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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
887 lines
42 KiB
887 lines
42 KiB
3 years ago
var PIXI;
(function (PIXI) {
var tilemap;
(function (tilemap) {
var CanvasTileRenderer = (function () {
function CanvasTileRenderer(renderer) {
this.tileAnim = [0, 0];
this.dontUseTransform = false;
this.renderer = renderer;
this.tileAnim = [0, 0];
return CanvasTileRenderer;
tilemap.CanvasTileRenderer = CanvasTileRenderer;
PIXI.CanvasRenderer.registerPlugin('tilemap', CanvasTileRenderer);
})(tilemap = PIXI.tilemap || (PIXI.tilemap = {}));
})(PIXI || (PIXI = {}));
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return function (d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
var PIXI;
(function (PIXI) {
var tilemap;
(function (tilemap) {
var CompositeRectTileLayer = (function (_super) {
__extends(CompositeRectTileLayer, _super);
function CompositeRectTileLayer(zIndex, bitmaps, useSquare, texPerChild) {
var _this = || this;
_this.shadowColor = new Float32Array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5]);
_this.modificationMarker = 0;
_this._globalMat = null;
_this._tempScale = null;
_this.initialize.apply(_this, arguments);
return _this;
CompositeRectTileLayer.prototype.updateTransform = function () {
CompositeRectTileLayer.prototype.initialize = function (zIndex, bitmaps, useSquare, texPerChild) {
this.z = this.zIndex = zIndex;
this.useSquare = useSquare;
this.texPerChild = texPerChild || 16;
if (bitmaps) {
CompositeRectTileLayer.prototype.setBitmaps = function (bitmaps) {
var texPerChild = this.texPerChild;
var len1 = this.children.length;
var len2 = Math.ceil(bitmaps.length / texPerChild);
var i;
for (i = 0; i < len1; i++) {
this.children[i].textures = bitmaps.slice(i * texPerChild, (i + 1) * texPerChild);
for (i = len1; i < len2; i++) {
this.addChild(new tilemap.RectTileLayer(this.zIndex, bitmaps.slice(i * texPerChild, (i + 1) * texPerChild)));
CompositeRectTileLayer.prototype.clear = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++)
this.modificationMarker = 0;
CompositeRectTileLayer.prototype.addRect = function (num, u, v, x, y, tileWidth, tileHeight) {
if (this.children[num] && this.children[num].textures)
this.children[num].addRect(0, u, v, x, y, tileWidth, tileHeight);
CompositeRectTileLayer.prototype.addFrame = function (texture_, x, y, animX, animY) {
var texture;
var layer = null, ind = 0;
var children = this.children;
if (typeof texture_ === "number") {
var childIndex = texture_ / this.texPerChild >> 0;
layer = children[childIndex];
if (!layer) {
layer = children[0];
if (!layer) {
return false;
ind = 0;
else {
ind = texture_ % this.texPerChild;
texture = layer.textures[ind];
else if (typeof texture_ === "string") {
texture = PIXI.Texture.fromImage(texture_);
else {
texture = texture_;
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
var child = children[i];
var tex = child.textures;
for (var j = 0; j < tex.length; j++) {
if (tex[j].baseTexture == texture.baseTexture) {
layer = child;
ind = j;
if (layer) {
if (!layer) {
for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
var child = children[i];
if (child.textures.length < this.texPerChild) {
layer = child;
ind = child.textures.length;
if (!layer) {
children.push(layer = new tilemap.RectTileLayer(this.zIndex, texture));
ind = 0;
layer.addRect(ind, texture.frame.x, texture.frame.y, x, y, texture.frame.width, texture.frame.height, animX, animY);
return true;
CompositeRectTileLayer.prototype.renderCanvas = function (renderer) {
if (!renderer.plugins.tilemap.dontUseTransform) {
var wt = this.worldTransform;
renderer.context.setTransform(wt.a, wt.b, wt.c, wt.d, wt.tx * renderer.resolution, wt.ty * renderer.resolution);
var layers = this.children;
for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++)
CompositeRectTileLayer.prototype.renderWebGL = function (renderer) {
var gl =;
var shader = renderer.plugins.tilemap.getShader(this.useSquare);
this._globalMat = this._globalMat || new PIXI.Matrix();
shader.uniforms.projectionMatrix = this._globalMat.toArray(true);
shader.uniforms.shadowColor = this.shadowColor;
if (this.useSquare) {
var tempScale = this._tempScale = (this._tempScale || [0, 0]);
tempScale[0] = this._globalMat.a >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
tempScale[1] = this._globalMat.d < 0 ? 1 : -1;
var ps = shader.uniforms.pointScale = tempScale;
shader.uniforms.projectionScale = Math.abs(this.worldTransform.a) * renderer.resolution;
var af = shader.uniforms.animationFrame = renderer.plugins.tilemap.tileAnim;
var layers = this.children;
for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++)
layers[i].renderWebGL(renderer, this.useSquare);
CompositeRectTileLayer.prototype.isModified = function (anim) {
var layers = this.children;
if (this.modificationMarker != layers.length) {
return true;
for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {
var layer = layers[i];
if (layer.modificationMarker != layer.pointsBuf.length ||
anim && layer.hasAnim) {
return true;
return false;
CompositeRectTileLayer.prototype.clearModify = function () {
var layers = this.children;
this.modificationMarker = layers.length;
for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {
var layer = layers[i];
layer.modificationMarker = layer.pointsBuf.length;
return CompositeRectTileLayer;
tilemap.CompositeRectTileLayer = CompositeRectTileLayer;
})(tilemap = PIXI.tilemap || (PIXI.tilemap = {}));
})(PIXI || (PIXI = {}));
var PIXI;
(function (PIXI) {
var tilemap;
(function (tilemap) {
var GraphicsLayer = (function (_super) {
__extends(GraphicsLayer, _super);
function GraphicsLayer(zIndex) {
var _this = || this;
_this.z = _this.zIndex = zIndex;
return _this;
GraphicsLayer.prototype.renderCanvas = function (renderer) {
var wt = null;
if (renderer.plugins.tilemap.dontUseTransform) {
wt = this.transform.worldTransform;
this.transform.worldTransform = PIXI.Matrix.IDENTITY;
if (renderer.plugins.tilemap.dontUseTransform) {
this.transform.worldTransform = wt;
renderer.context.globalAlpha = 1.0;
GraphicsLayer.prototype.renderWebGL = function (renderer) {
if (!this._webGL[renderer.CONTEXT_UID])
this.dirty = true;
|, renderer);
GraphicsLayer.prototype.isModified = function (anim) {
return false;
GraphicsLayer.prototype.clearModify = function () {
return GraphicsLayer;
})(tilemap = PIXI.tilemap || (PIXI.tilemap = {}));
})(PIXI || (PIXI = {}));
var PIXI;
(function (PIXI) {
var tilemap;
(function (tilemap) {
var RectTileLayer = (function (_super) {
__extends(RectTileLayer, _super);
function RectTileLayer(zIndex, texture) {
var _this = || this;
_this.z = 0;
_this.zIndex = 0;
_this.pointsBuf = [];
_this._tempSize = new Float32Array([0, 0]);
_this._tempTexSize = 1;
_this.modificationMarker = 0;
_this.hasAnim = false;
_this.vbId = 0;
_this.vbBuffer = null;
_this.vbArray = null;
_this.vbInts = null;
_this.initialize(zIndex, texture);
return _this;
RectTileLayer.prototype.initialize = function (zIndex, textures) {
if (!textures) {
textures = [];
else if (!(textures instanceof Array) && textures.baseTexture) {
textures = [textures];
this.textures = textures;
this.z = this.zIndex = zIndex;
this.visible = false;
RectTileLayer.prototype.clear = function () {
this.pointsBuf.length = 0;
this.modificationMarker = 0;
this.hasAnim = false;
RectTileLayer.prototype.renderCanvas = function (renderer) {
if (this.textures.length === 0)
var points = this.pointsBuf;
renderer.context.fillStyle = '#000000';
for (var i = 0, n = points.length; i < n; i += 9) {
var x1 = points[i], y1 = points[i + 1];
var x2 = points[i + 2], y2 = points[i + 3];
var w = points[i + 4];
var h = points[i + 5];
x1 += points[i + 6] * renderer.plugins.tilemap.tileAnim[0];
y1 += points[i + 7] * renderer.plugins.tilemap.tileAnim[1];
var textureId = points[i + 8];
if (textureId >= 0) {
renderer.context.drawImage(this.textures[textureId].baseTexture.source, x1, y1, w, h, x2, y2, w, h);
else {
renderer.context.globalAlpha = 0.5;
renderer.context.fillRect(x2, y2, w, h);
renderer.context.globalAlpha = 1;
RectTileLayer.prototype.addRect = function (textureId, u, v, x, y, tileWidth, tileHeight, animX, animY) {
if (animX === void 0) { animX = 0; }
if (animY === void 0) { animY = 0; }
var pb = this.pointsBuf;
this.hasAnim = this.hasAnim || animX > 0 || animY > 0;
if (tileWidth == tileHeight) {
pb.push(animX | 0);
pb.push(animY | 0);
else {
var i;
if (tileWidth % tileHeight === 0) {
for (i = 0; i < tileWidth / tileHeight; i++) {
pb.push(u + i * tileHeight);
pb.push(x + i * tileHeight);
pb.push(animX | 0);
pb.push(animY | 0);
else if (tileHeight % tileWidth === 0) {
for (i = 0; i < tileHeight / tileWidth; i++) {
pb.push(v + i * tileWidth);
pb.push(y + i * tileWidth);
pb.push(animX | 0);
pb.push(animY | 0);
else {
pb.push(animX | 0);
pb.push(animY | 0);
RectTileLayer.prototype.renderWebGL = function (renderer, useSquare) {
if (useSquare === void 0) { useSquare = false; }
var points = this.pointsBuf;
if (points.length === 0)
var rectsCount = points.length / 9;
var tile = renderer.plugins.tilemap;
var gl =;
if (!useSquare) {
var shader = tile.getShader(useSquare);
var textures = this.textures;
if (textures.length === 0)
var len = textures.length;
if (this._tempTexSize < shader.maxTextures) {
this._tempTexSize = shader.maxTextures;
this._tempSize = new Float32Array(2 * shader.maxTextures);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (!textures[i] || !textures[i].valid)
var texture = textures[i].baseTexture;
tile.bindTextures(renderer, shader, textures);
var vb = tile.getVb(this.vbId);
if (!vb) {
vb = tile.createVb(useSquare);
this.vbId =;
this.vbBuffer = null;
this.modificationMarker = 0;
var vao = vb.vao;
var vertexBuf = vb.vb;
var vertices = rectsCount * shader.vertPerQuad;
if (vertices === 0)
if (this.modificationMarker != vertices) {
this.modificationMarker = vertices;
var vs = shader.stride * vertices;
if (!this.vbBuffer || this.vbBuffer.byteLength < vs) {
var bk = shader.stride;
while (bk < vs) {
bk *= 2;
this.vbBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(bk);
this.vbArray = new Float32Array(this.vbBuffer);
this.vbInts = new Uint32Array(this.vbBuffer);
vertexBuf.upload(this.vbBuffer, 0, true);
var arr = this.vbArray, ints = this.vbInts;
var sz = 0;
var textureId, shiftU, shiftV;
if (useSquare) {
for (i = 0; i < points.length; i += 9) {
textureId = (points[i + 8] >> 2);
shiftU = 1024 * (points[i + 8] & 1);
shiftV = 1024 * ((points[i + 8] >> 1) & 1);
arr[sz++] = points[i + 2];
arr[sz++] = points[i + 3];
arr[sz++] = points[i + 0] + shiftU;
arr[sz++] = points[i + 1] + shiftV;
arr[sz++] = points[i + 4];
arr[sz++] = points[i + 6];
arr[sz++] = points[i + 7];
arr[sz++] = textureId;
else {
var tint = -1;
for (i = 0; i < points.length; i += 9) {
var eps = 0.5;
textureId = (points[i + 8] >> 2);
shiftU = 1024 * (points[i + 8] & 1);
shiftV = 1024 * ((points[i + 8] >> 1) & 1);
var x = points[i + 2], y = points[i + 3];
var w = points[i + 4], h = points[i + 5];
var u = points[i] + shiftU, v = points[i + 1] + shiftV;
var animX = points[i + 6], animY = points[i + 7];
arr[sz++] = x;
arr[sz++] = y;
arr[sz++] = u;
arr[sz++] = v;
arr[sz++] = u + eps;
arr[sz++] = v + eps;
arr[sz++] = u + w - eps;
arr[sz++] = v + h - eps;
arr[sz++] = animX;
arr[sz++] = animY;
arr[sz++] = textureId;
arr[sz++] = x + w;
arr[sz++] = y;
arr[sz++] = u + w;
arr[sz++] = v;
arr[sz++] = u + eps;
arr[sz++] = v + eps;
arr[sz++] = u + w - eps;
arr[sz++] = v + h - eps;
arr[sz++] = animX;
arr[sz++] = animY;
arr[sz++] = textureId;
arr[sz++] = x + w;
arr[sz++] = y + h;
arr[sz++] = u + w;
arr[sz++] = v + h;
arr[sz++] = u + eps;
arr[sz++] = v + eps;
arr[sz++] = u + w - eps;
arr[sz++] = v + h - eps;
arr[sz++] = animX;
arr[sz++] = animY;
arr[sz++] = textureId;
arr[sz++] = x;
arr[sz++] = y + h;
arr[sz++] = u;
arr[sz++] = v + h;
arr[sz++] = u + eps;
arr[sz++] = v + eps;
arr[sz++] = u + w - eps;
arr[sz++] = v + h - eps;
arr[sz++] = animX;
arr[sz++] = animY;
arr[sz++] = textureId;
vertexBuf.upload(arr, 0, true);
if (useSquare)
gl.drawArrays(gl.POINTS, 0, vertices);
gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, rectsCount * 6, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
return RectTileLayer;
tilemap.RectTileLayer = RectTileLayer;
})(tilemap = PIXI.tilemap || (PIXI.tilemap = {}));
})(PIXI || (PIXI = {}));
var PIXI;
(function (PIXI) {
var tilemap;
(function (tilemap) {
var rectShaderFrag = "varying vec2 vTextureCoord;\nvarying vec4 vFrame;\nvarying float vTextureId;\nuniform vec4 shadowColor;\nuniform sampler2D uSamplers[%count%];\nuniform vec2 uSamplerSize[%count%];\n\nvoid main(void){\n vec2 textureCoord = clamp(vTextureCoord, vFrame.xy,;\n float textureId = floor(vTextureId + 0.5);\n\n vec4 color;\n %forloop%\n gl_FragColor = color;\n}";
var rectShaderVert = "\nattribute vec2 aVertexPosition;\nattribute vec2 aTextureCoord;\nattribute vec4 aFrame;\nattribute vec2 aAnim;\nattribute float aTextureId;\n\nuniform mat3 projectionMatrix;\nuniform vec2 animationFrame;\n\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\nvarying float vTextureId;\nvarying vec4 vFrame;\n\nvoid main(void){\n gl_Position = vec4((projectionMatrix * vec3(aVertexPosition, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0);\n vec2 anim = aAnim * animationFrame;\n vTextureCoord = aTextureCoord + anim;\n vFrame = aFrame + vec4(anim, anim);\n vTextureId = aTextureId;\n}\n";
var TilemapShader = (function (_super) {
__extends(TilemapShader, _super);
function TilemapShader(gl, maxTextures, shaderVert, shaderFrag) {
var _this =, gl, shaderVert, shaderFrag) || this;
_this.maxTextures = 0;
_this.maxTextures = maxTextures;
tilemap.shaderGenerator.fillSamplers(_this, _this.maxTextures);
return _this;
return TilemapShader;
tilemap.TilemapShader = TilemapShader;
var RectTileShader = (function (_super) {
__extends(RectTileShader, _super);
function RectTileShader(gl, maxTextures) {
var _this =, gl, maxTextures, rectShaderVert, tilemap.shaderGenerator.generateFragmentSrc(maxTextures, rectShaderFrag)) || this;
_this.vertSize = 11;
_this.vertPerQuad = 4;
_this.stride = _this.vertSize * 4;
tilemap.shaderGenerator.fillSamplers(_this, _this.maxTextures);
return _this;
RectTileShader.prototype.createVao = function (renderer, vb) {
var gl =;
return renderer.createVao()
.addAttribute(vb, this.attributes.aVertexPosition, gl.FLOAT, false, this.stride, 0)
.addAttribute(vb, this.attributes.aTextureCoord, gl.FLOAT, false, this.stride, 2 * 4)
.addAttribute(vb, this.attributes.aFrame, gl.FLOAT, false, this.stride, 4 * 4)
.addAttribute(vb, this.attributes.aAnim, gl.FLOAT, false, this.stride, 8 * 4)
.addAttribute(vb, this.attributes.aTextureId, gl.FLOAT, false, this.stride, 10 * 4);
return RectTileShader;
tilemap.RectTileShader = RectTileShader;
})(tilemap = PIXI.tilemap || (PIXI.tilemap = {}));
})(PIXI || (PIXI = {}));
var PIXI;
(function (PIXI) {
var tilemap;
(function (tilemap) {
var shaderGenerator;
(function (shaderGenerator) {
function fillSamplers(shader, maxTextures) {
var sampleValues = [];
for (var i = 0; i < maxTextures; i++) {
sampleValues[i] = i;
shader.uniforms.uSamplers = sampleValues;
var samplerSize = [];
for (i = 0; i < maxTextures; i++) {
samplerSize.push(1.0 / 2048);
samplerSize.push(1.0 / 2048);
shader.uniforms.uSamplerSize = samplerSize;
shaderGenerator.fillSamplers = fillSamplers;
function generateFragmentSrc(maxTextures, fragmentSrc) {
return fragmentSrc.replace(/%count%/gi, maxTextures + "")
.replace(/%forloop%/gi, this.generateSampleSrc(maxTextures));
shaderGenerator.generateFragmentSrc = generateFragmentSrc;
function generateSampleSrc(maxTextures) {
var src = '';
src += '\n';
src += '\n';
src += 'if(vTextureId <= -1.0) {';
src += '\n\tcolor = shadowColor;';
src += '\n}';
for (var i = 0; i < maxTextures; i++) {
src += '\nelse ';
if (i < maxTextures - 1) {
src += 'if(textureId == ' + i + '.0)';
src += '\n{';
src += '\n\tcolor = texture2D(uSamplers[' + i + '], textureCoord * uSamplerSize[' + i + ']);';
src += '\n}';
src += '\n';
src += '\n';
return src;
shaderGenerator.generateSampleSrc = generateSampleSrc;
})(shaderGenerator = tilemap.shaderGenerator || (tilemap.shaderGenerator = {}));
})(tilemap = PIXI.tilemap || (PIXI.tilemap = {}));
})(PIXI || (PIXI = {}));
var PIXI;
(function (PIXI) {
var tilemap;
(function (tilemap) {
var squareShaderVert = "\nattribute vec2 aVertexPosition;\nattribute vec2 aTextureCoord;\nattribute vec2 aAnim;\nattribute float aTextureId;\nattribute float aSize;\n\nuniform mat3 projectionMatrix;\nuniform vec2 samplerSize;\nuniform vec2 animationFrame;\nuniform float projectionScale;\n\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\nvarying float vSize;\nvarying float vTextureId;\n\nvoid main(void){\n gl_Position = vec4((projectionMatrix * vec3(aVertexPosition + aSize * 0.5, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0);\n gl_PointSize = aSize * projectionScale;\n vTextureCoord = aTextureCoord + aAnim * animationFrame;\n vTextureId = aTextureId;\n vSize = aSize;\n}\n";
var squareShaderFrag = "\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\nvarying float vSize;\nvarying float vTextureId;\n\nuniform vec4 shadowColor;\nuniform sampler2D uSamplers[%count%];\nuniform vec2 uSamplerSize[%count%];\nuniform vec2 pointScale;\n\nvoid main(void){\n float margin = 0.5 / vSize;\n vec2 pointCoord = (gl_PointCoord - 0.5) * pointScale + 0.5;\n vec2 clamped = vec2(clamp(pointCoord.x, margin, 1.0 - margin), clamp(pointCoord.y, margin, 1.0 - margin));\n vec2 textureCoord = pointCoord * vSize + vTextureCoord;\n float textureId = vTextureId;\n vec4 color;\n %forloop%\n gl_FragColor = color;\n}\n\n";
var SquareTileShader = (function (_super) {
__extends(SquareTileShader, _super);
function SquareTileShader(gl, maxTextures) {
var _this =, gl, maxTextures, squareShaderVert, tilemap.shaderGenerator.generateFragmentSrc(maxTextures, squareShaderFrag)) || this;
_this.vertSize = 8;
_this.vertPerQuad = 1;
_this.stride = _this.vertSize * 4;
_this.maxTextures = maxTextures;
tilemap.shaderGenerator.fillSamplers(_this, _this.maxTextures);
return _this;
SquareTileShader.prototype.createVao = function (renderer, vb) {
var gl =;
return renderer.createVao()
.addAttribute(vb, this.attributes.aVertexPosition, gl.FLOAT, false, this.stride, 0)
.addAttribute(vb, this.attributes.aTextureCoord, gl.FLOAT, false, this.stride, 2 * 4)
.addAttribute(vb, this.attributes.aSize, gl.FLOAT, false, this.stride, 4 * 4)
.addAttribute(vb, this.attributes.aAnim, gl.FLOAT, false, this.stride, 5 * 4)
.addAttribute(vb, this.attributes.aTextureId, gl.FLOAT, false, this.stride, 7 * 4);
return SquareTileShader;
tilemap.SquareTileShader = SquareTileShader;
})(tilemap = PIXI.tilemap || (PIXI.tilemap = {}));
})(PIXI || (PIXI = {}));
var PIXI;
(function (PIXI) {
var tilemap;
(function (tilemap) {
var glCore = PIXI.glCore;
function _hackSubImage(tex, sprite, clearBuffer, clearWidth, clearHeight) {
var gl =;
var baseTex = sprite.texture.baseTexture;
if (clearBuffer && clearWidth > 0 && clearHeight > 0) {
gl.texSubImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, sprite.position.x, sprite.position.y, clearWidth, clearHeight, tex.format, tex.type, clearBuffer);
gl.texSubImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, sprite.position.x, sprite.position.y, tex.format, tex.type, baseTex.source);
var TileRenderer = (function (_super) {
__extends(TileRenderer, _super);
function TileRenderer(renderer) {
var _this =, renderer) || this;
_this.vbs = {};
_this.indices = new Uint16Array(0);
_this.lastTimeCheck = 0;
_this.tileAnim = [0, 0];
_this.maxTextures = 4;
_this.texLoc = [];
return _this;
TileRenderer.prototype.onContextChange = function () {
var gl =;
var maxTextures = this.maxTextures;
this.rectShader = new tilemap.RectTileShader(gl, maxTextures);
this.squareShader = new tilemap.SquareTileShader(gl, maxTextures);
this.rectShader.indexBuffer = this.indexBuffer;
this.squareShader.indexBuffer = this.indexBuffer;
this.vbs = {};
this.glTextures = [];
this.boundSprites = [];
TileRenderer.prototype.initBounds = function () {
var gl =;
var tempCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
tempCanvas.width = 2048;
tempCanvas.height = 2048;
for (var i = 0; i < this.maxTextures; i++) {
var rt = PIXI.RenderTexture.create(2048, 2048);
rt.baseTexture.premultipliedAlpha = true;
rt.baseTexture.scaleMode = TileRenderer.SCALE_MODE;
rt.baseTexture.wrapMode = PIXI.WRAP_MODES.CLAMP;
var bs = [];
for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
var spr = new PIXI.Sprite();
spr.position.x = 1024 * (j & 1);
spr.position.y = 1024 * (j >> 1);
TileRenderer.prototype.bindTextures = function (renderer, shader, textures) {
var bounds = this.boundSprites;
var glts = this.glTextures;
var len = textures.length;
var maxTextures = this.maxTextures;
if (len > 4 * maxTextures) {
var doClear = TileRenderer.DO_CLEAR;
if (doClear && !this._clearBuffer) {
this._clearBuffer = new Uint8Array(1024 * 1024 * 4);
var i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var texture = textures[i];
if (!texture || !textures[i].valid)
var bs = bounds[i >> 2][i & 3];
if (!bs.texture ||
bs.texture.baseTexture !== texture.baseTexture) {
bs.texture = texture;
var glt = glts[i >> 2];
renderer.bindTexture(glt, 0, true);
if (doClear) {
_hackSubImage(glt.baseTexture._glTextures[renderer.CONTEXT_UID], bs, this._clearBuffer, 1024, 1024);
else {
_hackSubImage(glt.baseTexture._glTextures[renderer.CONTEXT_UID], bs);
this.texLoc.length = 0;
for (i = 0; i < maxTextures; i++) {
this.texLoc.push(renderer.bindTexture(glts[i], i, true));
shader.uniforms.uSamplers = this.texLoc;
TileRenderer.prototype.checkLeaks = function () {
var now =;
var old = now - 10000;
if (this.lastTimeCheck < old ||
this.lastTimeCheck > now) {
this.lastTimeCheck = now;
var vbs = this.vbs;
for (var key in vbs) {
if (vbs[key].lastTimeAccess < old) {
TileRenderer.prototype.start = function () {
TileRenderer.prototype.getVb = function (id) {
var vb = this.vbs[id];
if (vb) {
vb.lastAccessTime =;
return vb;
return null;
TileRenderer.prototype.createVb = function (useSquare) {
var id = ++TileRenderer.vbAutoincrement;
var shader = this.getShader(useSquare);
var gl =;
var vb = PIXI.glCore.GLBuffer.createVertexBuffer(gl, null, gl.STREAM_DRAW);
var stuff = {
id: id,
vb: vb,
vao: shader.createVao(this.renderer, vb),
useSquare: useSquare,
shader: shader
this.vbs[id] = stuff;
return stuff;
TileRenderer.prototype.removeVb = function (id) {
if (this.vbs[id]) {
delete this.vbs[id];
TileRenderer.prototype.checkIndexBuffer = function (size) {
var totalIndices = size * 6;
var indices = this.indices;
if (totalIndices <= indices.length) {
var len = indices.length || totalIndices;
while (len < totalIndices) {
len <<= 1;
indices = new Uint16Array(len);
this.indices = indices;
for (var i = 0, j = 0; i + 5 < indices.length; i += 6, j += 4) {
indices[i + 0] = j + 0;
indices[i + 1] = j + 1;
indices[i + 2] = j + 2;
indices[i + 3] = j + 0;
indices[i + 4] = j + 2;
indices[i + 5] = j + 3;
if (this.indexBuffer) {
else {
var gl =;
this.indexBuffer = glCore.GLBuffer.createIndexBuffer(gl, this.indices, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
TileRenderer.prototype.getShader = function (useSquare) {
return useSquare ? this.squareShader : this.rectShader;
TileRenderer.prototype.destroy = function () {
this.rectShader = null;
this.squareShader = null;
return TileRenderer;
TileRenderer.vbAutoincrement = 0;
TileRenderer.DO_CLEAR = false;
tilemap.TileRenderer = TileRenderer;
PIXI.WebGLRenderer.registerPlugin('tilemap', TileRenderer);
})(tilemap = PIXI.tilemap || (PIXI.tilemap = {}));
})(PIXI || (PIXI = {}));
var PIXI;
(function (PIXI) {
var tilemap;
(function (tilemap_1) {
var ZLayer = (function (_super) {
__extends(ZLayer, _super);
function ZLayer(tilemap, zIndex) {
var _this = || this;
_this._lastAnimationFrame = -1;
_this.tilemap = tilemap;
_this.z = zIndex;
return _this;
ZLayer.prototype.clear = function () {
var layers = this.children;
for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++)
this._previousLayers = 0;
ZLayer.prototype.cacheIfDirty = function () {
var tilemap = this.tilemap;
var layers = this.children;
var modified = this._previousLayers != layers.length;
this._previousLayers = layers.length;
var buf = this.canvasBuffer;
var tempRender = this._tempRender;
if (!buf) {
buf = this.canvasBuffer = document.createElement('canvas');
tempRender = this._tempRender = new PIXI.CanvasRenderer(100, 100, { view: buf });
tempRender.context = tempRender.rootContext;
tempRender.plugins.tilemap.dontUseTransform = true;
if (buf.width != tilemap._layerWidth ||
buf.height != tilemap._layerHeight) {
buf.width = tilemap._layerWidth;
buf.height = tilemap._layerHeight;
modified = true;
var i;
if (!modified) {
for (i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {
if (layers[i].isModified(this._lastAnimationFrame != tilemap.animationFrame)) {
modified = true;
this._lastAnimationFrame = tilemap.animationFrame;
if (modified) {
if (tilemap._hackRenderer) {
tempRender.context.clearRect(0, 0, buf.width, buf.height);
for (i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {
this.layerTransform = this.worldTransform;
for (i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {
this.layerTransform = layers[i].worldTransform;
ZLayer.prototype.renderCanvas = function (renderer) {
var wt = this.layerTransform;
renderer.context.setTransform(wt.a, wt.b, wt.c, wt.d, wt.tx * renderer.resolution, wt.ty * renderer.resolution);
var tilemap = this.tilemap;
renderer.context.drawImage(this.canvasBuffer, 0, 0);
return ZLayer;
tilemap_1.ZLayer = ZLayer;
})(tilemap = PIXI.tilemap || (PIXI.tilemap = {}));
})(PIXI || (PIXI = {}));