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2 years ago
* @plugindesc v1.02 LiuYue_GainItemTips 获取道具显示
* @author 流逝的岁月
* @help
* ============================================================================
* 介绍
* ============================================================================ *
* 这款插件提供了在游戏中获取或丢失新的道具会在地图界面显示
* 如果装有YEP_ItemCore YEP独立物品核心 这款插件时,请将本插件位于这款插件之下,已获取更好的兼容性
* Zzy.GIT.IsEnable(enable) //这会 开启/禁用 插件的功能
* Zzy.GIT.ClearList() //清理所有的消息表
* Zzy.GIT.SurplusCount() //获取未显示的剩余消息数量
*---------------------Plugin Command--------------------
* ZzyGIT IsEnable x(true/false) //这会 开启/禁用 插件的功能
*---------------------Data Note--------------------
* 请将此备注信息写在 数据库 - 物品/武器/防具
* <ZzyGIT TextColor: x> //这会使得获得的道具具备颜色信息,x可替换为颜色代码 范围#000000 ~ #ffffff
* :<ZzyGIT TextColor: #ffffff> 获取这个道具时,其名称会显示为白色
* <ZzyGIT TextColor: #ff6666> 获取这个道具时,其名称会显示为淡红色
* <ZzyGIT SE: x1 x2 x3 x4> //这会使获取到的道具播放自定义的音效,优先级大于插件参数中的设置
* x1:填写audio/se 文件夹中的音效名称,不包含后缀名,必填参数
* x2:填写音量,范围0~100之间,这是一个选填参数,不填写时值为100
* x3:填写音调,范围0~100之间,这是一个选填参数,不填写时值为0
* x4:填写声道,范围0~100之间,这是一个选填参数,不填写时值为0
* :<ZzyGIT se: Attack1> 当显示获取这个道具时,优先播放Attack1音效,而不是插件参数中的声音配置
* <ZzyGIT SERank: x> //这会设置SE的优先级代表如果同时显示多个特殊SE道具时,将会播放优先级最高的SE声音,x需要填写一个正整数,所有SE默认优先级为0
* :<ZzyGIT SERank: 3> 设置这个SE的优先级为3级,当同时显示的道具中优先级全部低于3时,将会播放本道具设置的SE声音
* <ZzyGIT ListRank: x> //设置排列的优先级,代表再同时显示的道具信息界面中,优先级越高的道具信息将会越向上显示,x可以填写一个正负整数,默认优先级为0
* 我叫坂本v1.02 修复单独插件测试报错,修复拆卸装备出现信息的逻辑问题,添加排序显示优先级
* 我叫坂本v1.01 增加了与YEP_ItemCore物品核心的兼容问题,修复了图标重叠问题,添加了金币显示以及图标相关功能
* 我叫坂本v1.00 完成插件功能
* @param ---插件---
* @default
* @param IsPluginEnable
* @text 插件是否启用
* @parent ---插件---
* @type boolean
* @on YES
* @off NO
* @desc 这会使获取道具出现窗口功能是否有效
* YES - true NO - false
* @default true
* @param ---窗口---
* @default
* @param BasePos
* @text 窗口位置基准点
* @parent ---按键---
* @type combo
* @option center
* @option left-top
* @option top
* @option right-top
* @option left
* @option right
* @option left-bottom
* @option bottom
* @option right-bottom
* @desc 窗口位置将会被固定在九个方向,center代表中心,left代表左,right代表右,top代表上,bottom代表下
* @default center
* @param WindowOfx
* @text 窗口偏移位置X
* @parent ---窗口---
* @type text
* @desc 窗口的偏移位置X
* @default 0
* @param WindowOfy
* @text 窗口偏移位置Y
* @parent ---窗口---
* @desc 窗口的偏移位置Y
* @default 0
* @param WindowW
* @text 窗口宽度
* @parent ---窗口---
* @type text
* @desc 窗口显示的宽度,这可以输入一个表达式,也可以是一个准确数值
* @default 440
* @param LineNum
* @text 窗口显示行数
* @parent ---窗口---
* @type number
* @desc 窗口显示的行数,对应的是高度值,默认值为1
* @default 1
* @param WindowShowFrame
* @text 消息显示时长
* @parent ---窗口---
* @type number
* @desc 窗口弹出消息会显示的时长,单位为帧数
* @default 60
* @param WindowOpacity
* @text 窗口透明度
* @parent ---窗口---
* @type number
* @min 0
* @max 255
* @desc 这是默认窗口的透明度,范围0~255,默认值为255
* @default 255
* @param WindowFontSize
* @text 窗口字体大小
* @parent ---窗口---
* @type number
* @min 1
* @desc 窗口弹出消息的文本大小,这必须是一个正整数,默认值是28
* @default 28
* @param WindowOpenSpeed
* @text 窗口打开速度
* @parent ---窗口---
* @type number
* @min 1
* @desc 窗口从无到完全打开的速度,同时也决定了图标和文字出现的时间,这个值越大速度越快,默认值是32
* @default 32
* @param WindowBkPic
* @text 窗口背景图片
* @parent ---窗口---
* @type file
* @dir img/pictures
* @desc 窗口的背景图片,图片将在窗口之下,图片需存放在img/pictures/文件夹内
* @default
* @param BkOpFollowOpenSpeed
* @text 图片透明度等同打开速度
* @parent ---窗口---
* @type boolean
* @on YES
* @off NO
* @desc 这会让窗口的图片的透明度跟随窗口打开的速度一同变化
* YES - true NO - false
* @default true
* @param ---金币---
* @default
* @param IsGoldShow
* @text 是否获取失去金币显示
* @parent ---金币---
* @type boolean
* @on YES
* @off NO
* @desc 这会让金币相关内容也添加到显示队列中,默认值为true
* YES - true NO - false
* @default true
* @param AddGFormat
* @text 获取金币文本格式
* @parent ---金币---
* @type text
* @desc 显示获取的文本
* @default 获得金币
* @param SubGFormat
* @text 失去金币文本格式
* @parent ---金币---
* @type text
* @desc 显示失去的文本
* @default 失去金币
* @param GTextColor
* @text 金币颜色文本
* @parent ---金币---
* @type text
* @desc 这是获取金币颜色的文本颜色
* @default #ffffff
* @param GIconID
* @text 金币图标
* @parent ---金币---
* @type text
* @desc 这是显示金币的图标ID值
* @default 0
* @param GSERank
* @text 金币SE优先级
* @parent ---金币---
* @type text
* @desc 这会设置同屏出现的所有提示中,将播放优先级最高的道具音效,这可以是一个正整数
* @default 0
* @param GLRank
* @text 金币列表优先级
* @parent ---金币---
* @type text
* @desc 这会设置同屏出现的所有提示中,将排列优先级最高的道具为最上方,这可以是一个正负整数
* @default 0
* @param ---图标---
* @default
* @param IconScale
* @text 图标比例
* @parent ---图标---
* @type text
* @desc 这会设置出现的默认图标的比例大小,默认值为1将会跟随文字一般大小
* @default 1
* @param IsIconFlash
* @text 是否图标出现时闪烁
* @parent ---图标---
* @type boolean
* @on YES
* @off NO
* @desc 图标出现后,将会进行闪白
* YES - true NO - false
* @default true
* @param IconFlashFrame
* @text 图标闪烁时长
* @parent ---图标---
* @type number
* @min 1
* @desc 图标进入到闪白的状态持续的帧数
* @default 10
* @param ---文本---
* @default
* @param AddFormat
* @text 获取文本格式
* @parent ---文本---
* @type text
* @desc 显示获取的文本格式,%1会被替换为道具名称
* @default 获得 ["%1"]
* @param SubFormat
* @text 失去文本格式
* @parent ---文本---
* @type text
* @desc 显示失去的文本格式,%1会被替换为道具名称
* @default 失去 ["%1"]
* @param NumberFormat
* @text 获取文本格式
* @parent ---文本---
* @type text
* @desc 显示数量的文本格式,%1会被替换为道具数量
* @default x %1
* @param ---音效---
* @default
* @param EarnSound
* @text 获取道具名称
* @parent ---音效---
* @type file
* @dir audio/se
* @desc 执行获取道具时,会播放的获取道具,BGM应放在audio/bgm文件夹中,不填写会使用默认的播放音效
* @default Sound1
* @param EarnVolume
* @text 获取道具音量
* @parent ---音效---
* @type Number
* @desc 音量大小,默认100
* @default 100
* @param EarnPitch
* @text 获取道具声调
* @parent ---音效---
* @type Number
* @desc 声调,默认100
* @default 100
* @param EarnBGSPan
* @text 获取道具声道
* @parent ---音效---
* @type Number
* @desc 声道,默认0
* @default 0
* @param GSound
* @text 金币道具名称
* @parent ---音效---
* @type file
* @dir audio/se
* @desc 执行获取道具时,会播放的获取道具,BGM应放在audio/bgm文件夹中,不填写会使用默认的播放音效
* @default Coin
* @param GVolume
* @text 金币道具音量
* @parent ---音效---
* @type Number
* @desc 音量大小,默认100
* @default 100
* @param GPitch
* @text 金币道具声调
* @parent ---音效---
* @type Number
* @desc 声调,默认100
* @default 100
* @param GBGSPan
* @text 金币道具声道
* @parent ---音效---
* @type Number
* @desc 声道,默认0
* @default 0
var LiuYue = LiuYue || {};
LiuYue.LiuYue_GainItemTips = true; //插件启动
2 years ago
var Zzy = Zzy || {};
Zzy.GIT = Zzy.GIT || {};
Zzy.GIT.version = 1.02;
Zzy.Parameters = PluginManager.parameters("LiuYue_GainItemTips");
Zzy.Param = Zzy.Param || {};
Zzy.GIT.BasePosToID = function (str) {
switch (str) {
case "left-top":
return 1;
case "top":
return 2;
case "right-top":
return 3;
case "left":
return 4;
case "center":
return 5;
case "right":
return 6;
case "left-bottom":
return 7;
case "bottom":
return 8;
case "right-bottom":
return 9;
2 years ago
return 5;
2 years ago
Zzy.Param.GITIsPluginEnable = eval(String(Zzy.Parameters["IsPluginEnable"])); //插件开启状态
Zzy.Param.GITBasePos = Zzy.GIT.BasePosToID(String(Zzy.Parameters["BasePos"])); //窗口基准点
Zzy.Param.GITWindowOfx = Number(Zzy.Parameters["WindowOfx"]); //位置偏移X
Zzy.Param.GITWindowOfy = Number(Zzy.Parameters["WindowOfy"]); //位置偏移Y
Zzy.Param.GITWindowW = String(Zzy.Parameters["WindowW"]); //强化窗口W
Zzy.Param.GITLineNum = parseInt(Zzy.Parameters["LineNum"]); //强化窗口H
Zzy.Param.GITWindowShowFrame = parseInt(Zzy.Parameters["WindowShowFrame"]); //消息显示时长
Zzy.Param.GITWindowFontSize = parseInt(Zzy.Parameters["WindowFontSize"]); //窗口字体大小
Zzy.Param.GITWindowOpacity = parseInt(Zzy.Parameters["WindowOpacity"]); //窗口透明度
Zzy.Param.GITWindowOpenSpeed = parseInt(Zzy.Parameters["WindowOpenSpeed"]); //窗口速度
Zzy.Param.GITWindowBkPic = String(Zzy.Parameters["WindowBkPic"]); //窗口图片
Zzy.Param.GITBkOpFollowOpenSpeed = eval(Zzy.Parameters["BkOpFollowOpenSpeed"]); //透明度跟随打开速度
Zzy.Param.GITAddFormat = String(Zzy.Parameters["AddFormat"]); //显示文本格式
Zzy.Param.GITSubFormat = String(Zzy.Parameters["SubFormat"]); //显示文本格式
Zzy.Param.GITNumberFormat = String(Zzy.Parameters["NumberFormat"]); //显示文本格式
Zzy.Param.GITIsGoldShow = eval(Zzy.Parameters["IsGoldShow"]); //是否获取失去金币显示
Zzy.Param.GITAddGFormat = String(Zzy.Parameters["AddGFormat"]); //获取金币文本格式
Zzy.Param.GITSubGFormat = String(Zzy.Parameters["SubGFormat"]); //失去金币文本格式
Zzy.Param.GITGTextColor = String(Zzy.Parameters["GTextColor"]);
Zzy.Param.GITGIconID = parseInt(Zzy.Parameters["GIconID"]);
Zzy.Param.GITGSERank = parseInt(Zzy.Parameters["GSERank"]);
Zzy.Param.GITGLRank = parseInt(Zzy.Parameters["GLRank"]);
Zzy.Param.GITIconScale = Number(Zzy.Parameters["IconScale"]); //图标大小
Zzy.Param.GITIsIconFlash = eval(Zzy.Parameters["IsIconFlash"]);
Zzy.Param.GITIconFlashFrame = parseInt(Zzy.Parameters["IconFlashFrame"]);
2 years ago
Zzy.Param.GITMakeSE = function (seName, seVolume, sePitch, sePan) {
if (!seName) return undefined;
var se = {
name: seName,
volume: seVolume ? seVolume : 100,
pitch: sePitch ? sePitch : 100,
pan: sePan ? sePan : 0,
return se;
2 years ago
Zzy.Param.GITEarnSound = String(Zzy.Parameters["EarnSound"]); //背景BGM名称
Zzy.Param.GITEarnVolume = parseInt(Zzy.Parameters["EarnVolume"]); //背景BGM音量
Zzy.Param.GITEarnPitch = parseInt(Zzy.Parameters["EarnPitch"]); //背景BGM声调
Zzy.Param.GITEarnBGSPan = parseInt(Zzy.Parameters["EarnPan"]); //背景BGM声道
Zzy.Param.GITEarnSE = Zzy.Param.GITMakeSE(
Zzy.Param.GITGSound = String(Zzy.Parameters["GSound"]); //金币BGM名称
Zzy.Param.GITGVolume = parseInt(Zzy.Parameters["GVolume"]); //金币BGM音量
Zzy.Param.GITGPitch = parseInt(Zzy.Parameters["GPitch"]); //金币BGM声调
Zzy.Param.GITGBGSPan = parseInt(Zzy.Parameters["GPan"]); //金币BGM声道
Zzy.Param.GITGSE = Zzy.Param.GITMakeSE(
2 years ago
Zzy.Param.GITAllSE = [];
Zzy.Param.GITAllSE = [
Zzy.Param.GITEarnSE, //获取文本
Zzy.Param.GITGSE, //金币文本
2 years ago
Zzy.GIT.ChangeEquipFlag = false; //改变装备标记
2 years ago
Zzy.GIT.YEPItemCoreConstraints = false; //插件兼容-限制
Zzy.GIT.YEPItemCoreConstraints2 = false; //插件兼容-限制
2 years ago
var Imported = Imported || {};
Zzy.GIT.DataManager_loadGame = DataManager.loadGame;
DataManager.loadGame = function (
savefileId //旧存档兼容
) {
var result =, savefileId);
2 years ago
2 years ago
return result;
DataManager.ZzyGITInitData = function () //初始化参数
2 years ago
if (!$gameSystem.GetIsZzyGITLoaded()) {
$gameSystem.ZzyGITInitData(); //初始化数据
2 years ago
Zzy.GIT.Game_System_initialize = Game_System.prototype.initialize;
Game_System.prototype.initialize = function () {
2 years ago;
this.ZzyGITInitData(); //初始化数据
this._IsZzyGITLoaded = true; //是否载入完成
2 years ago
Game_System.prototype.GetIsZzyGITLoaded = function () {
if (this._IsZzyGITLoaded === undefined) {
this._IsZzyGITLoaded = false;
return this._IsZzyGITLoaded;
2 years ago
Game_System.prototype.SetIsZzyGITLoaded = function (enable) {
this._IsZzyGITLoaded = enable;
Game_System.prototype.ZzyGITInitData = function () //清除链表
2 years ago
this._zzyGITList = []; //显示列表
this._zzyGITIndex = 0; //显示下标
2 years ago
this._zzyGITPluginEnable = Zzy.Param.GITIsPluginEnable;
2 years ago
Game_System.prototype.ClearZzyGITList = function () //清除链表
2 years ago
this._zzyGITList = []; //显示列表
this._zzyGITIndex = 0; //显示下标
2 years ago
Game_System.prototype.ZzyGITSurplusCount = function () {
if (!this._zzyGITList.length) return 0;
var len = this._zzyGITList.length;
return this._zzyGITIndex - len;
2 years ago
Game_System.prototype.PushZzyGITList = function (info) {
2 years ago
Game_System.prototype.SetZzyGITPluginEnable = function (isEnable) {
this._zzyGITPluginEnable = isEnable;
2 years ago
Game_System.prototype.GetZzyGITPluginEnable = function () {
if (this._zzyGITPluginEnable === undefined) {
this._zzyGITPluginEnable = Zzy.Param.GITIsPluginEnable;
2 years ago
return this._zzyGITPluginEnable;
2 years ago
Zzy.GIT.Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand;
Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function (
args //插件命令
) {, command, args);
if (command === "ZzyGIT") {
2 years ago
Game_Interpreter.prototype.ZzyGITCommand = function (args) {
var command = String(args[0]);
2 years ago
switch (command) {
case "IsEnable":
var isEnable = eval(args[1]);
2 years ago
Zzy.GIT.DataManager_isDatabaseLoaded = DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded;
DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded = function () {
if (! return false;
2 years ago
this.ZzyGITLoadNoteCase1($dataItems); //道具
this.ZzyGITLoadNoteCase1($dataWeapons); //武器
this.ZzyGITLoadNoteCase1($dataArmors); //护甲
2 years ago
return true;
2 years ago
DataManager.ZzyGITLoadNoteCase1 = function (objArr) {
for (var i = 1; i < objArr.length; i++) {
var obj = objArr[i];
var noteData = obj.note.split(/[\r\n]+/);
obj.zzyGIT = {};
for (var j = 0; j < noteData.length; j++) {
var lineStr = noteData[j];
if (lineStr.match(/<ZZYGIT TEXTCOLOR:[ ](.*)>/i)) {
var color = String(RegExp.$1);
obj.zzyGIT.textColor = color;
} else if (lineStr.match(/<ZZYGIT SE:[ ](.*)>/i)) {
var seStr = String(RegExp.$1);
var seArr = seStr.split(" ");
var name = String(seArr[0]);
var volume = parseInt(seArr[1]);
var pitch = parseInt(seArr[2]);
var pan = parseInt(seArr[3]);
var se = {
name: name,
volume: volume ? volume : 100,
pitch: pitch ? pitch : 100,
pan: pan ? pan : 0,
}; = se;
} else if (lineStr.match(/<ZZYGIT SERANK:[ ](.*)>/i)) {
var seRank = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
obj.zzyGIT.seRank = seRank; //设置等级
} else if (lineStr.match(/<ZZYGIT LISTRANK:[ ](.*)>/i)) {
var lRank = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
obj.zzyGIT.lRank = lRank; //设置排列等级
2 years ago
Zzy.GIT.Game_Party_setupStartingMembers = Game_Party.prototype.setupStartingMembers;
Game_Party.prototype.setupStartingMembers = function () {
if (Imported && Imported.YEP_ItemCore) {
Zzy.GIT.YEPItemCoreConstraints2 = true;
Zzy.GIT.YEPItemCoreConstraints2 = false;
2 years ago
Zzy.GIT.Game_Actor_setup = Game_Actor.prototype.setup;
Game_Actor.prototype.setup = function (actorId) {
if (Imported && Imported.YEP_ItemCore) {
Zzy.GIT.YEPItemCoreConstraints = true;
}, actorId);
Zzy.GIT.YEPItemCoreConstraints = false;
2 years ago
Zzy.GIT.Game_Actor_changeEquip = Game_Actor.prototype.changeEquip;
Game_Actor.prototype.changeEquip = function (slotId, item) {
Zzy.GIT.ChangeEquipFlag = true;, slotId, item);
Zzy.GIT.ChangeEquipFlag = false;
2 years ago
Zzy.GIT.Game_Actor_forceChangeEquip = Game_Actor.prototype.forceChangeEquip;
Game_Actor.prototype.forceChangeEquip = function (slotId, item) {
Zzy.GIT.ChangeEquipFlag = true;, slotId, item);
Zzy.GIT.ChangeEquipFlag = false;
2 years ago
Zzy.GIT.Scene_Map_start = Scene_Map.prototype.start;
Scene_Map.prototype.start = function () {;
2 years ago
Scene_Map.prototype.CreateZzyGITTipsWindow = function () {
this._zzyGITWindow = new Window_ZzyGITTips();
2 years ago
function Window_ZzyGITTips() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype = Object.create(Window_Base.prototype);
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.constructor = Window_ZzyGITTips;
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.initialize = function () {
var w = this.DefaultWidth();
var h = this.DefaultHeight();
2 years ago, 0, 0, w, h);
this.iconSprArr = []; //图标池子
this.opacity = Zzy.Param.GITWindowOpacity;
2 years ago
2 years ago
this.hide(); //进行隐藏
this.openness = 0;
2 years ago
this.CreaterBkSpr(); //创造背景
2 years ago
this.opennessRate = 0; //比率
2 years ago
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.CreaterBkSpr = function () {
var picName = Zzy.Param.GITWindowBkPic;
2 years ago
if (picName) {
this._zzyGITBackSpr = new Sprite_ZzyGITBkPic(this, picName); //添加背景
2 years ago
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.AutoInitPos = function () {
var pos = this.SetWindowPos();
this.x = pos.x;
this.y = pos.y;
2 years ago
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.InitData = function () {
this.showFrame = Zzy.Param.GITWindowShowFrame;
this.cShowFrame = 0; //计数
this._list = []; //列表
this.isCanGet = true;
2 years ago
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.ResetInfo = function () {
this.showFrame = Zzy.Param.GITWindowShowFrame;
this.cShowFrame = 0; //计数
this._list = []; //列表
this.isCanGet = true;
2 years ago
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.update = function () {;
2 years ago
if (!this.isWindowReady()) return; //不满足判断
2 years ago
this.updateGetList(); //获取队列
this.updateShowFrame(); //更新显示帧数
2 years ago
2 years ago
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.updateOpennessRate = function () {
this.opennessRate = Math.max(1, Math.min(0, this.openness / 255));
2 years ago
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.isWindowReady = function () {
if (this.isClosing()) return false;
if (this.isOpening()) return false;
return true;
2 years ago
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.updateGetList = function () {
if (!$gameSystem._zzyGITList.length) return false;
2 years ago
if (this.isCanGet) {
this.isCanGet = false;
this.cShowFrame = 0;
this._list = this.GetNextList(); //获取下一层队列
2 years ago
if (this._list === undefined) {
$gameSystem.ClearZzyGITList(); //清理存储
} else {
this.DisVisibleAllSpr(); //隐藏图标
this.Refresh(); //刷新显示; //执行开启
2 years ago
2 years ago
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.AutoPlaySE = function () {
var len = this._list.length;
var mRankIndex = -1;
for (
var i = len - 1;
i >= 0;
i-- //播放最后一个压入且优先级最高的特殊音效
) {
var seRank = this.GetSERankInfo(this._list[i]);
if (mRankIndex < 0) {
mRankIndex = i;
} else {
var prSeRank = this.GetSERankInfo(this._list[mRankIndex]);
if (seRank > prSeRank) {
mRankIndex = i; //目前SE的下标
2 years ago
var se = undefined;
2 years ago
if (mRankIndex >= 0) {
se = this.GetSEInfo(this._list[mRankIndex]);
2 years ago
if (!se) {
for (
var i = len - 1;
i >= 0;
i-- //播放最后一个压入且优先级最高的特殊音效
) {
se = this.GetSEInfo(this._list[i]);
if (se) {
2 years ago
if (se) {
} //播放选中的SE
2 years ago
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.GetListRankInfo = function (
info //获取排列等级
) {
if (info.type === 0) {
var item = info.item;
if (item.zzyGIT) {
return item.zzyGIT.lRank ? item.zzyGIT.lRank : 0;
} else if (info.type === 1) {
return Zzy.Param.GITGLRank;
return 0;
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.GetSERankInfo = function (
info //获取SE优先级
) {
if (info.type === 0) {
var item = info.item;
if (item.zzyGIT) {
return item.zzyGIT.seRank ? item.zzyGIT.seRank : 0;
} else if (info.type === 1) {
return Zzy.Param.GITGSERank;
return 0;
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.GetSEInfo = function (info) {
if (info.type === 0) {
var item = info.item;
if (item.zzyGIT) {
return ? : undefined;
} else if (info.type === 1) {
return Zzy.Param.GITAllSE[2];
return undefined;
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.updateShowFrame = function () {
if (this.cShowFrame < this.showFrame) {
} else {
this.isCanGet = true;
this.cShowFrame = 0;
if (this._list === undefined && this.visible) {
this.close(); //关闭
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.GetNextList = function () {
if ($gameSystem._zzyGITIndex >= $gameSystem._zzyGITList.length) return undefined;
var list = [];
var maxLen = $gameSystem._zzyGITList.length;
var maxNum = Zzy.Param.GITLineNum; //显示最大数量
var curIndex = $gameSystem._zzyGITIndex;
var limitIndex = $gameSystem._zzyGITIndex + maxNum; //限制级坐标
limitIndex = limitIndex > maxLen ? maxLen : limitIndex;
for (var i = curIndex; i < limitIndex; i++) {
list = this.SortList(list); //排列顺序
$gameSystem._zzyGITIndex = limitIndex;
return list;
2 years ago
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.SortList = function (
list //通过选择排序调整位置
) {
var rList = [];
var len = list.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var info = list[i];
rList[i] = this.GetListRankInfo(info); //获取等级存放到数组中
for (var i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
var sRank = rList[i]; //目前等级
for (var j = i + 1; j < len; j++) {
var tRank = rList[j];
if (sRank < tRank) {
var rt = rList[i];
rList[i] = rList[j];
rList[j] = rt;
var rObj = list[i];
list[i] = list[j];
list[j] = rObj;
return list;
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.Refresh = function () {
this.DrawList(); //绘制道具内容以及数量
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.DrawList = function () {
if (!this._list || !this._list.length) return;
var len = this._list.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var info = this._list[i];
this.DrawItem(i, info);
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.DrawItem = function (index, info) {
var drY = index * this.lineHeight();
var nameText = this.showNameText(info);
var numText = this.showNumberText(info);
var iconS = 32 * Zzy.Param.GITIconScale;
var mw = this.width - this.standardPadding() * 2;
var iconID = 0;
if (this.IsGoldInfo(info)) {
iconID = Zzy.Param.GITGIconID;
} else if (this.IsItemInfo(info)) {
iconID = info.item.iconIndex;
this.drawIcon(iconID, 2, drY + 2); //绘制图标
this.drawTextEx(nameText, iconS + 4, drY);
this.drawText(numText, iconS + 4, drY, mw - (iconS + 4) - 2, "right");
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.drawIcon = function (ID, x, y) {
var spr = this.RequestIconSprite(); //请求图标
var info = this.makeItemInfo();
spr.ResetInfo(ID, x, y, info);
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.makeItemInfo = function () //制作道具信息
2 years ago
var info = {};
info.fontSize = this.standardFontSize();
return info;
2 years ago
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.RequestIconSprite = function () //请求位图
2 years ago
var len = this.iconSprArr.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (this.iconSprArr[i].free) {
var spr = this.iconSprArr[i]; = false;
return spr;
var newSpr = new Sprite_ZzyGITIcon(this);
return newSpr;
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.DisVisibleAllSpr = function () {
var len = this.iconSprArr.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var spr = this.iconSprArr[i]; = true;
2 years ago
Zzy.GIT.Window_ZzyGITTips_processEscapeCharacter = Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.processEscapeCharacter;
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.processEscapeCharacter = function (code, textState) {, code, textState);
if (code === "ZTC") {
var colorCode = this.obtainEscapeParam2(textState);
this.contents.textColor = colorCode;
2 years ago
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.obtainEscapeParam2 = function (textState) {
2 years ago
var arr = /^\<(.*?)\>/.exec(textState.text.slice(textState.index));
if (arr) {
textState.index += arr[0].length;
return arr[1];
} else {
return "";
2 years ago
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.showNameText = function (
info //制作文本
) {
var formatStr = undefined;
if (this.IsItemInfo(info)) {
if (info.isGain) {
formatStr = Zzy.Param.GITAddFormat;
} else {
formatStr = Zzy.Param.GITSubFormat;
2 years ago
var nameStr =;
nameStr = nameStr + "\\C[0]";
2 years ago
if (info.item.zzyGIT && info.item.zzyGIT.textColor) {
var colorCode = info.item.zzyGIT.textColor;
nameStr = "\\ZTC<" + colorCode + ">" + nameStr;
var str = formatStr.format(nameStr);
return str;
} else if (this.IsGoldInfo(info)) {
if (info.isGain) {
formatStr = Zzy.Param.GITAddGFormat;
} else {
formatStr = Zzy.Param.GITSubGFormat;
2 years ago
var str = "\\ZTC<" + Zzy.Param.GITGTextColor + ">" + formatStr;
2 years ago
return str;
2 years ago
return "";
2 years ago
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.IsItemInfo = function (info) {
return info.type === 0;
2 years ago
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.IsGoldInfo = function (info) {
return info.type === 1;
2 years ago
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.showNumberText = function (info) {
var formatStr = Zzy.Param.GITNumberFormat;
var num = info.num;
var str = formatStr.format(num);
return str;
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.SetWindowPos = function () {
var pos = {};
pos.x = 0;
pos.y = 0;
var ax = Graphics.boxWidth;
var ay = Graphics.boxHeight;
var cx = Graphics.boxWidth / 2;
var cy = Graphics.boxHeight / 2;
//计算位置 1~9
var line = Math.floor((Zzy.Param.GITBasePos - 1) / 3);
var list = (Zzy.Param.GITBasePos - 1) % 3;
pos.x = list * cx - (list * this.width) / 2;
pos.y = line * cy - (line * this.height) / 2;
pos.x += Zzy.Param.GITWindowOfx;
pos.y += Zzy.Param.GITWindowOfy;
return pos;
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.DefaultWidth = function () {
return eval(Zzy.Param.GITWindowW);
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.DefaultHeight = function () {
return this.fittingHeight(Zzy.Param.GITLineNum);
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.updateOpen = function () {
2 years ago
if (this._opening) {
this.openness += Zzy.Param.GITWindowOpenSpeed;
if (this.isOpen()) {
this._opening = false;
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.updateClose = function () {
2 years ago
if (this._closing) {
this.openness -= Zzy.Param.GITWindowOpenSpeed;
if (this.isClosed()) {
this._closing = false;
this.visible = false;
2 years ago
}; = function () {
2 years ago
if (!this.isOpen()) {
this._opening = true;
this._closing = false;
this.visible = true;
2 years ago
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.close = function () {
2 years ago
if (!this.isClosed()) {
this._closing = true;
this._opening = false;
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.isOpening = function () {
2 years ago
return this._opening;
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.isClosing = function () {
2 years ago
return this._closing;
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.setup = function () {; //启动
2 years ago
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.standardFontSize = function () //改变字体大小
2 years ago
return Zzy.Param.GITWindowFontSize;
Window_ZzyGITTips.prototype.lineHeight = function () {
return this.standardFontSize() + 8;
2 years ago
Zzy.GIT.Game_Party_gainItem = Game_Party.prototype.gainItem;
Game_Party.prototype.gainItem = function (item, amount, includeEquip) {
var result =, item, amount, includeEquip);
if (Zzy.GIT.IsCanVisible() && Zzy.GIT.IsCompatibleComp()) {
if ($gameSystem.GetZzyGITPluginEnable()) {
if (item && amount) {
var info = {};
info.isGain = amount >= 0 ? true : false;
info.item = item;
info.num = Math.abs(amount);
info.type = 0; //代表道具
$gameSystem.PushZzyGITList(info); //压入信息
2 years ago
return result;
2 years ago
Zzy.GIT.Game_Party_gainGold = Game_Party.prototype.gainGold;
Game_Party.prototype.gainGold = function (amount) {, amount);
if ($gameSystem.GetZzyGITPluginEnable()) {
if (Zzy.Param.GITIsGoldShow && amount) {
var info = {};
info.isGain = amount >= 0 ? true : false;
info.item = undefined;
info.num = Math.abs(amount);
info.type = 1; //代表金币
$gameSystem.PushZzyGITList(info); //压入信息
2 years ago
function Sprite_ZzyGITIcon() {
2 years ago
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype);
Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.prototype.constructor = Sprite_ZzyGITIcon;
Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.iconWidth = 32;
Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.iconHeight = 32;
Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.StandFontSize = 28; //标准字体大小
2 years ago
Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.prototype.initialize = function (pointer) {
2 years ago;
this.myParent = pointer; = false; //自由属性
this.iconId = 0;
this.rx = 0;
this.ry = 0;
this.visible = false; //防止闪烁
this.cFlashFrame = 0; //闪烁
this.eFlashFrame = 0; //闪烁结束长度
this.isFlashing = false; //闪烁中
2 years ago
Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.prototype.NewEmptyBitmap = function () {
var nw = Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.iconWidth;
var nh = Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.iconHeight;
this.bitmap = new Bitmap(nw, nh);
2 years ago
Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.prototype.ResetInfo = function (
info //重新设置
) {
this.iconId = ID;
2 years ago
this.bltMyIcon(); //绘制图标
this.ResetPos(x, y);
this.ResetScale(info.fontSize); //缩放倍率
2 years ago
this.startFlash(); //进行闪烁
2 years ago
Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.prototype.stopFlash = function () //停止闪烁
2 years ago
this.cFlashFrame = 0;
this.eFlashFrame = 0;
this.isFlashing = false;
2 years ago
this.setColorTone([0, 0, 0, 0]);
2 years ago
Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.prototype.startFlash = function () //开始
2 years ago
if (Zzy.Param.GITIsIconFlash) {
this.cFlashFrame = 0;
this.eFlashFrame = Zzy.Param.GITIconFlashFrame;
this.isFlashing = true;
2 years ago
Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.prototype.ResetPos = function (
y //更新位置
) {
this.rx = x;
this.ry = y;
this.x = this.RealX();
this.y = this.RealY();
2 years ago
Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.prototype.ResetScale = function (fSize) {
var ds = fSize - Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.StandFontSize;
2 years ago
var isw = Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.iconWidth + ds;
var ish = Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.iconHeight + ds;
2 years ago
this.scale.x = (isw * Zzy.Param.GITIconScale) / Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.iconWidth;
this.scale.y = (ish * Zzy.Param.GITIconScale) / Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.iconHeight;
2 years ago
Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.prototype.bltMyIcon = function () {
this.bitmap.clear(); //清理
2 years ago
var bp = ImageManager.loadSystem("IconSet");
var pw = Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.iconWidth;
var ph = Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.iconHeight;
var sx = (this.iconId % 16) * pw;
var sy = Math.floor(this.iconId / 16) * ph;
this.bitmap.blt(bp, sx, sy, pw, ph, 0, 0);
Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.prototype.standardPadding = function () //标准距离
2 years ago
return this.myParent.standardPadding();
Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.prototype.RealX = function () //应该出现的位置X
2 years ago
var posX = this.rx + this.standardPadding();
return posX;
2 years ago
Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.prototype.RealY = function () //应该出现的位置Y
2 years ago
var posY = this.ry + this.standardPadding();
2 years ago
return posY;
2 years ago
Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.prototype.update = function () {;
2 years ago
if ( {
this.visible = false;
2 years ago
this.updateFlash(); //更新闪烁
2 years ago
Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.prototype.updateFlash = function () {
if (!this.visible) return; //不显示则不刷新
if (this.isFlashing) {
if (this.cFlashFrame > this.eFlashFrame) {
} else {
var rate = this.cFlashFrame / this.eFlashFrame; //比率
var vtone = Math.round(255 - 255 * rate);
this.setColorTone([vtone, vtone, vtone, 0]);
2 years ago
Sprite_ZzyGITIcon.prototype.updateOpenVisible = function () //更新显示情况
2 years ago
this.visible = !!this.myParent.isOpen(); //完全打开时显示
2 years ago
function Sprite_ZzyGITBkPic() {
2 years ago
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Sprite_ZzyGITBkPic.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype);
Sprite_ZzyGITBkPic.prototype.constructor = Sprite_ZzyGITBkPic;
Sprite_ZzyGITBkPic.prototype.initialize = function (pointer, name) {
2 years ago;
this.myParent = pointer;
this.picName = name;
this.picBitmap = undefined; //缓存
this.isNeedAutoScale = true;
this.CreaterBitmap(); //创建背景图片
2 years ago
Sprite_ZzyGITBkPic.prototype.CreaterBitmap = function () {
this.picBitmap = ImageManager.loadPicture(this.picName);
2 years ago
Sprite_ZzyGITBkPic.prototype.update = function () {;
2 years ago
Sprite_ZzyGITBkPic.prototype.updateOpacity = function () //更新透明度
2 years ago
if (Zzy.Param.GITBkOpFollowOpenSpeed) {
this.opacity = this.myParent._openness;
2 years ago
Sprite_ZzyGITBkPic.prototype.AutoSetScale = function () {
if (!this.isNeedAutoScale) return; //不用刷新长款比例
if (this.IsReady()) {
this.bitmap = this.picBitmap;
2 years ago
var bw = this.bitmap.width;
var bh = this.bitmap.height;
var pw = this.myParent.width;
var ph = this.myParent.height;
2 years ago
this.scale.x = pw / bw;
this.scale.y = ph / bh;
2 years ago
this.isNeedAutoScale = false;
Sprite_ZzyGITBkPic.prototype.IsReady = function () {
if (this.picBitmap && this.picBitmap.width && this.picBitmap.height) {
return true;
return false;
2 years ago
Zzy.GIT.PlaySE = function (
soundID //播放声音
) {
var se = Zzy.Param.GITAllSE[soundID];
if (se && {
2 years ago
Zzy.GIT.ClearList = function () //清理所有的消息表
2 years ago
2 years ago
Zzy.GIT.SurplusCount = function () //获取未显示的剩余消息
2 years ago
return $gameSystem.ZzyGITSurplusCount(); //剩余消息数量
2 years ago
Zzy.GIT.IsEnable = function (isEnable) {
Zzy.GIT.IsCompatibleComp = function () //其他插件的兼容限制完成
2 years ago
if (Zzy.GIT.YEPItemCoreConstraints) return false; //YEP独立物品核心
if (Zzy.GIT.YEPItemCoreConstraints2) return false; //YEP独立物品核心
2 years ago
return true;
2 years ago
Zzy.GIT.IsCanVisible = function () {
if (Zzy.GIT.ChangeEquipFlag) return false;
2 years ago
return true;