when loading
* @author SaltedFish
* @help
3 years ago
* ============================================================================
* Introduction
* ============================================================================
3 years ago
* require SF_InputBindControl.js and SF_SkipLoadError.js
* loop these pictures as gif on loading game resource
3 years ago
* ============================================================================
* Changelog
* ============================================================================
3 years ago
* v1.0 - initial release
3 years ago
* ============================================================================
* End of Helpfile
* ============================================================================
3 years ago
* @param loading picture
* @desc SHow when loading
* @type struct<picture>[]
* @default []
3 years ago
* @param fade speed
* @desc the nunmber of speed that alpha(0~1) change per frame
* @type number
* @min 0
* @max 1
* @decimals 4
* @default 0.1000
3 years ago
* @param fading in
* @desc loading scene fading in or not
* @on enable
* @off disable
* @default true
* @type boolean
3 years ago
* @param fading out
* @desc loading scene fading out or not
* @on enable
* @off disable
* @default true
* @type boolean
3 years ago
* @param alpha min
* @desc Scene fade alpha minimum
* @type number
* @decimals 4
* @min 0
* @max 1
* @default 0.5000
3 years ago
* @param all tips
* @desc show tips when animation loops
* @type struct<tip>[]
3 years ago
* @param disabled fade scene
* @desc these scene may be not faded
* @type text[]
* @default ["Scene_Boot"]
3 years ago
if (!Imported.SF_InputBindControl || !Imported.SF_SkipLoadError) {
console.error("SF_LoadingScene.js requires SF_InputBindControl.js and SF_SkipLoadError.js");
alert("SF_LoadingScene.js requires SF_InputBindControl.js and SF_SkipLoadError.js");
(function () {
var SF_LoadingScene = {};
SF_Plugins.SF_LoadingScene = SF_LoadingScene;
SF_LoadingScene.version = 1.0;
// Parameter
SF_LoadingScene.parameters = PluginManager.parameters("SF_LoadingScene");
SF_LoadingScene.fadeSpeed = Number(SF_LoadingScene.parameters["fade speed"]) || 0.1;
SF_LoadingScene.needLoopSceneFadeIn = String(SF_LoadingScene.parameters["fade in"]).toLowerCase() === "true";
SF_LoadingScene.needLoopSceneFadeOut = String(SF_LoadingScene.parameters["fade out"]).toLowerCase() === "true";
SF_LoadingScene.alphaMin = Number(SF_LoadingScene.parameters["alpha min"]);
SF_LoadingScene.loadingTips = JsonEx.parse(SF_LoadingScene.parameters["all tips"]).map(function (tip) {
return JsonEx.parse(tip);
SF_LoadingScene.loadingPictures = JsonEx.parse(SF_LoadingScene.parameters["loading picture"]).map(function (
) {
return JsonEx.parse(picture);
SF_LoadingScene.disabledFadeScene = JsonEx.parse(SF_LoadingScene.parameters["disabled fade scene"]);
// fading_out_old_scene
3 years ago
// fading_in_loading_scene
// loop_loading_scene
// fading_out_loading_scene
// fading_in_new_scene
SF_LoadingScene.upperCanvasStatues = null;
// LodadingScene_Text
function LoadingScene_Text() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
SF_LoadingScene.LoadingScene_Text = LoadingScene_Text;
LoadingScene_Text.prototype = Object.create(PIXI.Text.prototype);
LoadingScene_Text.prototype.constructor = LoadingScene_Text;
LoadingScene_Text.prototype.initialize = function (tip) {;
this.allTips = JsonEx.parse(;
this.customFunc = {};
this.customFunc.initialize = new Function("tip", JsonEx.parse(tip.initialize)).bind(this, this);
this.customFunc.create = new Function("tip", JsonEx.parse(tip.create)).bind(this, this);
this.customFunc.update = new Function("tip", JsonEx.parse(tip.update)).bind(this, this);
this.customFunc.terminate = new Function("tip", JsonEx.parse(tip.terminate)).bind(this, this);
this.customFunc.canExit = new Function("tip", JsonEx.parse(tip.canExit)).bind(this, this);
3 years ago
LoadingScene_Text.prototype.create = function () {
LoadingScene_Text.prototype.update = function () {
LoadingScene_Text.prototype.canExit = function () {
return this.customFunc.canExit();
LoadingScene_Text.prototype.terminate = function () {
// LoadingScene_Picture
function LoadingScene_Picture() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
LoadingScene_Picture.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype);
LoadingScene_Picture.prototype.constructor = LoadingScene_Picture;
SF_LoadingScene.LoadingScene_Picture = LoadingScene_Picture;
LoadingScene_Picture.prototype.initialize = function (picture) {
Sprite.prototype.initialize.apply(this, null);
this.loopBitmaps = [];
JsonEx.parse( (fileName) {
this.loopBitmaps.push(Bitmap.load(fileName + ".png"));
3 years ago
}, this);
this.customFunc = {};
this.customFunc.initialize = new Function("picture", JsonEx.parse(picture.initialize)).bind(this, this);
this.customFunc.create = new Function("picture", JsonEx.parse(picture.create)).bind(this, this);
this.customFunc.update = new Function("picture", JsonEx.parse(picture.update)).bind(this, this);
this.customFunc.terminate = new Function("picture", JsonEx.parse(picture.terminate)).bind(this, this);
this.customFunc.canExit = new Function("picture", JsonEx.parse(picture.canExit)).bind(this, this);
3 years ago
LoadingScene_Picture.prototype.create = function () {
LoadingScene_Picture.prototype.update = function () {
LoadingScene_Picture.prototype.fadingInEnded = function () {};
3 years ago
LoadingScene_Picture.prototype.canExit = function () {
return this.customFunc.canExit();
LoadingScene_Picture.prototype.terminate = function () {
// Graphics
SF_LoadingScene.Graphics_setLoadingImage = Graphics.setLoadingImage;
Graphics.setLoadingImage = function (src) {
SF_LoadingScene.previousSceneSprite = new Sprite();
SF_LoadingScene.nextSceneSprite = new Sprite();
SF_LoadingScene.loadingScene = new PIXI.Container();
SF_LoadingScene.allLoadingPictures = new PIXI.Container();
SF_LoadingScene.loadingPictures.forEach(function (picture) {
this.allLoadingPictures.addChild(new LoadingScene_Picture(picture));
}, SF_LoadingScene);
SF_LoadingScene.allLoadingTips = new PIXI.Container();
SF_LoadingScene.loadingTips.forEach(function (tip) {
this.allLoadingTips.addChild(new LoadingScene_Text(tip));
}, SF_LoadingScene);
SF_LoadingScene.pixiRender = new PIXI.autoDetectRenderer({
width: Graphics._width,
height: Graphics._height,
view: Graphics._upperCanvas,
transparent: true,
preserveDrawingBuffer: true,
clearBeforeRender: true,
3 years ago
SF_LoadingScene.upperCanvasStatues = "";
SF_LoadingScene.animationFrameId = undefined;
SF_LoadingScene.globalAlpha = undefined;
SF_LoadingScene.totalCount = undefined;
SF_LoadingScene.Graphics_startLoading = Graphics.startLoading;
Graphics.startLoading = function () {
if (!isNaN(SF_LoadingScene.animationFrameId) || SF_Plugins.SF_SkipLoadError.FileLoadingList.length == 0) return; = 0; = 1;
if (SF_LoadingScene.disabledFadeScene.contains( {
if (SF_LoadingScene.needLoopSceneFadeIn) {
SF_LoadingScene.fadingIn = true;
SF_LoadingScene.fadingOut = false;
SF_LoadingScene.upperCanvasStatues = "fading_in_loading_scene";
SF_LoadingScene.globalAlpha = SF_LoadingScene.alphaMin;
} else {
SF_LoadingScene.fadingIn = false;
SF_LoadingScene.fadingOut = false;
SF_LoadingScene.upperCanvasStatues = "loop_loading_scene";
SF_LoadingScene.globalAlpha = 1;
} else {
SF_LoadingScene.fadingIn = false;
SF_LoadingScene.fadingOut = true;
SF_LoadingScene.upperCanvasStatues = "fading_out_old_scene";
SF_LoadingScene.globalAlpha = 1;
SF_LoadingScene.previousSceneSprite.bitmap = SceneManager.snap();
SF_LoadingScene.allLoadingPictures.children.forEach(function (picture) {
SF_LoadingScene.allLoadingTips.children.forEach(function (tip) {
SF_LoadingScene.totalCount = 0;
SF_LoadingScene.needContinue = true;
SF_LoadingScene.newSceneLoaded = false;
SF_LoadingScene.animationFrameId = window.requestAnimationFrame(SF_LoadingScene.animationOnUpperCanvas);
SF_LoadingScene.animationOnUpperCanvas = function () {
if (SF_LoadingScene.upperCanvasStatues == "fading_out_old_scene") {
SF_LoadingScene.previousSceneSprite.alpha = SF_LoadingScene.globalAlpha;
if (SF_LoadingScene.globalAlpha <= SF_LoadingScene.alphaMin) {
if (SF_LoadingScene.needLoopSceneFadeIn) {
SF_LoadingScene.upperCanvasStatues = "fading_in_loading_scene";
3 years ago
SF_LoadingScene.fadingIn = true;
SF_LoadingScene.fadingOut = false;
} else {
SF_LoadingScene.upperCanvasStatues = "loop_loading_scene";
3 years ago
SF_LoadingScene.fadingIn = false;
SF_LoadingScene.fadingOut = false;
SF_LoadingScene.globalAlpha = 1;
} else if (SF_LoadingScene.upperCanvasStatues == "fading_in_loading_scene") {
SF_LoadingScene.loadingScene.alpha = SF_LoadingScene.globalAlpha;
if (SF_LoadingScene.globalAlpha >= 1) {
SF_LoadingScene.fadingIn = false;
SF_LoadingScene.fadingOut = false;
SF_LoadingScene.upperCanvasStatues = "loop_loading_scene";
} else if (SF_LoadingScene.upperCanvasStatues == "loop_loading_scene") {
SF_LoadingScene.loadingScene.alpha = SF_LoadingScene.globalAlpha;
if (SF_LoadingScene.canExitLoadingScene()) {
if (SF_LoadingScene.needLoopSceneFadeOut) {
SF_LoadingScene.fadingOut = true;
SF_LoadingScene.fadingIn = false;
SF_LoadingScene.upperCanvasStatues = "fading_out_loading_scene";
} else if (!SF_LoadingScene.disabledFadeScene.contains( {
SF_LoadingScene.fadingOut = false;
SF_LoadingScene.fadingIn = true;
SF_LoadingScene.globalAlpha = SF_LoadingScene.alphaMin;
SF_LoadingScene.upperCanvasStatues = "fading_in_new_scene";
} else {
SF_LoadingScene.needContinue = false;
} else if (SF_LoadingScene.upperCanvasStatues == "fading_out_loading_scene") {
SF_LoadingScene.loadingScene.alpha = SF_LoadingScene.globalAlpha;
if (SF_LoadingScene.globalAlpha <= SF_LoadingScene.alphaMin) {
if (!SF_LoadingScene.disabledFadeScene.contains( {
SF_LoadingScene.fadingOut = false;
SF_LoadingScene.fadingIn = true;
SF_LoadingScene.globalAlpha = SF_LoadingScene.alphaMin;
SF_LoadingScene.upperCanvasStatues = "fading_in_new_scene";
} else {
SF_LoadingScene.needContinue = false;
} else if (SF_LoadingScene.upperCanvasStatues == "fading_in_new_scene") {
SF_LoadingScene.nextSceneSprite.alpha = SF_LoadingScene.globalAlpha;
if (SF_LoadingScene.globalAlpha >= 1) {
SF_LoadingScene.needContinue = false;
} else {
throw new SyntaxError("some error happen in SF_LoadingScene plugins");
3 years ago
if (SF_LoadingScene.needContinue) {
SF_LoadingScene.animationFrameId = requestAnimationFrame(SF_LoadingScene.animationOnUpperCanvas);
} else {
SF_LoadingScene.endLoading = function () {
SF_LoadingScene.terminateLoadingScene(); = 0; = 1;
SF_LoadingScene.animationFrameId = undefined;
SF_LoadingScene.updateLoadingScene = function () {
SF_LoadingScene.loadingScene.children.forEach(function (child) {
child.children.forEach(function (child) {
SF_LoadingScene.canExitLoadingScene = function () {
return (
SF_LoadingScene.newSceneLoaded &&
SF_LoadingScene.loadingScene.children.every(function (child) {
return child.children.every(function (child) {
return child.canExit();
3 years ago
SF_LoadingScene.terminateLoadingScene = function () {
SF_LoadingScene.loadingScene.children.forEach(function (child) {
child.children.forEach(function (child) {
SF_LoadingScene.updateUpperCanvasAlpha = function () {
if (SF_LoadingScene.fadingIn) {
SF_LoadingScene.globalAlpha = (SF_LoadingScene.globalAlpha + SF_LoadingScene.fadeSpeed).clamp(0, 1);
} else if (SF_LoadingScene.fadingOut) {
SF_LoadingScene.globalAlpha = (SF_LoadingScene.globalAlpha - SF_LoadingScene.fadeSpeed).clamp(0, 1);
SF_LoadingScene.Graphics_endLoading = Graphics.endLoading;
Graphics.endLoading = function () {
if (SceneManager._nextScene || isNaN(SF_LoadingScene.animationFrameId)) return;
if (!SF_LoadingScene.disabledFadeScene.contains(
SF_LoadingScene.nextSceneSprite.bitmap = SceneManager.snap();
SF_LoadingScene.newSceneLoaded = true;
SF_LoadingScene.Graphics_updateLoading = Graphics.updateLoading;
Graphics.updateLoading = function () {};
3 years ago
SF_LoadingScene.Graphics_clearUpperCanvas = Graphics._clearUpperCanvas;
Graphics._clearUpperCanvas = function () {
if (SF_LoadingScene.pixiRender) {
} else {
SF_LoadingScene.Graphics_clearUpperCanvas.apply(this, arguments);