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// Salted Fish Plugins - Common Attack
// SF_CommonAttack.js
"use strict";
var Imported = Imported || {};
Imported.SF_CommonAttack = true;
var SF_Plugins = SF_Plugins || {};
SF_Plugins.SF_CommonAttack = SF_Plugins.SF_CommonAttack || {};
SF_Plugins.SF_CommonAttack.version = 1.0;
* @plugindesc v1.0 普攻替换插件
* @author Salted Fish
* @help
* ===========================================================================
* 介绍
* ===========================================================================
* 插件可以将普通攻击依据不同的职业武器状态等替换为不同的技能
* ===========================================================================
* 使用
* ===========================================================================
* 在职业武器状态的备注中添加如下标签
* <SF_CommonAttack: SkillID, Priority>
* 在普攻时依次遍历职业武器状态选取优先级最高的技能
* 如果优先级相同则使用最后遍历到的技能
* 优先级必须大于0且为整数
* 技能ID就是rm数据库中的编号
// DataManager
SF_Plugins.SF_CommonAttack.DataManager_isDatabaseLoaded = DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded;
DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded = function () {
if (! {
return false;
if (!this.SF_CommonAttack_isDatabaseLoaded($dataClasses)) {
return false;
if (!this.SF_CommonAttack_isDatabaseLoaded($dataWeapons)) {
return false;
if (!this.SF_CommonAttack_isDatabaseLoaded($dataStates)) {
return false;
return true;
DataManager.SF_CommonAttack_isDatabaseLoaded = function (group) {
var note = /<SF_CommonAttack:\s*?(\d+),\s*?(\d+)>/i;
for (var i = 1; i < group.length; i++) {
var obj = group[i];
var notedata = obj.note.split(/[\r\n]+/);
for (var j = 0; j < notedata.length; j++) {
var line = notedata[j];
if (line.match(note)) {
obj.SF_CommonAttack_Skill_ID = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
obj.SF_CommonAttack_Priority = parseInt(RegExp.$2);
return true;
// Game_Actor
SF_Plugins.SF_CommonAttack.Game_Actor_attackSkillId = Game_Actor.prototype.attackSkillId;
Game_Actor.prototype.attackSkillId = function () {
var normalId =;
var maxPriority = 0;
// 职业
var currentClass = this.currentClass();
if (currentClass.SF_CommonAttack_Priority >= maxPriority) {
maxPriority = currentClass.SF_CommonAttack_Priority;
normalId = currentClass.SF_CommonAttack_Skill_ID;
// 武器
this.weapons().forEach(function (weapon) {
if (weapon.SF_CommonAttack_Priority >= maxPriority) {
maxPriority = weapon.SF_CommonAttack_Priority;
normalId = weapon.SF_CommonAttack_Skill_ID;
// 状态
this.states().forEach(function (state) {
if (state.SF_CommonAttack_Priority >= maxPriority) {
maxPriority = state.SF_CommonAttack_Priority;
normalId = state.SF_CommonAttack_Skill_ID;
return normalId;
// SceneBattle
SF_Plugins.SF_CommonAttack.Scene_Battle_commandAttack = Scene_Battle.prototype.commandAttack;
Scene_Battle.prototype.commandAttack = function () {