// MOG_BattleHud.js - (Template 06)
* @plugindesc (v5.04 *) Permite customizar o layout de batalha.
* @author Moghunter
* @param -> MAIN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @desc
* @param Hud X-Axis
* @text X-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição X-Axis da Hud.
* @default -90
* @parent -> MAIN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Hud Y-Axis
* @text Y-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição Y-Axis da Hud.
* @default 500
* @parent -> MAIN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Hud Space X
* @text Space X
* @desc Define o espaço na horizontal entre as huds.
* @default 0
* @parent -> MAIN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Hud Space Y
* @text Space Y
* @desc Define o espaço na vertical entre as huds.
* @default 0
* @parent -> MAIN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Hud Slide X
* @text Slide Animation X
* @desc Deslizar X-Axis.
* @default 0
* @parent -> MAIN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Hud Slide Y
* @text Slide Animation Y
* @desc Deslizar Y-Axis.
* @default 0
* @parent -> MAIN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Vertical Mode
* @desc Deixar a Hud na posição vertical.
* @default false
* @type boolean
* @on Vertical Mode
* @off Horizontal Mode
* @parent -> MAIN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Max Battle Members
* @desc Quantidade de maxima de battler na batalha.
* @type number
* @min 1
* @default 6
* @parent -> MAIN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param
* @param -> LAYOUT OVERLAY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @desc
* @param Layout2 Visible
* @text Visible
* @desc Ativar o segunda imagem do layout, esta imagem
* ficará acima das faces e medidores.
* @default true
* @type boolean
* @parent -> LAYOUT OVERLAY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Layout2 X-Axis
* @text X-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição X-Axis da Hud.
* @default 0
* @parent -> LAYOUT OVERLAY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Layout2 Y-Axis
* @text Y-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição Y-Axis da Hud.
* @default 0
* @parent -> LAYOUT OVERLAY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param
* @param -> TURN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @desc
* @param Turn Visible
* @text Visible
* @desc Apresentar a imagem do turno.
* @default true
* @type boolean
* @parent -> TURN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Turn X-Axis
* @text X-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição X-Axis do turno.
* @default -5
* @parent -> TURN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Turn Y-Axis
* @text Y-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição Y-Axis do turno.
* @default -5
* @parent -> TURN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Turn Rotation Speed
* @text Rotation Animation Speed
* @desc Definição da velocidade de rotação da imagem.
* @default 0
* @parent -> TURN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Turn Zoom Animation
* @text Zoom Animation
* @desc Ativar a animação de zoom ao ativar.
* @default false
* @type boolean
* @parent -> TURN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param
* @param -> FACE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @desc
* @param Face Visible
* @text Visible
* @desc Apresentar a imagem da face.
* @default true
* @type boolean
* @parent -> FACE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Face X-Axis
* @text X-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição X-Axis da face.
* @default 70
* @parent -> FACE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Face Y-Axis
* @text Y-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição Y-Axis da face.
* @default 29
* @parent -> FACE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Face Shake Animation
* @text Shake Animation
* @desc Ativar animação de tremer da face.
* @default true
* @type boolean
* @parent -> FACE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Face Zoom Animation
* @text Zoom Animation
* @desc Ativar animação de zoom de ação.
* @default true
* @type boolean
* @parent -> FACE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Face Frame Animation
* @text Animated (Frames)
* @desc Ativar animação por frames.
* É necessário dividir a imagem por 5.
* @default false
* @type boolean
* @parent -> FACE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Face Priority
* @text Priority
* @desc Prioridade da Face. (0 Low - 1 High)
* @type select
* @option Low (Below of Gauge)
* @value 0
* @option High (Above of Gauge)
* @value 1
* @default 1
* @parent -> FACE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param
* @param -> NAME <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @desc
* @param Name Visible
* @text Visible
* @desc Apresentar o nome do personagem.
* @default false
* @type boolean
* @parent -> NAME <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Name X-Axis
* @text X-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição X-Axis do nome.
* @default 0
* @parent -> NAME <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Name Y-Axis
* @text Y-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição Y-Axis do nome.
* @default 0
* @parent -> NAME <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Name Align
* @text Text Alignment
* @desc Alinhamento do nome.
* 0 - Left 1 - Center 2 - Right
* @type select
* @option Left
* @value 0
* @option Center
* @value 1
* @option Right
* @value 2
* @default 0
* @parent -> NAME <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Name Font Size
* @text Font Size
* @desc Definição do tamanho da fonte do nome.
* @default 20
* @parent -> NAME <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Name Bold Size
* @text Bold Size
* @desc Definição do tamanho do contorno.
* @default 4
* @parent -> NAME <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Name Font Italic
* @text Font Italic
* @desc Ativar fonte em itálico.
* @default false
* @type boolean
* @parent -> NAME <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param
* @param -> HP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @desc
* @param HP Meter Visible
* @text Gauge Visible
* @desc Apresentar o medidor de HP
* @default true
* @type boolean
* @parent -> HP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param HP Meter X-Axis
* @text Gauge X-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição X-Axis do medidor de HP.
* @default 124
* @parent -> HP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param HP Meter Y-Axis
* @text Gauge Y-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição Y-Axis do medidor de HP.
* @default 13
* @parent -> HP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param HP Meter Angle
* @text Gauge Angle
* @desc Ángulo do medidor.
* @default 0
* @parent -> HP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param HP Meter Flow Anime
* @text Gradient Animation
* @desc Ativar animação de gradiente no medidor.
* É necessário que a imagem tenha 3x a largura do medidor.
* @default false
* @type boolean
* @parent -> HP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param HP Number Visible
* @text Number Visible
* @desc Apresentar o numero de HP
* @default true
* @type boolean
* @parent -> HP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param HP Number Align type
* @text Number Alignment
* @desc Definição do tipo de alinhamento dos números.
* (0 - right / 1 - Center / 2 - Left / 3 - Diagonal)
* @type select
* @option Right
* @value 0
* @option Center
* @value 1
* @option Left
* @value 2
* @option Diagonal
* @value 3
* @default 0
* @parent -> HP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param HP Number X-Axis
* @text Number X-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição X-Axis do numero de HP.
* @default 220
* @parent -> HP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param HP Number Y-Axis
* @text Number Y-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição Y-Axis do numero de HP.
* @default 0
* @parent -> HP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param MaxHP Number Visible
* @text Max HP Visible
* @desc Apresentar o numero de HP maximo.
* @default false
* @type boolean
* @parent -> HP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param MaxHP Number X-Axis
* @text Max HP X-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição X-Axis do numero de HP maximo.
* @default 0
* @parent -> HP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param MaxHP Number Y-Axis
* @text Max HP Y-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição Y-Axis do numero de HP maximo.
* @default 0
* @parent -> HP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param
* @param -> MP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @desc
* @param MP Meter Visible
* @text Gauge Visible
* @desc Apresentar o medidor de MP
* @default true
* @type boolean
* @parent -> MP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param MP Meter X-Axis
* @text Gauge X-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição X-Axis do medidor de MP.
* @default 124
* @parent -> MP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param MP Meter Y-Axis
* @text Gauge Y-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição Y-Axis do medidor de MP.
* @default 32
* @parent -> MP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param MP Meter Angle
* @text Gauge Angle
* @desc Ángulo do medidor.
* @default 0
* @parent -> MP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param MP Meter Flow Anime
* @text Gradient Animation
* @desc Ativar animação de gradiente no medidor.
* É necessário que a imagem tenha 3x a largura do medidor.
* @default false
* @type boolean
* @parent -> MP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param MP Number Visible
* @text Number Visible
* @desc Apresentar o numero de MP
* @default true
* @type boolean
* @parent -> MP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param MP Number Align type
* @text Number Alignment
* @desc Definição do tipo de alinhamento dos números.
* (0 - right / 1 - Center / 2 - Left / 3 - Diagonal)
* @type select
* @option Right
* @value 0
* @option Center
* @value 1
* @option Left
* @value 2
* @option Diagonal
* @value 3
* @default 0
* @parent -> MP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param MP Number X-Axis
* @text Number X-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição X-Axis do numero de MP.
* @default 220
* @parent -> MP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param MP Number Y-Axis
* @text Number Y-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição Y-Axis do numero de MP.
* @default 19
* @parent -> MP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param MaxMP Number Visible
* @text Max MP Visible
* @desc Apresentar o numero de MP maximo.
* @default false
* @type boolean
* @parent -> MP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param MaxMP Number X-Axis
* @text Max HP X-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição X-Axis do numero de MP maximo.
* @default 0
* @parent -> MP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param MaxMP Number Y-Axis
* @text Max HP Y-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição Y-Axis do numero de MP maximo.
* @default 0
* @parent -> MP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param
* @param -> TP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @desc
* @param TP Meter Visible
* @text Gauge Visible
* @desc Apresentar o medidor de TP
* @default true
* @type boolean
* @parent -> TP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param TP Meter X-Axis
* @text Gauge X-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição X-Axis do medidor de TP.
* @default 124
* @parent -> TP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param TP Meter Y-Axis
* @text Gauge Y-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição Y-Axis do medidor de TP.
* @default 51
* @parent -> TP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param TP Meter Angle
* @text Gauge Angle
* @desc Ángulo do medidor.
* @default 0
* @parent -> TP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param TP Meter Flow Anime
* @text Gradient Animation
* @desc Ativar animação de gradiente no medidor.
* É necessário que a imagem tenha 3x a largura do medidor.
* @default false
* @type boolean
* @parent -> TP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param TP Number Visible
* @text Number Visible
* @desc Apresentar o numero de TP.
* @default true
* @type boolean
* @parent -> TP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param TP Number Align type
* @text Number Alignment
* @desc Definição do tipo de alinhamento dos números.
* (0 - right / 1 - Center / 2 - Left / 3 - Diagonal)
* @type select
* @option Right
* @value 0
* @option Center
* @value 1
* @option Left
* @value 2
* @option Diagonal
* @value 3
* @default 0
* @parent -> TP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param TP Number X-Axis
* @text Number X-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição X-Axis do numero de TP.
* @default 220
* @parent -> TP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param TP Number Y-Axis
* @text Number Y-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição Y-Axis do numero de TP.
* @default 38
* @parent -> TP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param MaxTP Number Visible
* @text Max TP Visible
* @desc Apresentar o numero de TP maximo.
* @default false
* @type boolean
* @parent -> TP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param MaxTP Number X-Axis
* @text Max TP X-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição X-Axis do numero de TP maximo.
* @default 0
* @parent -> TP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param MaxTP Number Y-Axis
* @text Max TP Y-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição Y-Axis do numero de TP maximo.
* @default 0
* @parent -> TP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param
* @param -> ATB <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @desc
* @param ATB Meter Visible
* @text Gauge Visible
* @desc Apresentar o medidor de TP
* @default true
* @type boolean
* @parent -> ATB <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param ATB Meter X-Axis
* @text Gauge X-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição X-Axis do medidor de ATB.
* @default 0
* @parent -> ATB <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param ATB Meter Y-Axis
* @text Gauge Y-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição Y-Axis do medidor de ATB.
* @default 61
* @parent -> ATB <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param ATB Meter Angle
* @text Gauge Angle
* @desc Ángulo do medidor.
* @default 0
* @parent -> ATB <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param ATB Meter Flow Anime
* @text Gradient Animation
* @desc Ativar animação de gradiente no medidor.
* É necessário que a imagem tenha 3x a largura do medidor.
* @default false
* @type boolean
* @parent -> ATB <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param
* @param -> STATES <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @desc
* @param States Visible
* @text Visible
* @desc Apresentar o numero as condições.
* @default true
* @type boolean
* @parent -> STATES <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param States X-Axis
* @text X-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição X-Axis das condições.
* @default 3
* @parent -> STATES <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param States Y-Axis
* @text Y-Axis
* @desc Definição da posição Y-Axis das condições.
* @default 24
* @parent -> STATES <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param States Mode
* @text View Mode
* @desc Definição do modo apresentado das condições.
* 0 - Timing Mode 1 - Line Mode
* @type select
* @option Timing Mode (Show one state for second)
* @value 0
* @option Line Mode (Show all states)
* @value 1
* @default 0
* @parent -> STATES <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param States Max
* @text Max number of states
* @desc Quantidade maxima de ícones apresentados.
* @type number
* @min 1
* @default 4
* @parent -> STATES <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param States Align
* @text Alignment
* @desc Alinhamento dos ícones.
* 0 - Left 1 - Right 2 - Upper 3 - Below
* @type select
* @option Left
* @value 0
* @option Right
* @value 1
* @option Upper
* @value 2
* @option Below
* @value 3
* @default 0
* @parent -> STATES <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param
* @param -> W COMMAND <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @text -> Window Command <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @desc
* @param Command Auto Adjust
* @text Position Mode
* @desc Ativar ajuste automático baseado na posição
* da Hud.
* @type select
* @option Auto
* @value 0
* @option Static
* @value 1
* @default 1
* @parent -> W COMMAND <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Command X-Axis
* @text X-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição X-axis do comando.
* @default 20
* @parent -> W COMMAND <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Command Y-Axis
* @text Y-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição Y-axis do comando.
* @default 270
* @parent -> W COMMAND <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Command Width
* @text Width
* @desc Definição da largura da janela.
* @default 192
* @parent -> W COMMAND <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Command Height
* @text Height
* @desc Definição da altura da janela.
* @default 180
* @parent -> W COMMAND <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Command Slide X
* @text Slide Animation X
* @desc Animação de slide X-Axis.
* @default 0
* @parent -> W COMMAND <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Command Slide Y
* @text Slide Animation Y
* @desc Animação de slide Y-Axis.
* @default 0
* @parent -> W COMMAND <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Layout Command
* @text Layout (Picture)
* @desc Ativar a imagem de layout.
* @default true
* @type boolean
* @parent -> W COMMAND <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param L Command X-Axis
* @text Layout X-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição X-axis do layout.
* @default -25
* @parent -> W COMMAND <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param L Command Y-Axis
* @text Layout Y-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição Y-axis do layout.
* @default -35
* @parent -> W COMMAND <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param
* @param -> W PARTY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @text -> Window Party <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @desc
* @param W Party X-Axis
* @text X-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição X-axis da janela.
* @default 325
* @parent -> W PARTY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Party Y-Axis
* @text Y-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição Y-axis do janela.
* @default 170
* @parent -> W PARTY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Party Width
* @text Width
* @desc Definição da largura da janela.
* @default 192
* @parent -> W PARTY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Party Height
* @text Height
* @desc Definição da altura da janela.
* @default 110
* @parent -> W PARTY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Party Slide X
* @text Slide Animation X
* @desc Animação de Slide X-Axis.
* @default 0
* @parent -> W PARTY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Party Slide Y
* @text Slide Animation Y
* @desc Animação de Slide Y-Axis.
* @default 0
* @parent -> W PARTY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Layout Party
* @text Layout (Picture)
* @desc Ativar a imagem de layout.
* @default true
* @type boolean
* @parent -> W PARTY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param L Party X-Axis
* @text Layout X-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição X-axis do layout.
* @default -325
* @parent -> W PARTY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param L Party Y-Axis
* @text Layout Y-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição Y-axis do layout.
* @default -42
* @parent -> W PARTY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param
* @param -> W HELP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @text -> Window Help <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @desc
* @param W Help X-Axis
* @text X-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição X-axis da janela.
* @default 0
* @parent -> W HELP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Help Y-Axis
* @text Y-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição Y-axis do janela.
* @default 0
* @parent -> W HELP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Help Width
* @text Width
* @desc Definição da largura da janela.
* @default 816
* @parent -> W HELP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Help Height
* @text Height
* @desc Definição da altura da janela.
* @default 108
* @parent -> W HELP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Help Slide X
* @text Slide Animation X
* @desc Animação de Slide X-Axis.
* @default 0
* @parent -> W HELP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Help Slide Y
* @text Slide Animation Y
* @desc Animação de Slide Y-Axis.
* @default 0
* @parent -> W HELP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Layout Help
* @text Layout (Picture)
* @desc Ativar a imagem de layout.
* @default true
* @type boolean
* @parent -> W HELP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param L Help X-Axis
* @text Layout X-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição X-axis do layout.
* @default 0
* @parent -> W HELP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param L Help Y-Axis
* @text Layout Y-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição Y-axis do layout.
* @default 0
* @parent -> W HELP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param
* @param -> W SKILL <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @text -> Window Skill <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @desc
* @param W Skill X-Axis
* @text X-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição X-axis da janela.
* @default 0
* @parent -> W SKILL <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Skill Y-Axis
* @text Y-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição Y-axis do janela.
* @default 444
* @parent -> W SKILL <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Skill Width
* @text Width
* @desc Definição da largura da janela.
* @default 816
* @parent -> W SKILL <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Skill Height
* @text Height
* @desc Definição da altura da janela.
* @default 180
* @parent -> W SKILL <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Skill maxCols
* @text Max Columns
* @desc Definição da quantidade de colunas da janela.
* @type number
* @min 1
* @default 2
* @parent -> W SKILL <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Skill Slide X
* @text Slide Animation X
* @desc Animação de Slide X-Axis.
* @default 0
* @parent -> W SKILL <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Skill Slide Y
* @text Slide Animation Y
* @desc Animação de Slide Y-Axis.
* @default 0
* @parent -> W SKILL <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Layout Skill
* @text Layout (Picture)
* @desc Ativar a imagem de layout.
* @default true
* @type boolean
* @parent -> W SKILL <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param L Skill X-Axis
* @text Layout X-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição X-axis do layout.
* @default 0
* @parent -> W SKILL <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param L Skill Y-Axis
* @text Layout Y-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição Y-axis do layout.
* @default -67
* @parent -> W SKILL <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param
* @param -> W ITEM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @text -> Window Item <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @desc
* @default
* @param W Item X-Axis
* @text X-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição X-axis da janela.
* @default 0
* @parent -> W ITEM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Item Y-Axis
* @text Y-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição Y-axis do janela.
* @default 444
* @parent -> W ITEM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Item Width
* @text Width
* @desc Definição da largura da janela.
* @default 816
* @parent -> W ITEM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Item Height
* @text Height
* @desc Definição da altura da janela.
* @default 180
* @parent -> W ITEM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Item maxCols
* @text Max Columns
* @desc Definição da quantidade de colunas da janela.
* @type number
* @min 1
* @default 2
* @parent -> W ITEM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Item Slide X
* @text Slide Animation X
* @desc Animação de Slide X-Axis.
* @default 0
* @parent -> W ITEM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Item Slide Y
* @text Slide Animation Y
* @desc Animação de Slide Y-Axis.
* @default 0
* @parent -> W ITEM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Layout Item
* @text Layout (Picture)
* @desc Ativar a imagem de layout.
* @default true
* @type boolean
* @parent -> W ITEM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param L Item X-Axis
* @text Layout X-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição X-axis do layout.
* @default 0
* @parent -> W ITEM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param L Item Y-Axis
* @text Layout Y-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição Y-axis do layout.
* @default -67
* @parent -> W ITEM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param
* @param -> W ACTOR <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @text -> Window Actor <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @desc
* @param W Actor X-Axis
* @text X-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição X-axis da janela.
* @default 0
* @parent -> W ACTOR <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Actor Y-Axis
* @text Y-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição Y-axis do janela.
* @default 444
* @parent -> W ACTOR <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Actor Width
* @text Width
* @desc Definição da largura da janela.
* @default 816
* @parent -> W ACTOR <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Actor Height
* @text Height
* @desc Definição da altura da janela.
* @default 180
* @parent -> W ACTOR <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Actor maxCols
* @text Max Columns
* @desc Definição da quantidade de colunas da janela.
* @type number
* @min 1
* @default 1
* @parent -> W ACTOR <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Actor Slide X
* @text Slide Animation X
* @desc Animação de Slide X-Axis.
* @default 0
* @parent -> W ACTOR <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Actor Slide Y
* @text Slide Animation Y
* @desc Animação de Slide Y-Axis.
* @default 0
* @parent -> W ACTOR <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Layout Actor
* @text Layout (Picture)
* @desc Ativar a imagem de layout.
* @default true
* @type boolean
* @parent -> W ACTOR <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param L Actor X-Axis
* @text Layout X-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição X-axis do layout.
* @default 0
* @parent -> W ACTOR <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param L Actor Y-Axis
* @text Layout Y-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição Y-axis do layout.
* @default -67
* @parent -> W ACTOR <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param
* @param -> W ENEMY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @text -> Window Enemy <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @desc
* @param W Enemy X-Axis
* @text X-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição X-axis da janela.
* @default 0
* @parent -> W ENEMY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Enemy Y-Axis
* @text Y-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição Y-axis do janela.
* @default 444
* @parent -> W ENEMY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Enemy Width
* @text Width
* @desc Definição da largura da janela.
* @default 816
* @parent -> W ENEMY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Enemy Height
* @text Height
* @desc Definição da altura da janela.
* @default 180
* @parent -> W ENEMY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Enemy maxCols
* @text Max Columns
* @desc Definição da quantidade de colunas da janela.
* @type number
* @min 1
* @default 2
* @parent -> W ENEMY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Enemy Slide X
* @text Slide Animation X
* @desc Animação de Slide X-Axis.
* @default 0
* @parent -> W ENEMY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param W Enemy Slide Y
* @text Slide Animation Y
* @desc Animação de Slide Y-Axis.
* @default 0
* @parent -> W ENEMY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Layout Enemy
* @text Layout (Picture)
* @desc Ativar a imagem de layout.
* @default true
* @type boolean
* @parent -> W ENEMY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param L Enemy X-Axis
* @text Layout X-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição X-axis do layout.
* @default 0
* @parent -> W ENEMY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param L Enemy Y-Axis
* @text Layout Y-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição Y-axis do layout.
* @default -67
* @parent -> W ENEMY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param
* @param -> SCREEN LAYOUT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @desc
* @param Screen Layout
* @text Visible
* @desc Ativar o Layout da tela.
* @default true
* @type boolean
* @parent -> SCREEN LAYOUT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Screen X-Axis
* @text X-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição X-axis da imagem.
* @default 0
* @parent -> SCREEN LAYOUT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Screen Y-Axis
* @text Y-Axis
* @desc Definição do posição Y-axis da imagem.
* @default 0
* @parent -> SCREEN LAYOUT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param
* @param -> CUSTOM POSITION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @desc
* @param Custom Position 1
* @desc Definição da posição da hud.
* Ex - 200,200
* @default 25,465
* @parent -> CUSTOM POSITION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Custom Position 2
* @desc Definição da posição da hud.
* Ex - 200,200
* @default 290,465
* @parent -> CUSTOM POSITION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Custom Position 3
* @desc Definição da posição da hud.
* Ex - 200,200
* @default 555,465
* @parent -> CUSTOM POSITION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Custom Position 4
* @desc Definição da posição da hud.
* Ex - 200,200
* @default 25,545
* @parent -> CUSTOM POSITION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Custom Position 5
* @desc Definição da posição da hud.
* Ex - 200,200
* @default 290,545
* @parent -> CUSTOM POSITION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Custom Position 6
* @desc Definição da posição da hud.
* Ex - 200,200
* @default 555,545
* @parent -> CUSTOM POSITION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Custom Position 7
* @desc Definição da posição da hud.
* Ex - 200,200
* @default
* @parent -> CUSTOM POSITION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @param Custom Position 8
* @desc Definição da posição da hud.
* Ex - 200,200
* @default
* @parent -> CUSTOM POSITION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* @help
* =============================================================================
* +++ MOG_BattleHud (v5.04) +++
* By Moghunter
* https://atelierrgss.wordpress.com/
* =============================================================================
* O plugin permite customizar o layout de batalha.
* =============================================================================
* =============================================================================
* Serão necessários os arquivos. (img/battlehud/)
* -> HP_Meter.png
* -> HP_Number.png
* -> MP_Meter.png
* -> MP_Number.png
* -> TP_Meter.png
* -> TP_Number.png
* -> ATB_Meter.png
* -> Layout.png
* -> Layout_Actor.png
* -> Layout_Command.png
* -> Layout_Enemy.png
* -> Layout_Help.png
* -> Layout_Item.png
* -> Layout_Party.png
* -> Layout_Screen.png
* -> Layout_Skill.png
* -> Turn.png
* =============================================================================
* Para nomear as faces dos battlers basta nomear da seguinte forma.
* Face_ + ACTOR_ID.png
* Face_1.png
* Face_2.png
* Face_3.png
* ...
* =============================================================================
* =============================================================================
* Para ativar o efeito de respirar nas faces utilize a notetag abaixo
* Face Breath Effect
* =============================================================================
* =============================================================================
* Para ocultar a hud use o comando abaixo.
* bhud_disable
* Para apresentar a hud use o comando abaixo
* bhud_enable
* =============================================================================
* =============================================================================
* Para ocultar a hud use o comando abaixo.
* $gameSystem._bhud_visible = false
* Para apresentar a hud use o commando abaixo.
* $gameSystem._bhud_visible = true
* ============================================================================
* ============================================================================
* - (version 5.04)
* (BUG FIX) - Correção de não apresentar a face correta no inicio da batalha
* caso o personagem seja abatido na batalha anterior.
var Imported = Imported || {};
Imported.MOG_BattleHud = true;
var Moghunter = Moghunter || {};
Moghunter.parameters = PluginManager.parameters('MOG_BattleHud');
Moghunter.bhud_pos_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['Hud X-Axis'] || -90);
Moghunter.bhud_pos_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['Hud Y-Axis'] || 480);
Moghunter.bhud_space_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['Hud Space X'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_space_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['Hud Space Y'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_pos_mode = String(Moghunter.parameters['Vertical Mode'] || false);
Moghunter.bhud_max_battle_members = Number(Moghunter.parameters['Max Battle Members'] || 4);
Moghunter.bhud_slideX = Number(Moghunter.parameters['Hud Slide X'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_slideY = Number(Moghunter.parameters['Hud Slide Y'] || 0);
// Layout Overlay
Moghunter.bhud_layoverlay_visible = String(Moghunter.parameters['Layout2 Visible'] || "true");
Moghunter.bhud_layoverlay_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['Layout2 X-Axis'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_layoverlay_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['Layout2 Y-Axis'] || 0);
// Screen Layout
Moghunter.bhud_screen_layout = String(Moghunter.parameters['Screen Layout'] || "true");
Moghunter.bhud_screen_layout_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['Screen X-Axis'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_screen_layout_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['Screen Y-Axis'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_turn_visible = String(Moghunter.parameters['Turn Visible'] || true);
Moghunter.bhud_turn_pos_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['Turn X-Axis'] || -10);
Moghunter.bhud_turn_pos_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['Turn Y-Axis'] || -10);
Moghunter.bhud_turn_rotation = Number(Moghunter.parameters['Turn Rotation Speed'] || 0.01);
Moghunter.bhud_turn_zoom = String(Moghunter.parameters['Turn Zoom Animation'] || "true");
Moghunter.bhud_face_visible = String(Moghunter.parameters['Face Visible'] || true);
Moghunter.bhud_face_shake = String(Moghunter.parameters['Face Shake Animation'] || true);
Moghunter.bhud_face_zoom = String(Moghunter.parameters['Face Zoom Animation'] || true);
Moghunter.bhud_face_animated = String(Moghunter.parameters['Face Frame Animation'] || false);
Moghunter.bhud_face_pos_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['Face X-Axis'] || 52);
Moghunter.bhud_face_pos_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['Face Y-Axis'] || 52);
Moghunter.bhud_face_priority = Number(Moghunter.parameters['Face Priority'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_name_visible = String(Moghunter.parameters['Name Visible'] || true);
Moghunter.bhud_name_font_size = Number(Moghunter.parameters['Name Font Size'] || 20);
Moghunter.bhud_name_font_bold_size = Number(Moghunter.parameters['Name Bold Size'] || 4);
Moghunter.bhud_name_font_italic = String(Moghunter.parameters['Name Font Italic'] || false);
Moghunter.bhud_name_align = Number(Moghunter.parameters['Name Align'] || 1);
Moghunter.bhud_name_pos_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['Name X-Axis'] || -25);
Moghunter.bhud_name_pos_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['Name Y-Axis'] || 65);
Moghunter.bhud_hp_meter_visible = String(Moghunter.parameters['HP Meter Visible'] || true);
Moghunter.bhud_hp_meter_pos_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['HP Meter X-Axis'] || 87);
Moghunter.bhud_hp_meter_pos_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['HP Meter Y-Axis'] || 7);
Moghunter.bhud_hp_meter_rotation = Number(Moghunter.parameters['HP Meter Angle'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_hp_meter_flow = String(Moghunter.parameters['HP Meter Flow Anime'] || true);
Moghunter.bhud_hp_number_visible = String(Moghunter.parameters['HP Number Visible'] || true);
Moghunter.bhud_hp_number_pos_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['HP Number X-Axis'] || 170);
Moghunter.bhud_hp_number_pos_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['HP Number Y-Axis'] || -11);
Moghunter.bhud_maxhp_number_visible = String(Moghunter.parameters['MaxHP Number Visible'] || false);
Moghunter.bhud_maxhp_number_pos_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['MaxHP Number X-Axis'] || 245);
Moghunter.bhud_maxhp_number_pos_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['MaxHP Number Y-Axis'] || 20);
Moghunter.bhud_hp_align_type = Number(Moghunter.parameters['HP Number Align type'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_mp_meter_visible = String(Moghunter.parameters['MP Meter Visible'] || true);
Moghunter.bhud_mp_meter_pos_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['MP Meter X-Axis'] || 104);
Moghunter.bhud_mp_meter_pos_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['MP Meter Y-Axis'] || 33);
Moghunter.bhud_mp_meter_rotation = Number(Moghunter.parameters['MP Meter Angle'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_mp_meter_flow = String(Moghunter.parameters['MP Meter Flow Anime'] || true);
Moghunter.bhud_mp_number_visible = String(Moghunter.parameters['MP Number Visible'] || true);
Moghunter.bhud_mp_number_pos_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['MP Number X-Axis'] || 187);
Moghunter.bhud_mp_number_pos_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['MP Number Y-Axis'] || 16);
Moghunter.bhud_maxmp_number_visible = String(Moghunter.parameters['MaxMP Number Visible'] || false);
Moghunter.bhud_maxmp_number_pos_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['MaxMP Number X-Axis'] || 196);
Moghunter.bhud_maxmp_number_pos_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['MaxMP Number Y-Axis'] || 78);
Moghunter.bhud_mp_align_type = Number(Moghunter.parameters['MP Number Align type'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_mp_diagonal_number = Number(Moghunter.parameters['MP Number Diagonal'] || true);
Moghunter.bhud_tp_meter_visible = String(Moghunter.parameters['TP Meter Visible'] || true);
Moghunter.bhud_tp_meter_pos_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['TP Meter X-Axis'] || 104);
Moghunter.bhud_tp_meter_pos_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['TP Meter Y-Axis'] || 59);
Moghunter.bhud_tp_meter_rotation = Number(Moghunter.parameters['TP Meter Angle'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_tp_meter_flow = String(Moghunter.parameters['TP Meter Flow Anime'] || true);
Moghunter.bhud_tp_number_visible = String(Moghunter.parameters['TP Number Visible'] || true);
Moghunter.bhud_tp_number_pos_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['TP Number X-Axis'] || 187);
Moghunter.bhud_tp_number_pos_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['TP Number Y-Axis'] || 43);
Moghunter.bhud_maxtp_number_visible = String(Moghunter.parameters['MaxTP Number Visible'] || false);
Moghunter.bhud_maxtp_number_pos_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['MaxTP Number X-Axis'] || 185);
Moghunter.bhud_maxtp_number_pos_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['MaxTP Number Y-Axis'] || 116);
Moghunter.bhud_tp_align_type = Number(Moghunter.parameters['TP Number Align type'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_tp_diagonal_number = Number(Moghunter.parameters['TP Number Diagonal'] || false);
Moghunter.bhud_at_meter_visible = String(Moghunter.parameters['ATB Meter Visible'] || true);
Moghunter.bhud_at_meter_pos_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['ATB Meter X-Axis'] || 69);
Moghunter.bhud_at_meter_pos_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['ATB Meter Y-Axis'] || 117);
Moghunter.bhud_at_meter_rotation = Number(Moghunter.parameters['ATB Meter Angle'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_at_meter_flow = String(Moghunter.parameters['ATB Meter Flow Anime'] || true);
Moghunter.bhud_states_visible = String(Moghunter.parameters['States Visible'] || true);
Moghunter.bhud_states_pos_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['States X-Axis'] || 102);
Moghunter.bhud_states_pos_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['States Y-Axis'] || 76);
Moghunter.bhud_statesType = Number(Moghunter.parameters['States Mode'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_statesMax = Number(Moghunter.parameters['States Max'] || 4);
Moghunter.bhud_statesAlign = Number(Moghunter.parameters['States Align'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_auto_pos = Number(Moghunter.parameters['Command Auto Adjust'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_com_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Command X-Axis'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_com_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Command Y-Axis'] || -15);
Moghunter.bhud_com_layout = String(Moghunter.parameters['Layout Command'] || true);
Moghunter.bhud_com_lay_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['L Command X-Axis'] || -25);
Moghunter.bhud_com_lay_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['L Command Y-Axis'] || -35);
Moghunter.bhud_com_width = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Command Width'] || 192);
Moghunter.bhud_com_height = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Command Height'] || 180);
Moghunter.bhud_com_slideX = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Command Slide X'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_com_slideY = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Command Slide Y'] || 64);
Moghunter.bhud_party_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Party X-Axis'] || 325);
Moghunter.bhud_party_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Party Y-Axis'] || 170);
Moghunter.bhud_party_layout = String(Moghunter.parameters['Layout Party'] || true);
Moghunter.bhud_party_lay_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['L Party X-Axis'] || -325);
Moghunter.bhud_party_lay_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['L Party Y-Axis'] || -42);
Moghunter.bhud_party_width = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Party Width'] || 192);
Moghunter.bhud_party_height = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Party Height'] || 110);
Moghunter.bhud_party_slide_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Party Slide X'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_party_slide_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Party Slide Y'] || -150);
Moghunter.bhud_help_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Help X-Axis'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_help_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Help Y-Axis'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_help_layout = String(Moghunter.parameters['Layout Help'] || true);
Moghunter.bhud_help_lay_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['L Help X-Axis'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_help_lay_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['L Help Y-Axis'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_help_width = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Help Width'] || 816);
Moghunter.bhud_help_height = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Help Height'] || 108);
Moghunter.bhud_help_slide_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Help Slide X'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_help_slide_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Help Slide Y'] || -150);
Moghunter.bhud_skill_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Skill X-Axis'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_skill_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Skill Y-Axis'] || 444);
Moghunter.bhud_skill_layout = String(Moghunter.parameters['Layout Skill'] || true);
Moghunter.bhud_skill_lay_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['L Skill X-Axis'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_skill_lay_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['L Skill Y-Axis'] || -67);
Moghunter.bhud_skill_width = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Skill Width'] || 816);
Moghunter.bhud_skill_height = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Skill Height'] || 180);
Moghunter.bhud_skill_maxcols = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Skill maxCols'] || 2);
Moghunter.bhud_skill_slide_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Skill Slide X'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_skill_slide_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Skill Slide Y'] || 100);
Moghunter.bhud_item_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Item X-Axis'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_item_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Item Y-Axis'] || 444);
Moghunter.bhud_item_layout = String(Moghunter.parameters['Layout Item'] || true);
Moghunter.bhud_item_lay_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['L Item X-Axis'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_item_lay_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['L Item Y-Axis'] || -67);
Moghunter.bhud_item_width = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Item Width'] || 816);
Moghunter.bhud_item_height = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Item Height'] || 180);
Moghunter.bhud_item_maxcols = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Item maxCols'] || 2);
Moghunter.bhud_item_slide_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Item Slide X'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_item_slide_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Item Slide Y'] || 150);
Moghunter.bhud_actor_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Actor X-Axis'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_actor_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Actor Y-Axis'] || 444);
Moghunter.bhud_actor_layout = String(Moghunter.parameters['Layout Actor'] || true);
Moghunter.bhud_actor_lay_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['L Actor X-Axis'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_actor_lay_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['L Actor Y-Axis'] || -67);
Moghunter.bhud_actor_width = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Actor Width'] || 816);
Moghunter.bhud_actor_height = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Actor Height'] || 180);
Moghunter.bhud_actor_maxcols = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Actor maxCols'] || 1);
Moghunter.bhud_actor_slide_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Actor Slide X'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_actor_slide_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Actor Slide Y'] || 150);
Moghunter.bhud_enemy_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Enemy X-Axis'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_enemy_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Enemy Y-Axis'] || 444);
Moghunter.bhud_enemy_layout = String(Moghunter.parameters['Layout Enemy'] || true);
Moghunter.bhud_enemy_lay_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['L Enemy X-Axis'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_enemy_lay_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['L Enemy Y-Axis'] || -67);
Moghunter.bhud_enemy_width = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Enemy Width'] || 816);
Moghunter.bhud_enemy_height = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Enemy Height'] || 180);
Moghunter.bhud_enemy_maxcols = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Enemy maxCols'] || 2);
Moghunter.bhud_enemy_slide_x = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Enemy Slide X'] || 0);
Moghunter.bhud_enemy_slide_y = Number(Moghunter.parameters['W Enemy Slide Y'] || 150);
// Custom Position
Moghunter.bhud_custom_pos = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
Moghunter.bhud_custom_pos[i] = (Moghunter.parameters['Custom Position ' + String(i + 1)] || null);
// ** Sprite Animation
// * Update Position
var _mog_bhud_sprAnim_updatePosition = Sprite_Animation.prototype.updatePosition;
Sprite_Animation.prototype.updatePosition = function () {
if (this._battler) {
if (this._animation.position === 3 && this.x === 0 && this.y === 0) {
this.x = Graphics.boxWidth / 2;
this.y = Graphics.boxHeight / 2;
// ** ImageManager
// * BHud
ImageManager.loadBHud = function (filename) {
return this.loadBitmap('img/battlehud/', filename, 0, true);
// ** ImageManager
// * BHud
ImageManager.loadBHud = function (filename) {
return this.loadBitmap('img/battlehud/', filename, 0, true);
// ** Game_Interpreter
// * PluginCommand
var _alias_mog_bhud_pluginCommand = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand
Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function (command, args) {
_alias_mog_bhud_pluginCommand.call(this, command, args)
if (command === "bhud_disable") { $gameSystem._bhud_visible = false };
if (command === "bhud_enable") { $gameSystem._bhud_visible = true };
return true;
// ** Game_Temp
// * Initialize
var _alias_mog_bhud_temp_initialize = Game_Temp.prototype.initialize;
Game_Temp.prototype.initialize = function () {
this._bhud_position = [];
this._bhud_position_active = null;
this._bhudFaceAnime = false;
this._battleEnd = false;
this._bhud_dp = false;
this._refreshBhud = false;
this._forceCreateBattleHud = false;
this._forceRemoveBattleHud = false;
// ** Game_System
// * Initialize
var _alias_mog_bhud_sys_initialize = Game_System.prototype.initialize;
Game_System.prototype.initialize = function () {
this._bhud_position = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
this._bhud_position[i] = this.set_hudcp(Moghunter.bhud_custom_pos[i]);
this._bhud_auto_com = false;
this._bhud_pos_mode = 0;
this._bhud_visible = true;
this._bhudFaceBattler = String(Moghunter.bhud_face_visible) == "true" && !$dataSystem.optSideView ? true : false;
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_pos_mode) == "true") { this._bhud_pos_mode = 1 };
if (Number(Moghunter.bhud_auto_pos) == 0) { this._bhud_auto_com = true };
// * set Hudcp
Game_System.prototype.set_hudcp = function (value) {
if (!value) { return null };
var s = value.split(',');
if (!s[0] || !s[1]) { return null };
return [Number(s[0]), Number(s[1])];
// ** Game Interpreter
// * Command129
var _alias_mog_bhud_command129 = Game_Interpreter.prototype.command129;
Game_Interpreter.prototype.command129 = function () {
$gameTemp._refresh_Bhud = true;
return true;
// ** Game Party
// * max Battle Members
Game_Party.prototype.maxBattleMembers = function () {
if (Imported.MOG_ChronoEngine) { Math.min(Math.max(Number(Moghunter.ras_maxBattleMembers), 1), 4) };
return Math.max(Number(Moghunter.bhud_max_battle_members), 1);
// ** BattleManager
// * processVictory
var _alias_mog_bhud_processVictory = BattleManager.processVictory;
BattleManager.processVictory = function () {
$gameTemp._battleEnd = true;
// * processAbort
var _alias_mog_bhud_processAbort = BattleManager.processAbort;
BattleManager.processAbort = function () {
$gameTemp._battleEnd = true;
// * processDefeat
var _alias_mog_bhud_processDefeat = BattleManager.processDefeat;
BattleManager.processDefeat = function () {
$gameTemp._battleEnd = true;
// ** Game BattlerBase
// * Initialize
var _alias_mog_bhud_gbat_initMembers = Game_BattlerBase.prototype.initMembers
Game_BattlerBase.prototype.initMembers = function () {
this.need_refresh_bhud_states = false;
this._bhud_face_data = [0, 0, 0, 0];
this._face_pos = [0, 0];
// * addNewState
var _alias_mog_bhud_addNewState = Game_BattlerBase.prototype.addNewState
Game_BattlerBase.prototype.addNewState = function (stateId) {
_alias_mog_bhud_addNewState.call(this, stateId);
this.need_refresh_bhud_states = true;
// * eraseState
var _alias_mog_bhud_eraseState = Game_BattlerBase.prototype.eraseState
Game_BattlerBase.prototype.eraseState = function (stateId) {
_alias_mog_bhud_eraseState.call(this, stateId);
this.need_refresh_bhud_states = true;
// ** Game Battler
// ** iniMembers
var _mog_bhud_gbattler_initMembers = Game_Battler.prototype.initMembers;
Game_Battler.prototype.initMembers = function () {
this._bhud = {};
this._bhud.faceBreath = false;
// * Notetags
Game_Battler.prototype.notetags = function () {
if (this.isEnemy()) { return this.enemy().note.split(/[\r\n]+/) };
;; if (this.isActor()) { return this.actor().note.split(/[\r\n]+/) };
// ** get Bmotion Idle
Game_Battler.prototype.checkBhudNoteTags = function () {
this.notetags().forEach(function (note) {
var note_data = note.split(': ')
if (note_data[0].toLowerCase() == "face breath effect") {
this._bhud.faceBreath = true;
}, this);
// *
var _mog_bhud_gactor_initMembers = Game_Actor.prototype.initMembers;
Game_Actor.prototype.initMembers = function () {
// ** Game Action
// * Apply
var _alias_mog_bhud_apply = Game_Action.prototype.apply;
Game_Action.prototype.apply = function (target) {
var oldhp = target.hp
_alias_mog_bhud_apply.call(this, target);
if (target.isActor()) {
if (oldhp > target.hp) { target._bhud_face_data = [60, 0, 3, 60] }
else if (oldhp < target.hp) { target._bhud_face_data = [0, 70, 1, 70] };
// * Prepare
var _alias_mog_bmhud_action_prepare = Game_Action.prototype.prepare
Game_Action.prototype.prepare = function () {
if (this.subject().isActor() && String(Moghunter.bhud_face_zoom) === "true") { this.subject()._bhud_face_data = [0, 70, 2, 70]; };
// ** Game Actor
// * Gain HP
var _alias_mog_bhud_gainHp = Game_Actor.prototype.gainHp;
Game_Actor.prototype.gainHp = function (value) {
_alias_mog_bhud_gainHp.call(this, value);
this._bhud_face_data[3] += 1;
// * Recover All
var _alias_mog_bhud_recoverAll = Game_Actor.prototype.recoverAll;
Game_Actor.prototype.recoverAll = function () {
this._bhud_face_data[3] += 1;
// ** Window_BattleStatus
// * Initialize
var _alias_mog_bhud_initialize = Window_BattleStatus.prototype.initialize
Window_BattleStatus.prototype.initialize = function () {
this.visible = false
// ** Window_BattleSkill
// * windowWidth
Window_BattleSkill.prototype.windowWidth = function () {
return Moghunter.bhud_skill_width;
// * maxCols
Window_BattleSkill.prototype.maxCols = function () {
return Moghunter.bhud_skill_maxcols;
// ** Window_BattleItem
// * windowWidth
Window_BattleItem.prototype.windowWidth = function () {
return Moghunter.bhud_item_width;
// * maxCols
Window_BattleItem.prototype.maxCols = function () {
return Moghunter.bhud_item_maxcols;
// ** Window_BattleActor
// * Initialize
Window_BattleActor.prototype.windowWidth = function () {
return Moghunter.bhud_actor_width;
// * maxCols
Window_BattleActor.prototype.maxCols = function () {
return Moghunter.bhud_actor_maxcols;
// ** Window_BattleEnemy
// * windowWidth
Window_BattleEnemy.prototype.windowWidth = function () {
return Moghunter.bhud_enemy_width;
// * maxCols
Window_BattleEnemy.prototype.maxCols = function () {
return Moghunter.bhud_enemy_maxcols;
// ** Window Actor Command
// * initialize
var _alias_mog_bhud_wActCom_initialize = Window_ActorCommand.prototype.initialize;
Window_ActorCommand.prototype.initialize = function () {
this._com_mode = Number($gameSystem._bhud_pos_mode);
this._force_hide_duration = 0;
this.org = [Moghunter.bhud_com_x, Moghunter.bhud_com_y];
this.org2 = [
this.org[0] + Moghunter.bhud_com_slideX,
this.org[1] + Moghunter.bhud_com_slideY
this.slide = Moghunter.bhud_com_slideX === 0 && Moghunter.bhud_com_slideY === 0 ? false : true;
this._actorVis != this._actor;
this.xp = -1;
this.yp = -1;
// * Activate
var _alias_mog_bhud_wActCom_activate = Window_ActorCommand.prototype.activate;
Window_ActorCommand.prototype.activate = function () {
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_com_layout) === "true") { this._force_hide_duration = 1 };
// * Sprite Move To
Window_ActorCommand.prototype.sprite_move_to = function (value, real_value) {
if (value === real_value) { return value };
var dnspeed = 1 + (Math.abs(value - real_value) / 12);
if (value > real_value) {
value -= dnspeed;
if (value < real_value) { value = real_value };
else if (value < real_value) {
value += dnspeed;
if (value > real_value) { value = real_value };
return Math.floor(value);
// ** slideWindow
Window_ActorCommand.prototype.slideWindow = function (win, vmode) {
var vm = vmode ? win.active : win.visible;
if (vm) {
var np = [win.org[0], win.org[1]];
win.contentsOpacity += 15;
} else {
var np = [win.org2[0], win.org2[1]];
win.contentsOpacity = 0;
win.x = this.sprite_move_to(win.x, np[0]);
win.y = this.sprite_move_to(win.y, np[1]);
// ** update Position
Window_ActorCommand.prototype.updatePosition = function () {
if (Imported.MOG_BattleCommands) {
} else {
if (!this.slide) {
} else {
// ** update Battle Commands
Window_ActorCommand.prototype.updateBattleCommands = function () {
if ($gameTemp._bhud_position_active) {
this.visible = this.active;
if ($gameSystem._bhud_auto_com) {
this.x = $gameTemp._bhud_position_active[0] + Moghunter.bhud_com_x;
if (this._com_mode === 0) {
this.y = $gameTemp._bhud_position_active[1] + Moghunter.bhud_com_y - this.height;
else { this.y = $gameTemp._bhud_position_active[1] + Moghunter.bhud_com_y };
else {
this.x = Moghunter.bhud_com_x;
this.y = Moghunter.bhud_com_y;
// ** update Position S
Window_ActorCommand.prototype.updatePosS = function () {
if ($gameTemp._bhud_position_active) {
this.visible = this.active;
if ($gameSystem._bhud_auto_com) {
if (this.xp != $gameTemp._bhud_position_active[0] || this.yp != $gameTemp._bhud_position_active[1]) {
this.xp = $gameTemp._bhud_position_active[0];
this.yp = $gameTemp._bhud_position_active[1];
this.org[0] = $gameTemp._bhud_position_active[0] + Moghunter.bhud_com_x;
if (this._com_mode === 0) {
this.org[1] = $gameTemp._bhud_position_active[1] + Moghunter.bhud_com_y - this.height;
} else {
this.org[1] = $gameTemp._bhud_position_active[1] + Moghunter.bhud_com_y;
this.org2 = [
this.org[0] + Moghunter.bhud_com_slideX,
this.org[1] + Moghunter.bhud_com_slideY
if (this._actorVis != this._actor) {
this.x = this.org2[0];
this.y = this.org2[1];
this._actorVis = this._actor;
this.slideWindow(this, false);
} else {
this.slideWindow(this, false);
// ** update Position N
Window_ActorCommand.prototype.updatePosN = function () {
if ($gameTemp._bhud_position_active) {
this.visible = this.active;
if ($gameSystem._bhud_auto_com) {
this.x = $gameTemp._bhud_position_active[0] + Moghunter.bhud_com_x;
if (this._com_mode === 0) {
this.y = $gameTemp._bhud_position_active[1] + Moghunter.bhud_com_y - this.height;
else { this.y = $gameTemp._bhud_position_active[1] + Moghunter.bhud_com_y };
else {
this.x = Moghunter.bhud_com_x;
this.y = Moghunter.bhud_com_y;
// * Update
var _alias_mog_bhud_wcom_update = Window_ActorCommand.prototype.update;
Window_ActorCommand.prototype.update = function () {
if (this._force_hide_duration > 0) { this._force_hide_duration -= 1; this.visible = false };
// ** Sprite Actor
// * Initialize
var _alias_bhud_sprt_actor_initialize = Sprite_Actor.prototype.initialize
Sprite_Actor.prototype.initialize = function (battler) {
_alias_bhud_sprt_actor_initialize.call(this, battler);
this._sprite_face = false;
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_face_visible) == "true") { this._sprite_face = true };
// * Damage Offset X
Sprite_Actor.prototype.damageOffsetX = function () {
if (!$gameSystem.isSideView() && this._sprite_face) { return 0 };
return -32;
// * update Position
var _alias_mog_bhud_sprt_actor_updatePosition = Sprite_Battler.prototype.updatePosition;
Sprite_Battler.prototype.updatePosition = function () {
if (!$gameSystem.isSideView() && this._sprite_face) {
if (this._battler && $gameTemp._bhud_position[this._battler.index()]) {
this.x = $gameTemp._bhud_position[this._battler.index()][0] + Moghunter.bhud_face_pos_x;
this.y = $gameTemp._bhud_position[this._battler.index()][1] + Moghunter.bhud_face_pos_y;
// * Setup Animation
var _alias_mog_bhud_sprt_actor_setupAnimation = Sprite_Battler.prototype.setupAnimation;
Sprite_Actor.prototype.setupAnimation = function () {
if (!$gameSystem.isSideView() && this._sprite_face) {
while (this._battler.isAnimationRequested()) {
var data = this._battler.shiftAnimation();
var animation = $dataAnimations[data.animationId];
var mirror = data.mirror;
var delay = animation.position === 3 ? 0 : data.delay;
this.startAnimation(animation, mirror, delay);
for (var i = 0; i < this._animationSprites.length; i++) {
var sprite = this._animationSprites[i];
sprite.visible = true;
// * Setup Damage Popup
var _alias_mog_bhud_sprt_actor_setupDamagePopup = Sprite_Battler.prototype.setupDamagePopup
Sprite_Actor.prototype.setupDamagePopup = function () {
if (!$gameSystem.isSideView() && this._sprite_face) {
if (this._battler.isDamagePopupRequested()) {
var sprite = new Sprite_Damage();
sprite.x = this.x + this.damageOffsetX();
sprite.y = this.y + this.damageOffsetY();
// ** update Main
var _mog_bhud_sprActor_updateMain = Sprite_Actor.prototype.updateMain;
Sprite_Actor.prototype.updateMain = function () {
if (this.isAnimationPlaying()) {
$gameTemp._bhudFaceAnime = 3;
// ** Spriteset Battle
// ** update Actors
var _mog_bhud_sprbat_updateActors = Spriteset_Battle.prototype.updateActors;
Spriteset_Battle.prototype.updateActors = function () {
if (!$gameSystem.isSideView()) { return };
// * Is Busy
Spriteset_Battle.prototype.isBusy = function () {
if ($gameSystem._bhudFaceBattler) {
return this.isAnimationPlaying() || this.isAnyoneMoving() || $gameTemp._bhudFaceAnime > 0;
if (Imported.YEP_BattleEngineCore) { return false };
return this.isAnimationPlaying() || this.isAnyoneMoving();
// ** Scene Base
// ** create Hud Field
Scene_Base.prototype.createHudField = function () {
this._hudField = new Sprite();
this._hudField.z = 10;
// ** sort MZ
Scene_Base.prototype.sortMz = function () {
this._hudField.children.sort(function (a, b) { return a.mz - b.mz });
// ** create Battle Hud
Scene_Base.prototype.createBattleHud = function () {
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_screen_layout) === "true") { this.createBattleHudScreenLayout(); };
$gameTemp.refresh_Bhud = false;
$gameTemp._battleEnd = false;
this._com_mode = Number($gameSystem._bhud_pos_mode)
this._battle_hud = [];
for (var i = 0; i < $gameParty.maxBattleMembers(); i++) {
this._battle_hud[i] = new Battle_Hud(i);
this._battle_hud[i].mz = 110;
// ** remove Battle Hud
Scene_Base.prototype.removeBattleHud = function () {
if (!this._battle_hud) { return };
if (this._screen_layout) {
for (var i = 0; i < this._battle_hud.length; i++) {
this._battle_hud = null;
// * Create Battle Hud Screen
Scene_Base.prototype.createBattleHudScreenLayout = function () {
this._screen_layout = new Sprite(ImageManager.loadBHud("Layout_Screen"));
this._screen_layout.opacity = 0;
this._screen_layout.x = Moghunter.bhud_screen_layout_x;
this._screen_layout.y = Moghunter.bhud_screen_layout_y;
this._screen_layout.mz = 100;
// * Update Battle Hud visible
Scene_Base.prototype.updateBattleHudVisible = function () {
if (this.isBattleHudVisible()) { this._screen_layout.opacity += 10 }
else { this._screen_layout.opacity -= 10 };
// * Is Battle Hud Visible
Scene_Base.prototype.isBattleHudVisible = function () {
if ($gameMessage.isBusy()) { return false };
if ($gameTemp._battleEnd) { return false };
if (!$gameSystem._bhud_visible) { return false };
return true
// ** Refresh Battle Hud
Scene_Base.prototype.refreshBattleHud = function () {
if (!this._battle_hud) { return };
$gameTemp._refresh_Bhud = false;
for (var i = 0; i < $gameParty.maxBattleMembers(); i++) {
// ** force Create Battle Hud
Scene_Base.prototype.forceCreateBattleHud = function () {
$gameTemp._forceCreateBattleHud = false;
// ** force Remove Battle Hud
Scene_Base.prototype.forceRemoveBattleHud = function () {
$gameTemp._forceRemoveBattleHud = false;
// ** Update Battle Hud
Scene_Base.prototype.updateBatteHud = function () {
if (this._screen_layout) { this.updateBattleHudVisible() };
if ($gameTemp._refresh_Bhud) { this.refreshBattleHud() };
// ** createActorsF
Scene_Base.prototype.createActorsF = function () {
if (this._actorSprites) {
for (var i = 0; i < this._actorSprites.length; i++) {
this._actorSprites = [];
for (var i = 0; i < $gameParty.maxBattleMembers(); i++) {
this._actorSprites[i] = new Sprite_Actor();
this._actorSprites[i].mz = 110;
// ** Update
var _mog_bhud_Smap_update = Scene_Map.prototype.update;
Scene_Map.prototype.update = function () {
if ($gameTemp._forceCreateBattleHud) { this.forceCreateBattleHud() };
if ($gameTemp._forceRemoveBattleHud) { this.forceRemoveBattleHud() };
if (this._battle_hud) { this.updateBatteHud() };
// ** Scene Battle
// ** create Spriteset
var _mog_bhud_sbattle_createSpriteset = Scene_Battle.prototype.createSpriteset;
Scene_Battle.prototype.createSpriteset = function () {
if (!this._hudField) { this.createHudField() };
// ** create Battle Hud SB
Scene_Battle.prototype.createBattleHudSB = function () {
if (!$gameSystem.isSideView()) { this.createActorsF() };
// ** update Actors
Scene_Battle.prototype.updateActors = function () {
var members = $gameParty.battleMembers();
for (var i = 0; i < this._actorSprites.length; i++) {
// ** create Spriteset
var _mog_bhud_sMap_createSpriteset = Scene_Map.prototype.createSpriteset;
Scene_Map.prototype.createSpriteset = function () {
if (!this._hudField) { this.createHudField() };
// ** createWindowLayer
var _alias_mog_bhud_createWindowLayer = Scene_Battle.prototype.createWindowLayer
Scene_Battle.prototype.createWindowLayer = function () {
// ** createAllWindows
var _alias_mog_bhud_createAllWindows = Scene_Battle.prototype.createAllWindows;
Scene_Battle.prototype.createAllWindows = function () {
// ACTOR COMMAND ---------------------------------------------------------------------
this._actorCommandWindow.x = Moghunter.bhud_com_x;
this._actorCommandWindow.y = Moghunter.bhud_com_y;
this._actorCommandWindow.vis = this._actorCommandWindow.visible;
this._actorCommandWindow.width = Moghunter.bhud_com_width;
this._actorCommandWindow.height = Moghunter.bhud_com_height;
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_com_layout) === "true") { this._actorCommandWindow.opacity = 0 };
// PARTY COMMAND ---------------------------------------------------------------------
this._partyCommandWindow.x = Moghunter.bhud_party_x;
this._partyCommandWindow.y = Moghunter.bhud_party_y;
this._partyCommandWindow.org = [Moghunter.bhud_party_x, Moghunter.bhud_party_y];
this._partyCommandWindow.org2 = [
this._partyCommandWindow.org[0] + Moghunter.bhud_party_slide_x,
this._partyCommandWindow.org[1] + Moghunter.bhud_party_slide_y
this._partyCommandWindow.slide = Moghunter.bhud_party_slide_x === 0 && Moghunter.bhud_party_slide_y === 0 ? false : true;
this._partyCommandWindow.vis = this._partyCommandWindow.visible;
this._partyCommandWindow.width = Moghunter.bhud_party_width;
this._partyCommandWindow.height = Moghunter.bhud_party_height;
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_party_layout) === "true") { this._partyCommandWindow.opacity = 0 };
// HELP WINDOW ---------------------------------------------------------------------
this._helpWindow.x = Moghunter.bhud_help_x;
this._helpWindow.y = Moghunter.bhud_help_y;
this._helpWindow.org = [this._helpWindow.x, this._helpWindow.y];
this._helpWindow.org2 = [
this._helpWindow.org[0] + Moghunter.bhud_help_slide_x,
this._helpWindow.org[1] + Moghunter.bhud_help_slide_y
this._helpWindow.slide = Moghunter.bhud_help_slide_x === 0 && Moghunter.bhud_help_slide_y === 0 ? false : true;
this._helpWindow.vis = this._helpWindow.visible;
this._helpWindow.width = Moghunter.bhud_help_width;
this._helpWindow.height = Moghunter.bhud_help_height;
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_help_layout) === "true") { this._helpWindow.opacity = 0 };
// SKILL WINDOW ---------------------------------------------------------------------
this._skillWindow.x = Moghunter.bhud_skill_x;
this._skillWindow.y = Moghunter.bhud_skill_y;
this._skillWindow.org = [Moghunter.bhud_skill_x, Moghunter.bhud_skill_y];
this._skillWindow.org2 = [
this._skillWindow.org[0] + Moghunter.bhud_skill_slide_x,
this._skillWindow.org[1] + Moghunter.bhud_skill_slide_y
this._skillWindow.slide = Moghunter.bhud_skill_slide_x === 0 && Moghunter.bhud_skill_slide_y === 0 ? false : true;
this._skillWindow.vis = this._skillWindow.visible;
this._skillWindow.width = Moghunter.bhud_skill_width;
this._skillWindow.height = Moghunter.bhud_skill_height;
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_skill_layout) === "true") { this._skillWindow.opacity = 0 };
// ITEM COMMAND ---------------------------------------------------------------------
this._itemWindow.x = Moghunter.bhud_item_x;
this._itemWindow.y = Moghunter.bhud_item_y;
this._itemWindow.org = [this._itemWindow.x, this._itemWindow.y];
this._itemWindow.org2 = [
this._itemWindow.org[0] + Moghunter.bhud_item_slide_x,
this._itemWindow.org[1] + Moghunter.bhud_item_slide_y
this._itemWindow.slide = Moghunter.bhud_item_slide_x === 0 && Moghunter.bhud_item_slide_y === 0 ? false : true;
this._itemWindow.vis = this._itemWindow.visible;
this._itemWindow.width = Moghunter.bhud_item_width;
this._itemWindow.height = Moghunter.bhud_item_height;
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_item_layout) === "true") { this._itemWindow.opacity = 0 };
// ACTOR WINDOW ---------------------------------------------------------------------
this._actorWindow.x = Moghunter.bhud_actor_x;
this._actorWindow.y = Moghunter.bhud_actor_y;
this._actorWindow.org = [this._actorWindow.x, this._actorWindow.y];
this._actorWindow.org2 = [
this._actorWindow.org[0] + Moghunter.bhud_actor_slide_x,
this._actorWindow.org[1] + Moghunter.bhud_actor_slide_y
this._actorWindow.slide = Moghunter.bhud_actor_slide_x === 0 && Moghunter.bhud_actor_slide_y === 0 ? false : true;
this._actorWindow.vis = this._actorWindow.visible;
this._actorWindow.width = Moghunter.bhud_actor_width;
this._actorWindow.height = Moghunter.bhud_actor_height;
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_actor_layout) === "true") { this._actorWindow.opacity = 0 };
// ENEMY WINDOW ---------------------------------------------------------------------
this._enemyWindow.x = Moghunter.bhud_enemy_x;
this._enemyWindow.y = Moghunter.bhud_enemy_y;
this._enemyWindow.org = [Moghunter.bhud_enemy_x, Moghunter.bhud_enemy_y];
this._enemyWindow.org2 = [
this._enemyWindow.org[0] + Moghunter.bhud_enemy_slide_x,
this._enemyWindow.org[1] + Moghunter.bhud_enemy_slide_y
this._enemyWindow.slide = Moghunter.bhud_enemy_slide_x === 0 && Moghunter.bhud_enemy_slide_y === 0 ? false : true;
this._enemyWindow.vis = this._enemyWindow.visible;
this._enemyWindow.width = Moghunter.bhud_enemy_width;
this._enemyWindow.height = Moghunter.bhud_enemy_height;
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_enemy_layout) === "true") { this._enemyWindow.opacity = 0 };
// ** create Layout Window
Scene_Battle.prototype.create_layout_window = function () {
this._layoutField = new Sprite();
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_com_layout) === "true") {
this._com_layout = new Sprite(ImageManager.loadBHud("Layout_Command"))
this._com_layout.x = Moghunter.bhud_com_lay_x;
this._com_layout.y = Moghunter.bhud_com_lay_y;
this._com_layout.visible = false;
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_party_layout) === "true") {
this._party_layout = new Sprite(ImageManager.loadBHud("Layout_Party"))
this._party_layout.x = Moghunter.bhud_party_lay_x;
this._party_layout.y = Moghunter.bhud_party_lay_y;
this._party_layout.visible = false;
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_help_layout) === "true") {
this._help_layout = new Sprite(ImageManager.loadBHud("Layout_Help"))
this._help_layout.x = Moghunter.bhud_help_lay_x;
this._help_layout.y = Moghunter.bhud_help_lay_y;
this._help_layout.visible = false;
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_skill_layout) === "true") {
this._skill_layout = new Sprite(ImageManager.loadBHud("Layout_Skill"))
this._skill_layout.x = Moghunter.bhud_skill_lay_x;
this._skill_layout.y = Moghunter.bhud_skill_lay_y;
this._skill_layout.visible = false;
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_item_layout) === "true") {
this._item_layout = new Sprite(ImageManager.loadBHud("Layout_Item"))
this._item_layout.x = Moghunter.bhud_item_lay_x;
this._item_layout.y = Moghunter.bhud_item_lay_y;
this._item_layout.visible = false;
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_actor_layout) === "true") {
this._actor_layout = new Sprite(ImageManager.loadBHud("Layout_Actor"))
this._actor_layout.x = Moghunter.bhud_actor_lay_x;
this._actor_layout.y = Moghunter.bhud_actor_lay_y;
this._actor_layout.visible = false;
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_enemy_layout) === "true") {
this._enemy_layout = new Sprite(ImageManager.loadBHud("Layout_Enemy"))
this._enemy_layout.x = Moghunter.bhud_enemy_lay_x;
this._enemy_layout.y = Moghunter.bhud_enemy_lay_y;
this._enemy_layout.visible = false;
// ** update
var _alias_mog_bhud_scnbattle_update = Scene_Battle.prototype.update
Scene_Battle.prototype.update = function () {
if ($gameTemp._bhudFaceAnime > 0) { $gameTemp._bhudFaceAnime-- };
// ** update Battle Hud
Scene_Battle.prototype.updateBattleHud = function () {
if ($gameTemp._forceCreateBattleHud) { this.forceCreateBattleHud() };
if ($gameTemp._forceRemoveBattleHud) { this.forceRemoveBattleHud() };
if (this._screen_layout) { this.updateBattleHudVisible() };
if (this._actorSprites) { this.updateActors() };
// ** slideWindow
Scene_Battle.prototype.slideWindow = function (win, vmode) {
var vm = vmode ? win.active : win.visible;
if (vm) {
var np = [win.org[0], win.org[1]];
win.contentsOpacity += 15;
} else {
var np = [win.org2[0], win.org2[1]];
win.contentsOpacity = 0;
win.x = this.sprite_move_to(win.x, np[0]);
win.y = this.sprite_move_to(win.y, np[1]);
// ** updateWindowSlideEffect
Scene_Battle.prototype.updateWindowSlideEffect = function () {
if (this._partyCommandWindow.slide) { this.slideWindow(this._partyCommandWindow, true) };
if (this._helpWindow.slide) { this.slideWindow(this._helpWindow, false) };
if (this._skillWindow.slide) { this.slideWindow(this._skillWindow, false) };
if (this._itemWindow.slide) { this.slideWindow(this._itemWindow, false) };
if (this._actorWindow.slide) { this.slideWindow(this._actorWindow, false) };
if (this._enemyWindow.slide) { this.slideWindow(this._enemyWindow, false) };
// ** updateLayoutWindows
Scene_Battle.prototype.updateLayoutWindow = function () {
if (this._com_layout) {
this._com_layout.x = Moghunter.bhud_com_lay_x + this._actorCommandWindow.x;
this._com_layout.y = Moghunter.bhud_com_lay_y + this._actorCommandWindow.y;
this._com_layout.visible = this._actorCommandWindow.isOpenAndActive();
this._com_layout.opacity = this._actorCommandWindow.contentsOpacity;
if (!this._actorCommandWindow.visible) { this._com_layout.visible = false };
if (this._party_layout) {
this._party_layout.x = Moghunter.bhud_party_lay_x + this._partyCommandWindow.x;
this._party_layout.y = Moghunter.bhud_party_lay_y + this._partyCommandWindow.y;
this._party_layout.visible = this._partyCommandWindow.isOpenAndActive();
this._party_layout.opacity = this._partyCommandWindow.contentsOpacity;
if (!this._partyCommandWindow.visible) { this._party_layout.visible = false };
if (this._help_layout) {
this._help_layout.x = Moghunter.bhud_help_lay_x + this._helpWindow.x;
this._help_layout.y = Moghunter.bhud_help_lay_y + this._helpWindow.y;
this._help_layout.visible = this._helpWindow.visible;
this._help_layout.opacity = this._helpWindow.contentsOpacity;
if (this._skill_layout) {
this._skill_layout.x = Moghunter.bhud_skill_lay_x + this._skillWindow.x;
this._skill_layout.y = Moghunter.bhud_skill_lay_y + this._skillWindow.y;
this._skill_layout.visible = this._skillWindow.isOpenAndActive();
this._skill_layout.opacity = this._skillWindow.contentsOpacity;
if (!this._skillWindow.visible) { this._skill_layout.visible = false };
if (this._item_layout) {
this._item_layout.x = Moghunter.bhud_item_lay_x + this._itemWindow.x;
this._item_layout.y = Moghunter.bhud_item_lay_y + this._itemWindow.y;
this._item_layout.visible = this._itemWindow.isOpenAndActive();
this._item_layout.opacity = this._itemWindow.contentsOpacity;
if (!this._itemWindow.visible) { this._item_layout.visible = false };
if (this._actor_layout) {
this._actor_layout.x = Moghunter.bhud_actor_lay_x + this._actorWindow.x;
this._actor_layout.y = Moghunter.bhud_actor_lay_y + this._actorWindow.y;
this._actor_layout.visible = this._actorWindow.isOpenAndActive();
this._actor_layout.opacity = this._actorWindow.contentsOpacity;
if (!this._actorWindow.visible) { this._actor_layout.visible = false };
if (this._enemy_layout) {
this._enemy_layout.x = Moghunter.bhud_enemy_lay_x + this._enemyWindow.x;
this._enemy_layout.y = Moghunter.bhud_enemy_lay_y + this._enemyWindow.y;
this._enemy_layout.visible = this._enemyWindow.isOpenAndActive();
this._enemy_layout.opacity = this._enemyWindow.contentsOpacity;
if (!this._enemyWindow.visible) { this._enemy_layout.visible = false };
// * Sprite Move To
Scene_Battle.prototype.sprite_move_to = function (value, real_value) {
if (value === real_value) { return value };
var dnspeed = 1 + (Math.abs(value - real_value) / 12);
if (value > real_value) {
value -= dnspeed;
if (value < real_value) { value = real_value };
else if (value < real_value) {
value += dnspeed;
if (value > real_value) { value = real_value };
return Math.floor(value);
// * Battle_Hud
function Battle_Hud() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Battle_Hud.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype);
Battle_Hud.prototype.constructor = Battle_Hud;
// * Initialize
Battle_Hud.prototype.initialize = function (hud_id) {
this._data_initial_ref = [0, true];
this._hud_id = hud_id;
this._slideA = [0, Moghunter.bhud_slideX, Moghunter.bhud_slideY];
if (this._slideA[1] != 0 || this._slideA[2] != 0) { this._slideA[0] = this._hud_id * 10 };
this.x = this._slideA[1];
this.y = this._slideA[2];
this._hud_size = [0, 0];
this.opacity = 0;
$gameTemp._bhud_position_active = null;
$gameTemp._battleEnd = false;
// * Load Img
Battle_Hud.prototype.load_img = function () {
this._layout_img = ImageManager.loadBHud("Layout");
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_layoverlay_visible) == "true") { this._layout2_img = ImageManager.loadBHud("Layout2");; };
this._turn_img = ImageManager.loadBHud("Turn");
this._state_img = ImageManager.loadSystem("IconSet");
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_hp_meter_visible) == "true") { this._hp_meter_img = ImageManager.loadBHud("HP_Meter"); };
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_mp_meter_visible) == "true") { this._mp_meter_img = ImageManager.loadBHud("MP_Meter"); };
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_tp_meter_visible) == "true") { this._tp_meter_img = ImageManager.loadBHud("TP_Meter"); };
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_at_meter_visible) == "true") { this._at_meter_img = ImageManager.loadBHud("ATB_Meter"); };
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_hp_number_visible) == "true") { this._hp_number_img = ImageManager.loadBHud("HP_Number"); };
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_mp_number_visible) == "true") { this._mp_number_img = ImageManager.loadBHud("MP_Number"); };
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_tp_number_visible) == "true") { this._tp_number_img = ImageManager.loadBHud("TP_Number"); };
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_maxhp_number_visible) == "true") { this._maxhp_number_img = ImageManager.loadBHud("HP_Number2"); };
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_maxmp_number_visible) == "true") { this._maxmp_number_img = ImageManager.loadBHud("MP_Number2"); };
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_maxtp_number_visible) == "true") { this._maxtp_number_img = ImageManager.loadBHud("TP_Number2"); };
// * Base Parameter Clear
Battle_Hud.prototype.base_parameter_clear = function () {
this._hp_old = [-1, -1];
this._maxhp_old = [-1, -1];
this._hp_old_ani = [-1, -1];
this._hp_flow = [false, 0, 0, 0];
this._mp_old = [-1, -1];
this._maxmp_old = [-1, -1];
this._mp_old_ani = [-1, -1];
this._mp_flow = [false, 0, 0, 0];
this._tp_old = [-1, -1];
this._maxtp_old = [-1, -1];
this._tp_old_ani = -1;
this._tp_flow = [false, 0, 0, 0];
this._at_flow = [false, 0, 0, 0];
this._hp_number_old = -1;
this._mp_number_old = -1;
this._hp_number_old = -1;
this._number_align = [];
this._number_align[0] = Moghunter.bhud_hp_align_type;
this._number_align[1] = Moghunter.bhud_mp_align_type;
this._number_align[2] = Moghunter.bhud_tp_align_type;
this._diagonal_number = [];
this._diagonal_number[0] = Moghunter.bhud_hp_diagonal_number;
this._diagonal_number[1] = Moghunter.bhud_mp_diagonal_number;
this._diagonal_number[2] = Moghunter.bhud_tp_diagonal_number;
this._hp_img_data = [0, 0, 0];
this._mp_img_data = [0, 0, 0];
this._tp_img_data = [0, 0, 0];
this._states_old = [];
this._states_data = [0, 0, 0];
this._active = false;
this._hud_size = [0, 0];
// * Need Refresh Bhud
Battle_Hud.prototype.need_refreh_bhud = function () {
if (this._data_initial_ref[1]) { return true };
if (this._battler != $gameParty.battleMembers()[this._hud_id]) { return true };
return false;
// * Refresh Bhud
Battle_Hud.prototype.refresh_bhud = function () {
this._data_initial_ref[1] = false;
this._battler = $gameParty.battleMembers()[this._hud_id];
if (this._battler) { this._battler.checkBhudNoteTags() }
this.opacity = 0;
this._hud_size = [0, 0];
// * Refresh Position
Battle_Hud.prototype.refresh_position = function () {
this._layout.x = this._pos_x;
this._layout.y = this._pos_y;
if (this._face) {
this._face.x = this._pos_x + Moghunter.bhud_face_pos_x;
this._face.y = this._pos_y + Moghunter.bhud_face_pos_y + this._face.ph;
if (this._turn) {
this._turn.x = this._pos_x + (this._turn.width / 2) + Moghunter.bhud_turn_pos_x;
this._turn.y = this._pos_y + (this._turn.height / 2) + Moghunter.bhud_turn_pos_y;
if (this._layout2) {
this._layout2.x = this._pos_x + Moghunter.bhud_layoverlay_x;
this._layout2.y = this._pos_y + Moghunter.bhud_layoverlay_y;
if (this._face) { this._battler._face_pos = [this._face.x, this._face.y] };
// * Set Hud Position
Battle_Hud.prototype.set_hud_position = function () {
this._hud_size = [this._layout.bitmap.width, this._layout.bitmap.height];
this._members_max = $gameParty.battleMembers().length;
var ps = [Number(Moghunter.bhud_space_x) * this._hud_id,
Number(Moghunter.bhud_space_y) * this._hud_id];
if ($gameSystem._bhud_position[this._hud_id]) {
this._pos_x = $gameSystem._bhud_position[this._hud_id][0];
this._pos_y = $gameSystem._bhud_position[this._hud_id][1];
else {
if (Number($gameSystem._bhud_pos_mode) === 0) {
var spc = ((Graphics.boxWidth - 14) / this._members_max);
var px = (spc / 2) + (spc * this._hud_id);
this._pos_x = Moghunter.bhud_pos_x + px + ps[0];
this._pos_y = Moghunter.bhud_pos_y + ps[1];
else {
var py = (this._hud_size[1] + 5) * this._hud_id;
this._pos_x = Moghunter.bhud_pos_x + ps[0];
this._pos_y = Moghunter.bhud_pos_y + py + ps[1];
$gameTemp._bhud_position[this._hud_id] = [this._pos_x, this._pos_y];
// * Update
Battle_Hud.prototype.update = function () {
if (this._data_initial_ref[0] < 2) { this._data_initial_ref[0] += 1; return };
if (this.need_refreh_bhud()) { this.refresh_bhud() };
if (!this._battler) { return };
if (!this._layout.bitmap.isReady()) { return };
if (this._hud_size[0] === 0) { this.refresh_position(); return };
// * Update Slide
Battle_Hud.prototype.updateSlide = function () {
if (!this.is_hud_visible()) { return };
if (this._slideA[0] > 0) {
this.visible = false;
this.opacity = 0;
this.visible = true;
this.x = this.update_dif(this.x, 0, 20);
this.y = this.update_dif(this.y, 0, 20);
// * Create Base Sprites
Battle_Hud.prototype.create_base_sprites = function () {
if (Number(Moghunter.bhud_face_priority) === 0) {
else {
// * Create Sprites
Battle_Hud.prototype.create_sprites = function () {
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_layoverlay_visible) == "true") { this.create_layoutOverlay() };
this._stateType = Number(Moghunter.bhud_statesType);
if (this._stateType === 0) {
} else {
// * Update Sprites
Battle_Hud.prototype.update_sprites = function () {
if (this._state_icon) {
if (this._stateType === 0) {
} else {
// * Update Active
Battle_Hud.prototype.update_active = function () {
this._active = false
if (this.isChronoBattle()) {
if (this._battler == $gameTemp._chronoCom.user[1]) {
this._active = true;
$gameTemp._bhud_position_active = $gameTemp._bhud_position[this._hud_id]
} else {
if (this._battler == BattleManager.actor()) {
this._active = true;
$gameTemp._bhud_position_active = $gameTemp._bhud_position[this._hud_id]
// * is Chrono Battle
Battle_Hud.prototype.isChronoBattle = function () {
if (!Imported.MOG_ChronoEngine) { return false };
if (!$gameSystem.isChronoMode()) { return false };
if (!$gameTemp._chronoCom.user) { return false };
return true;
// * Update visible
Battle_Hud.prototype.update_visible = function (sprite) {
if (this.is_hud_visible()) { this.opacity += 10 }
else { this.opacity -= 10 };
// * Is Hud Visible
Battle_Hud.prototype.is_hud_visible = function (sprite) {
if ($gameMessage.isBusy()) { return false };
if ($gameTemp._battleEnd) { return false };
if (!$gameSystem._bhud_visible) { return false };
if (Imported.MOG_ChronoEngine) {
if ($gameSystem._chronoMode.phase > 3 && $gameSystem._chronoMode.phaseEndPhaseDuration === 0) { return false }
return true
// * Update Dif
Battle_Hud.prototype.update_dif = function (value, real_value, speed) {
if (value == real_value) { return value };
var dnspeed = 1 + (Math.abs(value - real_value) / speed);
if (value > real_value) {
value -= dnspeed;
if (value < real_value) { value = real_value };
else if (value < real_value) {
value += dnspeed;
if (value > real_value) { value = real_value };
return Math.floor(value);
// * Refresh Meter
Battle_Hud.prototype.refresh_meter = function (sprite, value, value_max, type) {
var ch = sprite.bitmap.height / 2;
var meter_rate = sprite.bitmap.width * value / value_max;
sprite.setFrame(0, type * ch, meter_rate, ch);
// * Refresh Flow
Battle_Hud.prototype.refresh_meter_flow = function (sprite, value, value_max, type, flow) {
var cw = sprite.bitmap.width / 3;
var ch = sprite.bitmap.height / 2;
var meter_rate = cw * value / value_max;
sprite.setFrame(flow, type * ch, meter_rate, ch);
// * Refresh Number
Battle_Hud.prototype.refresh_number = function (sprites, value, img_data, x, y, type) {
numbers = Math.abs(value).toString().split("");
var nx = 0;
var ny = 0;
var dir = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < sprites.length; i++) {
sprites[i].visible = false;
if (i > numbers.length) { return };
var n = Number(numbers[i]);
sprites[i].setFrame(n * img_data[2], 0, img_data[2], img_data[1]);
sprites[i].visible = true;
if (this._number_align[type] === 0) {
var nx = -(img_data[2] * i) + (img_data[2] * numbers.length);
} else if (this._number_align[type] === 1) {
var nx = -(img_data[2] * i) + ((img_data[2] / 2) * numbers.length);
} else if (this._number_align[type] === 2) {
var nx = -(img_data[2] * i);
} else if (this._number_align[type] === 3) {
var nx = -(img_data[2] * i);
var ny = (img_data[3] * i);
} else {
var nx = -(img_data[2] * i) + (img_data[2] * numbers.length);
var ny = (img_data[3] / 2) * dir;
sprites[i].x = x - nx;
sprites[i].y = y - ny;
dir = dir === 0 ? 1 : 0;
// * Need Refresh Parameter
Battle_Hud.prototype.need_refresh_parameter = function (parameter) {
switch (parameter) {
case 0:
if (this._hp_old[0] != this._battler.hp) { return true };
if (this._hp_old[1] != this._battler.mhp) { return true };
case 1:
if (this._mp_old[0] != this._battler.mp) { return true };
if (this._mp_old[1] != this._battler.mmp) { return true };
case 2:
if (this._tp_old[0] != this._battler.tp) { return true };
if (this._tp_old[1] != this._battler.maxTp()) { return true };
return false;
// * Create Layout
Battle_Hud.prototype.create_layout = function () {
if (!this._battler) { return };
this._layout = new Sprite(this._layout_img);
// * Create Layout Overlay
Battle_Hud.prototype.create_layoutOverlay = function () {
if (!this._battler) { return };
this._layout2 = new Sprite(this._layout2_img);
// * Create Turn
Battle_Hud.prototype.create_turn = function () {
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_turn_visible) != "true") { return };
if (!this._battler) { return };
this._turn = new Sprite(this._turn_img);
this._turn.anchor.x = 0.5;
this._turn.anchor.y = 0.5;
this._turn.rt = Number(Moghunter.bhud_turn_rotation);
this._turn.zt = String(Moghunter.bhud_turn_zoom) === "true" ? true : false;
this._turn.vis = this._turn.visible;
this._turn_blink = [0, 0];
// * Update Turn
Battle_Hud.prototype.update_turn = function () {
if (!this._turn) { return };
if (!this._active) { this._turn.visible = false; return; };
if (this._turn.rt != 0) { this._turn.rotation += this._turn.rt };
if (this._turn.zt) { this.updateTurnZoom() };
this._turn.visible = true;
this._turn_blink[0] += 1
if (this._turn_blink[0] < 60) { this._turn_blink[1] += 2 }
else if (this._turn_blink[0] < 120) { this._turn_blink[1] -= 2 }
else { this._turn_blink = [0, 0] };
this._turn.opacity = 135 + this._turn_blink[1]
// * Update Turn Zoom
Battle_Hud.prototype.updateTurnZoom = function () {
if (this._turn.vis != this._turn.visible) {
this._turn.vis = this._turn.visible;
this._turn.scale.x = 1.50;
this._turn.scale.y = this._turn.scale.x;
if (this._turn.scale.x > 0) {
this._turn.scale.x -= 0.04;
if (this._turn.scale.x <= 1.00) { this._turn.scale.x = 1.00 };
this._turn.scale.y = this._turn.scale.x;
// * Create Face
Battle_Hud.prototype.create_face = function () {
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_face_visible) != "true") { return };
if (!this._battler) { return };
this._face = new Sprite(ImageManager.loadBHud("Face_" + this._battler._actorId));
this._face.anchor.x = 0.5;
this._face.anchor.y = 0.5;
this._face_data = [0, 0, false, false, false, -1];
this._face.ph = 0;
this._face.animation = [-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
this._face.breathEffect = this._battler._bhud.faceBreath;
this._face.scaleY = 0;
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_face_shake) === "true") { this._face_data[2] = true }
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_face_animated) === "true") { this._face_data[4] = true }
this._battler._bhud_face_data = [0, 0, 0, 1]
// * Update Face
Battle_Hud.prototype.update_face = function () {
if (!this._face) { return };
if (!this._face.bitmap.isReady()) { return };
if (this._face_data[4] && this._face_data[5] != this._battler._bhud_face_data[2]) { this.refresh_face(); };
if (this._face.breathEffect) { this.updateFaceEffects() };
// * update Face Effects
Battle_Hud.prototype.updateFaceEffects = function () {
if (this._face_data[5] == 0 || this._face_data[5] == 3) {
this._face.anchor.y = 1;
this._face.y = this._pos_y + Moghunter.bhud_face_pos_y + this._face.height / 2;
} else {
this._face.anchor.y = 0.5;
this._face.y = this._pos_y + Moghunter.bhud_face_pos_y;
// * set Breath Effect
Battle_Hud.prototype.setBreathEffect = function () {
this._face.animation[0] = 0;
var rds = Math.randomInt(100);
var rds2 = rds * 0.0000001;
this._face.animation[2] = 0.000005;
this._face.animation[3] = 0.0002;
var int = this._face.animation[3];
var int2 = (Math.randomInt(int) * 0.0001).toFixed(4);
this._face.animation[1] = int2;
this._face.animation[8] = Math.randomInt(80)
// * update Breath Effect
Battle_Hud.prototype.updateBreathEffect = function () {
this._face.scale.y = 1.00 + this._face.scaleY;
if (this._face.animation[0] == -1) {
if (this._face.bitmap.isReady()) { this.setBreathEffect() }
if (this._face.animation[8] > 0) {
if (this._face.animation[0] == 0) {
this._face.animation[1] -= this._face.animation[2]
this._face.scaleY += this._face.animation[1];
if (this._face.animation[1] <= -this._face.animation[3]) {
this._face.animation[1] = -this._face.animation[3]
this._face.animation[0] = 1;
} else {
this._face.animation[1] += this._face.animation[2]
this._face.scaleY += this._face.animation[1];
if (this._face.animation[1] >= this._face.animation[3]) {
this._face.animation[1] = this._face.animation[3]
this._face.animation[0] = 0;
// * Refresh Face
Battle_Hud.prototype.refresh_face = function () {
this._face_data[5] = this._battler._bhud_face_data[2];
var cw = this._face.bitmap.width / 5;
var ch = this._face.bitmap.height;
this._face.setFrame(cw * this._face_data[5], 0, cw, ch);
// * Update Face Animation
Battle_Hud.prototype.update_face_animation = function () {
if (this._battler._bhud_face_data[3] > 0) {
this._battler._bhud_face_data[3] -= 1;
if (this._battler._bhud_face_data[3] === 0) {
if (this._battler.isDead()) { this._battler._bhud_face_data[2] = 4 }
else if (this._battler.hp <= 30 * this._battler.mhp / 100) { this._battler._bhud_face_data[2] = 3 }
else { this._battler._bhud_face_data[2] = 0 };
// * Update Face Zoom
Battle_Hud.prototype.update_face_zoom = function () {
if (this._battler._bhud_face_data[1] > 0) {
this._battler._bhud_face_data[1] -= 1;
if (this._battler._bhud_face_data[1] == 0) { this._face.scale.x = 1.00 }
else if (this._battler._bhud_face_data[1] < 35) {
this._face.scale.x -= 0.005;
if (this._face.scale.x < 1.00) { this._face.scale.x = 1.00; };
else if (this._battler._bhud_face_data[1] < 70) {
this._face.scale.x += 0.005;
if (this._face.scale.x > 1.25) { this._face.scale.x = 1.25; };
this._face.scale.y = this._face.scale.x;
// * Update Face Shake
Battle_Hud.prototype.update_face_shake = function () {
this._face.x = this._pos_x + Moghunter.bhud_face_pos_x;
if (this._face_data[2] && this._battler._bhud_face_data[0] > 0) {
this._battler._bhud_face_data[0] -= 1;
this._face.x = this._pos_x + Moghunter.bhud_face_pos_x + ((Math.random() * 12) - 6);
// * Create Name
Battle_Hud.prototype.create_name = function () {
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_name_visible) != "true") { return };
if (!this._battler) { return };
this._name = new Sprite(new Bitmap(200, 48));
this._name.x = this._pos_x + Moghunter.bhud_name_pos_x;
this._name.y = this._pos_y + Moghunter.bhud_name_pos_y;
this._name.bitmap.fontSize = Number(Moghunter.bhud_name_font_size);
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_name_font_italic) === "true") { this._name.bitmap.fontItalic = true };
this._name.bitmap.outlineWidth = Number(Moghunter.bhud_name_font_bold_size);
// * Refresh Name
Battle_Hud.prototype.refresh_name = function () {
var align = "left"
if (Moghunter.bhud_name_align === 1) {
var align = "center"
} else if (Moghunter.bhud_name_align === 2) {
var align = "right"
this._name.bitmap.drawText(this._battler._name, 0, 0, this._name.bitmap.width, this._name.bitmap.height, align);
// * Create HP Meter
Battle_Hud.prototype.create_hp_meter = function () {
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_hp_meter_visible) != "true") { return };
if (!this._battler) { return };
this._hp_meter_red = new Sprite(this._hp_meter_img);
this._hp_meter_red.x = this._pos_x + Moghunter.bhud_hp_meter_pos_x;
this._hp_meter_red.y = this._pos_y + Moghunter.bhud_hp_meter_pos_y;
this._hp_meter_red.rotation = Moghunter.bhud_hp_meter_rotation * Math.PI / 180;
this._hp_meter_blue = new Sprite(this._hp_meter_img);
this._hp_meter_blue.x = this._hp_meter_red.x;
this._hp_meter_blue.y = this._hp_meter_red.y;
this._hp_meter_blue.rotation = this._hp_meter_red.rotation;
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_hp_meter_flow) === "true") {
this._hp_flow[0] = true;
this._hp_flow[2] = this._hp_meter_img.width / 3;
this._hp_flow[3] = this._hp_flow[2] * 2;
this._hp_flow[1] = Math.floor(Math.random() * this._hp_flow[2]);
// * Create HP Number
Battle_Hud.prototype.create_hp_number = function () {
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_hp_number_visible) != "true") { return };
if (this._hp_number) { for (var i = 0; i < this._hp_number.length; i++) { this.removeChild(this._hp_number[i]); } };
if (!this._battler) { return };
this._hp_number = [];
this._hp_img_data = [this._hp_number_img.width, this._hp_number_img.height,
this._hp_number_img.width / 10, this._hp_number_img.height / 2,
this._pos_x + Moghunter.bhud_hp_number_pos_x,
this._pos_y + Moghunter.bhud_hp_number_pos_y,
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
this._hp_number[i] = new Sprite(this._hp_number_img);
this._hp_number[i].visible = false;
this._hp_number[i].x = this._hp_img_data[4];
this._hp_number[i].y = this._hp_img_data[5];
this._hp_number_old = this._battler.hp;
this.refresh_number(this._hp_number, this._hp_number_old, this._hp_img_data, this._hp_img_data[4], this._hp_img_data[5], 0);
// * Create maxHP Number
Battle_Hud.prototype.create_maxhp_number = function () {
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_maxhp_number_visible) != "true") { return };
if (this._maxhp_number) { for (var i = 0; i < this._maxhp_number.length; i++) { this.removeChild(this._maxhp_number[i]); } };
if (!this._battler) { return };
this._maxhp_number = [];
this._maxhp_img_data = [this._maxhp_number_img.width, this._maxhp_number_img.height,
this._maxhp_number_img.width / 10, this._maxhp_number_img.height / 2,
this._pos_x + Moghunter.bhud_maxhp_number_pos_x,
this._pos_y + Moghunter.bhud_maxhp_number_pos_y,
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
this._maxhp_number[i] = new Sprite(this._maxhp_number_img);
this._maxhp_number[i].visible = false;
this._maxhp_number[i].x = this._maxhp_img_data[4];
this._maxhp_number[i].y = this._maxhp_img_data[5];
this._maxhp_number_old = this._battler.mhp;
this.refresh_number(this._maxhp_number, this._maxhp_number_old, this._maxhp_img_data, this._maxhp_img_data[4], this._maxhp_img_data[5], 0);
// * Update HP
Battle_Hud.prototype.update_hp = function () {
if (this._hp_meter_blue) {
if (this._hp_flow[0]) {
this.refresh_meter_flow(this._hp_meter_blue, this._battler.hp, this._battler.mhp, 0, this._hp_flow[1]);
var dif_meter = this.update_dif(this._hp_old_ani[0], this._battler.hp, 160)
if (this._hp_old_ani[0] != dif_meter) {
this._hp_old_ani[0] = dif_meter;
this.refresh_meter_flow(this._hp_meter_red, this._hp_old_ani[0], this._battler.mhp, 1, this._hp_flow[1]);
this._hp_flow[1] += 1.5;
if (this._hp_flow[1] > this._hp_flow[3]) { this._hp_flow[1] = 0 };
else {
if (this.need_refresh_parameter(0)) {
this.refresh_meter(this._hp_meter_blue, this._battler.hp, this._battler.mhp, 0);
this._hp_old = [this._battler.hp, this._battler.mhp];
var dif_meter = this.update_dif(this._hp_old_ani[0], this._battler.hp, 160)
if (this._hp_old_ani[0] != dif_meter) {
this._hp_old_ani[0] = dif_meter;
this.refresh_meter(this._hp_meter_red, this._hp_old_ani[0], this._battler.mhp, 1);
if (this._hp_number) {
var dif_number = this.update_dif(this._hp_number_old, this._battler.hp, 30)
if (this._hp_number_old != dif_number) {
this._hp_number_old = dif_number;
this.refresh_number(this._hp_number, this._hp_number_old, this._hp_img_data, this._hp_img_data[4], this._hp_img_data[5], 0);
if (this._maxhp_number) {
if (this._maxhp_number_old != this._battler.mhp) {
this._maxhp_number_old = this._battler.mhp;
this.refresh_number(this._maxhp_number, this._maxhp_number_old, this._maxhp_img_data, this._maxhp_img_data[4], this._maxhp_img_data[5], 0);
// * Create MP Meter
Battle_Hud.prototype.create_mp_meter = function () {
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_mp_meter_visible) != "true") { return };
if (!this._battler) { return };
this._mp_meter_red = new Sprite(this._mp_meter_img);
this._mp_meter_red.x = this._pos_x + Moghunter.bhud_mp_meter_pos_x;
this._mp_meter_red.y = this._pos_y + Moghunter.bhud_mp_meter_pos_y;
this._mp_meter_red.rotation = Moghunter.bhud_mp_meter_rotation * Math.PI / 180;
this._mp_meter_blue = new Sprite(this._mp_meter_img);
this._mp_meter_blue.x = this._mp_meter_red.x;
this._mp_meter_blue.y = this._mp_meter_red.y;
this._mp_meter_blue.rotation = this._mp_meter_red.rotation;
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_mp_meter_flow) === "true") {
this._mp_flow[0] = true;
this._mp_flow[2] = this._mp_meter_img.width / 3;
this._mp_flow[3] = this._mp_flow[2] * 2;
this._mp_flow[1] = Math.floor(Math.random() * this._mp_flow[2]);
// * Create MP Number
Battle_Hud.prototype.create_mp_number = function () {
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_mp_number_visible) != "true") { return };
if (this._mp_number) { for (var i = 0; i < this._mp_number.length; i++) { this.removeChild(this._mp_number[i]); } };
if (!this._battler) { return };
this._mp_number = [];
this._mp_img_data = [this._mp_number_img.width, this._mp_number_img.height,
this._mp_number_img.width / 10, this._mp_number_img.height / 2,
this._pos_x + Moghunter.bhud_mp_number_pos_x,
this._pos_y + Moghunter.bhud_mp_number_pos_y,
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
this._mp_number[i] = new Sprite(this._mp_number_img);
this._mp_number[i].visible = false;
this._mp_number[i].x = this._mp_img_data[4];
this._mp_number[i].y = this._mp_img_data[5];
this._mp_number_old = this._battler.mp;
this.refresh_number(this._mp_number, this._mp_number_old, this._mp_img_data, this._mp_img_data[4], this._mp_img_data[5], 1);
// * Create MaxMP Number
Battle_Hud.prototype.create_maxmp_number = function () {
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_maxmp_number_visible) != "true") { return };
if (this._maxmp_number) { for (var i = 0; i < this._maxmp_number.length; i++) { this.removeChild(this._maxmp_number[i]); } };
if (!this._battler) { return };
this._maxmp_number = [];
this._maxmp_img_data = [this._maxmp_number_img.width, this._maxmp_number_img.height,
this._maxmp_number_img.width / 10, this._maxmp_number_img.height / 2,
this._pos_x + Moghunter.bhud_maxmp_number_pos_x,
this._pos_y + Moghunter.bhud_maxmp_number_pos_y,
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
this._maxmp_number[i] = new Sprite(this._maxmp_number_img);
this._maxmp_number[i].visible = false;
this._maxmp_number[i].x = this._maxmp_img_data[4];
this._maxmp_number[i].y = this._maxmp_img_data[5];
this._maxmp_number_old = this._battler.mmp;
this.refresh_number(this._maxmp_number, this._maxmp_number_old, this._maxmp_img_data, this._maxmp_img_data[4], this._maxmp_img_data[5], 1);
// * Update MP
Battle_Hud.prototype.update_mp = function () {
if (this._mp_meter_blue) {
if (this._mp_flow[0]) {
this.refresh_meter_flow(this._mp_meter_blue, this._battler.mp, this._battler.mmp, 0, this._mp_flow[1]);
var dif_meter = this.update_dif(this._mp_old_ani[0], this._battler.mp, 160)
if (this._mp_old_ani[0] != dif_meter) {
this._mp_old_ani[0] = dif_meter;
this.refresh_meter_flow(this._mp_meter_red, this._mp_old_ani[0], this._battler.mmp, 1, this._mp_flow[1]);
this._mp_flow[1] += 1.5;
if (this._mp_flow[1] > this._mp_flow[3]) { this._mp_flow[1] = 0 };
else {
if (this.need_refresh_parameter(1)) {
this.refresh_meter(this._mp_meter_blue, this._battler.mp, this._battler.mmp, 0);
this._mp_old = [this._battler.mp, this._battler.mmp];
var dif_meter = this.update_dif(this._mp_old_ani[0], this._battler.mp, 160)
if (this._mp_old_ani[0] != dif_meter) {
this._mp_old_ani[0] = dif_meter;
this.refresh_meter(this._mp_meter_red, this._mp_old_ani[0], this._battler.mmp, 1);
if (this._mp_number) {
var dif_number = this.update_dif(this._mp_number_old, this._battler.mp, 30)
if (this._mp_number_old != dif_number) {
this._mp_number_old = dif_number;
this.refresh_number(this._mp_number, this._mp_number_old, this._mp_img_data, this._mp_img_data[4], this._mp_img_data[5], 1);
if (this._maxmp_number) {
if (this._maxmp_number_old != this._battler.mmp) {
this._maxmp_number_old = this._battler.mmp;
this.refresh_number(this._maxmp_number, this._maxmp_number_old, this._maxmp_img_data, this._maxmp_img_data[4], this._maxmp_img_data[5], 1);
// * Create TP Meter
Battle_Hud.prototype.create_tp_meter = function () {
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_tp_meter_visible) != "true") { return };
if (!this._battler) { return };
this._tp_meter_red = new Sprite(this._tp_meter_img);
this._tp_meter_red.x = this._pos_x + Moghunter.bhud_tp_meter_pos_x;
this._tp_meter_red.y = this._pos_y + Moghunter.bhud_tp_meter_pos_y;
this._tp_meter_red.rotation = Moghunter.bhud_tp_meter_rotation * Math.PI / 180;
this._tp_meter_blue = new Sprite(this._tp_meter_img);
this._tp_meter_blue.x = this._tp_meter_red.x;
this._tp_meter_blue.y = this._tp_meter_red.y;
this._tp_meter_blue.rotation = this._tp_meter_red.rotation;
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_tp_meter_flow) === "true") {
this._tp_flow[0] = true;
this._tp_flow[2] = this._tp_meter_img.width / 3;
this._tp_flow[3] = this._tp_flow[2] * 2;
this._tp_flow[1] = Math.floor(Math.random() * this._tp_flow[2]);
// * Create TP Number
Battle_Hud.prototype.create_tp_number = function () {
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_tp_number_visible) != "true") { return };
if (this._tp_number) { for (var i = 0; i < this._tp_number.length; i++) { this.removeChild(this._tp_number[i]); } };
if (!this._battler) { return };
this._tp_number = [];
this._tp_img_data = [this._tp_number_img.width, this._tp_number_img.height,
this._tp_number_img.width / 10, this._tp_number_img.height / 2,
this._pos_x + Moghunter.bhud_tp_number_pos_x,
this._pos_y + Moghunter.bhud_tp_number_pos_y,
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
this._tp_number[i] = new Sprite(this._tp_number_img);
this._tp_number[i].visible = false;
this._tp_number[i].x = this._tp_img_data[4];
this._tp_number[i].y = this._tp_img_data[5];
this._tp_number_old = this._battler.tp;
this.refresh_number(this._tp_number, this._tp_number_old, this._tp_img_data, this._tp_img_data[4], this._tp_img_data[5], 2);
// * Create MaxTP Number
Battle_Hud.prototype.create_maxtp_number = function () {
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_maxtp_number_visible) != "true") { return };
if (this._maxtp_number) { for (var i = 0; i < this._maxtp_number.length; i++) { this.removeChild(this._maxtp_number[i]); } };
if (!this._battler) { return };
this._maxtp_number = [];
this._maxtp_img_data = [this._maxtp_number_img.width, this._maxtp_number_img.height,
this._maxtp_number_img.width / 10, this._maxtp_number_img.height / 2,
this._pos_x + Moghunter.bhud_maxtp_number_pos_x,
this._pos_y + Moghunter.bhud_maxtp_number_pos_y,
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
this._maxtp_number[i] = new Sprite(this._maxtp_number_img);
this._maxtp_number[i].visible = false;
this._maxtp_number[i].x = this._maxtp_img_data[4];
this._maxtp_number[i].y = this._maxtp_img_data[5];
this._maxtp_number_old = this._battler.maxTp();
this.refresh_number(this._maxtp_number, this._maxtp_number_old, this._maxtp_img_data, this._maxtp_img_data[4], this._maxtp_img_data[5], 2);
// * Update TP
Battle_Hud.prototype.update_tp = function () {
if (this._tp_meter_blue) {
if (this._tp_flow[0]) {
this.refresh_meter_flow(this._tp_meter_blue, this._battler.tp, this._battler.maxTp(), 0, this._tp_flow[1]);
var dif_meter = this.update_dif(this._tp_old_ani[0], this._battler.tp, 160)
if (this._tp_old_ani[0] != dif_meter) {
this._tp_old_ani[0] = dif_meter;
this.refresh_meter_flow(this._tp_meter_red, this._tp_old_ani[0], this._battler.maxTp(), 1, this._tp_flow[1]);
this._tp_flow[1] += 1.5;
if (this._tp_flow[1] > this._tp_flow[3]) { this._tp_flow[1] = 0 };
else {
if (this.need_refresh_parameter(2)) {
this.refresh_meter(this._tp_meter_blue, this._battler.tp, this._battler.maxTp(), 0);
this._tp_old = [this._battler.tp, this._battler.maxTp()];
var dif_meter = this.update_dif(this._tp_old_ani[0], this._battler.tp, 160)
if (this._tp_old_ani[0] != dif_meter) {
this._tp_old_ani[0] = dif_meter;
this.refresh_meter(this._tp_meter_red, this._tp_old_ani[0], this._battler.maxTp(), 1);
if (this._tp_number) {
var dif_number = this.update_dif(this._tp_number_old, this._battler.tp, 30)
if (this._tp_number_old != dif_number) {
this._tp_number_old = dif_number;
this.refresh_number(this._tp_number, this._tp_number_old, this._tp_img_data, this._tp_img_data[4], this._tp_img_data[5], 2);
// * Create AT Meter
Battle_Hud.prototype.create_at_meter = function () {
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_at_meter_visible) != "true") { return };
if (!this._battler) { return };
this._at_meter = new Sprite(this._at_meter_img);
this._at_meter.x = this._pos_x + Moghunter.bhud_at_meter_pos_x;
this._at_meter.y = this._pos_y + Moghunter.bhud_at_meter_pos_y;
this._at_meter.rotation = Moghunter.bhud_at_meter_rotation * Math.PI / 180;
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_at_meter_flow) === "true") {
this._at_flow[0] = true;
this._at_flow[2] = this._at_meter_img.width / 3;
this._at_flow[3] = this._at_flow[2] * 2;
this._at_flow[1] = Math.floor(Math.random() * this._at_flow[2]);
// * Check Compatibility ATB
Battle_Hud.prototype.check_compatibility_atb = function () {
if (Imported.Ellye_ATB) {
var parameters = $plugins.filter(function (p) {
return p.description.contains('<Ellye ATB>');
this._ellye_max_atb = Number(parameters['Full ATB Gauge'] || 50000);
// * Update AT
Battle_Hud.prototype.update_at = function () {
if (this._at_meter) {
if (!this.at === -1) { this._at_meter.visible = false; return }
else { this._at_meter.visible = true };
if (this._at_flow[0]) {
if (this.is_casting()) {
if (this.is_max_cast()) {
this.refresh_at_meter_flow(this._at_meter, this.cast_at(), this.cast_max_at(), 3, this._at_flow[1]);
else {
this.refresh_at_meter_flow(this._at_meter, this.cast_at(), this.cast_max_at(), 2, this._at_flow[1]);
else if (this.is_max_at()) {
this.refresh_at_meter_flow(this._at_meter, this.at(), this.max_at(), 1, this._at_flow[1]);
else {
this.refresh_at_meter_flow(this._at_meter, this.at(), this.max_at(), 0, this._at_flow[1]);
this._at_flow[1] += 1.5;
if (this._at_flow[1] > this._at_flow[3]) { this._at_flow[1] = 0 };
else {
if (this.is_casting()) {
if (this.is_max_cast()) {
this.refresh_at_meter(this._at_meter, this.cast_at(), this.cast_max_at(), 3);
else {
this.refresh_at_meter(this._at_meter, this.cast_at(), this.cast_max_at(), 2);
else if (this.is_max_at()) {
this.refresh_at_meter(this._at_meter, this.at(), this.max_at(), 1);
else {
this.refresh_at_meter(this._at_meter, this.at(), this.max_at(), 0);
// * Refresh AT Meter
Battle_Hud.prototype.refresh_at_meter = function (sprite, value, value_max, type) {
var ch = sprite.bitmap.height / 4;
var meter_rate = sprite.bitmap.width * value / value_max;
sprite.setFrame(0, type * ch, meter_rate, ch);
// * Refresh AT Meter Flow
Battle_Hud.prototype.refresh_at_meter_flow = function (sprite, value, value_max, type, flow) {
var cw = sprite.bitmap.width / 3;
var ch = sprite.bitmap.height / 4;
var meter_rate = cw * value / value_max;
sprite.setFrame(flow, type * ch, meter_rate, ch);
// * At
Battle_Hud.prototype.at = function () {
if (Imported.MOG_ATB) { return this._battler._atb };
if (Imported.Ellye_ATB) { return this._battler.atb };
if (Imported.YEP_X_BattleSysATB) { return Math.abs(this._battler._atbSpeed) };
if (Imported['VE - Active Time Battle']) {
return this._battler.maxAtb - this._battler.atb;
if (this._battler._ras && $gameSystem.isChronoMode()) {
return this._battler._chrono.atb;
return -1;
// * Max At
Battle_Hud.prototype.max_at = function () {
if (Imported.MOG_ATB) { return this._battler._max_atb };
if (Imported.Ellye_ATB) { return this._ellye_max_atb };
if (Imported.YEP_X_BattleSysATB) { return Math.abs(BattleManager._atbTarget) };
if (Imported['VE - Active Time Battle']) { return this._battler.maxAtb };
if (this._battler._ras && $gameSystem.isChronoMode()) {
return this._battler._chrono.maxAtb;
return 1;
// * Cast AT
Battle_Hud.prototype.cast_at = function () {
if (Imported.MOG_ATB) { return this._battler._cast_atb[1] };
if (Imported.Ellye_ATB) { return this._battler.current_cast_atb };
if (Imported.YEP_X_BattleSysATB) { return Math.abs(this._battler._atbCharge) };
if (Imported['VE - Active Time Battle']) {
return this._battler.maxAtb - this._battler.atb;
if (this._battler._ras && $gameSystem.isChronoMode()) {
return this._battler._ras.cast.duration;
return 0;
// * Cast Max AT
Battle_Hud.prototype.cast_max_at = function () {
if (Imported.MOG_ATB) { return this._battler._cast_atb[2] };
if (Imported.Ellye_ATB) { return this._battler.target_cast_atb };
if (Imported.YEP_X_BattleSysATB) { return Math.abs(BattleManager._atbCharge) };
if (Imported['VE - Active Time Battle']) { return this._battler.maxAtb };
if (this._battler._ras && $gameSystem.isChronoMode()) {
return this._battler._ras.cast.maxDuration;
return 1;
// * Is Casting
Battle_Hud.prototype.is_casting = function () {
if (Imported.MOG_ATB) { if (this._battler._cast_atb[0]) { return true; } };
if (Imported.Ellye_ATB) { if (this._battler.casting_action) { return true; } };
if (Imported.YEP_X_BattleSysATB) { if (this._battler._atbCharging) { return true; } };
if (Imported['VE - Active Time Battle']) { return this._battler.isAtbCast() };
if (this._battler._chrono && $gameSystem.isChronoMode()) {
return this._battler.isCastingC();
return false;
// * Is Max Atb
Battle_Hud.prototype.is_max_at = function () {
return this.at() >= this.max_at();
// * Is Max Cast
Battle_Hud.prototype.is_max_cast = function () {
return this.cast_at() >= this.cast_max_at();
// * Create States
Battle_Hud.prototype.create_states = function () {
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_states_visible) != "true") { return };
if (!this._battler) { return };
this._states_data = [0, 0, 0];
this._state_icon = new Sprite(this._state_img);
this._state_icon.x = this._pos_x + Moghunter.bhud_states_pos_x;
this._state_icon.y = this._pos_y + Moghunter.bhud_states_pos_y;
this._state_icon.visible = false;
// * Create States
Battle_Hud.prototype.refresh_states = function () {
this._states_data[0] = 0;
this._states_data[2] = 0;
this._state_icon.visible = false;
if (this._battler.allIcons().length == 0) { this._states_data[1] = 0; return };
if (this._battler.allIcons()[this._states_data[1]]) {
this._states_data[0] = this._battler.allIcons()[this._states_data[1]];
this._state_icon.visible = true;
var sx = this._states_data[0] % 16 * 32;
var sy = Math.floor(this._states_data[0] / 16) * 32;
this._state_icon.setFrame(sx, sy, 32, 32);
this._battler.need_refresh_bhud_states = false;
this._states_data[1] += 1;
if (this._states_data[1] >= this._battler.allIcons().length) {
this._states_data[1] = 0
// * Update States
Battle_Hud.prototype.update_states = function () {
this._states_data[2] += 1;
if (this.need_refresh_states()) { this.refresh_states(); };
// * Need Refresh States
Battle_Hud.prototype.need_refresh_states = function () {
if (this._battler.need_refresh_bhud_states) { return true };
if (this._states_data[2] > 60) { return true };
return false;
// * Create States 2
Battle_Hud.prototype.create_states2 = function () {
if (String(Moghunter.bhud_states_visible) != "true") { return };
if (!this._battler) { return };
this._states_data = [0, 0, 0];
this._stateIcons = [];
this._state_icon = new Sprite();
this._state_icon.x = this._pos_x + Moghunter.bhud_states_pos_x;
this._state_icon.y = this._pos_y + Moghunter.bhud_states_pos_y;
this._state_icon.visible = false;
// * Create States
Battle_Hud.prototype.refresh_states2 = function () {
this._state_icon.visible = false;
this._battler.need_refresh_bhud_states = false;
for (i = 0; i < this._stateIcons.length; i++) {
if (this._battler.allIcons().length == 0) { return };
this._state_icon.visible = true;
this._stateIcons = [];
var w = Window_Base._iconWidth;
var icons = this._battler.allIcons().slice(0, w);
var m = Math.min(Math.max(this._battler.allIcons().length, 0), Moghunter.bhud_statesMax);
var align = Moghunter.bhud_statesAlign;
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
this._stateIcons[i] = new Sprite(this._state_img);
var sx = icons[i] % 16 * w;
var sy = Math.floor(icons[i] / 16) * w;
this._stateIcons[i].setFrame(sx, sy, w, w);
if (align === 1) {
this._stateIcons[i].x = -((w + 4) * i);
} else if (align === 2) {
this._stateIcons[i].y = (w + 4) * i;
} else if (align === 3) {
this._stateIcons[i].y = -((w + 4) * i);
} else {
this._stateIcons[i].x = (w + 4) * i;
// * Update States 2
Battle_Hud.prototype.update_states2 = function () {
if (this.need_refresh_states2()) { this.refresh_states2(); };
// * Need Refresh States 2
Battle_Hud.prototype.need_refresh_states2 = function () {
if (this._battler.need_refresh_bhud_states) { return true };
return false;