// Salted Fish Plugins - Auto Revive
// SF_AutoRevive.js
"use strict";
var Imported = Imported || {};
Imported.SF_AutoRevive = true;
var SF_Plugins = SF_Plugins || {};
* @plugindesc v1.0.0 - Automatically revive dead party members.
* @author Salted Fish
* @help
* ===========================================================================
* Introduction
* ===========================================================================
* This plugin automatically revives dead party members before Game Over.
* ===========================================================================
* Map Notetags
* ===========================================================================
* You can use the following notetags to specify the position of the revive
* <Revive Position:x,y,d>
* - x and y are the coordinates of the revive position.
* - x and y are relative to the map.
* - d is the direction the revive will face.
* - 0 is same as before.
* - 1 is down.
* - 2 is left.
* - 3 is right.
* - 4 is up.
* ===========================================================================
* Plugin Commands
* ===========================================================================
* You can use the following plugin commands to change the settings.
* SF_AutoRevive_Enable
* - Enables the revive system.
* SF_AutoRevive_Disable
* - Disables the revive system.
(function () {
var SF_AutoRevive = {};
SF_Plugins.SF_AutoRevive = SF_AutoRevive;
SF_AutoRevive.version = 1.0;
// Game_System
SF_AutoRevive.Game_System_initialize = Game_System.prototype.initialize;
Game_System.prototype.initialize = function () {
this._autoRevive = true;
Game_System.prototype.isAutoReviveEnabled = function () {
return this._autoRevive;
Game_System.prototype.setAutoReviveEnabled = function (value) {
this._autoRevive = value;
Game_System.prototype.isSupportAutoRevive = function () {
return this.isAutoReviveEnabled && $gameMap.getRevivePosition();
// Game_Map
SF_AutoRevive.Game_Map_setup = Game_Map.prototype.setup;
Game_Map.prototype.setup = function (mapId) {
SF_AutoRevive.Game_Map_setup.call(this, mapId);
this._revivePosition = null;
Game_Map.prototype.getRevivePosition = function () {
if (this._revivePosition) {
return this._revivePosition;
var meta = $dataMap.meta;
if (meta["Revive Position"]) {
var position = meta["Revive Position"].split(",");
this._revivePosition = {
x: Number(position[0]),
y: Number(position[1]),
d: Number(position[2]),
return this._revivePosition;
// Game_Interpreter
SF_AutoRevive.Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand;
Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function (command, args) {
SF_AutoRevive.Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand.call(this, command, args);
if (command === "SF_AutoRevive_Enable") {
} else if (command === "SF_AutoRevive_Disable") {
// Game_BattlerBase
Game_BattlerBase.prototype.reviveFull = function () {
// Game_Party
Game_Party.prototype.autoReviveAllMembers = function () {
var loss_gold = this.gold() * 0.1;
this.members().forEach(function (member) {
if (member.isDead()) {
// Game_Player
Game_Player.prototype.reviveTransfer = function () {
var revive_position = $gameMap.getRevivePosition();
if (revive_position) {
this.reserveTransfer($gameMap.mapId(), revive_position.x, revive_position.y, revive_position.d);
// BattleManager
SF_AutoRevive.BattleManager_updateBattleEnd = BattleManager.updateBattleEnd;
BattleManager.updateBattleEnd = function () {
if (this.isBattleTest()) {
} else if (!this._escaped && $gameParty.isAllDead()) {
if (this._canLose) {
} else if ($gameSystem.isSupportAutoRevive()) {
} else {
} else {
this._phase = null;
// Scene_Base
SF_AutoRevive.Scene_Base_checkGameover = Scene_Base.prototype.checkGameover;
Scene_Base.prototype.checkGameover = function () {
if ($gameParty.isAllDead()) {
if ($gameSystem.isSupportAutoRevive()) {
} else {