You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

404 lines
14 KiB

3 years ago
/*! FPSMeter 0.3.1 - 9th May 2013 | */
(function (m, j) {
function s(a, e) {
for (var g in e)
try {[g] = e[g];
} catch (j) {}
return a;
function H(a) {
return null == a
? String(a)
: "object" === typeof a || "function" === typeof a
? Object.prototype.toString
.toLowerCase() || "object"
: typeof a;
function R(a, e) {
if ("array" !== H(e)) return -1;
if (e.indexOf) return e.indexOf(a);
for (var g = 0, j = e.length; g < j; g++) if (e[g] === a) return g;
return -1;
function I() {
var a = arguments,
for (e in a[1])
if (a[1].hasOwnProperty(e))
switch (H(a[1][e])) {
case "object":
a[0][e] = I({}, a[0][e], a[1][e]);
case "array":
a[0][e] = a[1][e].slice(0);
a[0][e] = a[1][e];
return 2 < a.length ? I.apply(null, [a[0]].concat(, 2))) : a[0];
function N(a) {
a = Math.round(255 * a).toString(16);
return 1 === a.length ? "0" + a : a;
function S(a, e, g, j) {
if (a.addEventListener) a[j ? "removeEventListener" : "addEventListener"](e, g, !1);
else if (a.attachEvent) a[j ? "detachEvent" : "attachEvent"]("on" + e, g);
function D(a, e) {
function g(a, b, d, c) {
return y[0 | a][Math.round(Math.min(((b - d) / (c - d)) * J, J))];
function r() {
f.legend.fps !== q && ((f.legend.fps = q), (f.legend[T] = q ? "FPS" : "ms"));
K = q ? b.fps : b.duration;
f.count[T] = 999 < K ? "999+" : K.toFixed(99 < K ? 0 : d.decimals);
function m() {
z = A();
L < z - d.threshold &&
((b.fps -= b.fps / Math.max(1, (60 * d.smoothing) / d.interval)), (b.duration = 1e3 / b.fps));
for (c = d.history; c--; ) (E[c] = 0 === c ? b.fps : E[c - 1]), (F[c] = 0 === c ? b.duration : F[c - 1]);
if (d.heat) {
if (w.length)
for (c = w.length; c--; )
w[c][h[w[c].name].heatOn] = q
? g(h[w[c].name].heatmap, b.fps, 0, d.maxFps)
: g(h[w[c].name].heatmap, b.duration, d.threshold, 0);
if (f.graph && h.column.heatOn)
for (c = u.length; c--; )
u[c].style[h.column.heatOn] = q
? g(h.column.heatmap, E[c], 0, d.maxFps)
: g(h.column.heatmap, F[c], d.threshold, 0);
if (f.graph)
for (p = 0; p < d.history; p++)
u[p].style.height =
? E[p]
? Math.round((O / d.maxFps) * Math.min(E[p], d.maxFps))
: 0
: F[p]
? Math.round((O / d.threshold) * Math.min(F[p], d.threshold))
: 0) + "px";
function k() {
20 > d.interval ? ((x = M(k)), m()) : ((x = setTimeout(k, d.interval)), (P = M(m)));
function G(a) {
a = a || window.event;
? (a.preventDefault(), a.stopPropagation())
: ((a.returnValue = !1), (a.cancelBubble = !0));
function U() {
d.toggleOn && S(f.container, d.toggleOn, G, 1);
function V() {
f.container && U();
h = D.theme[d.theme];
y = h.compiledHeatmaps || [];
if (!y.length && h.heatmaps.length) {
for (p = 0; p < h.heatmaps.length; p++) {
y[p] = [];
for (c = 0; c <= J; c++) {
var b = y[p],
e = c,
g = (0.33 / J) * c;
var j = h.heatmaps[p].saturation,
m = h.heatmaps[p].lightness,
n = void 0,
k = void 0,
l = void 0,
t = (l = void 0),
v = (n = k = void 0),
v = void 0,
l = 0.5 >= m ? m * (1 + j) : m + j - m * j;
0 === l
? (g = "#000")
: ((t = 2 * m - l),
(k = (l - t) / l),
(g *= 6),
(n = Math.floor(g)),
(v = g - n),
(v *= l * k),
0 === n || 6 === n
? ((n = l), (k = t + v), (l = t))
: 1 === n
? ((n = l - v), (k = l), (l = t))
: 2 === n
? ((n = t), (k = l), (l = t + v))
: 3 === n
? ((n = t), (k = l - v))
: 4 === n
? ((n = t + v), (k = t))
: ((n = l), (k = t), (l -= v)),
(g = "#" + N(n) + N(k) + N(l)));
b[e] = g;
h.compiledHeatmaps = y;
f.container = s(document.createElement("div"), h.container);
f.count = f.container.appendChild(s(document.createElement("div"), h.count));
f.legend = f.container.appendChild(s(document.createElement("div"), h.legend));
f.graph = d.graph ? f.container.appendChild(s(document.createElement("div"), h.graph)) : 0;
w.length = 0;
for (var q in f) f[q] && h[q].heatOn && w.push({ name: q, el: f[q] });
u.length = 0;
if (f.graph) { = d.history * h.column.width + (d.history - 1) * h.column.spacing + "px";
for (c = 0; c < d.history; c++)
(u[c] = f.graph.appendChild(s(document.createElement("div"), h.column))),
(u[c].style.position = "absolute"),
(u[c].style.bottom = 0),
(u[c].style.right = c * h.column.width + c * h.column.spacing + "px"),
(u[c].style.width = h.column.width + "px"),
(u[c].style.height = "0px");
s(f.container, d);
f.graph && (O = f.graph.clientHeight);
d.toggleOn &&
("click" === d.toggleOn && ( = "pointer"), S(f.container, d.toggleOn, G));
"object" === H(a) && a.nodeType === j && ((e = a), (a = document.body));
a || (a = document.body);
var b = this,
d = I({}, D.defaults, e || {}),
f = {},
u = [],
J = 100,
w = [],
W = 0,
B = d.threshold,
Q = 0,
L = A() - B,
E = [],
F = [],
q = "fps" ===,
b.options = d;
b.fps = 0;
b.duration = 0;
b.isPaused = 0;
b.tickStart = function () {
Q = A();
b.tick = function () {
z = A();
W = z - L;
B += (W - B) / d.smoothing;
b.fps = 1e3 / B;
b.duration = Q < L ? B : z - Q;
L = z;
b.pause = function () {
x && ((b.isPaused = 1), clearTimeout(x), C(x), C(P), (x = P = 0));
return b;
b.resume = function () {
x || ((b.isPaused = 0), k());
return b;
b.set = function (a, c) {
d[a] = c;
q = "fps" ===;
-1 !== R(a, X) && V();
-1 !== R(a, Y) && s(f.container, d);
return b;
b.showDuration = function () {
b.set("show", "ms");
return b;
b.showFps = function () {
b.set("show", "fps");
return b;
b.toggle = function () {
b.set("show", q ? "ms" : "fps");
return b;
b.hide = function () {
b.pause(); = "none";
return b;
}; = function () {
b.resume(); = "block";
return b;
b.destroy = function () {
b.tick = b.tickStart = function () {};
var A,
r = m.performance;
A =
r && ( || r.webkitNow)
? r[ ? "now" : "webkitNow"].bind(r)
: function () {
return +new Date();
for (
var C = m.cancelAnimationFrame || m.cancelRequestAnimationFrame,
M = m.requestAnimationFrame,
r = ["moz", "webkit", "o"],
G = 0,
k = 0,
Z = r.length;
k < Z && !C;
M =
(C = m[r[k] + "CancelAnimationFrame"] || m[r[k] + "CancelRequestAnimationFrame"]) &&
m[r[k] + "RequestAnimationFrame"];
C ||
((M = function (a) {
var e = A(),
g = Math.max(0, 16 - (e - G));
G = e + g;
return m.setTimeout(function () {
a(e + g);
}, g);
(C = function (a) {
var T = "string" === H(document.createElement("div").textContent) ? "textContent" : "innerText";
D.extend = I;
window.FPSMeter = D;
D.defaults = {
interval: 100,
smoothing: 10,
show: "fps",
toggleOn: "click",
decimals: 1,
maxFps: 60,
threshold: 100,
position: "absolute",
zIndex: 10,
left: "5px",
top: "5px",
right: "auto",
bottom: "auto",
margin: "0 0 0 0",
theme: "dark",
heat: 0,
graph: 0,
history: 20,
var X = ["toggleOn", "theme", "heat", "graph", "history"],
Y = "position zIndex left top right bottom margin".split(" ");
(function (m, j) {
j.theme = {};
var s = (j.theme.base = {
heatmaps: [],
container: {
heatOn: null,
heatmap: null,
padding: "5px",
minWidth: "95px",
height: "30px",
lineHeight: "30px",
textAlign: "right",
textShadow: "none",
count: {
heatOn: null,
heatmap: null,
position: "absolute",
top: 0,
right: 0,
padding: "5px 10px",
height: "30px",
fontSize: "24px",
fontFamily: "Consolas, Andale Mono, monospace",
zIndex: 2,
legend: {
heatOn: null,
heatmap: null,
position: "absolute",
top: 0,
left: 0,
padding: "5px 10px",
height: "30px",
fontSize: "12px",
lineHeight: "32px",
fontFamily: "sans-serif",
textAlign: "left",
zIndex: 2,
graph: {
heatOn: null,
heatmap: null,
position: "relative",
boxSizing: "padding-box",
MozBoxSizing: "padding-box",
height: "100%",
zIndex: 1,
column: { width: 4, spacing: 1, heatOn: null, heatmap: null },
j.theme.dark = j.extend({}, s, {
heatmaps: [{ saturation: 0.8, lightness: 0.8 }],
container: { background: "#222", color: "#fff", border: "1px solid #1a1a1a", textShadow: "1px 1px 0 #222" },
count: { heatOn: "color" },
column: { background: "#3f3f3f" },
j.theme.light = j.extend({}, s, {
heatmaps: [{ saturation: 0.5, lightness: 0.5 }],
container: {
color: "#666",
background: "#fff",
textShadow: "1px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.5), -1px -1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.5)",
boxShadow: "0 0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,.1)",
count: { heatOn: "color" },
column: { background: "#eaeaea" },
j.theme.colorful = j.extend({}, s, {
heatmaps: [{ saturation: 0.5, lightness: 0.6 }],
container: {
heatOn: "backgroundColor",
background: "#888",
color: "#fff",
textShadow: "1px 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.2)",
boxShadow: "0 0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,.1)",
column: { background: "#777", backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,.2)" },
j.theme.transparent = j.extend({}, s, {
heatmaps: [{ saturation: 0.8, lightness: 0.5 }],
container: { padding: 0, color: "#fff", textShadow: "1px 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.5)" },
count: { padding: "0 5px", height: "40px", lineHeight: "40px" },
legend: { padding: "0 5px", height: "40px", lineHeight: "42px" },
graph: { height: "40px" },
column: { width: 5, background: "#999", heatOn: "backgroundColor", opacity: 0.5 },
})(window, FPSMeter);